Avatar of Balthazar007


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3 yrs ago
Current New beginnings mean an end to old starts, and that is never a bad thing.
5 yrs ago
Finger Nails or Toe Nails???
6 yrs ago


This is my second profile on here, and I have been Play-By-Post RPing for about nine years now. I do my best to see every RP to the end or at least let my character come to his/her own dramatic conclusion when I feel like signing off. Just like novel writing in real life, I tend to find myself on long hiatuses. Since writing is a great way to work out your brain, I try stay engaged as much as possible.

My favorite genres include futuristic worlds, mysteries, and super powers. Any mixture of these three elements will peek my interest.

Most Recent Posts

I was considering a battle junkie Arcane Pugilist. So maybe infusing his gauntlets with elemental magic, or perhaps a bit of mix between CQC and Magic

I'd be okay with your character turning out like that, but ...

All characters are going to start at level 1 with no skills or specialties. Your character's journey starts at the very beginning of their growth. They have the potential to become any type of character or class. Sure, their backstories may influence the decisions they make, which then dictates how they grow, but they don't start off with any magical items or special skills.

You can, however, obtain all the items and abilities you mentioned above by completing missions. Through doing this, you will be able to build this character from the ground up!

I don't know she'll fit in with your narrative - a half-dark elf, raised by a mage (well, his housekeeper) and his man-at-arms in a sort of twisted revenge plot for being fired from his job as a court mage by the prince when he assumed the throne. On the prince's wedding night, he wound up in the wrong bed, and her mother delivered her to the mage after she was born.

This all sounds like spicy drama. I like it. But just to get the story straight:

her mother delivered her to the mage after she was born

This character's mother slept with the prince on his wedding night, carried the baby in secret, and after the baby was born, she brought it to the mage and the man-in-arms that raised it. And the baby, of course, is your character?

I think I followed, but I wanted to be sure.
<Snipped quote by Balthazar007>

Sorry! The character I had in mind is not a mage or a warrior, so I'm re-casting.

Re-cast as you like, but there really isn't a need. If you're referring to the mission that required a fighter or battle mage, that was just an example. I haven't made any official missions yet.

What kind of character were your thinking? I could probably make some missions that would fit. They don't have to all be combat oriented.
Hola @Expendable, @twannyman, & @rush99999!

I'm taking my time getting this RP up and running. There should be enough information there for you to start brainstorming up characters or asking questions.

This RP will likely be up and running with a decent number of missions to choose from by next week. If you have any ideas or would like to help CO-GM it, please let me know.


A Brief History

There once was a world known as Gamistra, a world filled with magic and mayhem. The four most dominant societies of this world lived together on a continent called Rodovia. Three of the four societies lived on the surface, while the forth lived within the caverns that extended beneath the entire continent.

For as far back as history stretched, the three over-world societies were constantly at war. Like all wars, they battled over territory and resources. Meanwhile the souls of the under-world stayed out of these conflicts. In fact, for the longest time, the existence of the under-world went largely unknown to the three warring nations...

Then, one fateful night, many generations ago, the creatures of the under-world let their presence be known in the most dramatic way possible. All across the continent, in the heart of every major city, geysers spewed forth, dormant volcanoes exploded, and fissures split the grounds. A glowing mass of violet lava flowed through the streets. From these openings, legions of monsters emerged, the stuff of nightmares. Their rampage lasted through the night and did not stop until the rising of the sun.

The aftermath was devastating, but it wasn't over. The fissures, geysers, and holes left behind by the volcanic eruptions remained open. There was nothing to stop the monsters from returning, and sure enough, when night fell they reemerged in full force. This time the armies of the three kingdoms had returned their forces back to their homelands and managed to stave off the monster invasion.

It was a hallow victory. For the monsters would return every night for the next year. The armies of the three kingdoms would fend them off until morn, and each night they would return. Eventually, both the armies of the three kingdoms and the monstrous hordes were thinned, thinned but not quelled. The monsters that emerged, while less in number, were far more powerful than the swarms that came before, giant terrible creatures.

Luckily, through the tides of battle, the three kingdoms had found their own champions, the few brave souls that could stand their own against the forces of evil. They worked in small teams, three to five champions per monster. The clashes between the Demon Lords (as they would soon come to be called) and the brave heroes were even more destructive than the full scale battles that came before.

These battles lasted for another year, becoming more and more sporadic. Until eventually, they stopped. The cities that once stood proud were now demolished, and all survivors had moved as far away from them as possible, and had already started to build new settlements. It took years, but the fissures and holes from which the under-world monsters emerged eventually sealed shut.

When the dust was settled, the three kingdoms of the over-world came together. They signed a peace treaty, putting an official end to the ageless conflicts between them. Instead, they would become a united front against the forces of the under-world, should the monsters ever return...

It has been nine generations since the treaty between the three kingdoms was signed. Small hoards of monsters emerge from time to time, but thanks to the Inter-Kingdom Hero Program, they never deal too much damage. The only reason for worry is the occasional Demon Lord rampage, an event that has come to be expected once a generation.

There is no telling where the great beast will appear or how many minions it will bring in tow, but one thing is for sure. It has been more than a generation since the last attack and we must be ready.

The Eisenmark Kingdom

Eisenmark, nestled at the heart of the continent of Rodovia, is a sprawling human kingdom characterized by vast open plains, rolling hills, and commanding plateaus. Known for its hardworking and resilient inhabitants, the people of Eisenmark have cultivated a society deeply rooted in agriculture, with golden wheat fields stretching across the landscape.

The cities of the kingdom are practical and sturdy, constructed of stone and timber. They stand as testaments to the industrious and resilient nature of its people. These cities and the towns that surround them are primarily powered by windmills and runestones, harnessing the power of the wind and sun.
Eisenmark Kingdom Locations

The Sylvanthal Kingdom

Sylvanthal, the kingdom of elves, is situated in east Rodovia. It is a realm of ethereal beauty and serene majesty. Its cities, intricately woven into the ancient forest canopy, blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings. Whether you are in a city or the smallest of towns, you will always be surrounded by lush greens and flowing waters.

The elves of Sylvanthal are known for their mastery of the art of tree-singing, a harmonic form of communication with the ancient trees and gentle breezes. This connection extends to their artistic expressions, with elven cities adorned with intricate carvings, ethereal music echoing through the treetops, and vibrant festivals celebrating the changing seasons.
Sylvanthal Kingdom Locations

The Nyamachan Kingdom

Nyamachan, situated in west Rodovia, is a powerful kingdom inhabited by the beast folk. Nestled amidst towering peaks, dense woodlands, and vast grasslands, Nyamachan is a realm where nature and civilization coexist in a unique harmony.

The beast folk, with their animalistic features and primal instincts, have intricately woven their society into the fabric of the wilderness. Cities cling to rocky precipices, nestled among ancient trees, or designed for freedom in the open grasslands. Nyamachan's culture is deeply rooted in the respect for the land and celebrated with dances that pay homage to their pure-animal ancestors.
Nyamachan Kingdom Locations

Haven't seen the thread yet....

Ah yes, I have been taking my time on it. It is technically posted, but it isn't finished. Here's what I have so far:
Character Creation Guidelines

First) There are only two formatting guidelines for this RP. One, put your character sheet in a hider, and label the hider with the name of your character (the name your character usually uses to introduce themself). If you don't know how to use hiders, look through the "formatting cheatsheet" at the bottom of the page. The second formatting guideline is to simply include all the required information in the same order they are mentioned. Otherwise you are allowed to make your character sheet look as fancy or as simple as you like.

Second) Each section of a character sheet has its own requirements and sometimes a set of options from which to choose (such as race). When options are given, you must pick something on the list, or if you want something added to the list, you may reach out to me through DMs and request a new option be added. I will usually approve, as long as it doesn't affect the gameplay or give you any sort of additional advantages.

Name: (Required)
Age: (Required: 15+)
Race: (Required: Human, Elf, Beast-Folk)
Appearance: (Required: An animated picture (no real people) and/or a detailed description.)
Personality: (Required: Detailed description)
Biography: (Required: Detailed description. Minimum of three paragraphs.)
Skills / Titles: (Leave Blank)

Stats: (Required)
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Constitution: 1
Intelligence: 1
Wisdom: 1
Charisma: 1

Inventory: (Optional)
(List up to 10 items/supplies. I will look through it all and approve or disapprove of each item.)

Here is an example Character Sheet:

Character Sheet Dictionary

To complete a mission/quest, all you need is to meet certain requirements. But to aid in your roleplaying emersion, here's a more detailed list of terms.

Stats: The six basic measurements for a character's mind and body. Each stat begins at 1 and maxes out at 20. 1 is as average as a normal person. 20 is nearly god-like. Here are some benchmarks to keep in mind when thinking about each of these stats...

Strength: 5 = You can pick up and crush large sandstone boulders with some effort. // 10 = You can punch through steel and carry solid objects five times your size. // 15 = You can pummel your way through the side of a mountain, one punch at a time. // 20 = You can blast holes in almost anything with relative ease, and if mountains weren't built into the earth, you could heave one above your head with a single arm.
Hello, and welcome to the OOC section of Kingdom's United, a quest-based adventure roleplay. I can't wait to embark on this journey with all of you.


Our story takes place in a peaceful fantasy world, a world that hasn't seen a single war between kingdoms for nearly nine generations. However, this doesn't mean that all is well. There are still monsters and other dark forces at play. To combat these evils, the kingdoms are always on the lookout for talented heroes.

So what qualifies someone to become a hero? It is both a complex topic for debate, yet at the same time, it is quite simple. To be considered a potential hero, one must possess an aptitude for learning. Simply put, all potential heroes have the rare ability to learn any kind of magic or technique. All they need is exposure and training in an art to learn it.

The vast majority of people can use one or two schools of magic. Some may even use several forms of magic, but they have bodies that are too frail for combat. Some have physical abilities abound, but no skill for using magic. Now, don't be fooled, there is no shame in being average in this regard. One can still become a great mage or warrior without being a "hero". However, our story does revolve around these few select heroes.

So how does one find out if they are "hero" material? That is the simple part. A quick visit to any Divination Shop will tell you all you need to know. There you will find a Truth Seer, and for a modest fee, they will use their crystal ball to gaze upon your aura. The crystal ball will either glow a single uniform color, repeatedly flash between every color of the rainbow, or (if you visit the Truth Seer too soon) it may not glow at all; you will have to wait a little longer.

Those that see the changing lights have the gift of learning. They are OUR HEROES.
Getting Started

Should you join our tales, you will be playing as one of the heroes. You will make up your character's background and choose a starting location (Locations are found in the first post of the "IC" section.). Your character can be any age 15 and above (the earliest age a crystal ball has ever lit up for anyone). Visiting a Divination Shop before this age, is a waste of money, as your crystal ball will almost assuredly not show any results.

Once you have seen the dancing lights, you will want to visit to your local Hall of Heroes, a special building that can be found in any town or city. There you will receive your Hero in Training pass. With this pass, you will have access to free transportation between civilizations and free accommodations at many popular inns.

Your character will begin at with one point in every base stat. There will be no "leveling" in this RP, only stats and abilities. The stats here are will be based on D&D 5e stats, but you won't need to know anything about D&D to play in this RPG. (More information on character creation can be found in the "Characters" section.)

After your character sheet is approved, you will then be able to start taking missions and going on quests. Your character's stats and skills will grow, based on which quests you complete. Within each location, you will find a listing of missions/quests. Each will have certain requirements needed to complete it and the rewards associated with its completion. Let's take a look at an example:

Mission: Goblins in the Forests
Description: Goblins are attacking everyone who tries to travel through the northern forests. We need a hero to drive them back before the towns to the north decide to stop trading with us entirely!
Base Difficulty: 6 Posts // 12 Stats
Special Requirements: All party members must be a FIGHTER or a COMBAT MAGE
Rewards: Coins: ??? / +1 to two stats that are currently 3 or less / Items: short swords, crossbows, knives, small armor, ???
Objective: Defeat 10 normal goblins, 3 goblin assassins, and 1 goblin captain.

Let's talk about the example above. First we have the title of the mission, then we have its description, and at the bottom we have the objective. These are all fairly self explanatory; they let you know what you're supposed to be doing to complete this mission. How you accomplish these goals is up to you.

Base Difficulty looks at the totals of your party. This example says that it will take at least 6 posts to complete the mission and a total stats of all your party members must be at least 12. Technically, two brand new adventurers could take on this mission together if these were the ONLY requirements. However...

Next comes the mission's Special Requirements. These are the special skills and roles that members of your party must already possess in order to complete this mission. The mission above requires that all members of your party must be either a FIGHTER or a COMBAT MAGE. These are both titles earned as rewards from other missions.

Finally, you have the mission's Rewards. Wherever you see "???", that means I'll decide this after the mission is completed. And as you can see, once all your character's stats are above 3, your character will gain no stat benefits from this mission; aka time to move on to bigger missions or start a larger quest.

Note: As long as you meet the requirements to take on a mission, it is completely up to you to write out your adventure. Within the settings described in the mission's description, you can do anything you like, as long as its feasible with your character's current skills and stats.

Mission vs Quest: I've used these two terms almost interchangeably until now, and that is because the difference between them is simple. A mission is one set of qualifications and rewards. A quest is a string of missions that must be completed in a certain order to finish the quest. To accept a quest, you only need to qualify for the first mission. You can only be on one quest at a time, but you can take other non-quest-related missions along the way.
Posting Rules

This RP allows a great deal of freedoms. You will have complete control of all the NPCs in your missions/quests and be able to affect environments permanently. That being said, there are still certain guidelines that must be followed.

1) Wait for your character to be approved before you start posting. To submit a character sheet, simply go to the Characters tab and read the guidelines and the example. Then submit a character sheet based on these guidelines. Wait for me (Balthazar007) or a co-gm (none as of yet) to DM you with any changes that need to be made, if any.

2) Once your character is approved, you will be able to start posting in the IC section. You don't have to take any missions right away. You can simply walk around and describe your daily life. If you do this, stay within the theme of the location and not destroy anything. It is only within the frame of a mission that objects and characters in the environment should be destroyed or altered in any way.

3) If two or more players all agree to have any sort of conflict with one another, I'm not going to stop you. I also won't be weighing in on who should win. However, the golden rule of roleplaying still applies; NO GMing another player's character. I.e. no "auto-hitting" or "auto-succeeding" on any attacks or interactions. There are other RPs better suited for PvP; this one is more of a co-op.

4) Be respectable about your character's power level. Each of your skills can be improved too, like stats. So when you've just learned how to use wind magic, you shouldn't be able to summon tornadoes.

5) Make sure to include key points in your story. For instance, in the example above, it is highly implied that your party should defeat the goblins in combat, through your need to have FIGHTERS and BATTLE MAGES. So you shouldn't go and say you completed the mission through "seducing the goblin captain" or anything like that.

If everyone follows these guidelines, everything should run smoothly. If you do end up breaking one of these rules, I can come in after you've "completed your mission" and say "Nope, that wan't cannon. That was all a dream, and you receive no rewards." I am very lenient, so it will take some blatant rule breaking to make me do this.
1-3 starter quests where they go in solo to complete the mission, like rescuing a kitten out of a tree. they command all the NPCs, and you'll go in after the write up to see how deep the crater was? Only afterward will they work together?

Could be fun.

In short, yes. I think you get it. If you're interested in trying it out. I'll go ahead and start a thread and have it live by Sunday at the latest. I'll tag you when it's ready.
Hey there, fellow roleplayers of The Role Player Guild!

I hope you're all doing well and enjoying your roleplay adventures. I wanted to reach out and gauge your interest in something a bit different and exciting that I have in mind. I've been thinking about a new roleplay concept and I'm eager to share it with you all. So, without further ado, here's what I have in mind:

(Side-Note: Some roleplays may already work like this, but this will be my first time GMing one quite like this.)

Concept: Quest-Based Adventure

In this new roleplay, I'll be providing the settings, character sheet guidelines, and, a variety of thrilling missions and quests. The quests will come with specific guidelines for completion, such as character stats, special skills, and other requirements that your characters will need to meet. The best part is, I'll also lay out most of the rewards you will get for completing each quest, although there will be some surprises along the way.

How It Works:

  • You'll create a level 1 character with a set of base stats. These starting stats will be the same for every player, ensuring a level playing field. However there will be starter missions available to all (1 to 3 post missions) that you can use to mold your character as you see fit. This will also give you a feel for how the leveling up / reward system works.
  • Then, you'll form parties with other players to tackle more challenging quests/missions. Between everyone in your party, before you begin, you'll make sure you meet all the requirements for the chosen adventure. Then you'll begin writing, filling us in on how exactly you accomplished your goals.

Why It's Unique:

Unlike traditional roleplays, I won't be actively managing each individual quest as the Dungeon Master. This means that the roleplay won't get stuck in the middle of a quest if I happen to get too busy with real-life commitments. My role will primarily be in creating exciting new quests and building the world around them, providing you with a dynamic and ever-evolving setting for your adventures.

Within the settings described in your quest, you may do anything you like. Destroy entire environments for all I care. As long as your influence doesn't directly affect the world outside that area, it's all fair game. I'll decide after your quest comes to a conclusion, how exactly your actions may have affected the rest of the world/area around your quest's setting.

The Setting:

The world we'll be delving into is a fairly standard fantasy realm, but I'll be adding some unique twists and turns to make it more my own. So, get ready for unexpected challenges, curious mysteries, and a world ripe for exploration.

I'm really excited about this concept, and I believe it could be a lot of fun for all of us. But of course, I want to hear from you! If this idea piques your interest, or if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to share your thoughts in this thread. I'd love to know if you'd be interested in embarking on this adventure with me.

Let's make this new roleplay a fantastic and collaborative experience. Looking forward to your feedback and, hopefully, your participation in this exciting new journey!

Update: Here is the new thread. It's almost live.

Best regards,
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