Avatar of BangoSkank


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9 mos ago
Current Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
12 mos ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
1 yr ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
1 like
1 yr ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.
1 yr ago
I think you can develop a flair. A personal style. Words and phrases you like. That's why I don't get using Grammarly for word suggestions.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

I don't know a whole lot about 40K and I tend to write as lower powered characters rather than Space Marines, but goddam.

I hope you keep writing. That was good. That was great.

I'm pretty flexible on that. On most things really.

I like the idea of him as sort of running with the same group for awhile, but if it fits your concept better I'd be fine with him sort of jumping from crew to crew pretty regularly too.

If he's been around for awhile I could have fun with him being sort of a grump, grumbling about how things were better under the previous Rogue Trader if you want to do a bit about Valeria establishing herself, but I could also have fun with him sort of taking the opposite tact. Maybe he didn't like the previous guy because he placed more constraints on Roald.

Or if he's new maybe he's kind of a dick, doubting Valeria's ability due to her youth, or her sex, or just because he hasn't seen her take charge yet. Could have fun with him talking out his ass and getting cracked down on for it.
Sifu looks cool as hell too
Horizon Forbidden West, I've seen nothing about it but the first one looked great and this one is probably more better.

If I ever get a console from this generation it'll be a PS5 and I'll get H:FW, Ghosts of Tsushima, Spiderman, and probably that Shadow of the Colossus Remake.

Maybe The Last of Us Remake and TLoU 2 and maybe Nier Automata. I've wanted to play that for forever and never have.

I believe the makers of Black Desert have a new game coming out soonish. Something like Crimson Desert. Looks pretty damn cool.


No idea what the gameplay is like but I imagine more actiony Assassins Creed and that sounds good to me

I like it. There are a decent number of 40k/WHFB nerds here who would likely be down. I know JB hosts a lot, as do Selune and BCTheEntity.

I'd be down so long as you don't mind a Ratling. Sneaky little dude, Long Las and traps/sabotaging stuff. I forget his name but I'm sure I've got the CS somewhere.

I've always liked the lesser powered groups of 40K and Rogue Trader in particular as they strike me as slightly more Indiana Jones-y. Orcs are probably my favorite potential enemy, but tyranids or some like Chaos maddened humans are fun. Anything really.
Exactly what Penny said.

Writing is collaborative so the more you work together and the more you know about each other's characters and intentions the better.

If you're doing a 1x1 with me and could write a post as my character, and I could write a post as your character, and the change would be neigh indecipherable we're probably going to be amazing partners.

Whether it's a one on one fight and we're deciding if it's going to be a Respectful Standstill that leads to Mutual Admiration or a You Just Barely Got Me With, I'll Be Watching Next Time that leads to a Friendly Rivalry or a Full Tilt Drag You Down and Stomp You Out grudge match that leads one to seek revenge on the other.

Or if it's a Romance but X has an unrequited love for Y. Or X wants Y and Y wants X but X can't leave W because Ws mom just woke from a 14 year coma and she's pretty sure Z, the pool boy, put Ws mom into the coma because Z is secretly Ws mom's illegitimate son from her brief dalliance with T the Brazilian Yoga instructor who was oh so flexible. Or X and Y are into each other but both are nervous/shy.

I had a 1x1 planned with TyrannosaurusRex and we had talked out our characters backstory and doubts and fears and like character flaws. It helps a lot.
If you partner knows roughly what your character will want out of a scene, and you can clarify exactly what your character wants and how attached you are to that character getting it, you can really set each other up. Working at a shared goal rather than at cross purposes.
No problem man. Shit happens, some other time
I'm thinking of one of my two like old faithful choices.

Half-Orc grug grug boy or Halfling cook or sort of map maker/historian/archaeologist type
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