Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

Pending I don't take a nosedive in the statistics project department tomorrow, much collabing will be had.
I'm going to be feeling that a lot come summer break. xD
Oh my god all that bold.

Sorella is a legit name? >_>
She's pretty consistent. In any case, I already planned to have her personality change as time progresses.

Name: Wendy "Copper" Wayne
Age of Death: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Tall and toned, Wendy carries herself with a dominating presence, capable of steeling herself in the presence of contrasting emotional atmospheres. She is the type of person whose mere presence instills silence in the common, walking with a soft but deliberate and unwavering step. "A train that barely moves is just as invincible as a speeding one, and is less likely to derail," so Wendy says.

Negatives Traits:
  • Physically Violent - Tendency to resort to physical harm to get what she wants from others around her age, or simply to be mean.

  • Truant - If it isn't fun, she isn't there.

  • Academically Inept - Few are sure, but many rumor Wendy has severe handicaps with learning. They would be right.

  • Wendy is the picturesque poster-child of rebellion self-sufficiency. To most, she is known as the school bully, taking what is seemingly pleasure in physically hurting others. No individual is beyond her reach, even the richest of them, and she treats all equally; that is to say, with very little respect. A sense of entitlement is present in her actions, though her quiet nature withholds Wendy from ever vocalizing something of the sort. Stealing, exploiting, and suppression are her staple social interactions, but no one has ever actually heard her say anything mean to reflect her actions.

    That being said, it is strange enough that her otherwise violent demeanor has been experienced behind a backdrop of near-silence on her part. Wendy rarely if ever speaks, and oftentimes it is in an ironically formal way. When she doesn't resort to force to get what she wants, she speaks with a serenity unfitting of the image that has been stapled to her. Ultimately, this sort of nicety is seen only in non-academic public, interacting with businesses as in restaurants or shops. It isn't impossible to get some words out of her during school, but they too are almost menacingly calm. Those that have spoken with her claim her voice is so soothing and formal that they can only chalk it up to some freakish form of teasing, and that they're about to be pummeled.

    Her underlying peacefulness is nevertheless lost, of course, as her shameless bullying utterly shatters any redeeming features she may have. Her athleticism and recreational activities compound on her dangerous painting; smoking (and presumably other drugs), ungodly music, and tendency to find any fight she can outside of school all add up to a student who is highly feared among the campus.

    Wendy is a resident of Richmond, California, considered one of the most dangerous cities of the United States. Crime rates have dropped in recent times, though it still remains a lingering issue for the city. Wendy was grew up during the problematic years, and adopted a rather poor perspective on life. Even in her younger years, Wendy portrayed herself as toughened and without empathy for her peers. Even with multiple correctional attempts, she remained as steadfast in her behavior as before.

    With time, the severity of her actions became less drastic, though the problems are still a nuisance. Where once she had specifically targeted peers to harm physically, Wendy has become more subdued, bullying individuals in her presence, almost passively, rather than going out of her way. Pushing, tripping, stealing in broad daylight (also in secrecy), and punching have become the most common misdemeanors she executes, with a rare "stuffed in a locker" or "toilet dunking" occurring to those she is seemingly especially annoyed by. Her actions earned her few friends, save for some "groupies" she infrequently associated with, generally while smoking or loitering.

    Despite her frequent fights and countless law-breaking incidents, sentencing to juvie and multiple correctional facilities, Wendy escaped true "danger" for much of her young life. Ultimately, her death came as a sort of justice to some. Never intending to severely harming someone, Wendy nevertheless ended up crippling (breaking an arm) a student after tripping them on a set of bleachers. The student's friends retaliated within days, beating her with baseball bats and accidentally killing her, instead of maiming.

    Theme Song
    ERode said Theme Song: You should understand what this means.

    You're going to have to elaborate on this one.
    Tatsua Aiisen said
    What could possibly go wrong?

    Everything but the kitchen sink.
    HellsGardenKeeper said
    But hey I just water the gardens~

    With BLOOD.
    With finals week around for me, things might get a bit slower. After it's all done though, it's GAME TIME.
    Certainly, when Valentine flipped her tiny envelope over to discover her room number was different from that of her sisters, she practically ran back to the main office to ask for a new room. Civility kept her from doing so in the end, and she accepted her fate. At the very least, she could hope for a friendly roommate who wasn't overbearing or loud. Or even better, one who simply left her alone. The beds were separated by walls anyways, right?

    Avelynn, on the other hand, was disappointed for an entirely different reason; the office assistant had explained to her that she didn't have a roommate... yet. She didn't throw away the idea that she'd be alone for the entirety of the year, but it seemed a little less prospective considering she herself was already a day late. Unlike Valentine, Avelynn actually wished for a roommate whom she could make friends with. To her, it was the fastest and easiest way to make connections at the beginning of the year. She visibly frowned upon the news, but quickly returned to a more cheerful disposition. No need to be disgruntled from the get-go.

    Mary was about as passive as one could be upon getting their key. She read the number silently and with a blank face before turning back to the bags and hoisting them up.

    "I'll bring the bag to your room, Val," she declared. The two younger sisters made off for their rooms in succession, where Avelynn was left to unpack into an empty new home. At least she didn't have to room with Mary. Her musical habits would have left her truly mad by the year's end.
    "You packed snacks into your duffel bag?" Mary asked, more disappointed than surprised. Valentine had managed to set her bag upon her bed with a heavy bounce, and begun to unpack even before Mary could leave. The first things she noticed, however, were the various junk foods that filled her bag. "You packed snacks for a place that was going to serve you meals 24/7? You think this is a camping trip?"

    "No! I just... wanted food from home is all," Valentine objected.

    "But you could buy this at any common grocer. What the hell Val?" Mary shook her head and glared, choosing to leave Valentine to her poor choices than stand around and gawk at them. Mary retrieved her bag again and made for the door after saying farewell to her sister. Mary proceeded to her own room, and finding it empty, unpacked to her hearts content fueled by a small boombox she had brought with her.
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