Avatar of BangoSkank


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9 mos ago
Current Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
1 yr ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
1 yr ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
1 like
1 yr ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.
1 yr ago
I think you can develop a flair. A personal style. Words and phrases you like. That's why I don't get using Grammarly for word suggestions.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

That could be cool, the initial idea, if it just stopped there.

Fantasy, SciFi, Mundane Modern

Laws governing moving from one to another and imports/exports. How would knowing that that green ball in the sky is a modern world change a fantasy setting? Or knowing that that other one is a highly advanced SciFi world.

Aroooooo, sounds good

I like the idea of Dude just thinking he's a Halfling. Like a hugely exaggerated Napoleon thing. Might be too auto-biographical but it's worth a shot.
I think you'll find no shortage of takers for that story. What are your feelings on Halflings in the psych ward?

Will you be able to post despite full moons?
I think that's largely the problem. Without something special about it the PWs here are just another RP featuring staff and their friends, but given a special place right at the top of the list of RPs.

At some point I want to sort of review what happened with the last one. I halfway started already. 490 posts in total over 33 threads, 79 approved characters. Longest lived thread had 76 posts. 22 threads had 10 posts or less. 4 threads had 50 or more posts.

This is purely quantity measurements rather than quality of course. Might help indicate how energies could be better utilized in the future though. Maybe.

And to not sound too accusatory/hostile/whatever, I had nothing to do with SWPW but some great writers did and it's probably the hardest sort of RP to initiate, maintain and control.
Hell yes.

I was a Paladin in D2 and a Warrior or whatever in D1.

I mostly like to just mash things with other things until they become different things or small pieces of the things they originally were.
I loved Diablo 1 and 2

Fun to play with groups, can still be fun solo but when you have a few regular dungeon raiding buddies man that's a good time.

I've mentioned in the Discord several times that I'd like to play Diablo 4 with some of you folks if it ever releases. Just gotta kiss up enough to get back in the Discord. Have I mentioned how handsome (or beautiful) and large (or small) of genitals all the staff are?
I think the approach that might actually work for a PW would be to have limits on how many RPs are going on at the same time and set endings for them.

So if I launch "Streets of Gotham" as a Character RP to end in March
Odin could launch "Justice League" to start right after, dealing with the events and changing the world. That RP ends in May.
Promise begins "Tabula Rasa" set in the days leading to the end of "Justice League" and beyond, detailing that Raas Al Ghuul guy plotting how to turn all the Justice Leagues hard work to ash.

Each subsequent RP holds the events of prior RPs as canon, all characters (unless by mutual agreement) persist.


(Bear in mind I do not know what the fuck I am talking about. Like at all. Seriously. I generally like poems which rhyme or have some sort of consistent pace or flow or rhythm or cadence to them. I don't know if that's a necessity to poems or not but it's that shit I like)

I put together a little unofficial entry so I'm not just offering feedback without kinda sorta participating


They say better the devil we know,
I'm not so sure of that.
All these places we used to go,
I wish we had them back
I think a PW could work but it needs someone in charge to prevent it from growing too quickly. SWPW pretty quickly had more and more threads. It's a good thing there's the interest but when it explodes that quick it immediately gets unwieldy.

Superheroes might work, IMO, if you kept them at a street level. Maybe have people RP as villains or cops or rivals. Somewhat like Arena where you set folks up with opposing forces. If I'm Batman someone else is Bane, if I'm Daredevil someone else is Kingpin. But it would rely on me and that other writer having a good rapport.
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