Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

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I'm also available for anyone else to continue collabing/start a new collab.
Well, hope you don't mind me making a faction of mages unaffiliated with the school then.
HylianRose said Well, yes. The school's not going to allow most dark magics or magics that can instantly kill. But for the most part their pretty lax.

Seems like a lot of characters already have magic/powers that could wreck any civilian easily.
Holy fuckstein.

Welp with an internship at 18.50$ an hour this Summer I could make cash to buy a rig like that. :D
What kind of time period is the academy set in?

Is magic practiced outside of the academy?

How integrated is magic into the background of the world, like politics, religion, and history?

Are there factions of mages?

Is any kind of magic forbidden?
24 gigs on a computer...? >_>
HylianRose said That is... if someone else doesn't come along and take your place...

Does that mean this is open?
MelonHead said
Look at Asuras, poking the flames with a big stick before they even join and then immediately drop out of an RPAint that something.

You don't even know what the situation is bromotovski.
Raen Elvarasi said
It was an old nickname I earned after saving a friend from a group of mexicans who were beating the living shit out of him. He said I fought like a wolf, and started calling me Lupus.

Point 1) No one asked you where you got the name. It's boasting, especially if you use words like, "Wolf."
Point 2) Lupus is a disease. Idk why your friend would name you after a disease.

Raen Elvarasi said
Tempest, I don't do RPs that don't offer a class or option that fits my taste. :) And no, I don't bite people. I fight off instinct and muscle memory. After training for nearly a decade in Martial Combat, I have found it the best way to fight. I fight with agility and savage tactics, and I certainly don't fight fair. And Gat, the color and clothing fits, but nothing else really does. XD Plus...He seems so short.

This. This is obviously boasting.
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