Avatar of BangoSkank


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9 mos ago
Current Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
1 yr ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
1 yr ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
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1 yr ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.
1 yr ago
I think you can develop a flair. A personal style. Words and phrases you like. That's why I don't get using Grammarly for word suggestions.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

Brainwashing thing happened during Vietnam, the No VC thing. I'm not going to have him crazy anyway. Not a huge fan of that story and not sure the Wolverine writer would want that history.
Ah, still very much not a Frank Simpson thing. Steve Rogers I guess maybe. Simpson nah. Hell his newer incarnation had him doing some pretty unpleasant stuff.

Not sure, but he's not going to be on the Vietcong side.

It will be a more military looking version if I do have him in uniform

In regard to US Agent and concerns,

From the sheet
"In the coming weeks John was trained in how to fight using a shield akin to Captain America and how to properly interact with the public. Now Johnathan Walker works as the U.S.Agent, spokesperson for the You-Men and professional crime fighter."

The Frank Simpson Captain America/Nuke doesn't use a shield or fight crime or engage in martial arts if he can avoid it. He's a soldier, whacked out of his gourd more often than not on uppers and downers. He's in Vietnam not the US and while I plan on him having an official unofficial Captain America designation I would also be fine with not doing that if it leads to confusion or toe stepping.

No offense taken MaoMao. I'm planning on doing both. The idea is Rogers' Captain America will be feeling his way out after a brief introduction and Simpsons' Captain America will be, as they say, in the shit.
These are far from CSs as I only have a phone to work with right now but I saw the finished USAgent sheet and I wanted to chime in a bit.

Could do something interesting perhaps with Simpson America in Vietnam and US Agent, him not being what's expected. I don't want him to be a caricature but he definitely won't have the stoic supportive patriotic attitude one would expect from a WW2 Veteran Captain America.

Steve Rogers Captain America
Frozen in 1945, thawed in 1967 by Japanese whalers who found him, found out about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Korea, Cold War, Vietnam, Civil Rights, JFK. Returns to America via San Fran.

His deal basically is that the America he believed in seems to be dead and he wants to bring it back.

Frank Simpson Captain America / Nuke
Idolized Captain America, wanted to be in the military, made it. Wanted to be special forces, made it. Wanted to be Captain America, that program was officially dead, couldn't make it. Found a way. Things got bad.

His deal is he is the new Captain America. He fights for truth and justice and the American Way and if he he to do horrible things to bring that about so be it. He got in on bootleg Super Soldier variations administered by an American Government agency that was under the sway of some corrupt dangerous men more interested in results than stability and more interested in conquest than in development. He's a bad guy who thinks he is a good guy doing bad things for a good cause lead by bad men.

That's a fun fight. I got through that part slow, killing the Sparkly Rock Iguana thing and farming the hell out of the hollows. Iudex Jungyr or something. RIP Sword In Your Chest homie.
Rhythm of War
Nice. I beat DS 1 and 2. Both kinda became playgrounds, but SotFS and DS3 messed me up. I should really try 3 again but between that swamp area and that like Ice Dancing Lady, I had had enough.

I really enjoyed the chapel type area with the priests and those little buttholes who always drop from ceilings. Maybe I'll try it out again one day
Scholars of the First Sin
Boss Kermit is already a rapper name.

Notorious G.R.E.E.N. would also work.

Froggy 2 Fresh

Brother Frog

Green Skin

Frogface Killah
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