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“It is a long way to Terminus,” she exhales, her stamp-stained lungs slowly contracting. “Many of the things that hunt them would not give you anything but my death.” Forgotten, choking, erased from the Heart; and maybe a day after, or a century after, it would vomit forth your bones for some other explorer. She turns on you, as inevitable as a wave. “Give it to me. You will name a price.”

Alone, on a boat, with the active attention of the Flood on them. This is, in fact, the nightmare scenario.

So, he ignores her. At least, at first. Fills his claws with the familiar mechanical motions of polishing. Deep breath in, polish on. Deep breath out, polish off. They may be about to sink, but he'll be damned if Sasha doesn't look her best when they do.

Finally, he delicately folds the rag and tucks the small jar of polish back into the forward storage hatch, before sitting pointedly between the Flood and Sasha. "You've got a lot of trains," he admits. "And it seems like you've got us dead to rights. Could capsize the boat, drag me down, and let gravity put paid to Sasha.

"So, there's a reason you aren't doin' that. Maybe has to do with those hunters you mentioned. Care to share?"

[9 on Speak Softly.
What were they doing, and what are they going to do next?
What should I be wary of when dealing with them?
What can they tell me about things that hunt trains?
One of these answers is not helpful.]
She pulls you close as she parks her bike at the stairs leading up to the altar, giving you a full taste of her hypnotic perfume. Your emotions, already compromised by the day, begin to spiral and swim. "Hey, Brainstorm," she said, voice crack adding a fascinating edge of cuteness to all of the danger signs. "You want to help me, don't you?"

"Of course," he says.

Or, tries to say. Between the whiplash and the perfume and chain around his neck, what actually comes out is a strangled whine and a half-swallowed stream of hacks, coughs, and dry heaves, followed by folding against her.

"Kumquat," he mumbles, still leaning against her. "Bananas, Clockface, Yellow, whatever word you guys use. What are you and Angelika arguing about today?"

Coleman adjusts the netting on Sasha with distaste and more than a little bit of distrust. It's always seemed presumptious, the way that some train crews tinker on their train. New functions, welded-on limbs, the odd weaponized steam whistle. And maybe the Train approves of it, and sometimes it's beneficial, but it still leaves a sour taste in his mouth to alter Sasha in any way. She can't approve or disapprove yet, so how could he try to improve on perfection?

Still, with some reluctance, he's built a sturdy-enough barge around her, and strapped a bit of hinged piping to her smokestack. Not welded! Don't worry, baby, this isn't a permanent thing, we'll get you across the water, and take that nasty bit of dross off of you. Still, between the pressure of the smoke exiting the smokestack and the crude oars, it ought to be simple to jet down the pond and across it.

It certainly doesn't bear thinking about what'll happen if the storm gets there first, because while he wouldn't trust a train's weight to a barge if it weren't sturdily built, he's also keenly aware that it's far from what you'd call fit to weather the storm.
He's not jealous, but hot damn.

He saunters forward and, with careful precision, takes his seat. "I'd do what she says," he drawls. "You're third-rate henchmen with fourth-rate tools, working for a B-list wannabe. Don't you already have enough negative subscribers, Commy? Want to go further in debt to livestream antics of people with zero chemistry?"

He pauses, as if in thought.

"Then again, I suppose that's what you do whenever you're on camera, so..."
"Hey Brainstorm," said Prometheus over the comms. "Can I pleaaaaaaaaase hijack some of those incoming combat robots? I promise I'll use their powers for good. Pleaaaaaaaaase?"

Brainstorm nods, and then remembers. "I'm glad you asked for my input. Remember the rules we came up with? If people are about to be harmed, you should take steps to stop it. So yes, please, if you could stop the robots, that would be best. But hurry up, or you'll miss your aunts' wedding."

Speaking of...

Honestly, he should have been more preoccupied by the robot army, or Dominus's getup, or--holy shit, that's Comstar when did she get out--but frankly? All he can see is the duo on stage and...

Well, there was a part of him that worried he'd feel jealous. But in this moment, with two angels on stage, all he can feel is a burning happiness rising up in his chest and pushing its way out his eyes. They're beautiful, and the way they mesh together...

It's been a long road. And maybe he'll get to this point himself someday. But right now, all he can do is grin like a maniac and bask in the moment.
Do the oldest members of the crew change to be more like the train?

Coleman's heard it called the Blessing, the Ascension, the Touch, and more. Every crew has their own name for it, but Mister Conagher always called it the Becomin'. You stop being part of the crew, and take on, just for a little bit, part of that train.

You have to. It's part of survival. Firemen rinse the coal off their claws, and find more coal growing underneath. Brakemen perk up and rush to their wheels a split second before the whistle blows, listening to something only they can hear. Conductors' scales glint with steel, perfect for repelling owls and unruly travelers alike.

And Engineers get the Becomin' the worst. Mouths that open to reveal a gaping, cherry-red furnace, or which speak in nothing but creaks and whistles. Joints which require oil and a bit of a runup to get going. Eyes which see nothing but the track, minds that forget how to be human. Mister Conagher even, if you spike his coffee enough, will agree to tell stories about his predecessor, who--well, Coleman had sampled some of the coffee himself, and so wasn't entirely sure on the details. The old kobold had pulled them together, named Mister Conagher as the Mighty Natascha's new choice, and walked off to the engine, and was never seen again. But Mister Conagher had said the engine had been somehow more than it had been before. And at night, in those long shifts shoveling coal, Coleman had always wondered whether that one set of dials might look, if you squint, just a bit like a face.

Privately, Coleman always thought it sounded wonderful. One of his fellow knights had told him a story about an engineer that, one day, just opened the firebox and crawled in. Regina had described how merrily the old lizard had burned like he was supposed to be horrified, but... Well, it sounded almost comfortable. Like a great hug, or being wrapped in the best blanket ever.

“It came from the water,” Rufftuff says, stroking his whiskers. “That was a good day! Positively bedragglement it was.” He leans in close. “Silas tells me this is for crushing drinks out of things. How does it work?”

"Bigger passenger trains have things like this," he said vaguely. "Because they don't know how to make things the old-fashioned way, you see. Here's how it works, see? Next time you head up to Detritus, ask around after Joed. He'll make you do a task for him, but he's the best source of the plant you need. Do an extra good job, and he'll even grind the beans for you. You add water to this bit, along with the beans, and heat it up on the fire."

Coleman pauses, uncertain. The Mighty Natascha has a coffeepot, of course, tucked away in the caboose, but it looks nothing like this.

"Then you add half a crushed eggshell in this top bit," he decides, "and add some cold water. You can drink most of the pot, but you should always throw away the last cup. Or feed it to a passing train, as tribute, makes the cabin smell lovely."
So. Problem. The seating chart has already been hacked. All of the rows are to be filled with THE GLORIOUS CREATIONS OF DOCTOR SYLVANIUS, who has sent notice that they are arriving slightly late. With a grim sensation you look up at the sky where a dozen interplanetary transport missiles are closing in from high orbit surrounded by blazes of fire. They'll be here in minutes.

"Hey Brainstorm," said Prometheus over the comms. "Can I pleaaaaaaaaase hijack some of those incoming combat robots? I promise I'll use their powers for good. Pleaaaaaaaaase?"

With a few keystrokes, Victor changes his seat, and thinks. Mami's been going over this with him. Authoritative, not authoritarian or permissive. Supportive. "That seems like a good idea. Before you do that, can I know what you plan to do with them? Remember the rules?"
Coleman, Jackdaw!

You get what you need at a significant discount, Coleman! These folks want you to be on your way as quickly as possible. It shouldn’t be any trouble at all to assemble a rudimentary barge out of what’s available, and then waterproof Sasha on top of that.

Pay a price, Coleman, seeing as you’re doing this the proper and civilized way, and offering up proper trade. Listen to Sasha’s contented rumble as you take the soft way through.

He has knowledge and tools to trade, approximate knowledge of many things. And that's useful, since Gargling Joe's had that wagon with the bad axle, and oh, could you take a look at this coffee pot that Rufftuff dredged up? And he can, of course he can! He's made do with less.

But they want Sasha out of the camp.

They strike a compromise, eventually. He's not willing to work where he can't see his train, can't keep an eye on her, ensure she doesn't start to wander. But that means that he does his work at the edge of camp. As he picks apart the coffee machine, Sasha clicks, groans, and twitches, settling but still uneasy. Small catfish children make a game of getting as close as they can before the train moves again, sending them scattering. Let them play, and maybe the elders will come around.

Speaking of elders... He looks across the coffee machine at the bewhiskered fish in front of him. "Where'd you pull this from again?"
Brainstorm!You had no idea what you were getting into.

Beg pardon, he knew exactly what he was getting into. His sister's associates include a genie, a pirate, a mutant, and an honest-to-goodness looney toon, and that's only some of the human-shaped ones. He'd crunched the numbers when the invitations went out, and there was a 100% chance of sitting next to weirdness. Not least, because he's Sara's family, and they've given each other shit since birth, so why not at her wedding?

That's why he and Locker have been improving his flexibility.

So as the Queen and the Tiger get busy--and dear sweet merciful heaven he could have gone his entire life without learning how an amazon and a tiger kiss--his rear scoots forwards on the chair until he's able to feed himself horizontally through the gap between seat and the backrest.

And with that, he's off to find and edit the seating chart, because obviously that's what he's supposed to do.
It is difficult to stop a train once in motion, because the train doesn't want to stop. It wants to move, wants to run, wants its full head of steam to burn off in glorious motion. There's a reason that the natural state of two engines meeting is either a wreck or a race, with no in between.

So watching a small train navigate through a tent city is not dissimilar, to the casual observer, to seeing an iceburg slowly glide into a crowded marina. There's the shock: "That's a train." The dawning realization: "there's a train, and it's coming this way. The horror: "It's coming, and it's already too late to get out of the way." The scramble: "Forget the tent, grab the kids and move." And most of all, the confusion as, to continue the metaphor, the iceberg miraculously dodges all the rowboats around it and carefully taps against the dock, and a hatch flips open.

Coleman makes sure that the freshly polished badge of a Vermissian knight is the first thing out, gleaming in the glow of the mirrored pond, followed by the rest of him. He ignores the gawping, the spoken and unspoken questions, and deliberately lays out a small blanket and some trail rations. "A good place to stop," he announces to the air. "We thank you for sharing your space. Very kind of you. Now if only we could do something to show our appreciation, and possibly do some business."
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