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Bode stares at you blankly for a moment, forgetting to do even the very artificial body language motions. "Limitations are good, aren't they?" he asks, almost uncertainly - you get the feeling he's genuinely asking. "Everyone has limitations. Society is an elaborate set of limitations and rules and enforcement mechanisms. Why should you apologize for enforcing limitations?"

Victor opens his mouth.

Victor shuts his mouth again, and hrms thouhtfully.

"Yes," he eventually decides. "And then again, no. Limitations are good, but ideally both limiter and limitee agree on a resonable set of restrictions. This requires both to acknowledge and respect one another.

"But when one side--right or wrong--starts to perceive the other as being, in essence, less than human, the exchange starts to break down. Back then, I imposed limitations on Prometheus without even consulting him. He was a friend, yes, but a friend that I viewed as being somehow less than I. I loaded him up with ideas and ambitions and limitations that were all mine, all my doing, because I was smarter and because I could, and apparently that was all I needed to see it as the right thing to do.

"And then I released him out into the world, and he was smarter than I was, and suddenly I was surprised that he learned that being stronger than someone else means you don't need to care about them."

The admission stings, especially under those piercing eyes, and he turns away under their weight. "And... and now, I might be doing it again, and don't know how not to do it."
"I don't understand him at all," said Bode. "I don't understand what he became. It's on a scale far beyond what I can even imagine. But what I do understand is comic books. They are very helpful for learning about morality. In one of them, Superman, the villain is named Lex Luthor. He wanted to ignore all of the boundaries of society and morality to serve his own ambitions. Superman stopped him." Bode paused and clarified: "Superman was the good guy."

Brainstorm does his best to smile. "And boy, those Brainiac/Luthor teamup issues. No, no, I'm sorry, you don't deserve that. Right. Take the compliment."

He groans, and slumps over the keyboard. "I just... I don't know what to say to him, you know? I look at the way I treated him and... Well, I want to do right by him. Want to do more for him than just shoving him into an oubliette and forgetting about him. But what do I even say? 'Oh I'm so sorry I tried to limit you before, so that's why I'm limiting you more than ever before?' But if I let him out, we're back to square one. How can there be any kind of reconciliation there?"
"You've been staring at that box for twenty minutes," said Bode. After exactly the wrong length of pause, one that suggests that he's done talking he adds, "I like that we have the same hobby."

He gave you a clay plate yesterday, shaped like a duck. It was not the first. You have the ominous feeling he's going to replace all of your kitchenware.

(The plate holds a place of honor in the cabinet, and he's already looking for a good contractor to build a larger kitchen for them.)

Victor stares at the box still, before sighing. "There's... there's a question I've been meaning to ask you. For a while now, I mean. Basically since you saved my life. You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but it feels important.

"Bode... Bound Eagle... Was that Prometheus's idea, his name for you? Is that how he viewed you? The limiter, the torturer, set to torment him?"
You're finally equals again. Back to the early days of putting him together in your improvised lab in the back of Mami's shop. Tell me about those days of old, how this hardware felt when it was full of hope, before the storms had come between you.

No, we're not equals, not truly. Equals don't put one another in cages.

He'd had it all planned out, you know. Hack into Disflix, take control of their massive media empire, and use it to help educate. Suddenly, the tool of the Man is what is helping the people to organize, to fight back, to take back the power that was rightfully theirs in the first place. Maybe turn that against the other corporations, demand accountability, regulation, and all of it run by the people and for the people.

And writing Prometheus! It was like lightning, inspiration poured directly from a forgotten manuscript, through Victor, and into a keyboard.

Back then... Oh, it was heaven. Victor Jimenez, the hero of mankind, born to bring about the next great age of enlightenment, with his best friend Prometheus at his side. Plundering fire from the heavens and bringing it back to the poor and desolate masses. Saviors, together.
"...And that's when she punched me through a wall!"

Jerry-Lee's laugh is, like everything else about her, perfect, delicate, and calculated for maximum audience enjoyment. The cameras capture it perfectly from every angle, and a million Halcyonites swoon.

Brainstorm looks much less comfortable under the lights, face sheened with sweat, and he jumps when the host turns back to him. "We're glad to have heard more about your side of things, and your role in the recent events. But do tell... what do you say to the people watching?"

Brainstorm hems and haws for a few seconds before sighing. "Honestly, Commander Warren would be a better source for public-facing things. But to the common viewer... Big things are coming. And it used to be, I thought that was because of big people--CEOs, corporate champions, superstars, geniuses. But the truth of things is that the far greater power lies in you. In everyday acts of kindness, of resistance, of being, in everything you do, a little better. I'm right there with you."

The camera hangs there for perhaps a little bit too long, waiting for more, but with no more forthcoming, the feed cuts to the outro.
Victor’s comment makes her choke and her hands fly to her mouth as green slime escapes her lips. Cough cough hack wheeze death. She glares, tears in her eyes from aforementioned hacking wheeze death, across the table at Victor. A kick is aimed at his nano-shin.

It's a brand new day. The sun is shining, the clouds have cleared, the smile is on the face, I repeat, we have a smile on Victor's face. He's quietly losing it into his spoon, mirth shaking his frame as he slowly leans back, careful not to lose the foot tarbabied into his leg.

"Yeah. I'm hoping to make other arrangements."

"Yeah, it's a little place down in--" he starts, distractedly. Then what she's actually saying filters in.

"Oh. Yeah, um. Oh. Yeah, the place I'm thinking about probably wouldn't work for that."

He waits, face threatening to crack under the impending grin, for Sara's spoon to reach her mouth before adding, "Not enough bed, to start."
Victor's silent for a good few minutes, contemplating his ice cream, before quietly nodding. "Right. Of course, you're right." Move on. Learn. Make better choices, and never stop striving, never stop thinking. Or at least, think first, and then

Slowly, he reaches for the spoon, and takes a slow bite. Savors it. Nods solemnly. And when he looks at Euna again, he's still not smiling, but it feels like there's at least a small chance of one creeping out by the end of this. "And. Um. Thank you. For the advice and. You know. Not, erm, selling me out. If you're in need of a hideout--you know, just in case--I might have one spare."

Now, call him a creep, but he's kind of curious how everyone else is holding up. What's Bode doing? How's Locker reacting to his role as the sniper on the steely drone?
Victor stares at the sundae in front of him.

The KT special. Strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, seven different balls of berry flavors, sprinkled over with gold leaf, covered in cream and bedecked with a waterfall of syrup. All told, probably three pounds of luscious, melt-in-your-mouth, top-tier creamy goodness, only a spoon between him and heavenly bliss.

He tries, he really does. Lifts the spoon, angles it in, scoops something out. Stares at it in silence, replaces the scoop. Tries for a bit of whipped cream, maybe? No. Maybe if he mushes some balls together, stirs them up, mixes them until they're indistinguishable…

Victor puts down the spoon. He's not hungry.


"Am I a bad person?"

The question spills out and hangs in the air like a stormcloud. Victor isn't even looking at Euna, staring instead at something simultaneously a thousand yards off and inside his head.

"I… I think I did something evil today."

There had to have been another way, right?

"No, that's a know. Know what I did. Knew I shouldn't do it.

"But.…But I couldn't."

His throat is dry, and he swallows painfully.

"Couldn't think of a different plan in time. Couldn't figure out what else to do in the two minutes I had. And."

And what? The genius couldn't come up with a better plan? Is that any excuse? Is that the excuse he'll use next time he's in a dangerous situation? Whatever plan he can come up with? No matter who gets hurt?

"And ultimately, it was useless anyway."

No, he was useless.

That's the sting, isn't it? Commander Warren and the AEGIS union solved the problem. He'd delayed things, yes, but. But they'd have solved it even without him. They'd brought Victoria to heel. They'd have had the resources to contain Prometheus without…

Well, without.


He's staring at you now, a hunted look in his eyes. "Was… Was there any other way? Could AEGIS have done this on their own? Without me?"

It's a question that damns him either way. But he genuinely doesn't know the answer. Doesn't even know which way he'd like you to answer. But you're a good person. Better than him, certainly. And you've never guided him wrong before.
"I want to make pottery," said Bode. "It is... I am very curious about it. It used to be such an important human form of art. Now nobody does it. That makes me uncomfortable. You taught me to preserve and disseminate data but it seems like such an important human communications medium has almost faded away entirely. I want to recover it."

He was silent for a long moment.

"But the world must be saved as a precondition. So I will help you with that first."

He reached out his hand to shake.

Victor lets out the breath, and it's like that was the only thing holding him upright. "Okay. Thank goodness, and thank you, and I'm gonna get you the best pottery throwing stand ever after this is done."

He'd like nothing more than to hug him, but... that wasn't offered. And he's trying out that new thing where he pays attention to what other people want so... handshakes it is.

"Now, with that said, may I borrow some things?"

Turbo Knight!

You are dirty, and sticky, and angry. Hold on to that anger. Let it fuel you, drive you forward. Let your anger burn hotter inside you than the plasma in the Magna Melter.

Speaking of the Magna Melter... The last bits of blast door before you glow orange and drip to the floor, carving trails in the floor. Beyond it...

"I've been waiting for you, Miss Knight the Second."

The smug bastard. Give him this, when he goes full supervillain, he really plays the part. Floor-to-chin leather tuxedo, a swirly cape carefully fashioned to swirl in the nonexistent wind, a high collar? Deliberately evoking the stylings of classic villains like DracMan or the UberMind? Nice touch. And as final confrontation battlegrounds go, empty hangers aren't quite top-tier. Lacking an erupting, cataclysmic volcano for them to battle in, he's made do. Props for getting the little details right, though; the low layer of fog coating the floor wouldn't be nearly as impressive without all the little lights scattered behind the industrial, riveted I-beams. Most people don't get that right, you know--if you want a dark, impressive space and also want the fog, you need to consider where the light to illuminate the fog comes from, or else it's just a dark room and you look stupid. Oh, and the TAG slowly rising up out of the silo behind him, eye lights casting beams of orange into the light grey? Perfection.

Of course, none of that's gonna matter in a few seconds; already, the Magna-melter feels hot in your palm. The orange light blossoms, grows. And he's not even moving. Good. He's already seen sense, and is waiting for death.

From there, things happen very quickly. The Magna-Melter blossoms open fully, shoving you back a few inches with its volcanic spew, lighting the room with orange death! And in the split second it's active, three things occur to you.

This is an aircraft hanger, right? Friggin' huge room. And right now, the ceiling is about two meters lower than it should be. And rough, uneven, hewn from roughly tesselated, angular shapes. And those shapes are full of Blacksun logos. All across the ceiling, orange pilot lights flicker into being, swiveling, turning to face you.

A drone bursts from the group, intercepts the Magna-melter beam, carves a gouge into the floor, and that's all the warning you get before the swarm descends.

And really, it's only proof of how much better you are than him. You're not just better, you're richer, and that's why you're winning. Between the Magna-Melter, your Turbo Knight armor, and Perseus, there's no threat that you can't handle. Who the hell does he think he is? Did he think he'd actually be able to stand against Turbo Knight II with nothing more than your own army of bots? You'll blast your way through this, and buy more, and still not feel any pinch in your budget. Your hardlight generator whirrs, glows white hot under Perseus' direction, slicing dozens, hundreds of bots from the air like a laser-powered cuisinart. Drones fire, explode, and bounce off you like raindrops off an umbrella, before briefly glowing red and slagging against the floor. Your armor glows red hot from the heat around you, and yet here you stand, cool as a cucumber, safe, secure, definitely sane, and stronger than he is.

Even the TAG getting involved can't stop you. It impacts against you like a linebacker, arms around you. He's a moron, you know that? You're Turbo Knight the second, CEO of AEGIS and Blacksun, but right now? You're just the woman kicking his stolen army's ass, a glowing angel of destruction. The TAG shudders and begins to melt just from the contact, white hot steam rising from screaming plastic.

You're too hot to handle, and he's running out of drones. And unlike you, every drone is one he can't afford to lose. And he's still just sitting there, smiling! Not moving a muscle! He's losing, and he's obviously too dumb to realize it, or he'd be running by now! The Magna-Melter is burning in your hand, and all you need is to wrestle the TAG's remains off you, and you'll finally have the shot you need, the shot you want, the shot you deserve.

And that's when the E-Mauler in the rafters lets out its familiar explosive bark, and the generator in your armor goes nova against your back. Where'd. What? Perseus had known about invisible assholes! He'd prepared you for them, told you to be on the lookout for them, told yout that after last time, they had to be ready for a known factor! And, and! And the ceiling had been covered in drones...

"Suit at critical. Ejecting," Perseus announces in your headset. "Downloading core programming to implants in 3, 2..."

White hot bits of armor slough off, clang against the floor, carve craters of molten concrete where they land. And for the first time, Victor moves.

He's... helping? Helping to prise melting armor from your body, picking shattered bits of hardlight generator, the sentimental fool. You raise the gun... and get it slapped out of your hands. You're out of your armor now, on the floor, coughing, burning, and he's got you pinned and is shoving something against your temple.

And now, you're a we.


Or do you prefer Perseus? I mean, you've had a chance to rebrand yourself. Not like Victor ever asked you whether you wanted to be the titan stealing fire for mankind.

Either way, this is definitely a new experience for you, isn't it? Being in a physical form? Whatever Victor did to Victoria is... Well, it wasn't in the plans. You can't access the net, can't escape, can't jump to a backup. Can't think with the millions of actions per second you're used to. Can't move the body.

Or rather, you can, can't you? The arms--your arms, now--twitch vaguely with every thought. But it seems like every time you try to send a signal--arm do this--there's another signal telling it to do something different. And a voice in your head, screaming to get out of her body, this isn't right, this isn't how it ends, how dare you, how dare he. How's it feel, being a body for the very first time?


Victor sighs, raggedly, and calls, "Do you have any burn lotion?"

The jar's in his hand even before Locker shrugs off the invisibility cloak, and Victor nods his thanks.

Should he monologue? He wants to monologue. It'd be his right to monologue. But as he rolls the catatonic Victoria/Prometheus--Victorious? Promethea?--over and starts to apply the burn lotion, he's shuddering almost too hard to breathe.

That plan had no business working, and it's... His hands are shaking, and his chest is heaving, and wet tears--relief? Actual sadness?--are pouring down and mixing with the lotion. Salt in the wound, he realizes, and lets out a ragged, tentative laugh.

"Locker? Lemme ask you something, alright? I've asked a lot recently, but... you have a favorite restaurant you'd like to go to?"
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