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7 yrs ago
Current There is no such thing as overkill. There is simply 'Opening Fire' and 'Reloading'


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@Arthanus Good point...probably only get 2 (the one in the chamber and 1 reload...she's got quick fingers)
@Arthanus Okay. Does 3-4 shot sound reasonable (depending on other factors), with 2 or 3 hits?
@Arthanus (So I can start mentally prepping my next post once the fighting truly starts) Roughly how far from the group will our attackers be when we see them? Need to work out how many shots Yui could realistically get off before she has to go to her blade.
Orcs? Orcs. It's orcs isn't it?
After reading @RoccanIronclad and @ShwiggityShwah replies, I feel a bit soft for lounging about all weekend...
Yui Ren

Hiking across the desert wasn’t exactly high on Yui’s ‘fun things to do’ list, but that’s what the job was, and it was certainly well paying enough; that said she was looking forward to getting into the shade of the Temple…right up until the winds shifted. Gods above! Retching at the smell as the moved deeper into the Temple, she tried her hardest to just breathe through her mouth; it wasn’t the first time she’d smelled death like this, but it never got any easier to deal with.

After the initial discovery, Yui wasn’t ashamed to admit that she was very grateful for Jian putting her on lookout duty, it meant she could get out of the slaughter house. Slinging her rifle over a shoulder, she made a hasty step back the way they’d come in. ”Hey Shion, Gewn!” She called out. ”I’ll get up above the entrance, keep a long watch in case someone comes a call.” Doing her best not to retch again, she flashed a grin that she really wasn’t feeling. ”If you hear a loud ‘bang’ assume shit is getting interesting.”

With that she hustled back out into the desert sun; it may be too hot and too dry and she had sand in unfortunate places, but all of that was worth it to get away from that smell. To the right as she stepped onto the sand, she saw that the piled dune was a bit shallower than on the other side, so she started her climb there. Loose sand under foot was a pain, but in relatively short order she’d managed to get up to the roof line of the Temple, where she then proceeded to set herself into a shadow from the Temple’s tower that was above the entrance. With luck, should anyone else approach, they’d be too sun-blind to see her.

Taking up her weapon once more, she sat and waited, slowly moving her head side-to-side, searching for anything that may be a threat.

@Arthanus Meant to ask, the major religion, is it poly or mono theistic?
@AtomicNut Aww that's too bad :(

@Arthanus I'll throw my vote in for some small scale action. Nothing like the threat of possible death to boost comradery.
@RoccanIronclad Just so long as Jenramo keeps his creeping to a safe distance. If Yui wakes up to find him leering over her, she's likely to try and cut him :p
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