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When will this concussion go away? Shun felt like throwing up like how Masato did a few hours ago. The sense of loss came in and out at strange intervals. Shun felt fine when she got out off the bus and fought the wolfbear, but when the calm came is when the concussion started to come back. The student leaned against a tree and took periodical deep breaths. If there was to recover, this small period of time would be enough to gather her bearings.

When the wolfbears had either run off or died, everyone regrouped quickly as they could. Tsubaki came over and helped out Yuudai. For Yuudai, Shun could only pray that he recovers from his injuries. They were only middle schoolers, and Shun was sure they didn't know, just like herself, any medical knowledge. As of right now, Tsubaki was most likely the one who would be taking care of the injured. She reassured both Ayana and Shun that they would be alright. They had found a temporary base if it could even be called that, and they had finished discussing what they should do.

For her, she found herself looking for a water source along with Kunio, Masami, and Masato. They could live five days without food, but they couldn't last a day without water. That was what she remembered anyways. Additionally, Shun was feeling quite parched. Fighting a wolf bear inside a burning truck didn't exactly do her wonders for her thirst. Smoke and heat clogged her senses as she exchanged blows with an animal that was probably twice her mass and height. It would have felt exhilarating but Yuudai...

No, Yuudai was fine. He was going to recover and stand back up on his two feet. What she needed to focus on was the conversation at hand. Masami suggested finding some sort of water vein in the ground. Shun didn't exactly understand how that worked. Why would water be in the ground? Though Masami seemed confident and she belonged to a priest household. Maybe priests had a spiritual affinity for ground that had water trapped in them?

The other option was trying to find a river or lake, which was suggested by the resident fisherman student Kunio. A river or lake would be far more sustainable than what Masami suggested. However, that did bring up the question. How were they going to find a river, and how far was it? The question of how they would go back to the temporary camp was left unsaid, but Shun was sure they'd find a solution. Hopefully, the trees and foliage weren't too thick.

"I agree with Kunio!" Shun said as she raised her hand. "I think digging up for underground water would be boring, so let's go around and find a river!" While she sounded like her usual self, there was a tinge of stress underneath her movements. "Plus, it would be good to explore the forest, wouldn't it?" They had to do it eventually, so they might as well look around. Along the way, they might find something useful or even find whatever Masami was looking for.

"I wonder what the water would look like?" Shun pondered aloud to herself. "Maybe the water here is purple instead of the clear blue! Oh, oh, maybe the fish can walk on land! That'd look weird, right?" Man, she was getting excited over exploring this place. However, her mindless rambling did bring up more questions. Would the river really be safe? If the monsters they encountered were abnormal, then what lurked in the waters of the river? There was only one way to find out.

"Let's just go find one of those weird animals! Since they're alive, they must require water too. We'll track one down and follow it until it leads us to a body of water!"

Shun stumbled out of the bus as it slowly started to break apart. Her butt fell onto the hard dirt ground. Unfortunately, it didn't go down in a blaze of glory, but thinking about dramatic exits would be the last of her worries. "Ayana! Get the bastard and get out!" Shun yelled at the top of her lungs. If she provided any more help, Shun was sure she could only hinder Ayana more than help. Her little pipe-throw attack nearly skewered her classmate's head.

Ayana could handle herself. If she was crazy to bite a monster from another world, then she was crazy enough to kill it with sheer willpower. Right now, someone else needed her urgent attention. Yuudai. Shun immediately got up and ran over to the unconscious young man. Kneeling down to the young man, Shun began to check on the upcoming poet.

"Yuudai! Yuudai! Wake up! Can you hear me!" Shun yelled at the unconscious man. Turning him over, she winced as she realized how much of a poor choice it was to throw the heavily injured student out of the bus to help Ayana. Shun had to pray that she didn't cause any more damage than earlier. Upon checking, there were a variety of injuries and blood from Yuudai's battered body. A wave of relief washed over her as she felt something.

"He still has a pulse!" Relief washed over Shun as she felt for it. It was faint, but that meant that Yuudai was still alive. All she had to do was perform first aid. However, there was a problem with this. The first was that Shun wasn't sure how to perform first aid. The school taught her the bare basic, but she wasn't entirely familiar with the procedures. After all, what were the chances of applying first aid in a real-life situation?

The second problem. First aid implied that the patient, Yuudai, would get immediate medical attention and be rushed to a hospital. Hospitals didn't exist in a portal, and even if there were, Shun didn't have the reception to call them. Masato might know what to do, but judging by the screamings in some distance away from the bus, he seemed preoccupied with the wolfbear.

"I should get you away from the bus at least..." Shun muttered to herself. While fearful of causing more damage by moving around, she didn't have much of a choice with an aflame bus right next to them. That didn't include the other potential monsters around.

She picked up Yuudai and moved him further away from the fighting. Somewhere out of the way of the fighting and hiding Yuudai's body. From there, she tried the best she could to tend to his wounds. There were burn marks and other injuries that she didn't know how to tend, but there were some wounds that she was able to treat. Ripping up her sleeves, she bandaged Yuudai as best as she could. Hopefully, they weren't infected. Shun had to pray that things couldn't get any worse for her classmates and herself.


The sound of Yuudai stirring startled Shun. Immediately, she stopped working on bandaging and leaned over. "Higasa! Are you alright?" Her shouting probably didn't help as Yuudai immediately winced at coming to a loud sound immediately after awakening. Though his eyes focused on her.

"Shun? You're okay? That's a relief." A rough cough erupted from Yuudai, which Shun immediately reacted too.

"Yes, I'm okay, don't talk anymore!" With that her brain focused on taking care of her injured classmate." Where does it hurt?"

"Everywhere." His eye lit up but before he could recite a poem, Shun covered his mouth with her palm. The last thing she needed to hear for her psyche was the raspy, coughing voice of Higasa trying to make a poem on the spot.
Yuichi jumped at the sound of broken glass. The student turned to see in the corner of his eye a humanoid woman, if he could call it that, burst through the windows. Words failed to described its figure, but Yuichi could perfectly what he felt at that moment. Fear. "The backdoor." Yuichi suddenly the said. Then with a sudden surge in volume, "GET TO THE BACKDOOR, NOW!" Yuichi screamed. Whatever that that thing was, it wasn't human. They didn't know what it could do, but he had a feeling that they didn't stand a chance at fighting that thing.

Pushing Karou behind him, Yuichi brought up the nozzle of the fire extinguisher. Release the pin, aim it at the monster, and press it down. A gush of foam immediately shot out of the fire extinguisher. The convenience store's front was engulfed foam, which would act like a temporary smokescreen for them to use. "GO, GO, GO, GO, GO!" After the fire extinguinsher seemly ran out of foam, he threw the exntugisher into the foam and turned to follow classmates.

What the hell was that thing? Whatever it was definitely wasn't human. They needed to get out of the area and try to find another place to hide.
There was a momentary lapse of surprise when her punch sent the wolfbear skyrocketing up into the ceiling of the bus. It created a dent in the shape of its form as gravity took the creature back down. The surprise soon turned into courage as she realized somehow that she had a chance to beat the creature. Confident shouldn't be confused with foolishness. "Ah!" Before she had a chance to react, the wolfbear went back to retaliate. Its claws nicked her face when she barely managed to avoid it but failed to avoid the headbutt.

"You think that's going to scare me!" She cried back. This was for Higasa. She went back in. Doing her best to bob and weave from the bear's massive claws, Shun managed to land a few punches. They weren't strong like the first, but they were doing enough to have an impact on the creature. Though, it always ended the same. Again, Shun was repelled by another of the bear's attacks. She slid back and gritted her teeth.

In the corner of her eye, she spotted Higasa. She couldn't tell if he was breathing or not, but there was still a chance that he was still alive. If she managed to survive a headbutt from this abnormal beast, then maybe there was a chance that he could have survived as well. While it was a stretch, foolish optimism was all Shun had going for at the moment. At the very least, she'll get Higasa out of this boss alive.

Though when Shun was about to go in for round three, she heard a familiar voice from behind her. A figure came in fast, sliding beneath both Shun and the wolfbear. "Todokawa!?" That mysterious figure was, in fact, Ayana, and she wasn't playing around. Immediately as she managed to get behind the wolfbear, she jumped onto its back. It reminded Shun of a spider that had managed to find its way onto an unsuspecting person's back. Except Ayana was far deadlier than any spider out there. She immediately bit down on the fur of the wolfbear.

Shun knew that she needed to help Ayana. Even with her strength, Shun was too inexperienced to properly utilize her newfound strength against her opponent. The same must have applied to Ayana as well. But as she went to help gang up on the bear, she heard Ayana's muffled voice. "You can't beat that thing by yourself, Todokawa!" Shun shouted back, though she looked down at where Yuudai lay right beside her. Another crisis went down in Shun's head.

Help Ayana, or Help Yuudai.

The motorcyclist gritted her teeth and pulled Yuudai up with ease. "Get out fast! The bus is gonna blow?" The trickle of gasoline finally made itself noticeable to Shun's nose. Running to the back entrance of the bus, she stopped for a moment. "I'm sorry for this, Yuudai!" 'Gently' as possible, Shun tossed Yuudai outside of the bus and turned back around. Hopefully, she didn't cause any more external injuries. Looking back at Ayana and the wolfbear, she made a quick decision. Shun grabbed the nearest object and pulled it out. It was some sort of pipe, but that was more than enough for this situation. "Todokawa! Heads up!" Stomping her foot down, she raised her arm.

Then release. The sharp iron pipe soared through the air. It aimed straight at the bear's head.
Ah. I guess this is it for me.

Shun thought to herself. The jaws of death are coming to take her life. Time seemed to slow for her as the beast charged right at her. Her vain attempts to blind it were rendered moot, and the beast was faster than any living organism she'd ever witnessed in her life. So, this was what a monster from a portal was like. A beast that couldn't be described in any human values. Faster, stronger, and most likely more intelligent. The strength in her hand had never felt so weak before. There wasn't a way to avoid this. It would end with her in that beast's stomach.

Thoughts of her family flowed through her head. They always warned her about getting herself into a dangerous situation. Things like, "You have to be more careful, Shun," and, "We're just worried, Shun. Can you please stop what you're doing?" In all fairness, their words had merit. They were doing their jobs as parents, loving and caring for their children. Shun never listened to them, but she did love them as well. It was a shame that she couldn't talk to them one last time.

Satoshi-Chan as well. Her moped that she's had for a couple of months. It would have been nice driving her child around the town one last time. The breeze flowed through her hair as she left a trail of dust behind. Perhaps she would have let one of her classmates, Higasa maybe, experience that wild feeling that made her heartbeat. Too bad that Satoshi-chan would probably be left to rust now that her mother was dead.

Right, her classmates. Hopefully, they would be able to get out of this alive. While she didn't pay much attention to them, they were people she had known for almost a year. When she died, Shun hoped that they'd be able to get over her death quickly. Being the reason for people lagging behind was depressing. It'd be nice if Higasa wrote a poem about her death. Shun was curious about what he could muster.

Well, goodbye, guys.

Shun's eyes closed as she braced for impact. However, it did not come from the two-hundred-pound beast from her front. It came from her side. "Ah!" Shun screamed aloud. Her body tumbled onto the grass along with her fragile branch. Shun's barely had enough time to open her eyes to see Higasa fly inside along with the wolf bear inside of the smoking bus.

For the first time, she froze. "H-H-Higasa?" Shun's voice spoke. It was the first time her voice came at a lower pitch and the first time she stuttered. Higasa had pushed out of the way and took the wolf bear in her stead. In the corner of her eyes, she saw multiple students darting off in different directions of the forest. Some were even vainly trying to subdue one of the bears, piling on top of the bear to wrestle it onto the ground.

Why didn't he run? This would have been the perfect time for Higasa to run away along with everyone else. Why did he have to save her? She didn't ask to be saved, but neither did she want to die. Shun's briefly thought about the time on that rainy night. It was so dark outside that she accidentally crashed into a railing when her bike hit a big rock along the road. Her arms and legs were scraped, and she felt like she had somehow twisted her ankle. Then Higasa came. He helped her up and offered her shelter on his family's farm. While it was quite stinky, Shun had always felt touched by that act of kindness.

Despite her previous pessimism about their chances of death being extraordinarily high, Shun refused to believe that Higasa was dead. Her heart burned with unknown heat. Something had turned on the ignition in her body. Was it rage? Was it anguish? Either way, that goddamn six-eyed bear was going to pay for it. "Higasa!" Shun screamed aloud. Immediately getting back on her feet, she immediately rushed to enter from the back of the bus herself. Her body felt nimble, her muscles felt like they were bursting with strength, and her senses felt like they were taking in things that were unknown to her.

She felt like she could take on the world.

But most of all.

Shun felt like she could mutilate that goddamn bear.

Climbing up to the door, Shun spotted the bear straight ahead of her. "HRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Without any thought, her body flew straight at the bear. Shun had no weapon in her hands, nor did she have a plan to take down the bear. Well, if her plan involved one action, then. "HAAAAAAAAA!" In one movement, she stomped right in front of the bear, and her body turned. With all of her momentum, she threw a punch at the bear.
Well, Kauro had a sense of humor. The words of jest helped Yuichi lighten up in the bizarre situation where death was an evident possibility. It was still beyond him how Kauro was still calm, but it was probably best if one of them stayed level-headed. The Cashier and himself weren't doing too well, seeing as they were sweating enough to fill buckets. Moreso, the Cashier rather than himself. It seemed like the Cashier was taking this worse than him. Maybe because he was stressed out from working at his part-time job? Yuichi had a few friends that often complained about customers at their workplace.

"Hmmm," Yuichi grunted at Kauro's reassurance. He could agree with Kauro on that sentiment.

A high pitch scream came from outside of the store. Yuichi's eyes darted toward the sound, and he raised his arm in preparation to throw the object at whatever was coming at them. Fortunately, it seems that wasn't the case. Unfortunately, a student splatted right in front of them. Yuichi paled at the sight of the now corpse. This student came from the same school as them judging by his uniform. Did that mean that they were going to end up like that as well?

The Cashier's voice snapped him out of his shock. He seemingly shared the same sentiment as well. "It'll be alright. We'll get out of this alive." Yuichi said with the strongest voice he could. The taller male placed his hand on the Cashier's shoulder to reassure him, just like Kauro had done to him earlier. They would get out of this. Dying wasn't an option.

"Then we either say here or leave." Either option didn't sound too entirely great. The Cashier at least had a key for the store, but the convenience store didn't have too many places to hide without any windows. "Then we should move, shouldn't we?" Yuichi finally stated after a moment of contemplation. "We don't know if there's anyone else who will come to help us or if this will all end eventually." Then Yuichi brought up his phone. "Maybe the app will help us? If it brought us here, maybe we can try to find a way to make it bring us back."
Shun jerked up at the sudden sound of branches being crushed and the sound of heavy footsteps. The only one who was relatively interacting with the environment was Rin. The middle schooler turned her head around, earning a faint hit of nausea from turning too fast, and saw what was happening. A bear with multiple eyes was attacking Rin. Maki tried to help by throwing a kick at the bear, but Shun had other problems to deal with.

Mainly dealing with a bear that was coming both at Yuudai and her.

"Higasa!" Shun shouted out in a warning. Her hand grabbed a fist full of dirt and threw it at the menacing beast's eyes. She needed to attract its attention. If anything, she hoped that the beast wasn't dirt immune. Unless the eyes were dirt-repellant, Shun thought that at least she could blind the beast. "Hey, you four-eyed teddy bear! Over here!" She screamed to get its attention.

A feeling of catharsis washed over her as she stared at the monstrosity. Now that she had a good look at it, the mutant bear looked incredibly cool. Her classmates might think otherwise, but perhaps this was going to be the time of her life. The chances of her dying were high, but she had already accepted those terms. The world wasn't some sort of manga where they could overcome everything through the usage of an author's pen. If Shun was going to die, then she would make the most of it.

Shun took a few steps back from the bear and backed up closer to the flaming car. On the way, she picked up the longest branch she could find and dragged it against the floor. "You want more! I can make a nasty dirt pie, dung face!" She needed the right opportunity. If she had tried hard enough, maybe she could have collided with the bus and attack it with the branch. While it seemed like a stupid idea, Shun was welcoming to such ideas.
"How lame..." Shun grumbled as she hopped off of the smoking truck. There was a brief wonder if Rin could return the truck to its proper glory. It was quickly shut down as it was brought up because of the lack of necessary equipment and damage. While Rin was a prodigy when it came to mechanics, some things were not fixable unless she were a super mechanic! In that case, Rin had a definite chance of fixing this poor girl up.

Though as Shun began to settle down, something hit in the head. It wasn't anything physical or mental. In fact, it was already there by the time she woke up. "Ugh..." Her head felt like pins were being driven through her skull. The light was nauseous to look at. Wave exhaustion crashed into her. The adrenalin seemed to have faded away once there was no immediate danger. Though despite faltering from the effects, Shun stood strong and straightened herself up. She could endure it.

It was time to address the fact that they were in a portal. A single glance at their environment could tell anyone that wherever they were, it wasn't Earth, which excited Shun, though it was slightly hampered by her concussion. It was still going to be a grand experience of adventure and survival. However, the start was going to be tough. Even Shun could realize the severity of their situation. Most of the students were hurt or injured, the only adult was dead, and she could hear Akito being an ass.

However, she perked up when she heard Yuudai's voice. "Ah me? I'm doing a-okay, Higasa!" As she gave a thumbs up to the buzzcut student. Even though she wasn't feeling exactly well, she wanted to look strong in front of everybody. Otherwise, it'd be a bit of a downer if even she was unwell. "Eh? Is it called the Nobel Peace Poetry? How many trophies are there-" Shun immediately shut herself up when Yuudai began to make up a poem.

It was...

Nothing? Shun didn't get what poetry was all about. Writing and reading words wasn't her thing, after all. "Wow, to think you can even make up a poem right now." She was impressed, though.

Regardless of that, she wanted to know their situation. Inaba, the twins, and Higasa seemed perfect well and assumed that Sato was also fine. Endo, on the other hand, last time she checked, seemed to be in a complete wreck, however. "How is everyone doing, aside from Akito, Higasa?" Shun asked him. "Is everyone gathering up right now? Knowing Class prez, he'd probably gather everyone to some sort of meeting." Shun chuckled at the thought.
Yuichi Miyasato

Nodding to Kauro's command, Yuichi followed it to a T. Though, Yuichi felt this wasn't to be resolved quietly. If Kauro's insane theories were true, and given the context of the situation, were probably true, then Yuichi doubted this would be the only creature that was roaming out of the streets. "Cashier-san. Take the meat tenderizer for yourself. I'll figure out something for myself."

Yuichi doubted he could effectively use the meat tenderizer to its fullest potential, though when the Cashier said something about the fire extinguisher, he nodded. Slowly walking behind the counter, he picked up the fire extinguisher. It was slightly heavy, but Yuichi was accustomed to heavier objects when he was still in training.

"Cashier-san. Hattori and I will keep watch on the door. Can you take a peak outside to see if there's anything out there too?" Yuichi suggested to the Cashier. Out of them all, it seemed like the Cashier would have difficulties in his current state. Not that it mattered since whatever was outside could probably murder them in seconds.

"So what's your theory now, Hattori?" Yuichi said as he dropped the honorifics. With this situation being as tense as is, he doubted honorifics mattered at the moment. He continued while lowering his voice. "Do you think the devil's coming back to drag humanity into hell, or is this god's punishment on the populace for not heeding his word?" A sarcastic tone could be traced in Yuichi's words as he slowly backed up. Though after a few moments, he frowned and looked gloomy. "Never mind. I shouldn't have said that. Sorry.
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