Avatar of BangoSkank


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9 mos ago
Current Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
12 mos ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
1 yr ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
1 like
1 yr ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.
1 yr ago
I think you can develop a flair. A personal style. Words and phrases you like. That's why I don't get using Grammarly for word suggestions.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

"May As Well Be" and "Is" are two very different things.

This is not what you thought it was. In some places it may result in such a law passing. In some places it will. In some it won't.

It is however most certainly not taking away their choice to abort.

Given that you are Canadian, as "nodogs" for some reason decided to point out, this will not likely effect any of the three of us discussing it. It cannot impact either of you, it may impact me, if I get my girl pregnant and she decides to abort it, which would still be legal in California.

So using that flawed logic only I should be talking about it. Luckily I don't ascribe to that logic. I still think everyone's contribution is worthwhile.
Well you are incorrect in that. This hasn't made abortions illegal. It didn't take away their choice to abort. It gave the decision on legality to the states.

It was also based on a right to privacy rather than Women's Rights.
Aren't you charming. And if I'm not mistaken this change has zero impact on you. So all you've said applies to you as well.
What do you think this did to people's rights?
That sounds a little authoritarian.
Why? What is your understanding of what it means?
Could be. Could also just be that dude had to work overtime or has family shit to deal with or is out of town or something.

I got stuck in Elden Ring at the Ornstein/Smaugh type boss encounter.

Just nope. Don't have the patience to get through that grinder again.

Currently playing Sniper Elite 5.

It's always funny cavitating Nazi heads into canoes, but I think Sniper Elite 4 was a better polished product.
Gorthog is probably Neutral in regard to like Lawful/Chaotic. Maybe edging closer to Lawful so long as the laws are just in his mind.

~Basic Info~
Name: Gorthog gro-Bhizra
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Species: Orc

HP: 10/10

~Primary Stats~
Might: 1d4
Finesse: 1d6
Knowledge: 1d4
Charm: 1d4
Magic: 1d4

~Equipment Stats~
Weapon(s): Handwraps: Trash, Weapon, Two-Handed, 1d3 Finesse
Armor: Cloth Armor: Cheap, Armor, Light, +1d2 Armor Pool

Strict Discipline (Finess Weapons): Whenever using a Finess Weapon, you gain a +1 to Combat Challenges


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