Avatar of BangoSkank


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
1 yr ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
1 yr ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
1 like
1 yr ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.
1 yr ago
I think you can develop a flair. A personal style. Words and phrases you like. That's why I don't get using Grammarly for word suggestions.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

You my favorite GM fledermaus. I love how you GM.
I've got a slightly longer OP saved as a Private Message to myself and a list of other stuff but I'm gonna have to make my format less shit so it doesn't just become a long ass wall of text.

Also (insert heart emoji) Ammo.
Just wanted to chime in and ask if anyone else has a good ass answer for

"what does success mean for me as a GM/RPer"

At some point I want to edit in a few of the answers for that to the OP.

The one I linked in the OP was probably my favorite RP in recent memory and it failed huge. Mostly my fault. Big ass bummer but you don't track how many failed stories youve had, I can't even count that high. Murica.
This is also intended to be a general thread rebornfan.

If you want to have a long discussion about your personal issues try DMs. This is more intended as like a thread for folks to state things they have issues with or have friends who have issues with and then receive advice and then try to implement it. It's not intended as a Help Reborn thread. Sorry if that's kinda harsh but Ammokkx was right about that. Advice doesn't work if you don't want to implement it.
If you're having issues try reading through these pages and pick a few people's suggestions that you think might help you. Now make an Interest Check (if you really want to GM a new RP) or type up a Character Sheet for an RP you want to join...while keeping these issues in mind. Consider it an exercise. If you focus on improving your writing on those basis...es you will likely see some improvement.

You might consider just writing a short story or two instead too. Short Stories make good Interest Checks. You could also always start another little Short Story Contest, or do like a Short Story Starter Thread where you post a Short Story, someone posts some feedback and a starter and then you post another Short Story based on that starter. Or you could do the same thing and trade off who posts the starters and who posts the stories. Good way to meet people and start getting known better.
Wanting to second that, what CorrosiveCherry said, I came here from another RP forum and haven't been in an RP with any of the people I knew there in years. Shout out to my Bethesda Fallout Forum Friendos. They were good writing partners, I've got nothing against any of them, I just grew tired of writing in the same setting and found other settings to explore. I've seen some of them on from time to time and say Hey from time to time, others I just haven't seen. It's all good. There aren't any hard feelings either way, far as I know at least. That's just life.
That's a really damn good question @Rapid Reader

"what does success mean for me as a GM/RPer"
You could also use the Discord, it has one or two channels related to finding and starting RPs.
Try explaining the setting and what fascinates you about it. That's how i got a few takers for my Deadlands RP.

You could explain concepts you want to explore too. Like if it's a Grim Dark Dinosaur RP, or a goofier one, or you could relate it's tone and themes to another game or series.

Witcher with Dinosaurs VS Warhammer with Dinosaurs VS Monster Hunter with Dinosaurs
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