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Sophiel Sargute

Sophiel gave a sad smile and shook her head. "Unfortunately, I did not manage to beat Ms.Bastion. While I did manage to trade blows with her, she managed to get the upper-hand over me." Not to mention that she had accidentally broke Kiara's tome in the first place, but then again it was her decision to use it as a shield. Nonetheless, Sophiel felt obligated to help Kiara replace her tome. Aside from that note, Yvain was now here. A smile crept onto her face as the girl bounded over, her cheerfulness was rather infectious. Though there was a sudden pang in her heart, which made her smile fade.

"Ah, Yvain, We- Woah!" Slightly stumbling back from the force known as Yvain, she straightened her posture immediately. "Yvain, please do be careful, as much you are happy to see us it doesn't mean you have to throw yourself at us," Sophiel said with a sigh. Someone could have been hurt. "Though, I agree, we should be happy that was passed." After separating herself from the mighty hug of Yvain she found herself arm to arm with her, along with Mandi who on the other side, Yvain proposed they'd have dinner together. When asked what she wanted, Sophiel shook her head. "As much as I would like to have dinner, aren't you tired from your match, Yvain?" Though there was another problem alongside with cooking dinner. "And, I don't think we'd have the ingredients to cook."

As they made their way into the dorms, Sophiel spotted Yvain waving at the frog. Paying it no mind, she continued forward with her three friends arm to arm. Looks like the Class Camelia Dorm wasn't as luxurious as the one for Class Marigold. She didn't find any pest anywhere near the dorms, but it would look like she would have to take more precautions for them now she was in Class C. Entering inside the dorm with Yvain, and Mandi, the dorms looked like a poorly kept apartment if anything else. "We should change our clothes. Especially you, Yvain, your clothes damp." Sophiel said before departing to her assign dorm room.

Looking at the names listed underneath the room number, it was oddly convenient that all three of them were roommates. Opening the door, she entered into the room and checked it out. The room itself had everything that her previous room had aside from it being downgraded due to lack of maintenance. Spotting her belongings laid in a corner of the room, she picked them the bag containing her clothing before locking herself inside the bathroom. Not before long, she emerged out of the bathroom with a new set of clothes on her with her, now wet, hair undone.

Heading towards the kitchen, she made way to check if they had anything in the kitchen cabinets."Perhaps the next time we get together, we can cook dinner together. I've done a little cooking in my spare time." She looked towards Mandi, "How about you?" Sophiel asked the water mage curiously. Cooking was an essential skill in life. If Mandi didn't know how to cook, then she would teach her what limited knowledge she had in the field.

Scratch every thing out, I am dumber than a bunch of bricks.
Oh gosh, I need to name them all quickly.
Okay, here I go.
Y'know, Blu, how many students were expelled? I want to give them generic names.
Speaking of which I was thinking maybe we should redecorate the dorm and then I realized we have the perfect person for the job!

We have Kress! With his creation ability, this shabby little dorm will no doubt be changed over the year.
Man, staying up and post was probably not the best idea now that I think of it. I'll probably redo my post later.
Sophiel Sargute

After that however, she waited for her professor's judgement. Admittedly, Sophiel didn't perform as well as she had hoped and felt apprehensive. It didn't help that the professor held a rather cold and calculating gaze over all of the students. With a point of his hand, a ring formed around Sekhandur's feet. Then Alberta, Mandi, Sanhan, Kiara, and then Ty. That was when she regained a faint trace of hope in her mind. The rings proceeded formed until it the last one manifested underneath Misaiya, if she remembered correctly. She let out a sigh relief when her own ring appeared underneath her.

Though a small frown crept up her face. She was third to last when a ring manifested underneath her. If the professor was doing this by order of performance then, she would have been the third worst student amongst the thirteen selected. Granted, she already knew what could have placed her in such a low place to begin with.

It didn't surprise her when Nyx announced that the ones who had rings were going to stay, though she felt sorry for the students cried in protest and received Nyx's harsh words in return, some of which made her wince due to being one of the students that didn't use magic. She could only watch as they sank into their shadows. Hopefully, next time they would be lucky. With that Nyx left them to their own device with what remaining time was left of the day.

Deciding to meet up with Mandi and Yvain before heading towards the dorms, she would approach one of them and call out for the other. "Congratulations on passing you two," Sophiel said with a smile, in contrary to how her body felt at the time. "Looks like we'll be able to spend the rest of the school year together. Though as much as I would like to talk more, we should probably head to our dorms. We're all probably tired." With she made her way towards the dorms.
By the way, do students able to ship any belongings or items they want into from their house to their room?
So I guess we have the tri way left. Also, it seems like someone reposted the collab.
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