Avatar of Ayemdar
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    1. Ayemdar 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Just avoiding responsibilities, the usual.


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A friend and myself are looking for a game. We are both new as well. I have some D&D 5E starter stuff, though. And I've made a character once before for PF, we just never played. SO I do kinda know how that goes.
Hi I swear I'm alive. I'll get a reply in tomorrow!
In Zodiacs 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Sorry I've been MIA. I'm going to drop this roleplay. Sorry y'all.
Raven smiled at Jack. "Their malts are the BEST." She said enthusiastically. Her favorite was their vanilla malt, mmmm. "I think you've earned a day off. I'll get it excused." Raven felt bad for the boy, it was the least she could do for him.


Clara looked at Gavin with annoyance. "I'm not the only one that knows how to summon creatures, you know. Besides, I wouldn't make something so hideous." Clara smirked at that, joking in her own twisted way. She then looked over at K.C. "First, I don't take orders. I'll help because I have knowledge on it, and maybe can learn a thing or two from said person." Clara again joked in her own sick way.
Name: Lilah Rose
Age: 21
Race: Banek
Class: Dual Wield;
Affiliation: Supports the King

@Leo Khan You're good to go! Post him in the character tab.
@Leo Khan he's good, I just forgot to type in a personality section on the CS. Add that in please. Thank you!

Name: Lilah Rose
Age: 21
Race: Banek
Class: Dual Wield;

Affiliation: Supports the King

Lilah is fairly tall, 5'8, and slender. She has bright red hair that falls to her bottom. She likes to wear it down, but depending on the situation she might put it up into a high ponytail. Her most distinguishable feature is a scar of about 4 inches in length that runs vertically over her left eye.

Profession: Thief

Personality: Lilah seems to be a friendly and sweet girl. She's all smiles and will always lend an ear if you just want someone to listen. This is mostly a facade, however. Now, on one hand, she does enjoy being around people but on the other, her sweetness is an act to catch people off guard. Lilah is a thief and relies on other people to survive, without their knowledge of course.

Lilah can be condescending and some might call her arrogant, but you'll only see this side of her if she has nothing to gain from you. She spent her life exploiting others and doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon.

Behind what people see and what they think, is a damaged girl. Lilah hasn't coped with her parents' death properly. And honestly, she's so used to being fake and wearing a mask that she doesn't even know who she is anymore.

History: Lilah's childhood was good. She lived with her two loving parents in Torit. Her father was an advisor to the King and her mother stayed home and raised Lilah. She had the beginnings of a good, normal life. Then the tragedy struck when Lilah was 15.

Her house was attacked in the middle of the night while Lilah and her parents were sleeping. Lilah was sleeping safe and sound when her mother's screams startled her awake. She quickly ran from her bedroom only to see her parents on their knees in the living room, surrounded by three bandits. The leader of the three had a large axe pointed at her father's neck. Her father's last words to her before he was beheaded was "Run Lilah!" Lilah obeyed her father's last command as her mother's frightened screams filled the small house.

One of the smaller bandits chased Lilah out. She managed to swipe her father's dagger from a table as she ran, but the man still got a grip on her wrist and spun Lilah around so she was facing him. She instinctively stabbed the man in his right shoulder, but before she could get away he managed cut her on her face, over her left eye. Lilah made it out alive, but still sports that scar to this day.

Lilah ran through town and knocked on one of the neighbor's doors until they woke up and answered the frightened girl. They were horrified to see young Lilah with a bloody gash on her face. Once they calmed Lilah down enough for her to tell them what happened, the Banek couple rushed to Lilah's house, only to find it in flames. The next day, Lilah received a letter from King Keirris expressing his sorrow at the news. In the letter, he told Lilah that the bandits worked for the opposition to him. He assured Lilah that she couldn't let her parent's death happen in vain and that there was always a place for her in his army if she so chose.

After that horrific night, Lilah lived with the neighbors that helped her for a few years. She wasn't the same, though, and hardly even spoke to the gracious couple. That's when Lilah began thieving. She felt the world owed her. They took her family and life away, so she would steal back. With this line of thinking, thievery was easy for her. Over time Lilah developed a strategy that worked for her; gain the trust of her victims. The sweeter and kinder she was, the less likely someone would notice or accuse her of her criminal actions.

Once she was 20, Lilah grew tired of living in Torit. Every day was a reminder of her parent's murder, and the grief swallowed her whole. So Lilah packed up her things, including her father's blade, and left for Burril.

Lilah has been in Burril for close to a year now. She actively supports the king and feels its about time to take him on his offer to join the army. She lives in a small house on the edge of Burril and thieves to make a living.
@SaikaAnge I think it's fine. Go for it. (:
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