Avatar of Baphomini


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Current HEY Y'ALL WE NEED JUST TWO MORE PLAYERS TO GET THIS GOING!! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Blazzit 4:20
6 mos ago
I find the fact that it tells you that you have no friends to be even more hilarious. That note on my sidebar is the reason I will never friend anyone here. It must remain as it is.
6 mos ago
Passing out in the middle of an online class that started at 5am đź« 
6 mos ago
@Lucid Dreaming Oh no, no jokes, you must choose. What. Are we having. For dinner.
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[a misty valley of cascading waters and towering trees, dark clouds roll like a sea overhead, thunder rumbles lowly and wind rustles through the needles of the evergreen branches─goats screaming in the distance and a shadow emerges from the billowing mists]

Heya hiya, my name's Audley! Y'can call me Auds, or even just Goatif that suits ya! M'pronouns are they/their, he/his, ne/nir, and thon/thons; if y'have any questions regarding any of 'em n' how they work, please don't be afraid t'ask, m'always happy t'teach!

M'jus' a lil' amalgamation of a hundred or so goats all clumped together in a mothman onesie; y'never really know which goat you're gonna get until it screams at ya!

I like art and movies and anime and games about solving crime and horror mysteries through stolen phones (I'm looking at you, Elmwood Trail), I also enjoy life sims and dating sims and like to watch horror and thriller movies and series.

I like my cocoa spicy with a little bit of the sauce if you know what I mean and my sugar milk with coffee. Pork chops and applesauce or hit the highway, and lactose intolerance is just a reason to love dairy all the more.

Most Recent Posts

Title: Terisa of the piercing strata
Full Name: Terisa Sokolov
Age/DOB (before the slumber): 26
Height/Weight: 5'6 /128
Sex/Gender: Female

Personality: Originally Terisa was a very patient soul. Taking her time like an archer taking aim, awaiting for the single perfect moment in time. Then with all the speed and certainty moving in a strait line to the target with astounding results. Whenever a choice is offered one can be assured that Terisa would weigh all the angles, choose the best item to get the task done in a single shot.

The corruption has made Terisa impatient, very impatient after learning her time was wasted and she never got married or experienced life fully. While in the void it was not the waiting or continual nothingness, it was the lack of substance, it was the constant reminder of all of life's bounty she was being denied. The once ginger now has become glutton for all that life has to offer in all its forms!

Main Magic: Breath of creation
Secondary magic: Air, flow, void

Virtue Key: Raudra, Compound bow
Utilizing Vitanima the bow creates softly glowing blue arrows. These mystic arrows are capable of piercing any target bypassing armor or hardness as spiritual damage. The Compound bows mystic ammunition is harmless to inanimate objects passing through them. The bows one weakness is water, the bolts seem to disburse in the life giving element.

So, you still seem to be missing the idea here? (friendly) Breath and Air are one in the same, Air is just another name for ethe core element of Breath. The notes of Breath are Loose, Drift, and Range, while the abstracts of Breath are Freedom, Tranquility, Growth, as can be seen in the Zeroth post

This means that Terisa would have a core focus of Breath, and her applications of this would allow her to utilize its note of Drift in conjunction with its abstract of Freedom to both reach into the minds of others and glimpse into the future through the astral plane as her soul drifts and exists in freedom from the mortal plane

I suggest altering the CS to have Focus Core and Applications the way I did for Aleksei as it allows for more freedom and explanation in how an element is used by the character!
Yes! I'd say the Key is perfect ^u^ and like I said, you can still utilize the idea of reading minds, just instead of being labeled directly as mind, it is achieved through creatively utilizing the more abstract reaches of an element. A similar idea to this would be using a core focus of Shape/Earth to control bones based on Shape's note of Root and abstract of Stability as well as the concept that bones are made of minerals, minerals found in the Earth, from which the life that holds these bones originates. It all comes together in a wonderful, chaotic cycle!
@amorphical Again, if you look at the Zeroth post, you'll see that the elements have been completely reworked from that of the original post. Now being limited to fire, earth, water, and air. These four are broken down into their notes and expanded into their abstracts. Mind/abstract no longer exists as an element, and flow is not a note of any one element as all elements are capable of flow. Please look at the Zeroth post or my update on the elements to see the new elements and the new system we are working with (friendly)

Question on magic: So are the magics in the opening post tiers? Like at level one [the magics tab] carnal is level one and what is capable at this basic level, then contingent(level 2), and finally celestial?
So does this mean I need to select one at each level?

I choose the abstract mind. As a type of telepath reading peoples thoughts as to their movements. Is this the correct interpretation?

As you'll see in the Zeroth post, the elements have been reworked to focus on the four elements of Soul, Shape, Fluid, and Breath-- or Fire, Earth, Water, and Air for better understanding --These elements then expand into their key notes, such as Shape being composed of Dense, the very essence of the earth itself, Root, the fact that all life is tied to the earth in one way or another, and Bloom, the idea that the earth is a giver of life, a provider that allows things to take form. From there, the core element of Shape is further observed to encompass a more abstract essence. Here we look at Shape's abstracts of Strength, Stability, and Compression. Through Strength, we gain the will to not just survive but thrive. Stability gives one the ability to keep their place in life. Compression acts as a control in conjunction with the Growth offered by Fluid, keeping things simple and straightforward rather than spiraling out of comprehension.

You'll see, if you look back at my CS for Aleksei, I've altered the form just a bit. Rather than simply determining a primary and secondary magic from the original list, I chose a core focus element, and allowed for a minoring focus for the purpose of the applications I was searching for.

As you can see, Alek's primary focus is Soul, or Fire, but he also works with Shape, or Earth, and with this, he has developed his own means of utilizing these elements through not just their core, but the notes and abstracts as well. With the Knights being in the position they were, they will have mastered their core elements to the Celestial level. The idea with this altered system is not to pick and choose elements from different levels, but rather, to interpret the core element in a way that works for you! Breath, with its abstract of Freedom could be interpreted in a way that allows for one to "free their mind" and utilize the note of "Drift" in order to enter the minds of others on a metaphysical plane, allowing them to access the thoughts of those around them.

In conjecture, you could use the Pitch of Fluid along with Adaptivity to do the same. This is the idea behind this setup! The notion that the same non-elementally driven spell could be achieved just as likely through one core as another. Though, with your character's Key's weakness to water, and reliance on the wind, I would think Breath is a more fitting means of approaching the application than that Fluid, haha
@Autumn Moon @CorviDoggo @Kronshi @Sanity @amorphical

A zeroth post has been created logging all the new information into a more organized and concise format. Please view at your leisure and make any adjustments to your characters that may be necessary (as I will be doing the same dfcvgbh)

As you stepped into the chamber, the weight of your responsibility as one of The Seven rested heavy on your shoulders. You were proud to have come this far, to have battled against the malignant force that had threatened the empire and its people for so long. This was the moment you had been waiting for, the chance to finally put an end to the death and bring tranquility to the land.

But as you looked into the eyes of the old men and women before you, you felt a sudden sense of unease. These were the same people you had once trusted, the ones who had congratulated you and taken care of you after every battle. Yet, something was different this time. They began to chant in the same colors and with the same cursed magic that you had been fighting against for years.

You tried to fight back, to resist their power, but it was too strong. You flailed and struggled until you could no longer hold on, and your world went dark.

For years, you were lost in the abyss of darkness, hoping to wake up and find it all to be a bad dream. But time passed, and you remained trapped, staring into the void.

Then, after over five decades of darkness, your eyes finally opened. But they were no longer the bright gold of your resolve. Instead, they were as dark as the abyss you had been lost in, with a swirling purple that seemed to pulse with a malicious energy. You heard a voice in your head, asking you to destroy the empire you had once sworn to protect. The voice reminded you of the backstabbing, the betrayal. Your heart filled with pure disdain. For years, that void stood by you. When no one else did. If anyone was right, it was the void. Right?


Seven Knights, each representing one of the Blessed Virtues of the land-- Chastity, Kindness, Patience, Hope, Faith, Fortitude, and Temperance --The knights were tricked into a slumber, told that their power was needed to seal away a dark force. By the time they realized what the Council they had long since served was doing, it was too late, as the ritual was nearly complete. But the ritual the Council used was pulled from a dark text, and with it came exactly the kind of dark force the Knights had once defended against. This dark force, named Daemonium, was sealed with each of the Knights in solitude-- "thankfully" --but in being sealed with the knights in their imprisoned slumber, It was able to infest them, drowning them in Its darkness and twisting their thoughts, making them corrupt versions of the Virtues, the very Virtues they were supposed to represent. The Council betrayed them, out of fear of their grand power. The Council told the people of the land that the Knights died honorably in their battle against the dark force and gave unto them the title of Saints. The people they had protected cast them out without a care or question. And so it was twisted in their minds over the decades stuck staring into that void with Daemonium ever-present in their solitude. What they stood for was meaningless. They were worthless, for they couldn't even protect themselves against the dark force that the Council had so foolishly used to seal them away.

In five decades' time, a figure arrives at the chamber of their resting. A Vessel meant to hold this dark force. A vessel meant to trap the dark force. Overcome it and blot it out of existence. But the Vessel fails, and with Its fall, the dark force takes control in Its stead. The Vessel had no intention of releasing the Knights when It arrived in the chamber and broke the seal, but Daemonium isn't complaining, after all...the Knights belong to It now, and with Its new, stronger form, Daemonium and the Knights at Its command, it's only a matter of time before the kingdom once protected by the Knights of Virture, falls to the saviors it cast out so long ago...


Vitanima is energy that courses through everything living, and every individual can access it, with proper concentration and discipline. This energy is broken down into three tiers, or schools, of focus: Cardinal, Contingent, and Celestial. All three of these schools rely on the core elements of the world: Shape, Blood, Breath, and Soul-- More often referred to as Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. These are the foundation of Life and Existence as it is known, encompassing all that which is as they are broken down to their very meaning and essence of being.

School of Cardinality

At the Cardinal level of schools, the elements are restricted to purely their base forms. One who focuses their magic through Fire would be able to not just conjure, control, and craft fire in its literal form (see "Fire Bending" or "Pyrokinesis"), but so too, they would be able to cast spells with Fire as the focusing core of the incantation. This is to say, when casting, one uses the literal embodiment of Fire as a foundation for this spell. For example, if a Fire focuser were to cast a healing spell, it would be brought from the very flame itself with themes of cauterization and sterilization. One could use a focus of Fire to mend and bind materials, or, on the contrary, they could use their fiery focus to boil and break materials down to their finer forms. For one who focuses on Fire as their center, spells are read as passionate and warm in nature. Naturally, all magic comes at a cost, though the drawback of these simpler castings is minimal. Headaches, minor fatigue, and hunger are the worst of the extent paid for Cardinal spellwork. This is the most basic level of harnessing Vitanima, accessible by all as an innate ability learned with age and practice.

School of Contingency

At the Contingent level of schools, the elements are broken down to their finer forms. One who focuses their magic through Fire opens the way to expanding their power to encompass the internal notes of the flame: Heat, Glow, and Spark are among these notes in the realm of Fire. These refined points of focus allow for sharpened, more refined spells when used as the focusing core. Heat is used for higher, more severe healing spells, while Spark is used not only to produce specialized flames, but can also be used in spells for energizing, inspiring, or even soothing. For one who focuses on the keynotes of Fire as their center, spells are read as invigorated and hot in nature. Unsurprisingly, the cost of these higher-level spells is quite great. Headaches rise to migraines, while fatigue becomes utter exhaustion, and hunger is replaced with painful nausea and other internal pains. This is a more specialized level of harnessing Vitanima, accessible to those who take strides into deeper learning, expanding their knowledge of the core elements and their inner parts. One must learn from tomes and mentors-- teachers in academies and freelance masters of the craft --to achieve this level of power when utilizing their Vitanima.

School of Celeste

At the Celestial level of schools, the elements are expanded further into their abstract forms. One who focuses their magic through Fire rises high in the overlaying planes of mortal and soul, evolving their power to reach the abstract characterization of the pyre: Passion, Ferocity, and Rebirth are among these characterizations. These abstractions of focus allow for the highest of spells when used as the focusing core. Most notably, one who focuses a healing spell through the abstract of Rebirth is believed to be capable of bringing a soul back to life, though to attempt this is said to risk the greatest of drawbacks. As is to be expected, the drawback of paramount spells like these is of the extreme. Such can include migraines so severe they bring the onset of temporary blindness or deafness, as well as instances of bleeding of the nose, ears, and eyes, and exhaustion leading to long-lasting unconsciousness, and even coma and, in some cases, even organ failure are possibilities when using these high-level spells. This is the highest level of harnessing Vitanima, achievable only by rigorous years of learning to further deepen one's understanding of the world as a whole, as well as countless hours of diligent practice, becoming one with the energy that flows throughout all of life. This school is reserved only for those in a higher power, forbidden to be learned by the common man, for it holds powers that should not be wielded lightly.


The core elements of this magical system - Soul, Shape, Blood, and Breath - each relate to one another in nuanced ways. At their most basic Cardinal level, they represent the raw materials that make up the world: Soul as Fire, Shape as Earth, Blood as Water, and Breath as Air. But looking deeper, we see each element contains, within it, Contingent notes that reveal unique qualities. Fire, for example, holds the notes of Heat, Glow, and Spark - qualities that evoke its passionate, fierce, and rebirth-oriented nature. Earth's notes of Dense, Root, and Bloom reflect its associations with strength, stability, and compression. Water's notes of Crisp, Dark, and Pitch align with its adaptivity, flexibility, and its role in birth. And Air, through its notes of Loose, Drift, and Range, connects to freedom, tranquility, and growth. Ascending to the Celestial level, the abstract meanings of each element come into sharpest relief, as Fire's ferocity contrasts Water's flexibility, while Earth's stability differs from Air's freedom. Yet there are also resonances - Dense relates to Strength, as Loose does to Freedom. These interwoven layers allow for myriad creative applications, as one moves from the raw Cardinal elements, through their Contingent notes, up to their Celestial abstractions. With each level revealing new facets, the elements become richer in meaning and more open to imaginative magic use. The system thus encourages flexibility and experimentation, with the elements' meanings multiplying as they are broken down to their philosophical cores.

Core: Soul; referred to often as "Fire"
Notes: Heat, Glow, Spark
Abstracts: Passion, Ferocity, Rebirth

Core: Shape; referred to often as "Earth"
Notes: Dense, Root, Bloom
Abstracts: Strength, Stability, Compression

Core: Blood; referred to often as "Water"
Notes: Crisp, Dark, Pitch
Abstracts: Adaptivity, Flexibility, Birth

Core: Breath; referred to often as "Air"
Notes: Loose, Drift, Range
Abstracts: Freedom, Tranquility, Growth

Keys of Virtue

The Keys of Virtue are magical weapons that the Seven Knights of the Blessed Virtues wielded in battle against the dark forces of the world, and took with them into their slumbering imprisonment in the Void. Each Key is entirely unique to the Knight, crafted by their own, or another, and blessed by the Holy Council for which they served. The Keys share one common ability, the ability to siphon out the Vitanima of anyone who dies by the Key, increasing the strength therein. It is a dangerous tool. One that should not fall into the wrong hands. And yet...with the corruption of the Knights throughout their fifty-year slumber, and now their release alongside the dark force of Daemonium after the fall of the Vessel...these once-holy and blessed weapons have been warped into tools for nothing but pain, suffering, and most of all, destruction...

Alright, people, I'll put all this new information in a zeroth post for easier access, but this is what I've got. I tried to be as unspecific as I could to allow for people to interpret the elements in their own way so they can shape their magic by their character rather than strict rules or ideals. I also did my best to avoid specifying overlays between the elements, in favor of letting such be seen through perspective. For example: Air and water both have a characteristic of flow shared between them, but one could argue that fire, too, has that characteristic, and even earth, in the form of sand especially is able to freely flow. Finally, I tried to have contrast between the notes and abstracts of traditionally opposing elements (water ↔ fire, and earth ↔ air) while also including contrast in these between the other core elements as well (see stability vs flexibility). I was also applying a third, more complicated level of connection between the notes and abstracts, see Dense to Strength, or Loose to Freedom. The main idea behind all of this is to open up the magic system to creativity and allow users to run wild with the implications these elements can hold. From the Cardinal level of the basic core element, to the Contingent level of using those finer notes of the element, all the way up to the Celestial level of encompassing the abstract character of each element. As the element is broken down to its very meaning, it becomes more powerful and allows for more creative applications and a wider range of use.

Element: Fire; referred to often as "Soul"
  • Notes: Heat, Glow, Spark
  • Abstracts: Passion, Ferocity, Rebirth

Element: Earth; referred to often as "Shape"
  • Notes: Dense, Root, Bloom
  • Abstracts: Strength, Stability, Compression

Element: Water; referred to often as "Fluid"
  • Notes: Crisp, Dark, Pitch
  • Abstracts: Adaptivity, Flexibility, Birth

Element: Air; referred to often as "Breath"
  • Notes: Loose, Drift, Range
  • Abstracts: Freedom, Tranquility, Growth

With his magic, I'm wanting it to technically all be fire magic, but fire magic that he has honed to be so formidable that it has gained equivalent strength and drawbacks to Contingent Magic in the form of Inferno and Celestial Magic in the form of The Flames of Jophiel. If that's not okay, I'll make changes of course.

[insert wooyeah dancing alien]

You've inspired me to rework the magic system because I really liked your view of the fire evolving with the levels of magic schools, so here you go:

At the Cardinal level of magical schools, the elements are restricted to purely their base forms. One who focuses their magic through Fire would be able to not just form, control, and manipulate fire in its literal form (see "Fire Bending" or "Pyrokinesis"), but so too, they would be able to cast spells with Fire as the focusing core of the incantation. This is to say, when casting, one uses the literal embodiment of Fire as a foundation for this spell. For example, if a Fire focuser were to cast a healing spell, it would be brought from the heat of the flame with themes of cauterization and sterilization. One could use a focus of Fire to mend and bind materials, or, on the contrary, they could use their fiery focus to boil and break materials down to their finer forms. For one who focuses on Fire as their center, spells are read as passionate and warm in nature. Naturally, all magic comes at a cost, though the drawback of these simpler castings is minimal. Headaches, fatigue, and hunger are the worst of the extent paid for Cardinal spellwork.

At the Contingent level of magic schools, the elements are broken own to their finer forms. One who focuses their magic through Fire opens way to expanding their power to encompassing the finer notes of the flame: Heat, Glow, and Spark are among these notes in the realm of Fire. These refined points of focus allow for finer, more refined spells when used as the focusing core. Heat is used for higher, more severe healing spells, while Spark is used not only to produce specialized flames, but can also be used in spells for energizing, inspiring, or even soothing. For one who focuses on the finer note of Fire as their center, spells are read as invigorated and hot in nature. Unsurprisingly, the cost of these higher level spells come quite greater. Headaches rise to migraines, while fatigue becomes utter exhaustion, and hunger is replaced with painful nausea and other internal pains.

At the Celestial level of magic schools, the elements are expanded further into their abstract forms. One who focuses their magic through Fire rises high in the overlaying planes of mortal and soul, evolving their power to reach the abstract characterization of the pyre: Passion, Ferocity, and Rebirth are among these characterizations. These abstractions of focus allow for the highest of spells when used as the focusing core. Most notably, one who focuses a healing spell through the abstract of Rebirth is believed to be capable of bringing a soul back to life, though to attempt this is said to risk the greatest of drawbacks. As is to be expected, the drawback of paramount spells like these is of the extreme. Migraines so severe they bring the onset of temporary blindness or deafness, bleeding of the nose, ears, and eyes, and exhaustion leading into long-lasting unconsciousness, and even coma and organ failure are possibilities when using these high-level spells.

I have to take care of something irl right fast, but when I'm done with that, I'll work at expanding the other three cardinal elements into their finer notes and abstracts. Thank you for the inspiration!!
just for yk clarfication, ty to @Baphomini

Chastity <-> Lust
Kindness <-> Envy
Patience <-> Wrath
Hope <-> Deceit
Faith <-> Pride
Fortitude <-> Sloth
Temperance <-> Gluttony

Yah, essentially @Kronshi, the only cardinal sin missing is Greed, but one could argue that Deceit, e.i. Lying, is driven by greed as one usually lies out of self-gain! Pride as the opposite of Faith lies in the fact that the counter to Faith (being the belief in God) is Blasphemy, and when it comes to Pride and viewing oneself as higher than their faith, such is deemed an act of blasphemy
I'd like to have both of these threads deleted as I've decided to work on the story as a screenplay rather than a roleplay and would like to have the information taken off of public pages while I work on the script


Thank you in advance!
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