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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

– Kathy

Giving time for Eric to work on his lunch and answer her, Kathy turned to Zivon as he asked her a question. She had to stop to think for a moment. “I think so… I’ve actually never left the campus myself but it should be possible.” Lightly tapping the table with a thoughtful expression, she tried to recall if she remembered any sort of rules or regulations for outside travel. “Aah, no good. I can’t remember anything. To be on the safe side, I think you should try visiting the main office. They’ll have the information you need, and if you need to sign out or anything then it’s probably done there.”

As if recalling something, she snapped her fingers together and gave the two boys a small smile. “I almost forgot, here.” Grabbing a clean napkin from the table, she brought out a small black pen from her pocket. Splitting the napkin in half, she scribbled a set of identical numbers on each half and handed them to Eric and Zivon. “It’s my phone number. Text me here with your name and I’ll add you to my contacts. Feel free to let me know if you need help with something or just want to have a leisurely chat at some point.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Matt - Main Office
"As far as I remember, I'm not invisible." said the older boy "I'm Bael, were you one of Lily's friends? I was one too, but it seems she lost her memories."
Yeah, one of her friends since yesterday at noon. I was her friend since she was this age. Matt thought. Aloud, he said, "Nice to meet you, Bael, I'm Mathew, but everyone just calls me Matt. I saw you when you talked to Lily yesterday on the bench. You kind of... Butted in..." He shrugged to show that he didn't care that much, but in truth, it did matter.

Dani - Cafeteria
"Why are you here?" asked the girl. Dani looked up, confused. Did she already forget? She was the one who dragged Dani in here.
"Can you go ahead to the cafeteria, I can go shower and change my clothes." she said next.
"Oh, sure." Dani said, and left the dorm. However, instead of going straight to the cafeteria, he stopped by his dorm and changed into some clean clothes. He waved at the two people in the hallway as he passed, and made his way towards the cafeteria. Of course, he didn't have to eat, but his friends had to, so why not go?
When he arrived, he saw Zivon sitting at a table with the girl who had dragged him off, and someone he hadn't seen before.
"Hey guys!" he called, making his way over to them. "What's up?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Kathy answered his question but not really in a way. He probably had to go to the main office and ask. Then he could go out and buy the ingredients. He nodded at her understanding what she said. “Ok-ay…” Then she snapped her fingers and gave small smile. “I almost forgot, here.” She wrote something on napkin and split it in half, she gave one half to him and another to Eric. It had numbers on it; he looked at her wondering what it was. “It’s my phone number. Text me here with your name and I’ll add you to my contacts. Feel free to let me know if you need help with something or just want to have a leisurely chat at some point.”

He didn’t own a phone…He looked at the napkin awkwardly and put in down on the table. “I…don’t ow-n a pho-ne…” He replied embarrassedly, phones were too much on him and his dad before so they couldn’t afford one. After saying that he heard a familiar voice, he turned around to see Dani. He waved at him. Dani who looked….fine from yesterday night, he made his way to the table. Zivon then asked Dani. “He-y Dani, yeste-rday was p-retty…scary, la-ter I am m-aking some din-ner in my do-rm for Crash, Kat-hy and Oona, you wan-na go?” He asked
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam dorm room

Dani left the dorm room, shortly after that Liam came out of the bathroom and trew her blanket in front of the table. She looked at her arm 'it's not that bad right'. In the kitchen she grabbed a glass of water, she placed it onto her lips and trew it down her troat in one go. She placed the glass in the sink and grabbed her phone from the table putting on some music and plugged it into the boxxes in her room. She took a shower, got dressed, plugged in a earplug and headed off to the cafeteria.

Once in the cafeteria she she took a tray and grabbed some food from the counter. 'Some cornflakes and milk should do right?' Dani was sitting with some other people. He also changed clothes so he must haven't been here long. She walked over to him and the people he was sitting with. "Hiiii, my name is Liam and I am one of Dani his friends. How are you all doing today" she said cheerfully, she took the seat next to Dani and looked over to all the people that were sitting at the table. She ate her cornflakes as the other spoke and noticed that the light of the windows was shining on the back of her head. She placed the hoodie over her head and ate some more.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eric - Cafeteria

Demon? Fire breath? Weird nurse in the infirmary? Certainly not what he was expecting but then again, what was he expecting? He sighed and closed his eyes, trying to shake the feeling of... fear? What if something bad happened to him? He'd have to avoid stuff like that...

He had food in his mouth when Crash asked him about drawing and he almost choked on it.

Of course they'd ask me. Then again, he doesn't know if it has anything to do with my powers.

He swallowed nervously and then looked up to see Crash already getting up, leaving. Eric blinked and turned to watch him leave, an awkward almost pouting look on his face.

I didn't even get a chance to say the thing I didn't want to say... Come on...

He raised a brow at the forehead slap and chuckled, deciding he'd forgive him. He turned back to Kathy and Zivon, a small smile on his face. Kathy had her head on the desk but soon raised it to apologize. Eric simply smiled and shook his head.

"It's fine. You're lucky to have something like that." Eric told her, pulling another fry to his mouth. She asked if they'd been to their rooms yet and if she needed to show them to the dorm. Eric shook his head slowly, a smile still on his face. "No. I've already been. My room's unpacked. Did that this morning. Thank you very much for the offer though." He told her. He gave her a sweet smile for a few seconds and then looked back down at his food. He had about a quarter of a burger left and a few fries. He wasn't really that hungry anymore either. He blinked when Kathy handed them both a slip of paper with her number on it. After a few seconds, he smiled and pulled out his phone to put her number in it. "Thanks." He told her.

He stood up, plate in hand and walked over to the trashcan and plopped his plastic plate in. He walked back slowly and stopped at the table. "Do... you guys... m-mind if I stick with you? the only other things I could do is stay in my room all day..." He explained to the two, feeling nervous for asking.

Lily - Hallway

My memories?

Another flash of pain.

She closed her eyes and tried to wish the pain away. She swallowed and opened her eyes after a few moments. Matt? His name was Matt?

Another flash of pain.

Her breathing was starting to get heavy and her face was starting to get pale. The room was slowly starting to spin, her pain thresh hold being severely tested. "I... Bael..." She mumbled, stumbling onto the blue eyed demon. Her hands lifted up to grab his sleeve. "I don't... feel..." She mumbled... The pain beginning to recede again. "I... keep getting this headache..." She told him, looking up at Bael. "I lost my memories? So I did know you from before!" She shouted and then turned to look at Matt. "And you! I knew you looked fami-" She began, stopping when the pain started up again. She stumbled against Bael once again. She bit her lip, trying not to shout out in pain. Whenever she tried to think about how or where she knew them, the pain got worse, as if there were a spiked barrier around those memories.

"I... It hurts to try and think... I'm sorry..." She told them, her head buried in Bael's arm. She felt bad that she couldn't truly remember them, she felt as though she'd let them down somehow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ryuu Yamauchi

Ryuu walked, his eyebrows furrowed closely together. Something about today felt... off. It did not make him feel as exuberant as he did yesterday.

Oh, that's right. He did not even get to meet his friends yet. Of course he would not be feeling happy!

...What got me still worried is that Isse guy, Ryuu thought to himself. Something tells me that he's got something that's similar to me... maybe even similar in terms of personality! But if that's the case, then that means Adenine probably-

Ryuu incinerated the thought of Adenine performing CPR on Isse. That would have never happened... unless Isse had a severe case of collapsing all the time, and that was the reason why Adenine looked so worried about him. Then again, she just seemed like the type who hated seeing others being alone.

Hm... I presume that I'll be having way less "alone-fun-time" then, huh? I better make myself a new schedule for those shows I wanted to watch. Maybe try out that Sword Art Online thing instead of constantly staring at the character profile pictures...

Then, Ryuu found the source of the beautiful aroma that dragged his attention. What he thought was coming from the cafeteria... was not from the cafeteria, but something even better.

It's her!

The otaku managed to raised a hand, one of his hands still in his pockets, as he barely managed to greeted her back without stuttering like an idiot,



...Yo. Yo, I said.


...I lol'd.

Ryuu prevented himself from grabbing his sunglasses and turning them into a modern piece of Picasso's artwork, instead, focusing on Adenine's question. He rubbed his chin impartially, somewhat in a state of contemplation. He then looked up and answered,

"I... don't really know, honestly. I had the weirdest freakin' dream last night... And I haven't met David and that Isse guy yet. Cortez... well, she obviously won't wake up in my dormitory, right?"

The dark-haired student then asked her curiously, preventing himself from looking like a punk who wanted some lunch money (with all of his paid effort), "So what's up with the awesome-smelling food you have? Are y' going to cook something up?"
Jeanne R. Cortez

Cortez flinched. So Andromeda had some sort of power with her eyes? That was kind of like how the pirate captain's enchanted eye had a certain power, though it was not exactly the flashiest power compared to the feisty students of Athalia Academy. And now this person was asking on what kinds of powers she had!

H-Hmm... well, me'll be darned if me just go ahead an' start talking about ships coming out of water fountains! Aye, methinks me should keep things actually sound reasonable!

The redhead grinned, reminding herself not to mention her ability to summon her pirate ship, as she pointed at her enchanted eye,

"Methinks this eye has a great power! Me can look at ancient ruins and stuff... and can kinda understand things like foreign languages quickly, aye! This pirate's grammar ain't that refined, however. Ha ha!"
Nathaniel G. Terotrax

Terotrax simply raised the volume of his music... and he began singing to it, though not as loudly as when he talked to Isse.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

- Kathy

Seeing Dani arrive at the table, a relieved smile could be seen on Kathy’s face, happy to see that he seemed well enough to walk around on his own. “Hi Dani, did you manage to get back to your room alright yesterday? Ah, I’m Kathy by the way. I caught your name before when you were talking to Zivon last night.”

“I…don’t ow-n a pho-ne…”

“Oh, that’s a pity.” She frowned a little as she took one of the napkins back and slipped it into her pocket. She was not going to leave her phone number lying around in a public cafeteria. Shrugging she joked, “I guess you’ll have to settle for calling out to me when we run into each other.”

Turning back to Eric, she felt completely lost as to what he was talking about. ‘Lucky? Something like that?’ She certainly didn’t feel very lucky about their argument. “No problem, glad you have all that settled then.”

"Do... you guys... m-mind if I stick with you? the only other things I could do is stay in my room all day..."

Kathy couldn’t help but smile a little at his nervousness. ‘Both him and Zivon seem really shy. And here I thought Eric was adjusting, since he stopped stammering since his greeting. Maybe it’s because he feels like he’s asking for a favor?’ Nodding she answered, “Of course. I don’t have anything too exciting planned either, but I’m thinking of dropping by the library if you want to join. Oh, I’ll be right back.” Getting up and going back to the lunch line, she asked one of the staff there for cling wrap and a bag. “Thanks a lot.” She said, smiling at the lady at the counter.

Holding onto a paper bag with her sandwich wrapped up inside, she returned to the table but didn't sit back down. It seemed that another girl had joined the cafeteria group, sitting near Dani with her hood up. "See you all later." Waving, she gave everyone a few moments to say something or get up to go join her at the library.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sukui


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Anedine Anceril
Anedine raised her eyebrows in excitement. Whether because she had seen a friend first thing in the morning or is excited to eat, or both, is still unclear even to her. With the brown paper bags still on the tray in her hands, the scent seemed to spread more and more, to the point that even a hint of the smell can be sensed within the dorms.

With some thinking, Anedine replied,

"So maybe let's look around for them. Let me tell if you are too hungry enough, so i can give you the extra one i've prepared just in case that happens. We'll dine on the tables outside, if there are any."

She gave a glance towards Ryuu's sunglasses. Orange, with some egoistic cool factor, she had thought:

He looks more like a bus driver or a street performer rather than a student here. It's weird, but it's his style.
Issender Archus-Essev
Isse came out of the bathroom still soaked, with a towel wrapped around his body. He was noticeably of a fresh scent of a lavender field, and was slightly skinny. His hair dropped down, being more damp than most of his figure.

He grabbed his underwear first, fitting it on his lower body, then his black, formal pants with a gold buckle on its leather belt, then moved to his white buttoned undershirt, before finally putting on his black, gakuran-like coat with a blue lining. He styled his hair into what he usually wanted it to be, then grabbed his phone with its earphones on. Isse walked out of his door, when he noticed something peculiar...

That smell... It's decent, gourmet cooking to say at the least. The cafeteria serves nice food after all.

Before doing anything, however, he put on to a warm, cozy song. It was something relatable to a daily normal life, the strums giving off the feeling of a windy, yet clear sunrise, and the cheery beats and tones being reminding of peaceful everyday occurences.

He stared to both directions, trying to find where the cafeteria was.

But nope, oh nope, it wasn't the cafeteria.

It was that same girl from last night. Adenine, was it? Or Anedine? He doesn't seem to remember too well...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Dani - The Cafeteria
“He-y Dani, yeste-rday was p-retty…scary, la-ter I am m-aking some din-ner in my do-rm for Crash, Kat-hy and Oona, you wan-na go?” asked Zivon.
"Sure! But you don't have to..."
"Hi Dani, did you manage to get to get back to your room alright yesterday? Ah, I’m Kathy by the way. I caught your name before when you were talking to Zivon last night.” the girl said.
"Nice, to meet you, Kathy. And I did get back to my room alright, just not yesterday..." Dani trailed off. Then the girl who he spent the night watching videos sat down next to him.
"Hiiii, my name is Liam and I am one of Dani his friends. How are you all doing today?" she asked.
So that's what her name is. Dani thought, smiling.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

David exited his dorm. Maybe they are somewhere in the hallway? he thought to himself. But like Ryuu, a scent caught him. What is that divine smell!? his mind shouted out. He looked around and noticed Ryuu and Anedine. “Oh good! That saves time!” he said to himself. He walked up to the others, not really hearing what they were saying. “Oh hi all!” he said with his usual cheery smile. “Anedine…did…you make something?” he asked. But his mind was screaming out Food! Food! Food!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ryuu became a little uneasy, for he sensed multiple presences swarming toward him... or Adenine. Actually, he was confident with the fact that it was Adenine these figures were heading for, and sure enough, David came out. And this guy seemed to have found the two through a similar method Ryuu used. In fact, it would be no surprise to have everyone swarm into the girl.

Wait! Ryuu thought, a realization dawning upon him. It's as if I'm taking part of a Reverse Harem, actually! Or a rivalry! So many guys seem to pay attention to h-



Actually, never mind. I'm just overthinking things, right?

With that said, Ryuu decided to remain quiet, simply waving at David with a grin. Well, he supposed that burgers could drag in people if there was a girl that went along with them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Little Feather

Little Feather had grown bored of lounging around very quickly, much to Lion’s displeasure. She was now on a mission to find people! She’d been here less than 24 hours and she’d only had a friendly conversation with two people. The peculiar Seven and kind Carmen, even those conversations were brief...burning buildings weren't really the best place to stop for a chat. She huffed to herself, lifting her flute to her lips she blew softly into the contraption producing a peculiar tune, she was perched atop Lion as he padded along the hallway. I don’t see why I’m doing all the leg work Lion grumbled to her, his ears flickering back and forth. Little Feather lowered her flute and scratched Lion between his ears. “I’m just catching my breath...all this walking. I’m not accustomed to it” She grinned at him. I miss hawk... Lion commented, rounding a corner he had no idea where he was going. He was sure this was the main building but then again he wasn’t sure, he stopped outside of the cafeteria doors his tail swinging.

Little Feather leant forward and rested her lower arms on Lions head making his ears stick out to the side of his head. “Still no-one...” She murmured, her face screwing up into a frown. Lion attempted to look up at her as she poked her elbows out and rested her chin on her arms; he only succeeded in going cross eyed. It’s only the second day, give it time Lion grumbled.

Little Feather tapped her nose, a small smudge of yellow paint coming away from her painted face. She brushed her fingers together, a thoughtful look on her face. No Lion grumbled. “What? I wasn’t planning anything” She grinned innocently. Ha! Like I believe that Lion hummed the sides of his mouth lifting as if the large cat was trying to smile, though it just looked like he was snarling at the girl perched on his back. He looked into the cafeteria noting a large group stood over by a few tables. Ah ha! Found some Lion purred, Little Feather flicked her light seaweed green eyes up focusing in on the large congregation of people in the cafeteria. “Wow, should we go over?” She asked Lion sliding off his back entwining her fingers in his thick mane as she stood next to him.

I don’t see why not, how else are you going to meet people? He rumbled, turning his head and licking her other hand before padding into the cafeteria. Little Feather took a deep breath and marched over to the large group, Lion by her side as she walked. “Hi!” She announced when she was close enough, hoping her loud greeting hadn’t interrupted anyone. “I’m Little Feather, nice to meet you all” She introduced herself with a smile, though she probably received odd looks...she looked as if she had stepped out of an old western film, her native American Indian attire was a little dated. She had short red and yellow lines across her cheeks with a long yellow line across the bridge of her nose. She lifted her left hand to the feathered headband she was wearing, tugging it a down a bit at the back. Her black hair fell in waves around her shoulders and down her back, a few wayward bangs fell onto her forehead large innocent seaweed green eyes looked around at the group in front of her hopefully. Lion was also watching the group, his ears pricked forward as he felt Little Feathers right hand tighten its grip on his mane voicing her anticipation.


Crash had begrudgingly retreated back to the dorm building, trying to keep his mind on positive thought s as he walked. He had a small pair of skull candy headphones tucked into his ears and was tapping along to whatever he was listening to as he walked down the corridor, heading towards his dorm room. Wonder if I actually have a roommate? I haven’t seen anyone else...what is that smell?! Crash was brought out of his thoughts by the heavenly smell of food that had invaded the dorm building, he blinked and looked down the hallway seeing a small cluster of people gathered just a little along from him, he pulled an earphone out. I should say hi, never hurts to get to know new people With a deep breath he took a step towards the small group.

“Hey” He greeted them, noting the guy with orange sunglasses looked rather imposing...he lifted his ruby eyes as another guy appeared on the other side of the group, he made Crash feel a little uneasy. Then his eyes dropped to a more friendly looking guy with dark hair and finally rested on the girl stood at the center of the group, she seemed to be the culprit who was holding the good smelling food. He lifted his hand and rubbed the back of his neck. “...you guys new around here?” He asked with a grin. Argh...today is not your day...10%...better turn it around
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aeris
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Aeris ғᴀɴᴄʏ, ᴀʏ ᴍᴀᴛᴇ?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Bael - In an unfriendly friendly chat

"Nice to meet you, Bael, I'm Mathew, but everyone just calls me Matt. I saw you when you talked to Lily yesterday on the bench. You kind of... Butted in..."

Bael allowed himself a cocky smirk towards the boy, almost as if he could taste the somewhat disappointed tone in Matt's voice. The boy raised his shoulders and hands in a shrug, his mouth parting as he was about to say something, but before he did so... Lily suddenly stumbled against him, grabbing his sleeves as she tried to say something. The cocky smirk disappeared in a second, the boy moving his arms to wrap around her while the noticeably worried blue eyes stared down at her.
"Lily?" A headche. Bael knew exactly why she was getting the headache, but he couldn't say a thing about it. Some thoughts about how to stop the pain crossed his mind, such as unsealing her, but he didn't had the power nor the means to do it, right now.

Hugging the angel tightly while she buried her face against him, the boy tilted his head down to whisper softly; "Don't apologize for something like this, Lily. It's not your fault... How's the pain?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Finetales
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Carmen - Student Center/ex party room/fight/flight club: getting painted or something

Ugh, he's so flattering, thought Carmen to herself as she silently smiled and rolled her eyes at Leroy's compliment. The painter was now primed and ready to paint, so Carmen didn't delay him any longer as she put her trumpet to her lips and started playing. She decided to play one of her favorite human-composed pieces of music, Gabriel Faure's Pavane. To her, the piece perfectly captured the peaceful scene of the now-spotless room with the bright sun's rays shining in through the open window after the chaotic events of the night before. I might even go far as to say it "paints the picture" perfectly, she thought, pleased with herself. She hoped Leroy and the cat clown [s[clown cat[/s], who had now turned into a cat, were enjoying the music (and the scene as a whole).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Andromeda smiled "cool, so you're a bit like a Rosetta stone? you find it easier to understand things then normal people? or am i getting this all wrong?"
she shook her snakes, forcing them awake, muttering something in Greek at them. they drowsily checked out their surroundings as Andromeda awaited her answer.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ciercelt Trio
Just outside campus grounds

"Having trouble there?" Avelynn called out, pausing in her walk to look over her younger sister's... troubles. It looked as if someone were trying to drag a large crocodile around with nothing but a shoelace. Valentine struggled, first, to lift her duffel bag up onto her shoulders, her legs easily crumbling under its weight before managing to take two steps. She resorted to dragging as best she could, practically bending sideways a full ninety-degrees to get it off of the cement. Instead of admitting to her shortcomings, she simply continued to fruitlessly prove Avelynn wrong. She went nowhere without straining every muscle in her back.

With a huff, Mary trudged over to Valentine's side and relieved her of duty, snatching up the duffel bag without issue, slinging onto her free shoulder. Seemingly unperturbed by the weight, Mary Ciercelt toted two fully-loaded bags on her back, beckoning for her meeker sister to simply give in and allow her to take the burden. Valentine looked a tad bit defeated, as well as disgruntled, but eventually she figured it was better to feel weak than waste her sisters time simply trying to pass a pair of gates.

The Ciercelt Trio had only just arrived at Athalia Academy, presumably a day late. Having just been dropped off by a formidably painted black SUV, they found themselves with only themselves, their belongings, and the scene before them; that of the academy itself. Avelynn led the charge, a perk in her step and wide smile on her face. Valentine followed close behind Mary, seemingly in a perpetual state of readiness in case the much tougher sister ended up needing a rest. The sternness of her face indicated such wouldn't happen soon, if ever.

"I hope I get a room with one of you," Valentine said quietly.

"No, what you need is a reality shock. You need a roommate who you don't know," Mary chimed in. Valentine fell quiet, unsure of how to respond.She knew there was truth in what Mary said, but she wasn't willing to accept it, nor did she find a reasonable argument against it.

"Just go with whatever comes. Whoever you get, just do your best to be friendly and responsive. You'll be fine Val," Avelynn said, "Where do we even get our room assignments anyways?" None of them had received their room numbers, but she figured it was due to their late enrollment that they hadn't gotten any notifications of the sort.

"Main office?" Mary postulated. Avelynn agreed with silence, approaching the front entrance to the main academy building, assuming it was the most likely to house said 'main office'. "If not there, then I'll be irked."

Valentine gave a look of concern, reaching out to her bag upon Mary's shoulders as if itching to take it from her. Mary noticed and readjusted her stance, gripping the loops tightly and yanking them into a better position. "Seriously, don't worry about it, Val." She could tell Valentine felt useless, and her own annoyed expression must have stressed to the sister that she was growing tired of carrying two bags.

Truly, she was feeling slightly tired, but she wasn't about to complain or give in. If she gave in they'd be waiting even longer for Valentine to exhaust herself. The only reason she even had the bag was thanks to the grace of countless house servants doing her dirty work. Upon exiting the car, Valentine refused further service from them. The trio proceeded through the glass doors at the height of the steps, finding themselves within a large atrium. Several students had made themselves apparent, along with a few signs pointing them in the right direction.

Main Office

A placard extending from the upper corner of a hallway indicated to the trio the right path. Finding their way to the main office by way of several signs, weaving through hallways and safety doors, the trio stopped before a curved service desk. Avelynn set her duffel bag down slowly, whereas Mary simply dropped them haphazardly, rolling her shoulders, as Valentine attended to her exhaustion as best she could.

"Hi there, you wouldn't happen to know where we get our room assignments, do you? We just got here," Avelynn explained to the attendant behind the desk. With a nod, they cemented Avelynn's hopes that they were in the right place.

"Of course. Let me bring up the assignments, just a sec'," the attendant explained, turning to a computer before clicking a few times, "Names?"

Avelynn gestured to herself, and then to her two sisters, "Avelynn, Valentine, Mary. Last names Ciercelt," she introduced. The attendant nodded and continued with the process before turning away and walking into an unseen room beyond. Returning with three tiny envelopes with numbers printed on them in black sharpie, the sisters were each handed their enclosed keys.

And their assignments were...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lily - Being Cuddled. ^3^/

"Don't apologize for something like this, Lily. It's not your fault... How's the pain?" He told her, his voice soft and caring. She swallowed and looked up at him, a small smile on her face and small tears in her eyes.

"It's... bearable." She told him and tried to push away but his arms were wrapped around her tightly. She looked up at him, her eyes wide and she smiled. "I'm okay if I don't try to think about it." She told him, trying to show him she was fine. She pulled her hand up from below and gave him a small thumbs up. Suddenly, her smile faded as she realized something.

"I never asked you how you felt!" She shouted up at Bael, her eyes filled with worry. "Are you feeling okay? Nothing hurts right? I got it all?" She asked hurriedly. She felt stupid for not asking before. He could have been hurting still and she never though to ask.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Once he said that Kathy put back the half napkin into her pockets. “I guess you’ll have to settle for calling out to me when we run into each other.” He sighed in a happy way, as he knew that was like a joke. Phones, he really didn’t understand the, he had one once, he immediately return it the next day. Eric pulled out his phone and added the numbers on it.

"Do... you guys... m-mind if I stick with you? The only other things I could do is stay in my room all day..." Eric asked, he didn’t really have an answer, he still needed to go and buy the ingredients for later, unpack his stuff…well probably only those two things really. Kathy answered to him. “Of course. I don’t have anything too exciting planned either, but I’m thinking of dropping by the library if you want to join. Oh, I’ll be right back.” She stood up and walked her way to the lady at the counter, she came back with a paper bag. "See you all later."

Dani said "Sure! But you don't have to...” He shook his head in a way of saying ‘Its fine’ He was glad enough to cook something for his friends. Then he though of something, it may be a bit too much but he was he had enough money for it. ‘He-y Eric, why d-on’t you jo-in us din-er later?” Zivon asked while clapping his hands together. He wasn’t sure that he could make enough food for everyone but he was sure he could.

Then an unfamiliar voice came, he turned to see a girl in a elaborate clothes, something like native American Indian clothing he had seen in some old movies that his dad likes to watch. He admit it that she looked quite…cool, he like the style any much. “I’m Little Feather, nice to meet you all” She introduced to herself then he notice a lion…
A lion…
He instantly flinched back but regain his composure as fast as he can but he still showed a small amount of fear. The lion looked quite tamed but still he had only seen lions in TV or read in books…the only good lion he could ever think of the cowardly lion in Wizard of OZ. He sat looking at the big cat, just wondering what it was thinking?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Matt - The Main Office
Bael smirked at him, making Matt realize what was going on.
He doesn't care! He doesn't care about anyone! I knew[/i] he was up to something. But I can't deal with him now, not in front of Lily.[/i] Matt glared at Bael, then looked at Lily.
"If you want, we can take you to the nurse's office." he told her. Again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eric - Cafeteria

His eyes lit up at Kathy's offer to go to the library with her. Books were nice. They took you to far away places, places far away from all of your troubles. He nodded to her when she walked away and then turned to Zivon as he spoke.

"He-y Eric, why d-on’t you jo-in us din-er later?” He asked, his voice shaking. A big grin grew on Eric's face.

Someone nervous like me.

"Of course! I'd love to.Just let me know when and where." He told Zivon as he stood up to stand next to Kathy. He blinked as another person walked up. She was strangely dress. He smiled. He'd have to draw little chibi version of her later on. It would look cute. He nodded in her direction, acknowledging that he'd heard her.

Lily - Hallway

She shook her head at Matt. "No, thank you. I don't really think it's something she can fix... I mean, can she fix memories?" She asked, tilting her head at the boy curiously. She didn't doubt the abilities of the nurse but even to the naive Angel it seemed a little bit far fetched. Healing memories? Lily didn't even know what was going on. She knew that the boy was trying to be helpful but he sounded so... angry and she didn't know why. Almost as if he was annoyed with her.

She turned her head in his direction, still being held by Bael. "I'm very sorry. I wish I could remember you..." She told him, her eyes getting wet once again.
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