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Cervantes Quixote

Huh, that was a little rude but Cervantes didn't mind the slight. Seeing as Terys's sister was now here, Cervantes retreated his hand took a few steps from the group of nobles and Mella. He was starting to dislike the fact there were a group of notable characters starting to gather around. As quickly was he came back, Cervantes started to follow Reginald's lead of leaving the area before something happened.

Something happened.

"What a situation," Cervantes said no one other than to himself. Now he needed to take in mind that students could potentially sabotage his entire business. Another worry on his evergrowing list of concerns. Though he needed to tackle the first one on. Dealing with the animal fiasco that was occuring right in front of him. During his time in this world, he had actually become friends with a few shopkeepers. Jessica, Azel, Darren, and co were pleasant company to be with.

Now they were running around like headless chickens trying to capture the released animals. "I guess I'll have to work harder." Sticking his hand into his bag, he fished for an item. While he had full faith in all the character's abilities to solve the situation by themselves, Cervantes was sure that he had made contact with a few of his 'friends.' Mainly Jessica, who was chasing down a strange avian creature, who glared at him before returning back to catching animal.

Drawing out a capture net from his bag. It was one of the items he planned to sell today, but it would have to be put to use. Cervantes tested the weight of net before getting into a 'stance.' "Don't worry, I'm coming guys!" With that, Cervantes dashed off to help. Seeing a relatively small creature fly by, Cervantes slammed his net down to capture it in the net.
Yuichi Miyasato

An unpleasant sound resounded in his ears. The moment the world had seemingly changed, Yuichi stopped in his tracks. Everything was frozen. His peers's conversations, the rustling of the trees, everything seemed to be still. Turning around the ball was still soaring through the skies. As if fixed in the air, it did not move just like everything else. Now that he was looking up even the sun was gone. A chill went down his spine as if to make it obvious that the world wasn't warm and safe anymore.

"What the..." Yuichi said. Shock was evident on his face as he tried to back away. To his surprise, there was a small patter sound when he moved his feet. His eyes focused down towards his feet. As if it had rained, there was blood on the concrete.

It didn't stop there. Pieces of gore and blood was spread all around the area. If the phrase, 'let's paint the town red,' was used a descriptor, this would be an apt situation to use it in. Yuichi still couldn't believe he was seeing. Not even his own shadow was safe from the strange environment that had unfurled. The more that Yuichi looked, the more that he felt sick in the inside. Seeing this amount of blood brought back unsavory memories.

Yet, the heartbeat beated louder and louder.

As if beckoning him to look ahead and see for himself, Yuichi saw the towering structure. It loomed over every building that was around them. Like a looming tree hovering over a child, Yuichi could not help look up at the spire. What was it? When was it there? How did it get there? Many questions were probed into his head, but they all found themselves unanswered.

Then everything went back to normal.

A student who had noticed Yuichi staring wide eyed to sky spoke to him. "Hey, dude, are you alright?"

"...Yes, I'm fine. Sorry to worry you." Yuichi said, his expression turning unexpressive. Turning back around, he went back to his walk. Instead of going home, Yuichi decided to head to the sports center. After witnessing a near world changing event, Yuichi couldn't tell what he saw was real or not. What needed was to take his mind off of it for a moment and reset his focus. Or that was he would have liked to done until he saw a certain app on his phone.

Strange Gospel

If Yuichi went paler, no one would have noticed. Putting his phone back into his pocket, he turned directions and headed the other direction. He needed to clear his mind.
Milton Bertel

Margo patted the back of his neck as the team both went down the elevator. Despite his companions absolute disgust, including Margo, Milton didn't seem to mind that he was stepping in a puddle of his own vomit. Though he did very much mind smelling the disgusting mixture of both cigarette smoke and vomit. "Ngaaah." Milton whined as he scratched his nose.

Leaning against the handlebar of the elevator, Milton gathered his bearings. He was on a mission. Someone asked him to do something. Yes, he had to follow everyone. Exiting out the elevator along with everyone, the nice aroma of food helped relieve Milton. Now somewhat recovered, Milton took a look around. Everything was so... new. It was as if they weren't in a stinky, old house but at a hotel. Though not too farfetched of a comparison, it still looked so new to Milton.

Though just as he was about to wander off away from the group to explore, he stopped in his tracks. He couldn't move his legs no matter how much he wanted to. "C'mon, please m'lady?"

"No. You will stand here and wait in line. Understood, Milton?"

Milton let out a pout before crouching to the floor. Though when he did, it look had a unique view. What was this what it was like being short?
Katsumi to Me:
Cervantes Quixote

As Cervantes bid the maid farewell, he heard the sound of crashing from behind him. It couldn't have been more than a few seconds when they decided to part ways. What could have happened in that short period? With his curiosity getting the better of him and no sense of urgency, Cervantes turned back around to see the maid and an unfamiliar student laying on the ground. It didn't exactly take a genius to tell what had happened.

"Are you two alright?" Cervantes said as he walked over. He lent a hand to the maid first, though he couldn't decide whether that was the right move. If this was a snobby noble, Cervantes would never hear the end of it. There were a lot of noble characters that hindered the heroine's progress because of their royal background and sticks up their asses. While Cervantes hadn't paid much attention to the side characters, he did read enough manga to get a general idea of certain stereotypes.

If Mella accepted his hand, he'd pull her up and then walk over to the student. On closer inspection, this kid was a lot more familiar than unfamiliar now that he had a closer look. White hair, small structure, looked like if someone blew wind at him, he'd collapse. Yep, Cervantes recognized him. It was one of the male leads, Terys, who Cervantes quite frankly did not care about. As far as he could remember, Terys was practically there for shotacons. His older sister, Elastasia, was much more helpful in combat scenarios. Having a superb magic stat and being a guaranteed recruit on Tery's route, Elastasia was a better unit overall.

While Cervantes did not remember much about Terys, he'd like to assume that Terys had a temperate personality. Based on first impressions, Terys would often chase after his sister to stop whatever she was doing. If he was like that, then Cervantes hoped to assume that he didn't do anything particularly wrong.
Yuichi Miyasato

Yuichi walked along with the stream of students back home. Seeing that there was no reason to stay at school now that the hours were over, going home and studying would be good. Despite the amount of time he spent on studying, nothing seemed to stick. Perhaps he didn't exactly have the talent or memorization to make himself a good student. Though his grades seemed to improving if only slightly, which was a good start.

"Hey did you here? About Strange Gospel..."

"Yeah, someone went missing! I heard the police were involved, but they couldn't anything."

"How many people have gone missing? I heard a girl from next class disappeared as well."

Strange Gospel. He heard that name multiple times in the classroom when he was studying. His classmates even brought it up to him when they approached him. While he was also worried about the string of disappearance, Yuichi thought that it was superstition. How could a phone app be the cause of this? It seemed bizarre at best to blame everything on an app. Many people even theroized that it had some sort of tracking programmed into the app that lead to its users being kidnapped. If that were the case, why wasn't it removed from the app store?

Regardless, Yuichi ignored the rumors that were spreading amongst the masses. It didn't effect him, so there wasn't any point on pushing on it. He needed to get back to studying. If he got a good grade on his next test, his GPA would be servicable to enter in to a college next year. If only that didn't happen. He may have gotten a scholarship with subpar grades and gotten into a college that way. Though that's just how life was. Even if it was a little to start studying now, if he worked hard enough he could still get into the college he wanted to get into.

A sound of a bat hitting a ball stopped him in his tracks. Thanks to his height, he could see a little over his peers. In the distance, he could see a small corner of the school yard. A student was running across the yard to reach home base. A white ball was soaring through the sky and another student was trying to catch it. Instinctually, Yuichi wanted to run in and join. To throw the ball at a mach speed that nobody could react to. He wanted to run and catch ball with his bare hand and prevent the other team from moving to another base.

Though all he felt was bitterness as Yuichi turned back around and headed home. He needed to study, that's all he oculd do.
Warning: Cursed

Cervantes Quixote

With his business smile still on his face, Cervantes tilted his head forward. "My apologies for that remark," Though both of them knew that what he said was true. If a maid's income was all it took to get into the realm of business, then every servant would be dumping their cash into investment. Nobles were pigs, and the commoners were chickens. One fed with riches while the other couldn't fly off to greater heights.

If Cervantes heard anything Mella said, he made no effort to show it. "If that is the case, I wish you a good day, miss." With their conversation seemingly over, Cervantes was about to move and then stopped. "My shop is located nearest to one of the entrances. If there is anything you would like to inquire about, then you can head to my shop." With that, he finally turned back and began walking back to his shop. Perhaps he would charge that maid next time for advice.

He didn't get to meet the heroine, so that meant this reality was a little realistic. While a redundant thought, it still rang true. Not everything was pre-determined, though this was only a slight bit of evidence for that case. "Though, what should I do..." Cervantes muttered to himself. It still didn't change the fact that his future was uncertain.

Perhaps it was time for some exploration. Cervantes needed to restock items for his shop, and he needed someone to protect him if the need arose. If he remembered correctly, there was a bulletin board somewhere in the town square. That billboard was a quest-giver to the heroine if she wanted to gain experience. It often involved her helping the people on the school grounds with their errands or dilemmas. He'd just use the billboard to enlist some poor student to follow him around while he collected items.

"Though what should I give as a reward," Cervantes muttered to himself.

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