Avatar of BangoSkank


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9 mos ago
Current Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
12 mos ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
1 yr ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
1 like
1 yr ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.
1 yr ago
I think you can develop a flair. A personal style. Words and phrases you like. That's why I don't get using Grammarly for word suggestions.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

The plot summary just made me consider a rapid violent headarectomy.

It looks horrible. I'm sorry you put yourself through that. You deserve better. Probably. Maybe. Fuck I don't know, but no one deserves that.
Full honesty I never played that or any of those games it looks very much homework copied off of...but I do have a lot more faith in Arkane.
I want to trust Bethesda again. But Fallout 4. Let alone 76.

Hopefully they build on the traversal and fix the dialogue if they do a sequel. It also ran into issues with it being an "open world" game with a lot of "You have strayed from the path, returning to start point" type messages.

I'd love to see something like another Shadow of Mordor using more of Forsaken's quick traversal. If they could combine the careful sneaking of Shadow of Mordor/War or Assassin's Creed with the speed and maneuverability of Forspoken that would be cool.

Forspoken's story seems lame and reviews have mentioned the main characters lack of interest in exploring the world as an issue...but if they take criticisms to heart a sequel could be pretty cool, assuming MC is still stuck in the fantasy world at the end of the game.

If they did like a "it's been four years and I'm still here" type of deal. Have her fighting whatever enemy or perhaps she's the ruler putting down whatever rebellion or expanding borders. Seems like a potentially interesting scenario. What becomes or Isekai 21/22 year old New Yorker when she can't go home and has all this power.

If they hire competent writers.
Come on now. Even Kotaku is pointing out that you can turn the chatter down and several reviews point it out.

It's bad.
I transport my car to and from work everyday and sometimes I stop in at a Starbucks on the way. Sometimes even in the way and then again on the way back. Im addicted. When can I expect my check?
I'd suggest looking at videos of both before buying either.

Both have what I find to be very grating dialogue. High on Life is a lot of the weird "quirky" rambling shit that made Rick and Morty popular. Forspoken has a lot of sort of too cool to care, bland back and forths. Like that whole "they can fly now? They can fly now!" bit from whichever of the newer Star Wars movies that was in.

High on Life is near constant blather so it shouldn't be hard to see if it's to your liking or not. Forspoken has a ton of videos and articles about its shit writing so it shouldn't be hard to suss out if you'd like it or not.

Ex: High on Life - Language Warning, a lot of swearing

Ex: Forspoken - Cringe Warning, extreme cringe, maximum oof, much seethe

That said from the early long ago ingame footage Forspoken did look to have fun traversal. I'm not interested in trying it, but maybe a sequel or future game by the creators. After they hire some writers. I hear Poohead is available.

Bango, I hear you saying, it's not that bad.
Kotaku Article Entitled :
You Can Tell Forspoken To Shut Up (And Other Important Settings)
Some of the other accessibility and Ease of Use options are nice though.
Oppenheimer does look sick as fuck
Sadly common practice.

Ask for all the shit you know you can't get. Then pretend to be pulling teeth as you give up as few of the things you knew you couldn't pass anyway as possible. Hopefully end up passing some shit that would never normally fly.
I think it would be hard to argue that any of those different versions of, or expansions upon, those universes are equal or even in the same vicinity would be about impossible. Which is probably why you just said there are problems with each, pointed out that LOTR wasn't a 1:1 adaptation of the books, and didn't mention the Witcher one.

Greatest. WoW and Fortnite. No.

Important, yes.

Groundbreaking, probably.

Greatest, no.

"And yet, every single character has been played by other people (and better, in almost every case) and in some cases they are the worst person who has played them. Also you're putting live action and voice acting together here. Also Daniel Day Lewis could play anyone and be perfect for it he's Daniel Day Lewis. "

Would love to see that. Would also love to see Daniel Day Lewis play Monica Lewinsky while Monica Lewinsky plays Bill Clinton.

Saying someone shouldn't voice certain characters isn't saying they couldn't. It's saying they would be a bad fit. I was talking about acting. But voicing works for the examples too.

Saying Kristen Stewart wouldn't play/voice as good a Joker or Willem Dafoe isn't saying she wouldn't be good at all. It's saying Dafoe would be better. And "you never know" isn't an argument.
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