Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

Fixed it then.
Is that... Scorpion? >_>
Student center realistically deals with everything having to do with student management for certain universities. Room assignments included. A student center can include multiple facilities and offices, not to mention.
Sounds like this guy's going to



Give us hell.

Posted. Just waiting on room assignments for the Ciercelts.
Ciercelt Trio
Just outside campus grounds

"Having trouble there?" Avelynn called out, pausing in her walk to look over her younger sister's... troubles. It looked as if someone were trying to drag a large crocodile around with nothing but a shoelace. Valentine struggled, first, to lift her duffel bag up onto her shoulders, her legs easily crumbling under its weight before managing to take two steps. She resorted to dragging as best she could, practically bending sideways a full ninety-degrees to get it off of the cement. Instead of admitting to her shortcomings, she simply continued to fruitlessly prove Avelynn wrong. She went nowhere without straining every muscle in her back.

With a huff, Mary trudged over to Valentine's side and relieved her of duty, snatching up the duffel bag without issue, slinging onto her free shoulder. Seemingly unperturbed by the weight, Mary Ciercelt toted two fully-loaded bags on her back, beckoning for her meeker sister to simply give in and allow her to take the burden. Valentine looked a tad bit defeated, as well as disgruntled, but eventually she figured it was better to feel weak than waste her sisters time simply trying to pass a pair of gates.

The Ciercelt Trio had only just arrived at Athalia Academy, presumably a day late. Having just been dropped off by a formidably painted black SUV, they found themselves with only themselves, their belongings, and the scene before them; that of the academy itself. Avelynn led the charge, a perk in her step and wide smile on her face. Valentine followed close behind Mary, seemingly in a perpetual state of readiness in case the much tougher sister ended up needing a rest. The sternness of her face indicated such wouldn't happen soon, if ever.

"I hope I get a room with one of you," Valentine said quietly.

"No, what you need is a reality shock. You need a roommate who you don't know," Mary chimed in. Valentine fell quiet, unsure of how to respond.She knew there was truth in what Mary said, but she wasn't willing to accept it, nor did she find a reasonable argument against it.

"Just go with whatever comes. Whoever you get, just do your best to be friendly and responsive. You'll be fine Val," Avelynn said, "Where do we even get our room assignments anyways?" None of them had received their room numbers, but she figured it was due to their late enrollment that they hadn't gotten any notifications of the sort.

"Main office?" Mary postulated. Avelynn agreed with silence, approaching the front entrance to the main academy building, assuming it was the most likely to house said 'main office'. "If not there, then I'll be irked."

Valentine gave a look of concern, reaching out to her bag upon Mary's shoulders as if itching to take it from her. Mary noticed and readjusted her stance, gripping the loops tightly and yanking them into a better position. "Seriously, don't worry about it, Val." She could tell Valentine felt useless, and her own annoyed expression must have stressed to the sister that she was growing tired of carrying two bags.

Truly, she was feeling slightly tired, but she wasn't about to complain or give in. If she gave in they'd be waiting even longer for Valentine to exhaust herself. The only reason she even had the bag was thanks to the grace of countless house servants doing her dirty work. Upon exiting the car, Valentine refused further service from them. The trio proceeded through the glass doors at the height of the steps, finding themselves within a large atrium. Several students had made themselves apparent, along with a few signs pointing them in the right direction.

Main Office

A placard extending from the upper corner of a hallway indicated to the trio the right path. Finding their way to the main office by way of several signs, weaving through hallways and safety doors, the trio stopped before a curved service desk. Avelynn set her duffel bag down slowly, whereas Mary simply dropped them haphazardly, rolling her shoulders, as Valentine attended to her exhaustion as best she could.

"Hi there, you wouldn't happen to know where we get our room assignments, do you? We just got here," Avelynn explained to the attendant behind the desk. With a nod, they cemented Avelynn's hopes that they were in the right place.

"Of course. Let me bring up the assignments, just a sec'," the attendant explained, turning to a computer before clicking a few times, "Names?"

Avelynn gestured to herself, and then to her two sisters, "Avelynn, Valentine, Mary. Last names Ciercelt," she introduced. The attendant nodded and continued with the process before turning away and walking into an unseen room beyond. Returning with three tiny envelopes with numbers printed on them in black sharpie, the sisters were each handed their enclosed keys.

And their assignments were...
Wait so you want me to continue without Rose's approval? .-.
Yea, I meant blood-bending others. She can't exactly be immune to someone bending their own blood. xD

Now she (Mary) just has slightly better regeneration, no longer with high natural defenses.

Avelynn has also been updated with a different set of powers. Hopefully this one is much more acceptable. Edited in the mana explanation as well.

Their personalities have been forgone because I'd rather their actions speak for them. Their histories are pretty generic, so I didn't think it was all that necessary to give them one, nor would it be interesting to read.
Mary Ciercelt

  • It more or less glorifying things like greatswords and stuff. Nothing like lifting a car, or a school for that matter. She'd be using greatswords and other larger weapons.

  • I can remove the tankiness then.

  • Realistically body mastery acts as a reiteration of the fact that god-modding is against the rules. I'd be more cautious of allowing a blood-bender or mind-controller in than analyzing body mastery. Think of it as the abiltiy to direct your body to do anything you can think of, and anything your body can feasibly do. Her strength is no more than was described beforehand, and body mastery does not increase it.

  • Tracking opponents, identifying them, and being able to fight them is a big step away from "seeing through an opponent".

  • Others put in little tid-bits into their Weaknesses section as well. Weaknesses that have nothing to do with combat.

  • Avelynn Ciercelt

  • Mana was simply just not mentioned. She needs it. It's an energy source. Mana is essentially just the same as stamina is for physical activity; the more you exercise magic, the more mana you use. She doesn't have an infinite well of it.

  • In any case, I've decided to rework her anyways. The other concerns have become moot now.

  • Theme of Ciercelt

    The Ciercelt Company is a band of warriors and mages from across the world with one mission in mind; the elimination of the dark and strange from the world to preserve peace and safety amongst those who are otherwise oblivious to their existence. While centered around hunting and vanquishing these forces, Ciercelt also facilitates the rehabilitation of them as well, though obviously less so than their former methods. Hidden behind the scenery of politics, religion, and the history of the world, they have for countless years preserved the knowledge of countless secrets strewn about the globe. Their soldiers are created from the sons and daughters of families associated with the organization, trained from birth to carry out the Ciercelt's deeds.

    The Ciercelt Trio are a group of three "sisters" all belonging to the Ciercelt Company, and having grown up in each other's presence, are quite connected and familiar with one another despite being of different lineages. All three attending common public high school before entering Athalia Academy, and thus are much moreso suited to non-supernatural company. Nevertheless, due to their training, they do not find it difficult to flourish on its campus. While their intentions seem as noble as any other student's, the Ciercelt Trio were sent to the academy to serve as sentinels for their faction; a great number of supernatural and dangerous beings are found within its walls, and thus the danger they present could make itself known at any time. The Ciercelt Company would not pass up an opportunity to put their warriors amidst its ranks.

    No character slots for me left.
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