Avatar of autumoon


Recent Statuses

10 mos ago
Current ive found that i do not attract good roleplays. they seem to avoid me at any cost.
11 mos ago
no judgement for those who do disc rps, i just hate disc in general LMAO
11 mos ago
i hate studying for finals. so im not.
11 mos ago
theres suppose to be a snow storm rn but nothings happened yet and i just see lines of salt on the road and giggle
11 mos ago
i find it funny im nervous to join a rp on here but ive been rping for 6 years now.. like i SHOULDNT be so nervous?!?


erm idk what to put here- CHECK OUT MY 1x1 POST!

he/him, aroace, hopelessly in love the idea of romance

I've been a roleplayer for 7 years now, but only recently I've found Roleplayers Guild! For the past month I've been busy, but I've found myself coming back around to this because i now actually have free time!

Most Recent Posts

Location and Time: New york city; The Streets of Hells Kitchen - 2:08 PM
Character: Nadia Romanhoff

Interaction(s): None
Universe: Mcu.. kinda.

Nadia was use to this song and dance by now. She would walk down the streets of new york with her faked confidence and clothing that looked nicer then it really was. She hated cabs- too much faith put into the driver that they would take you where you need to go instead of ending up in their basement- so walking was the only way she made around the city. Anyways, it would mean if she got pulled over there was a chance someone could look too hard and dug too much to find out that there wasn't any real record of her birth- and she rather not put her and the fake names she has used in the past on the radar. She only settled in a week ago, and she had planned to stay around. Because it was such a large city, it was easy to get lost in the crowds. Anyways, she was a bit bored of living in small towns. Too many attachments.

Being whatever the fuck she was, she found that letting people too close, letting people know you, makes it easier for them to tell when you're lying. And she had too many secrets she couldn't risk. Plus, it kept from people realizing that she was so different if she didnt stay around for long. They couldn't realize that her skin was so pale you could almost see the runes on her skin. they couldnt feel the power that flowed under your hands and your back, where wings once where. They couldnt see that, when she got exhausted of using up her abilities, her ears would become pointer and her eye color would become foggy and she would look like something else entirely. A different species.

Because that was she was. She wasn't human- not really. Sure, she was born to two very human parents- but what fucked her up on the way? dunno. Her mother told her stories- that after many miscarriages, a light came to her in a dream and when she woke up she found out she was pregnant. Her father thought of her as a miracle, and knew that he couldnt let anyone take that light Nadia held in her. She was given a name, and many nicknames, and they loved her. Their fae.

Theres a reason why they weren't around anymore.

hussah! another one!

<Snipped quote by autumoon>

Yes it is.

then i think ima take a spin on daredevil, but in the main universe. ill havta start typing that up

Location and Time: City; Specific - 2:08 PM
Issue #1: We Don't Sell That Here

Interaction(s): None
Universe: N/A

He typed away on his computer, thinking of some filler text to put on it. He wanted to show that grey meant he was writing actions- plus, he wanted it to look neat. He then said, "Wow, that's funny.", looking at the text and wondering how to make it cooler. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Arcu risus quis varius quam quisque id diam. Et tortor consequat id porta nibh venenatis cras sed. Enim ut sem viverra aliquet eget sit. Egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu.

this is a shorter paragraph. talkity talk. Et tortor consequat id porta nibh venenatis cras sed.

"huh" he said.

"What"? they said


Interacting with (names here)
Location here

He typed away on his computer, thinking of some filler text to put on it. He wanted to show that grey meant he was writing actions- plus, he wanted it to look neat. He then said, "Wow, that's funny.", looking at the text and wondering how to make it cooler. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Arcu risus quis varius quam quisque id diam. Et tortor consequat id porta nibh venenatis cras sed. Enim ut sem viverra aliquet eget sit. Egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu.

this is a shorter paragraph. talkity talk. Et tortor consequat id porta nibh venenatis cras sed.

"huh" he said.

"What"? they said

quick question: is it allowed to have two character to play as?
i cant delete this can i
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