Raen Elvarasi said
It was an old nickname I earned after saving a friend from a group of mexicans who were beating the living shit out of him. He said I fought like a wolf, and started calling me Lupus.
Point 1) No one asked you where you got the name. It's boasting, especially if you use words like, "Wolf."
Point 2) Lupus is a disease. Idk why your friend would name you after a disease.
Raen Elvarasi said
Tempest, I don't do RPs that don't offer a class or option that fits my taste. :) And no, I don't bite people. I fight off instinct and muscle memory. After training for nearly a decade in Martial Combat, I have found it the best way to fight. I fight with agility and savage tactics, and I certainly don't fight fair. And Gat, the color and clothing fits, but nothing else really does. XD Plus...He seems so short.
This. This is obviously boasting.