Peyton had hardly realized they had fallen asleep. A quick and brief shocking pain back sent her back to a reality to clear it up. As she felt a slight burning sting on her arm wrist, along with an odd goopy texture covering it. Needles to say, she juttedawake immediately, only to see three golden slimes with red eyes. One of them was even on her wrist while the others were surrounding her. She reacted on instinct and jumped up into a defensive pose with both her arms up. Which lead the slime on her wrist to fall to the ground.
“What the-. Not in bed. Not dreaming cause that hurt-…” She pieced together groggily.
“She’s awake! She’s awake.” One of the golden slimes simply stated.
“And hurry up, the others probably already got take down a rookie Digimon by now. We have to catch up.” Another proposed.
While the third, simply seemed to stare at her and huddled between the other two.
“Who are you, where am I, and what the heck did you do, do to me?” Peyton quickly asked in a barrage. She couldn’t help but stare at the watch that was now put on her wrist. In truth the darn thing looked like it was attached to her but that was likely her vision not fully processing things. It certainly looked like a watch, a very gothic and mechanical one at that. The screen of it placed on top of a sharp looking frame.
“No time to waste let’s get a move on! We can’t miss anything, especially not this soon.”One of the golden slimes began darting across the ground in some direction or another. Clearly more interested in a brawl which was relatable, sadly.
The first slime had a bit of a golden tint in its eyes looked between Peyton and its departing match. "I’m Zurumon, they’re Zurumon… and… that’s Zurumon. We’re sibling digimon. This is the digital world, and I helped get the digivice on you. We’re here as a team to save the digital world.” they stated, looking between all three of them.
“maybe they’re a differently evolved Zurumon..” The third slime muttered, before being immediately corrected by the golden-eyed slime. It was hard to even notice the third slime at all compared to the other two, kind of faded into the background.
“nope, don’t think that’s how it works.” The golden-eyed one looked between the phantasmal presenced zurumon and Peyton. “I… don’t think that’s how it works, may be wrong. Anyhow we need to go!” The golden-eyed one took off, and so did their quieter sibling.
Peyton, being in the middle of the woods and seeing random slime creatures didn’t feel particularly certain about things. Felt like she had a crazy head case, like from that book Malice in Neverland or whatever. She was definitely getting a F on that paper tomorrow. Not knowing where she was and seeing as the slimes apparently did, she’d take off following after them. Also a fight between monsters of some sort, in a digital world, like a video game but directly in front of you in 3D. Who could miss that?
“Can’t call you all Zurumon that’s going to confuse me all day.” Peyton called out in a run. “Um, the talkative one, calling you Golden-Eye, Quiet one… Phantom-Pain, think that’s a cool game name according to commercials.” She shouted to the golden slime up from “And think I’ll call you Smash-Brawler!” She was trying to find the settings on this darn watch, it looked to have a digital display so it must have some settings to be fiddled with!
The leading golden called back. “No way! I want something cooler, something that scares the mons I’m about to fight.” The trio of Zurumon & Peyton, were catching up to a group of other people.
“Fine how about bone-breaker?” Peyton called out to the leading slime.
“Sounds awesome!” Bone-breaker, the new named slime called out, still dashing along.
The small team stopped in front of the other humans and Digimon gathered. Seemed she wasn’t the only other human wandering around out here, which was relieving to a degree. She hardly noticed she was jogging in place and was revved up to see something exciting. Although, wanting to skip through the pleasantries at a faster pace, in a fear of being late.
“Hi. Peyton, Golden-Eyes, Phantom-Pain, and Bone-Breaker. Now which way is the fight?” She pointed to herself, and the team of Digimon with her individually as the names were passed.