Avatar of Autumn Moon


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7 days ago
Current Going to be really busy today so replies will be slow.
9 days ago
Stuck at home with a lot of free time so if anyone has any ideas for a casual or free RP then feel free to PM me!
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24 days ago
I've decided to take a break. I haven't been enjoying roleplaying as much lately, and I know it will start to show in my replies if I don't take some time away from the site. Sorry to my partners!
1 mo ago
Back, but replies will still be slow through the weekend at least.
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1 mo ago
Going to be away for the rest of the week, so no replies from me. Sorry!


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A gasp escaped Cassandra's lips when she heard the voices of her unborn sons in her head. Even though there was a tiny rational part of her brain that told her that she couldn't possibly have heard what she thought she heard and it was only hormones from the pregnancy causing her mind to play tricks on her, those doubts were silenced almost instantly. She couldn't explain how she knew, but she just knew in her heart that her sons were speaking to her telepathically.

Setting her tray of food aside after devouring almost every last morsel on her plate, Cassandra gently pulled up her nightgown so that she could look down on her immense bare belly. She ran her fingers alone the sides of her belly and smiled warmly. She hummed a lullaby that her grandmother used to sing to her when she was a little girl while continuing to rub her stomach lovingly until suddenly her voice caught in her throat as she felt a tightening sensation. It was sudden and sharp, but it also didn't last long. She was about to resume her gentle humming when she felt the same sensation a second time, and it was sharper than before. The sensation was soon followed by Cassandra feeling the bed underneath her become soaked.

"It's time," Cassandra uttered as she realized that her water just broke.

Throwing the covers off herself, Cassandra scooted to the edge of the bed and then stood and walked across the chamber to pull open the door. She called out to one of the guards near her door and ordered him to fetch the midwife. The guard obeyed without hesitation. Cassandra then looked down and pressed her hand to her swollen stomach. "Looks like today is the day that I'll finally be able to hold you two in my arms."

* * *

Shortly after her labor began, Cassandra went to one of the other bedrooms that had been prepared just for this moment. With pillows propped up behind her and her legs splayed, Cassandra grasped Lyla's hand while pushing as she was instructed by the midwife. Much like her pregnancy, the labor had gone much faster than she anticipated, and it wasn't nearly as painful as she expected it to be either. Within minutes of going into labor, it was already time to push. She bore down, clutched Lyla's hand tightly, and clenched her toes as she pushed until she felt something emerge from her body and the midwife announced the arrival of her first son. Panting, Cassandra looked up to try and see over the sheet covering her lower half to get her first glimpse of the baby dragon she had just birthed.
When the first light of a new day brought an invasion of brightness into the bedchambers, Cassandra stirred in bed, awake but unwilling to open her eyes. She was not yet ready to leave the comfort of her large bed with its goose feather pillows and the most comfortable mattress she had ever slept upon. Swathed in the covers, she gently shifted from her back to her side to turn away from the window from which the light had entered her sanctuary. As she shifted, she felt the heaviness and the immensity of her swollen belly. She gently pressed a hand to the roundness and could feel the gentle movements of the two lives within. She imagined they were also sleeping, warm and comfortable as she was, and safe within her.

Although Cassandra had only been pregnant for a handful of days, there was something telling her that it wouldn't be much longer before it was time for her to give birth. And although she was still young and this was all happening so fast, she was not afraid. Even when she first awoke to find her stomach greatly swollen, she didn't feel afraid. She felt like she had something that she had always been missing in the past. A purpose. She had been given a great gift by the dragon, but there had also been a great responsibility laid on her shoulders. He had entrusted her with his only remaining offspring. And she was determined not to let him down.

Listening to the heartbeats of the two tiny lives she carried, Cassandra remained in bed for a few minutes longer before a knock on her door caused her eyes to flutter open at last. She lifted her head and silently stared at the door for a moment before she asked in a groggy voice, "Who's there?"

"It's Lyla, M'lady. I have brought you your breakfast."

With a soft groan of exertion, Cassandra rolled back over onto her back and then sat up in bed. She brushed her long, black hair back behind her shoulders and cleared her throat before she spoke up again in a voice more fitting for a noblewoman as she addressed her maid again. "You may enter."

Lyla opened the door and brought the tray of fresh food from the kitchen over to the bed. Cassandra had hired dozens of people to staff Lothric Manor. Cooks, chambermaids, groundskeepers, guards, a stablemaster, and more. She paid them substantially more than they were likely to make elsewhere doing the same work, but that was of no concern to her since she could afford to pay them more due to her vast wealth.

Excusing Lyla, Cassandra began to eat her breakfast as she looked out her window to watch the sun rise over the mountains in the distance. The sky was clear, the birds were singing, and Cassandra was filled with warmth as she nourished herself and the dragon's offspring. She soon felt a fluttering kick in her stomach, which teased her pert lips into a warm smile. "Good morning, you two."
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