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Say, are there any magical creatures out there besides demons? Kinda curious since this is a world full of magic.
Ummm teehee. At least it won't happen again.
At the very least, Sophiel got some good hits in. Best of luck to everyone who is fighting rn~
Welp, at least Sophiel did end up round house kicking the acting class rep.
<Snipped quote by AThousandCurses>

It all begins when papa tree and mama tree really love each other and decide to have a sapling...


How are tomes created?
@Thewendil Yeah, I go for a collab, It'll be mucher quicker that way.
Welp I am here now, so I wonder how we'll work this out xd.
Sophiel Sargute

“Is that so? I apologize then, I wasn’t aware,” Sophiel said in an apologetic tone, along with a face that matched with worry. Was this how people greeted people in Shalash Indra? While Mandi’s claim was dubious at best, Sophiel didn't know much about Shalash, so she couldn’t just judge carelessly. “Even so, my warning still stands. This place isn’t Shalash Indra, please… kiss with moderation.” A red flush grew on her face once again as she looked down at the ground in embarrassment.

She allowed Yvain to tug her along with Mandi, who seemed to enjoy this a little too much, Yvain led them to the confection stand. The sweets had a, well, sweet smell as the aroma of it as it being baked somewhere within the stand. She stared at the cashier as he looked rather too interested in serving them. “Thank you very much,” With a tone not so friendly but came out rather as warning, she took a bite out of the pastry.

It was sweet.

The chocolate tickled her tongue as it flooded her tastebuds and the bread was relatively soft. She preferred much more bitter foods, but this was fine. Looking over towards her companions, she observed their reactions. Yvain and Mandi seemed to enjoy their sweets, the latter much so seeing her exaggerated reaction when she consumed her own sweet. “Yeah, it really is,” Sophiel said, feeling the need to reply with her own comment.

Sophiel looked up to what Yvain was pointing at. It seemed like Ty was arguing with Alberta… again. She had the huge urge to pinch the bridge of her nose but prevented herself from doing so. “I doubt all of our days will be like this, but we’ll definitely have some more in the future.” She replied to Yvain’s question, they’ll most likely have to go through some things in the future.

She just sighed as Mandi smiled at her again. Mandi was going to be a handful along with Ty, Alberta, and maybe a few other classmates.
The professor’s announcement rang clear into her mind, which made her straighten up a little. “I guess we should get going before we’re late.” Sophiel said, stretching her arms a little. Looking back at the two, she gestured with her head that they should get moving before going to her class herself.
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