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You know. I have reading comprehension problems.
That's the idea. I'm planning to mention a moped in her backstory. Since they're about to graduate and they're third years, doesn't that mean they're 18? Would be reasonable to have a driver's license?
I want my character to ride a funny vehicle/mount/bike.
I wonder how down bad am I.
Yuichi Miyasato

"Yes, this is the first time we've talked." Yuichi affirmed Kauro's statement. It didn't seem like Kauro was too bothered by him speaking to him. While that was good, it didn't change the fact that the heartbeat was still pounding in his head. In fact, it made him feel worse, since it made Yuichi feel like he was insane for hearing abnormal noises. Thankfully, it would seem that Kauro was going back to talking to the cashier, given Yuichi a small reprief.

Looking off to the side, Yuichi held his head down and pinched the bridge of his nose. "What's wrong with me," Yuichi muttered darkly to himself. The heartbeat seemed to become more prominent with each beat. When was this strange noise going to finally cease? Taking a deep breath; Yuichi counted up his multiples by two and calmed himself.

Kauro must have been done with his order. Turning back around, Yuichi noticed the concerned look on his orange hair peer's face. He hadn't caught the last bit of what Hattori said, but by looking at the cashier, Yuichi could get what it was about. The boy, who looked around his age, was pale. If Yuichi wasn't currently undergoing a slow mental breakdown, he would have shown some concern for the cashier. Unfortunately, Yuichi didn't have the mental energy to spare.

'Hattori-kun will probably handle it,' with being a social guy and all, he'd probably be able to calm down the cashier. Maybe even crack a joke or two for a smile. That is what Yuichi thought.
Cervantes Quixote

"Phew, almost done." What a day. Cervantes grimaced as he dragged the straggling wyvern to a cage. It felt a little surreal to be in this situation. Mystical animals break out and he had to catch one of them; what was this an anime? Though he supposed it wasn't too wrong. After all, this was an otome game. Scenarios like these shouldn't be too surprising to see in an otome, but experiencing first hand was an entirely different matter.

Opening the cage, he looked down at the lizard. "Well, little guy, it's time to get into cage so-" Cervantes stopped when the whelp something glowing in its mouth. Did it eat a flashlight or something? First, he was sure that flashlights didn't exist in this world. Second, he was pretty sure that light was coming out of its mouth. It reminded him of a dragon about to breath fire. "Wait, breath fire?"


In an instant, Cervantes was immediately alarmed of what was going to happen. Why could wyverns breath fire, or whatever it was doing? He thought only dragons could that. Wyverns were like the lame cousins of dragons and insignifcant to them. "Ah... Ah... Ah..." Cervantes panicked. What was he going to do? He had to do something, but he didn't want to hurt the wyvern either. Cervantes dug into his pockets and threw 'it' at the wyvern.

"Pocket sand!"

Immediately the sand slapped the wyvern straight in the face. It blinked before wrinkling it nose. With a sneeze that sounded like a gun firing, it shot out fire. Fire that easily burned his net. "Haaaaaa!" Cervantes yelped at the sudden brightness. Out of sheer instinct, Cervantes threw the net, along with the help, into the cage. "Nope, nope, nope, nope, not today. Not dealing with this, today." Without hesitation he closed the cage and locked it.
Yuichi Miyasato

It didn't go away. The thumping of a heartbeat echoed into his ear, no matter how many steps he was away from the school. Sweat slid down as Yuichi tried to think. Was it the app? Taking out his phone again, he tried to delete the app. When he did, it just popped up again. "What's with this thing," Yuichi muttered to himself. With the stress getting to him again, he looked up from his phone. He was far from the sports center, but there was a convenience store.

Entering inside, he recognized a certain orange hair man browsing through the aisles. Hattori Karuo, if he remembered correctly. They hadn't met personally, but Yuichi often caught his name when he passed by him and his friends at school. A social star, as Yuichi would have likened it as. Yuichi considered the possibility of walking up and talking to him. Maybe all of this was in his head, and it'd go away if he talked to someone,.

No, that would be too awkward. Yuichi didn't even know what to open with to start a conversation, and he didn't know Hattori that well, either.

Going off to one of the display refrigerators, Yuichi picked out a water bottle and picked up a snack. By the time he arrived to order himself up, Hattori was already standing in front of the cashier. The cashier, himself, seemed familiar as well. Was it Kosubaku? If he remembered the name correctly. They might have shared a class at one point, though Yuichi could have remembered better.

Though, now he was in an awkward situation. Standing right behind Hattori, Yuichi stood behind and stared straight ahead at the shelf behind Kosubaku. Should he speak up? It didn't help that the uncomfortable sound was still beating somewhere right behind him.

Mentally steeling himself, he spoke up. "Hi, Hattori-kun. How's your day?" Yuichi said casually. A simple conversation opener. Though forget that, Hattori didn't know who he was. How would Hattori feel if some stranger came out of nowhere, called him by his name, and greeted him out of nowhere? A frown formed on his face as he tried to work things out inside his head.
Cervantes Quixote

"Ah, ha!" Cervantes to said to no one other than to himself. The net fell upon the enemy and was slammed back to the ground. The creature tried to budge against its restraints, but Cervantes tried his hardest to keep it down. All he needed to do now was bring the creature back to a shopkeeper and cage it up.

"That was easy." He didn't break a sweat, yet, though the critter sure was strong. It took all he had to keep the animal down in his net. Though Cervantes was curious to what he had even caught. Looking down at it made him surprised. It was a wyvern, well to be more precise a wyvern whelp. Creatures with a similar appearance to dragons but more common and less strong than their cousins.

Said wyvern whelp was now trying break out the net by gnawing it. "Not today, I'm afraid!" Cervantes as he shifted the net around. The net entangled the wyvern, but that didn't stop the little thing from being ferocious. It was letting out strange cries as it tried to get out of its trapping.

"Jessica! Where are the cages!" Cervantes yelled to his shopkeeper friend.

She seemed currently preoccupied trying to throw some sort of dust at a boar that was trying to maul her. The boar took a sniff out the dust before promptly going slack on its side. When she was finished, Jessica yelled out, "Somewhere in there!" With a gesture she nodded towards the run down store. Then she went back to trying to get more of the creatures.

Was it legal to use unknown substances on animals? Cervantes didn't know and didn't seem to want to as he had a wyvern to pin in. "Welp, in you go!" Cervantes said as he dragged the wyvern. Hopefully there was an intact cage for this feisty critter.
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