Avatar of BangoSkank


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
12 mos ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
1 yr ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
1 like
1 yr ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.
1 yr ago
I think you can develop a flair. A personal style. Words and phrases you like. That's why I don't get using Grammarly for word suggestions.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

Set in Morrowind during the time of the game.

We're not the hero. We're not much of anything.

We're just figuring out how to live in the world while weird shit happens.

Likely starting in either Balmora or Caldera.

This isn't chronicling our meteoric rise to the top. This isn't the grand story of how several strangers met and each went on to rule one of the Guilds, or lead a Dunmer House, or to find and return the missing Dwemer.

It's more like a bunch of small fish in a fairly small pond getting together occasionally to share stories of that one time they almost threw a touchdown pass and plot how they might just throw the greatest New Years party the tri-cottage area ever heard of...if they can just get their hands on some good ass Skooma.

Meaning :

You can be in a Guild or House but you shouldn't be a big player or an obvious prodigy who just hasn't hit it big yet.

It's more like the trials, travails and occasional triumphs marking your miraculous march toward middling mediocrity.

A little humor mixed in with all the Might and Magic and shit.
'Twas in the Twelfth Age, during the time of Rumplepug the Flatulent, that the Great Pilgrimage of the Bottomless Chalice began. From all the burgs and burrows the wee folk did come, in multitudes both great and diminutive. A sea of small fat bodies and ugly haircuts.

Twere the best of times, twere the worst of times.
Bolo casts Holy Shin Bash, it's Super Effective
Did we just become best friends?

I did a Monk Halfling in a Discord DND RP once.
Dropkicked a Kobold out the window of a giant wagon house thing.

Usually mine are either cooks or monks, or drunkards, or drunkard monk cooks
I call dibs on the Halfling character.

Probably drunk. Probably sneaky.

Nice to meet you.

Fantasy is a pretty common setting here. If you want to try out harder fantasy/sci fi id recommend JB's RPs. He tends to do Warhammer 40k/Fantasy ones.

Stephen King
Brandon Sanderson
Orson Scott Card

Stephen King had the biggest impact on my style of writing because I voraciously read through most of his work from about 11 on. Distinctly remember sitting in a laundromat, kicking my feet, reading the Richard Bachman book "Desperation"

His weird narrative stuff and tendency to address the reader stuck pretty well. He sometimes uses a sort of third person omniscient perspective to tell the reader stuff that the character wouldn't know or that didn't occur during the timespan of the story. Hell he sometimes even directly addresses the reader for a bit with lines like "and that, dear reader, was the last time that Will Light would ever play fetch with his dear best friend Blue."

Sanderson and Card I think influenced me in that they address their subjects with a gravity and realness not often seen elsewhere. The Enders Game series and the Stormlight Archives series. Man. Go read the Stormlight Archives series. The way it builds is incredible, I can't wait until the next one releases.
You might ask yourself what you want to do with that character too.

Then ask yourself is this always what the character wanted to do or is it a new thing? Maybe it's a British soldier who came to America and instead of soldiering now wants to document the birth of a new nation. Maybe your soldier wants to make a fortune off the gold rush. Maybe your character met French fur traders and wants to claim a chunk of that business for Ye Olden Queen Mum.
I would suggest trying to find existing RPs that are close to what you enjoy and join one of them to get started.

As others have said starting an RP is a lot harder than joining one, especially when you're new. Join one. Find some writers you like. Get to know them. Learn a bit about formatting (this place is weird as hell that way, I still have to pull up the little helper thing more often than not) on this site so your Interest Checks can be easier to interact with.

Starting an RP of your own means you are competing with everyone who already has one open or is about to open one. As a brand new user you are at an inherent disadvantage in that since no one knows you, you don't know anyone, and you have relatively niche interests.

Plus as Gravity said things can move slowly. Sometimes the community is in a slump or there are enough big RPs active that no one really has time for a small one. I can't tell you how many RPs I've been in that died before they got past like three pages of posts.

Bear in mind too that as many users as we have here and on the Discord more than half of them don't actually RP, rarely RP, or divide their RPing between this site, other sites, Discord, and PMs.

Patience is required. Even the best GMs and RPers here have a hard time sometimes.

and Merry Christmas!
Lots of anime fans here, a good few artists, a ton of League players and dozens of writers. You should get along just fine.
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