Avatar of Baphomini


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5 mos ago
Current HEY Y'ALL WE NEED JUST TWO MORE PLAYERS TO GET THIS GOING!! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Blazzit 4:20
6 mos ago
I find the fact that it tells you that you have no friends to be even more hilarious. That note on my sidebar is the reason I will never friend anyone here. It must remain as it is.
6 mos ago
Passing out in the middle of an online class that started at 5am šŸ« 
6 mos ago
@Lucid Dreaming Oh no, no jokes, you must choose. What. Are we having. For dinner.
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[a misty valley of cascading waters and towering trees, dark clouds roll like a sea overhead, thunder rumbles lowly and wind rustles through the needles of the evergreen branchesā”€goats screaming in the distance and a shadow emerges from the billowing mists]

Heya hiya, my name's Audley! Y'can call me Auds, or even just Goatif that suits ya! M'pronouns are they/their, he/his, ne/nir, and thon/thons; if y'have any questions regarding any of 'em n' how they work, please don't be afraid t'ask, m'always happy t'teach!

M'jus' a lil' amalgamation of a hundred or so goats all clumped together in a mothman onesie; y'never really know which goat you're gonna get until it screams at ya!

I like art and movies and anime and games about solving crime and horror mysteries through stolen phones (I'm looking at you, Elmwood Trail), I also enjoy life sims and dating sims and like to watch horror and thriller movies and series.

I like my cocoa spicy with a little bit of the sauce if you know what I mean and my sugar milk with coffee. Pork chops and applesauce or hit the highway, and lactose intolerance is just a reason to love dairy all the more.

Most Recent Posts

Calculation is Key...


Everything was rushing by...

Everything was moving so fast.

Everything was happening all at once.

And yet--

Let's break it down...

First. There was the labyrinth. An endless, mirrored horrorscape of anxiety and turmoil.

Second. There was the representative. The creature who sealed the deal that had already been instigated.

Speaking of...

Preliminary. There was the dream. The nightmare with the scam artist itself.

Kousuke thought back to the scene. To the man. To the contract.

My life is my own, my actions mine to be accounted.

I understand that consciousness is a gift, mirrored in others and beyond.

For thyne art I, I art thou. In thought and heart, may our burdens be shared.

Back to the review.

Contract. Stakes. Closer. And now...

Reaping the Reward.

As the walls bent to his will, Kousuke understood. As the fractile beast turned on him, Kousuke knew what this was. As the hybrid girl recoiled at his words and the call of the icy creature, Kousuke wrapped his head around just what was going on. As the icy creature launched at the beast and the two fought it out, Kousuke finally put it all together.

'May our burdens be shared'

Kousuke felt the heat within them flowing through their extremities, down to the strings that draped from their form. With a spark of knowledge, they shifted, flicking their wrists to draw the threads up into their hold, gripping the barbed wires like weapons for their disposal. Piercing red eyes locked onto the two creatures in battle. Watching. Studying. Kousuke noted that he could perfectly predict the movement of each as their tussle went on. However, when the two came to a standstill, that prediction flooded open to an infinite ocean of possibilities. Kousuke winced at the sheer volume of insight filling the forefront of his mind, and recoiled slightly, forcing back what he could as he gripped tighter at the strings in his hands. He focused on one thought in particular, one where he himself entered the battle. It led to many paths, some of which he was not too keen to venture, but he took only a moment to calculate all those outcomes before focusing on one.

With a sharp whistle, he jumped from one foot to the other, then shot off at the pair of beasts, "Oi!" he called, aiming to draw attention toward himself, "Look at me!" he ordered, then immediately shot out his hand, driving the threads like a whip at the glass creature, trusting that the icy beast would have enough sense to pull away from the shot.

The wire they tossed hit true to the glass being's neck and Kousuke gave a sharp tug, "Come on!" he called, "This way!" he pulled on the string like a fisherman reeling in a soon-to-be prized catch, shifting back as he did to draw his other arm back and then thrust it forward just as he had with the first, catching the creature's wrist and then dropping down to yank both wires to the ground, "Get down!"

The pessimist complains about the wind;
The optimist expects it to change;
The realist adjusts the sails.

Prior to their arrival in the strange new world--Arcanum? That was what the dolphin called it-- Back on the beach. Before all of this insanity. Milo knew, without a doubt, that he wasn't the only one among his friends sitting in that space of the pessimist. With their lives all barreling headfirst at breakneck speeds in vastly different directions, it felt only natural to sit and complain, even if they all hid it. Optimism came with their arrival in the world, as they all sat expecting something to happen. Optimism came with the creatures explaining their situation. Optimism came with the imminent danger of the corrupted creature that was driven to attack them before they even had a full grasp of what the hell was going on. With everything happening all at once, it was a wild whirlwind--excuse the pun--of infinite possibilities all just out of reach. The fall of the bear was the peak of this point in their progression. The danger defeated. The adrenaline dissipating as quickly as it had come about. They were left with only that optimism. Expectation. The change they somehow knew would come. Waking up? Coming to grips? Snapping the hell out of whatever the fuck drug trip they were on?

Milo could only hope. It was that optimism he was stuck in. He found that all he could do was expect...something. Though what he expected was hard to really grasp. Naturally, it made sense to expect to be woken up from this wild dream-like series of events. He fully expected to feel the gentle shaking of David pulling him from his slumber for a morning run, just before the sun, so they could watch the sky take on a million shades of pink, orange, and violet as they raced across the sand. He expected to have water dumped on him, yanking him from unconsciousness after having passed out buried in the sand. He expected to wake up in his bed at home, his friends moved on with their lives, and he left behind...

Milo expected anything, really.

He expected the bear to regain consciousness and rip them all to shreds. He expected another, more powerful beast to come crashing out of the woods. He expected the creatures that spoke to them to laugh and turn on them in the blink of an eye. He expected the air of Arcanum to turn out to actually be poison to them and for he and his friends to suddenly start dropping like flies. He expected the elements to suddenly reject them as their wielders and blast them all into the ether. How was this optimism?

All Milo could do after Connor's defeat of the bear was just stand there. He stared at his friends. Taking in each of them and how they were holding up with all of the insanity that had befallen them. No one was alright. Absolutely no one. In the heat of the battle, sure, they have been great. But now? Anything but.

And those creatures just pushed on like all of this was normal.

Milo caught a glimpse of the moth coming near him and quickly turned its way, throwing out his hand in its direction. He had meant only to gesture for it to stay back, but a blast of wind shot out with his movement, sending the insect swirling backward like a leaf on an autumn breeze.

"Shit...sorry," he murmured, though wondered if he actually was. Sure, the creature hadn't hurt him in anyway, and sure, being afraid of bugs was no excuse to hurt one, even a large sentient one that apparently used to be a sorceress or something? But this creature was also, apparently responsible for everything he and the guys were dealing with-- As though they hadn't already been dealing with enough.

Nevertheless, Vlinderbelle merely righted herself in the air and gave a gentle sigh, "Never a worry, young one," the moth cooed softly, "You are in a very emotional state right now. It's only natural to lash out."

Milo watched the bug for a moment, still uncomfortable, then turned his attention to the others, looking over his friends once more, before focusing on the dolphin He cleared his throat as he took his turn to speak, directing his words at the aquatic creature as he absently fiddled with the fabric of his weird pants, "Um...Miss Chelsea?" he started, uncertain, then shook his head, "...wait, no, it was something else, huh? I'm sorry, I'm...not good with names-- I-I just, I...c...can we have like...five minutes to ourselves?" the question was asked with shrug as Milo spread his arms in a small gesture at him and his friends, "To like, adjust...?" he went on, "b-before you go throwing us all into...whatever's next..." with a sigh, Milo dropped his arms and looked down at his feet...or rather...his rollerblades, shuffling one uncomfortably before he went on to say, "I'll agree with Noah that we should probably get the hell outta here before that thing wakes up, but like...I dunno, can you all just like...point us in the right direction and let us have that time to each other so we can fucking wrap our heads around what the hell is going on?" his head shot up once more to meet Chesi as he threw his arms up, "For fuck's sake we just landed in an alien world, talked to a bunch of animals, got attacked by a bear, and got magic powers! I think we deserve a moment to recenter and take everything in!"

While many unfamiliar with Milo, or only familiar with him on a surface level would find this outburst out of place for him, his friends would know this state very well. A Milo Meltdown. They were rare and far between. After all, Milo was the happy-go-lucky chaos gremlin, nothing got to him. Right? Wrong. Milo was like a balloon where every hiccup in life was another puff of air blowing into it. Eventually, the pressure was just too much...
Lilian, unlike the other two men, was entirely focused on his phone while he waited in line with a soft scowl. He paid no mind to those around him, and even as he approached the counter, he didn't look up from the device, keeping his gaze on the screen as he scrolled past a video of a guy with bleached blonde hair talking to himself as four different characters.

"Steak and cheese burrito, black beans, extra cheese, add guac and white queso..." a smile tugged at his lips for a moment, and then he added, "and go heavy on the chile sauce." That wasn't the order. Joshua hated spice. Li, however, hated Josh. Put simply, Josh was an ass. Josh had bit the hand that feeds many a time before. It was time for Josh to learn. Would he learn? Probably not, but that wasn't any problem of Lilian's.

The worker nodded and confirmed the order and read off the price, Lilian confirmed in return and used the company card that had been wrapped in the list of workers' orders to pay for the shitty ass burrito. It wasn't even authentic, and he knew for a fact that this place was absolutely foul in regard to sanitation. He had watched a whole essay video about the time the chain had been caught with traces of Hep C in their guacamole. Not exactly the thing you'd imagine a place coming back from, but, big chains were usually good at that shit.

As he stepped aside to let the next person in line make their order while he waited for his own, Li continued to watch his phone until the device started ringing. He had one of those ridiculous joke ringtones. It drove his co-workers crazy. A chaotic track of a guy scream-singing absolute nonsense.

"Your phone is riiiiinging! Your phone is riiiiiinging! And so I'm siiiiinging! Your phone is riiiiinging! Your phone is riiiiiinging! This fool ain't teeeeexting! So your phone is riiiiiinging!"

Casually, as though nothing out of the ordinary was happening, Lilian answered the call, "For the last time, I can't do these runs as fast as everyone else. I don't have a fucking car and--oh yeah, my fucking bike was destroyed this morning when I got the first fucking coverage of Stag's and Gamma's battle," he paused to listen, "Oh shit, wait, really? She called for me? By name and everything, huh?" the slightest hint of a smirk pulled at his lips with the cleverly bewildered words, "Wild. I mean, I did get the chance to talk to King Stag this morning to ask about the interview, but I never thought he'd remember my name. The company's, sure, but me? Fucking crazy. Anyways, I'm down to take the interview, you know me. I'll do anything for a good story. Did you already get everything set or do I gotta call this lady?" again he waited for the response, "Alright, I'll get that situated when I get back to the office. Thanks for letting me know," a pause, "Oh yeah, sure, I'm almost on my way back. Just as soon as the magical cat bus comes and picks me up," Lilian waited again for the response and rolled his eyes, "It's from a movie, just forget it, I'll be back within the hour," and with that, he hung up and turned to take the food as it was brought to the pick-up counter, grabbing the bag and turning back to his phone as he headed out.

Unfortunately, he miscalculated the standing of the man behind him and ended up crashing right into Elijah, bouncing off the larger, stronger man and falling back flat on his ass, "Ow, fuck," he burst, then huffed, "Sorry dude, that was my bad."
"Huh-" Li blinked as he was cut off but then bit his lip to keep himself from saying anything else and just nodded in response to King Stag. He took a quick shot of the hero up close as he prepared to take off, getting--at least in his opinion--a rather epic action shot of King Stag as he lifted up into the air, the still early morning sun shining off his carapace and sparking across his wings in a dramatic flash of color and light. A triumphant smile, he waved after the hero, before turning and taking off back up the street.

Later that day...

12:43 PM ā”€ Get through this hell

As expected, Mr. Roberts, Lilian's direct supervisor, had not been thrilled with his late arrival and, as a result, Lilian found himself being assigned the absolute worst stories to cover before he could get started on the coverage of the battle earlier. There was yet another joke article on Cuckoo Cacao--this guy was old news over ten years ago, and yet he still somehow made the headlines. The freak had robbed another Starbucks. Seemed to be his kink lately. Then there was a story about '10 Tell-Tale Signs Your Significant Other Has a Secret Identity!' All a bunch of over-dramatized stereotypes, no surprise there. There was a story about the chief of police holding some kind of fundraiser. Big whoop. Then lastly was the story about Commeround attacking city hall in response to funding to the hospital being cut in favor of providing additional funding to the police. Why did it always come back to the police? Of course, Lilian glorified Commeround and portrayed him as a hero. Anti-hero or not, surely anyone could agree that underfunding the hospital was a fair reason to wage war on city officials. If Hal didn't like it, well, he shouldn't have asked the writer who favored the anti-heroes to write a critical story about an anti-hero.

Sometime after noonish, Lilian was still working on the ridiculous Cuckoo Cacao story, having mistakenly put that one off for last out of lack of interest, but at just two paragraphs in, he was burned out from writing. Checking to make sure no one was watching, he connected his camera to his computer and began uploading the pictures he had taken, panning through them once they were saved to mark the ones that needed editing for touch-ups. He smiled at the snap-shots he had managed to get, admiring the precise captures of both King Stag and Gamma-Burn. Eventually, he came to the pictures of Gamma-Burn without his mask and he stopped, frowning at the images as he took in the detail of the supervillain coughing up blood.

Leaning back in his seat, Li bit his lip as he drummed his fingers on the desk. They were, by far priceless shots. Ones that would surely get him amazing hits if he used them in an article, but... They were also extremely damaging. The pictures showed a weakness of Gamma-Burn that no one knew. They showed that Gamma-Burn wasn't an unbeatable force. They showed that Gamma-Burn was still human...er...numan. Most importantly, though, they were pictures he shouldn't even have. Sitting back up, Li snapped his fingers a few times, fighting with his own thoughts, then gave a heavy huff before trashing the pictures. He'd keep the ones on his camera. Those were his, but for security's sake, he decided it was best that no one knew about them.

It was right about then that the sound of a throat clearing roughly broke the tranquility of Lilian's messy little unprofessional cubicle and drew his attention away from the computer. Sure enough, it was his boss, and Li was quick to meet his judging gaze with a hard scowl.

"Can I help you, Mr. Roberts, sir?" Li asked dully.

"Since you seem so keen to slack off, Mr. Amie," the man started, "Why don't you take on the honor of making the office lunch run today?"

The office lunch run. Lilian despised the office lunch run. It was a proposal made some months ago by one of the office brown-nosers presented as a means of keeping writers on task, by having one person run out and grab lunch for everyone. Li had rejected the idea, complaining that it was unfair to whoever got stuck making the run. As a result, Lilian had been given the so-called 'honor' of taking on the responsibility nearly three days out of the week for every week following. As a result, Li had to pick up the slack by writing off the clock as, per company policy, staying after hours was not allowed. Man, he hated this company.

With a huff, Li got up from his seat, rolling his eyes as he said, "Fine, whatever, I could use the fresh air. I think I'm still irradiated from this morning. Y'know. When I ran into the heat of the battle between Gamma-Burn and King Stag and got an amazing set of pictures for a story we could have had out before the major press if only I wasn't stuck writing about the mascot of Cocoa Puffs? Yeah, some fresh air will probably do me some good right now."

Mr. Roberts' judging gaze grew more venomous, "I could do without the sass, Mr. Amie," he growled.

Lilian only gave a 'mmph' in response and the older man rolled his eyes before handing Lilian a folded piece of paper. The orders. Lilian just prayed that everything was at least somewhat close by. After all, he kinda didn't have a bike anymore. Shoving the list into his pocket, Lilian bumped past his boss, effectively shoulder-checking the man on his way out.

1:07 PM ā”€ Go on a lunch rush--I guess

Out on the street, Lilian walked along through the crowd on his way to one of the places on the list. It was the furthest away, so it made sense to go there first and work his way back. Plus, this place was the one ordered by the absolutely noxious co-worker, Joshua Halbert. The very man who brought about this stupid office arrangement. Lilian didn't feel an ounce of guilt that Josh's shitty $10 burrito would be absolutely cold by the time he got back to the office. In fact, he relished in the thought.

The office of Agent Presley Bell was cold and dark, cut off from the world just outside the large windows by heavy wooden blinds-- mostly shut, but left open enough to allow for some of the light of the late morning to stream in, forming lines much like the bars on a jail cell, shadowed across the room. Large, dark oak bookshelves lined the walls, filled with heavy books, folders, knick-knacks, and awards. A single plant stood in the corner between two of the bookcases, a non-descript tree that would be found in any office. Cabinets stood behind the desk, topped with more awards and stacks of files. The desk bore few decorations, namely a few pictures and a Newton's Cradle resting on a far corner of a large executive desk, clicking away in the silence that hung in the stiff air.









In front of the desk were two simple chairs with arms, a man sitting in the one on the left side. Agent Roy Vega. His head was lowered, gaze cast down to his hands, clasped together in his lap. He twiddled his thumbs, anxiety raking through his body though he tried to hide it. His joints were stiff as he fought the urge to move. To squirm. The silence was unbearable. Agent Bell's fingers somehow moved soundlessly across his keyboard, hardly a tap to be heard as he typed on the silent keyboard, pausing at times to click on something before again typing away. True torture. Roy had just about had enough of it.

Finally, with one final click, Agent Bell sat back from his computer screen, pulling off a pair of reading glasses as he turned and faced the man sitting before him.

"Thank you for your patience, Agent Vega," Bell spoke, voice hard, words short, tone holding an icy chill that nearly made Roy shudder in his seat. Agent Bell fell silent again, watching the other man with an almost hostile gaze. He shifted then, moving to lean forward on the desk, setting his glasses, folded, to the side and lacing his fingers together, "Shall we be on with this then?"

Nodding in response, Roy lifted his head to almost meet his supervisor's gaze, though found himself staring at the man's nose instead, "Yes sir," he responded, praying his voice stayed even as he spoke, "Let's begin."

With a curt nod, Bell gave a simple, "Good," in response, then continued with, "I'm sure you know why you're in my office today, Agent Vega, but why don't we take a moment and have a little review? Hm? Five months ago you wrote to me proposing a new project. A project you had proposed once before, but what's more, a project I initially shot down. Can you think of any reason why I would decline this project, Agent Vega?"

"Yes sir," Roy answered immediately.

"And what would be that reason, Agent Vega?" Bell pressed.

Roy drew in a calming breath, swallowing back his growing nerves, and said, "The project held too grand of a risk, sir."

Agent Bell let out a laugh at that answer, "Is that all you think?" he questioned, then scowled as he went on, "Agent Vega, with all due respect, you should know by now that the project to which you cling so fiercely is--and always has been--the deranged beliefs of an absolute fool. To take incarcerated villains, free them of their confines--their restraints--and allow them to run amock through cities--around the general public--and hope, by some chance, that not only can they apprehend those villains which even our own operatives have failed to capture for years, but that by doing so, said criminals will somehow be reformed into, what, heroes?" Bell let out another laugh, but it was a sour sound, bursting out through a stinging sneer as the man shook his head, "Twelve incident reports, Agent Vega. I've had to write twelve incident reports in the three months your project has been up and running. Tell me, just how do you think this makes us look? How do you think this reflects on the DNCC?"

"To be fair, sir," Roy started and immediately regretted his words. Was he really about to start arguing with his supervisor? It was too late to turn back. Roy strived to make his words sound as inoffensive as he could, "My team hasn't exactly had the best support. Nor have we had the greatest of odds in regards to the missions we've been assigned." Nope, that was definitely wrong. Roy wished he could take the words back. Rewind time and just sit in silence while Agent Bell chastised him like a child. It felt awful, but at least it would be better than actively upsetting the man. This was definitely not the time to be upsetting the man.

Sure enough, Agent Bell did not look the least bit amused by Roy's words, and his scowl grew deeper, "Your team, Agent Vega, has been responsible for the deaths of nearly four dozen civilians, the injury of three-hundred innocent people, and over thirty-five billion dollars in property damage! Whatever 'support' you feel your team deserves. Is. Null! Whatever 'odds' you feel were placed against you? Absolutely irrelevant! If your team can't handle themselves on a mission even enough to simply lose the target without casualty, then what good are they doing in the overall purpose of this project, to begin with, Agent Vega? You claim this program will reform these rampant renegades you've collected, but all I've seen is a pack of chaotic animals spreading sheer chaos through the streets! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't put an end to the Hounds Initiative right now and have those hell-risen demons sent back to their fiery pits where they belong!"

"Malcolm Grey wrote-"

"I don't want to hear about Malcolm Grey! I've heard enough about Malcolm Grey! Malcolm Grey was a crazed lunatic with delusional ideals and an egotistical view of good versus wrong. The man believed that laws were subjective and that morality was nothing more than perspective. The only good that came from Malcolm Grey's article on the so-called 'spectrum of humanity' was predicting the inevitable fall of a once-honored hero. A prediction we failed to see until it was too late. I'm sure, Agent Vega, I needn't remind you of the horror that was the Montreal Massacre."

Roy was silent, his head dipping at the supervisor's final words, hands gripping his knees, fingers clawing at the fabric of his dress pants as he fought to hold his composure, "No sir..." he answered tightly, quietly, unable to lift his head once more to meet Agent Bell's harsh gaze, "I'm all too familiar with the tragedy."

"Then enlighten me, Agent Vega," Bell said coldly, "Why should I allow this harmful charade to continue wreaking havoc on our country?"

Again, Roy was silent, thoughts swirling around in his mind as he frantically searched for the right answer to give. He knew that no amount of reasoning through Grey's teachings would get through to the man. He knew that a speech based on hope and belief would only get him thrown out of the office. He had nothing, and the longer the silence held, the greater the tension in the air grew. The Newton's Cradle still swung, each click sending the ball on the other side flying away from the rest of the line, and each clack sending the energy straight back in the other direction.









That was when it hit him. Roy raised his head, sitting up straighter in his seat, and finally met Agent Bell's dark gaze, "Proof of concept," he said simply, "Trueheart's fall wasn't a disproval of Grey's theories, sir, but rather, a proof of concept. If a hero so grand as to be treated as a god can fall into the darkest shades of morality, then why can't a villain, seen as an irredeemable monster, rise to the lightest of shades in turn?"

"Because it simply hasn't happened, Vega," Bell replied dully, "and it never will. It just isn't possible. The scale of morality is not a two-way street. There is indisputable good, and then the path to evil. That is all there ever has been, and all there ever will be. You have to accept it and move on."

Shaking his head, Roy stood and stepped forward to set his hands on Bell's desk and lean in, "You and I both know, Agent Bell, this program-- This project-- These people. All of it. This movement is a movement for change. With the success of the Hounds Initiative-- For I assure you, sir, it will inevitably succeed in the end, and when it does, it will bring about a revolutionary change in our society. Indisputable proof," his hand beat the desk for emphasis, "of the scale of morality being fluid and free. Indisputable proof," again his hand hit, "that our society is not lost, but rather, misguided. Indisputable proof," once more Roy drove his hand into the desk, fingers curing into a fist as quickly gained the strength and confidence he needed to stand up to his supervisor, "that anyone, even a villain, can be a hero. And who stands at the center of this commendable discovery? None other than the Department of Numan Control, and by that vain, Agent Presley Bell, who initiated the project and stood by it to its glorious end!"

Agent Bell shot to his feet in a flurry of motion, slamming his hands down on the desk as his chair spun out of control behind him in the wake of his action, "Do not preach at me, Vega!" he snapped, "Sit your ass down right now or Iā€™ll have you dragged out of this office!"

Roy stood his ground, gaze unbreaking from that of Agent Bell, "The Hounds Initiative has merit!" he shot back, "Admit it! Admit that you see it! If you didnā€™t see at least a glimmer of integrity--an ounce of caliber in this program, you would have never approved it. So admit it, Bell! Admit that you see what The Hounds Initiative," a sudden laugh escaped Roy then as he shifted and added, "What The Hellā€™s Renegades have to offer not just this country, but the world!"

At this, Agent Bell was the one to fall silent, and remain so for quite some time. He stared at Roy, hard gaze seeming to dig through the man, churning away at his surface like a farmer tilling the ground in preparation for the sowing of his seeds. It tore at Roy in a way that made him feel vile and wrong, but he helped his stance, refusing to let the man intimidate him more. The silence gripped the scene like a feral animal, begging to be released, and all the while, the Newtonā€™s Cradle still clacked away.









Finally, the supervisor shifted, pulling away from the desk, and turned to pull his chair back over, sitting as he did and turning to face Agent Vega once again, "Take a seat, Agent Vega," he said, voice lacking any indication--any insight into the manā€™s mind.

Roy obliged, pulling away from the massive executive desk and sitting back down in the puny little chair that stood in front of it. He didnā€™t feel as small as he had earlier. Despite Agent Bellā€™s masked state, he knew he had the man. This was how it always went, after all.

"End of year," Agent Bell stated shortly, "You and your team have until the end of this year to get your shit together. If I see one more instance of poor publicity, thatā€™s it. Iā€™m cutting the program and you and your Hounds are going straight back to the holes you all crawled out of. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir," Roy smiled, "Thank you. I assure you, you wonā€™t regret this."

"I don't want your assurance, Vega," the man scoffed, "Just deliver results, and donā€™t disappoint me again."

"Understood sir."

"Now get the hell out of my office, Vega," Agent Bell waved dismissively, setting his head in his other hand, as he slowly pinched at the bridge of his nose, "Iā€™ve had just about enough of you to last me until the end of this year."

Still smiling, Roy returned to his feet and started for the door. He paused on his way, stopping at the corner of the desk and setting his hand to stop the flow of the Newtonā€™s cradle, gently pressing the ball on one side in place until the movement stopped, before continuing out if the office. The time for sitting idly by was over. It was time to take action.

"And we're live in six...five...


Showtime blokes and bitches!"

The yell rang out through the cavernous hallways of the Lockdown Unit, breaking the silence of the absurdly early morning as a man with pure white hair took off running from the far end of the hall towards the communal space near the front of the unit. As he went, small blasts of multi-colored light shot from his hands, striking into each of the doors he passed on the way and shaking each door with an intense B A N G that was impossible for any soul to ignore.

"Rise and shine, motherfuckers!" he continued to shout as he turned to face the hall behind him, cupping his six-fingered hands around his mouth to direct his voice ahead, "If I can't bloody sleep, then guess what, neither can all of you!"

A pair of guards was sitting at the table in the living area, playing cards and watching a movie on the projector screen. They jumped up at the start of the commotion, before inevitably making way to the rambunctious man still causing a scene so early in the morning.

"Sabriel!" one guard snapped, "For fuck's sake, this is the third night in a row. Can't you just be fucking normal?"

"Sorry, love," the man, Sabriel Kudera, threw his head back to look at the guard, casually brushing a piece of his hair to the side as he flashed the man a flirtatious smile, "I'm afraid 'normal' just isn't quite in my vocabulary. Perhaps you could offer me a lesson~ I really am such a hands-on learner, you know~"

The guard rolled his eyes and shook his head, "For the last time, Sabriel, not gonna happen. I have a girlfriend."

Sabriel turned to face the guard, still smiling, "Daww~ What she doesn't know won't hurt her! C'mon big boy, let's have some fun! Maybe then I can finally sleep!" Sabriel threw his arms up, but quickly drew them back in as he suddenly recoiled in pain, "OW!" he burst, ducking his head down and putting his hands to the back of his skull, "Bloody hell, that fucking hurt!"

Behind him, another had joined the scene. None other than the resident insomniac, Harper Willard, who stood behind Sabriel with a heavy scowl, holding a firm stance, their hands close to their body and legs set to keep them grounded. With a quick flurry of motion, they swung their leg, and struck straight into Sabriel's tailbone, sending the man stumbling and falling to the ground with another yell of pain.

Rolling over as he hit the ground, Sabriel looked up at Harper, at first in shock, but his expression quickly shifted to one of anger, and he sneered at the other individual. He threw up two fingers in the middle of his set of six and thrust the gesture at his attacker, to which Harper responded with a similar gesture of their own.

"Oh, fuck you, Harper!" Sabriel spat, starting to get back up to his feet with an irritable growl.

Before he could get far, however, Harper kicked him right back down and slammed their foot down on the ground for emphasis. They closed their two first fingers to their thumb in a quick motion, then pointed fiercely at Sabriel, sneering right back at the man, before they turned swiftly and stormed back toward the hall, shoving whatever sorry sap happened to be in their way as they went.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you!" Sabriel yelled after them, obviously trying to get the last word in, as though it would make a difference in the fact that he had just had his ass handed to him.

"Honestly," the second guard spoke as the first made way after Harper to ensure they didn't cause any further violence, "Can't you all go just one night without trying to kill each other?"
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Everyone wants to be a hero
So they say...
Everyone wants to make that difference
Everyone wants to save the day...

Anyone can be a villain
So they claim...
Anyone can force a change
Anyone can steal the fame...

People are black and white
So they speak...
People are but one side of a coin
No sense of balance and nothing unique...

But the world is more than simply black and white
So weā€™ve seen...
The world is silver and gray
The world is good and bad and everything in between...

Excerpt from "Beyond Black and White: Embracing the Spectrum of Humanity"
written by Dr. Malcolm Grey; September 1948

As a behavioral scientist, I have spent decades studying the complex nature of human morality. In my research, I have developed a theory that I call "the spectrum of moral relativism." At the core of this theory is the notion that all people - be they human or numan, hero or villain - exist somewhere on a spectrum of morality ranging from pure good ("white") to pure evil ("black"). However, no one is capable of existing at the extremes. No matter how heroic or villainous someone may seem, each person exists solely within the gray areas along this spectrum. What's more, no single person is ever static on this scale. Rather, we each flow freely along its length, pushed this way or that with each decision we make. Even the noblest hero is capable of a heinous act, just as the wickedest villain may still operate by some internal code of ethics that guides them toward some "greater good."

This fluidity is why I caution against either glorifying or condemning any individual absolutely. To idolize heroes as infallible is just as dangerous as branding villains as irredeemable monsters. Every person, regardless of where they fall on the moral spectrum, deserves the chance to choose morality. Of course, perspectives on what constitutes "moral" behavior can be skewed by one's place on the spectrum. But the potential exists in each of us to move toward the light or the dark by the choices we make. As long as we live and breathe, the opportunity remains to reconsider our actions and beliefs and to make an effort to align with moral good as we understand it. No one is hopelessly lost to the shadows, just as no one has achieved perfect virtue. We all exist in the gray.

January 12, 2012
"Breaking news out of downtown Turtle Ridge this evening as the country's first attempt at utilizing government-sponsored supervillains ended in complete disaster. The group, referred to as "Hell's Renegades" by the public, consists of incarcerated supervillains who were offered reduced sentences in exchange for hunting down dangerous criminals. They are overseen by the Department of Numan Conduct and Control's new villain rehabilitation program, said to be called the "Hounds Initiative". The team was deployed for the first time tonight with the goal of apprehending the villainous duo Tempest and Torrent, wanted for the abduction and severe sexual harassment of dozens, as well as the trafficking of countless individuals. However, the confrontation quickly spiraled out of control, resulting in the utter decimation of several city blocks. At least five civilians have been confirmed dead so far, with dozens more injured. Witnesses describe an intense superpowered battle that laid waste to buildings, vehicles, and infrastructure. The Hell's Renegades seemed unable to contain the powerful Tempest and Torrent, despite their own formidable abilities. In the aftermath, the DNCC is facing harsh criticism over the catastrophic failure of the program's first mission. Many are questioning the wisdom of unleashing convicted supervillains, even under government supervision. There are calls for the Renegades to be locked back up and for a full investigation into how such a disaster was allowed to unfold. The people of Turtle Ridge are mourning the lost lives and demanding accountability from officials who gambled with public safety. This devastating episode has shattered trust in the nascent Hounds Initiative and left many wondering if commandeering supervillain powers can ever be controlled."

February 29th, 2012
"This just in from downtown Brightburgh this evening as the efforts of the Hell's Renegades ended in complete disaster once again. The notorious group known to be sanctioned by none other than the Department of Numan Conduct and Control was deployed on yet another mission, this time against the world-infamous villain Entropy. The battle took place at the Brightburgh shipping yard, which was thankfully closed for the night, eliminating casualties. However, the intense confrontation between the Renegades and Entropy resulted in catastrophic damage to the entire area. Shipping containers were shredded, cranes were toppled, and buildings were reduced to rubble as the two sides clashed. Witnesses describe a terrifying scene of uncontrolled superpowers devastating everything around them. Despite their formidable abilities, the Renegades proved no match for Entropy. The master of chaos dodged their every attack while unleashing reality-warping mayhem that laid waste to the shipping yard. By the time the smoke cleared, it was utter devastation. Entropy managed to escape unharmed, leaving his defeated followers behind to be arrested.

While there were no civilian casualties this time, the property damage exceeded that of the Renegades' first failed mission tenfold. The shipping yard is a complete loss, with damage estimates already in the millions. Once again, the DNCC's controversial Hounds Initiative has failed disastrously. The public is outraged over this latest example of the government-sponsored team causing more harm than good. There are renewed calls to lock up the supervillains for good instead of unleashing them on unsanctioned missions. Public trust in the rehabilitation program has evaporated entirely after this wanton destruction. Officials are scrambling to explain how they could let the Renegades loose again after their previous failure. However, no excuses can justify the ruination of an entire shipping yard at the hands of uncontrollable supervillain agents. It seems the ambitious Hounds Initiative has backfired completely, proving that deputized supervillains bring nothing but chaos and damage. The people of Brightburgh are left to clean up the mess while demanding accountability from the officials who gambled with their safety once again."

March 7th, 2012
"Urgent report out of the city of Hollowhills this evening as the Hell's Renegades clashed with the notorious villainess Dark Eve, though the confrontation ended in disaster and chaos. The Renegades, a government-sponsored team of incarcerated supervillains overseen by the Hounds Initiative rehabilitation program, were deployed to bring Dark Eve to justice. Witnesses describe an intense battle that raged through downtown as the Renegades pursued Dark Eve using their formidable abilities. Despite taking heavy damage, the Renegades managed to apprehend Dark Eve and had her restrained. However, before she could be taken into custody, Dark Eve broke free from her restraints with a massive burst of dark energy. She then went on a rampage, wantonly attacking the Renegades and any bystanders in her path. Multiple city blocks were left in ruins as Dark Eve lashed out in rage. Several Renegades members were severely injured trying to recapture her, along with over a dozen innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. After unleashing untold devastation and chaos, Dark Eve managed to escape without a trace. The Renegades were left defeated amidst the rubble, their first big mission an abject failure. This disastrous confrontation has only added to the controversy surrounding the Hounds Initiative. The public is outraged that the government-sponsored villains caused so much damage and failed to contain Dark Eve. With the Renegades once again proving to be an uncontrolled danger, calls are mounting for the program to be shut down immediately. The people of Hollowhills are left to clean up the mess as officials scramble to justify unleashing convicted villains who bring nothing but chaos. After this catastrophic clash, trust in the Renegades is shattered, and many are questioning if deputized supervillains can ever be relied upon for good."

Lilian watched the hero, head tilting as he observed the man's body language. He could tell that King Stag was weighing his options, but more than that, he could see that the bug man was uncomfortable. Did he do that? No way, he thought, this guy is a fucking superhero, there's no way I got to him by just running my mouth! He shook his head then forced a natural enough smile and responded to the question naturally, with unrivaled confidence, "Lilian Amie," he said, removing one hand from his camera and holding it out for a shake, "I go by 'lee'," he added as an aside, then went on, "I work with the Word of the Willow down the street from here. The office is on the fifth floor, suite D. You can find my supervisor's contact information on the website, Hal Roberts, he's in charge of the numan activity division."

Okay, that's enough, Lilian, Li thought, feeling the pressure of panic as he realized he was talking way too damn much. He didn't show his panic though, not really. His face remained friendly and inviting, his body calm. It was just a slight twitch in his eyes, a small widening pulling his eyes just a bit more open. A few blinks were all it took to push it away and he just tugged harder at his smile as he waited for King Stag's response, but then he was talking again as he explained, "I figure it would be better to go with the latter option since you'll probably be pretty busy looking for people, and you'll most likely be flying and shit, and I may be good at getting around places, but I'm no hero like you. I'd only slow you down or get left behind if we tried to do the interview right now, so it's definitely better to do it later."

Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up! he screamed internally, but he kept talking, "Besides all that, I should really get to work now anyways because my boss is gonna be pissed. He's pretty old-fashioned and doesn't count getting caught in crossfire as a viable reason to be late or absent. Which really sucks for me because I constantly get caught like this, but hey! It gives me good enough stories that I still have a job!"
@Crimson Flame I'd say just change out "control" for "influence" for pheromones and you're good!!
@Sanity43217 Possibly, I'm waiting on another player to see if they're still in, but even if they are still looking to play, I might be willing to accept another player since I'm already at 5+ jdsvajsbsjnx
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