Avatar of Baphomini


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Current HEY Y'ALL WE NEED JUST TWO MORE PLAYERS TO GET THIS GOING!! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Blazzit 4:20
6 mos ago
I find the fact that it tells you that you have no friends to be even more hilarious. That note on my sidebar is the reason I will never friend anyone here. It must remain as it is.
6 mos ago
Passing out in the middle of an online class that started at 5am 🫠
6 mos ago
@Lucid Dreaming Oh no, no jokes, you must choose. What. Are we having. For dinner.
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[a misty valley of cascading waters and towering trees, dark clouds roll like a sea overhead, thunder rumbles lowly and wind rustles through the needles of the evergreen branches─goats screaming in the distance and a shadow emerges from the billowing mists]

Heya hiya, my name's Audley! Y'can call me Auds, or even just Goatif that suits ya! M'pronouns are they/their, he/his, ne/nir, and thon/thons; if y'have any questions regarding any of 'em n' how they work, please don't be afraid t'ask, m'always happy t'teach!

M'jus' a lil' amalgamation of a hundred or so goats all clumped together in a mothman onesie; y'never really know which goat you're gonna get until it screams at ya!

I like art and movies and anime and games about solving crime and horror mysteries through stolen phones (I'm looking at you, Elmwood Trail), I also enjoy life sims and dating sims and like to watch horror and thriller movies and series.

I like my cocoa spicy with a little bit of the sauce if you know what I mean and my sugar milk with coffee. Pork chops and applesauce or hit the highway, and lactose intolerance is just a reason to love dairy all the more.

Most Recent Posts

Oh boy, Li thought as he took in Jenna's words and behavior, Another one. He sighed softly, keeping it as invisible and silent as possible as he walked over to sit in the seat across from Miss Falcone, to the right of where King Stag stood. He wondered for a moment if the office might have a different kind of chair that would be better suited for the hero, and part of him wished he had thought of that in preparation for the interview. It felt like it was too late now, and that making any effort toward getting King Stag a proper seat would just inicite more judgment from the woman, something that Li wasn't too eager to receive. Lilian was used to people like her, he had two bosses, a coworker, and a landlady who all followed the same code and he knew well by that point that if a problem wasn't immediately taken as a problem there was no need to try and fix it.

As he took up his seat, Lilian set down an arrangement of items he'd been hilding under one arm. A few sheets of printed out papers containing articles on some of King Stag's most significant services to the city, a notebook scribbled with what looked like a myriad of questions written in several different pen colors, and a simple audio recorder which he set in the middle of the table between them all.

Brushing his hair back a few times only to ruffle it up again, Lilian gave a nod in responseto the woman, "Yes," he said, "I understand the terms perfectly clear. I assure you, I'm no gossip columnist. I won't be looking for superficial nonsense like dating status, orientation, or anything else falling into such a taboo and personal realm. I'm here to talk about King Stag, the hero, and nothing more. Now," he reached then and pressed record, "Thank you, King Stag, for meeting with me today. It's truly a pleasure to have you. Before we get straight into things, how goes it for you?" Yes. It was technically a personal question, but if miss bossy had a problem with it, she could choke on the creme in one of those stupid donuts she demanded, as far as Lilian was concerned. Lilian wasn't about to dump an entire interview on a guy if he wasn't having a good day.
2:01 PM ─ All this cardio has to do something, right?

Fifteen laps. Lilian had done fifteen laps around the office by the time King Stag's public representative Jenna Falcone entered the scene. And boy did she enter. Just who was the celebrity here? It didn't matter, what did matter was that they were here. Moe specifically, he was here. Li started across the wide open space of the office 'lobby' as it was called, but before he could get to the arrivals, a man walked briskly past him, practically running him over as he shot by.

"Good afternoon, Miss Falcone," Lilian's direct supervisor was hot on the scene, approaching the woman with an overly warm welcome, speaking way too loud and putting way too much force into his words to sound as grand and friendly as he possibly could, "Hal Roberts," he introduced himself, "Article Supervisor and lead writer for Word of the Willow. Thank you so much for meeting with us and agreeing to participate in an interview with our own, Lilian Amie. I assure you, Mr. Amie is one of our finest writers and most dedicated reporters. If anyone can make King Stag shine, it's him."

2:03 PM ─ Get a load of this horseshit.

Lilian was amazed to hear Hal's praise, but not because he bought into any of it. He knew well enough already that his boss was lying through his teeth. To be fair, it wasn't lies by a general standard. Lilian as, in fact, one of the greatest writers and most dedicated reporters the company had. Without letting his head get too big, one could even argue he was the best. But that wasn't the point. Mr. Roberts had never once viewed Lilian in such a way, and often complained that his antics in getting the top coverage on a scene was a liability to the company, even though Li wasn't stupid enough to try and sue the company for an injury he brought on himself. Yet here he was. Hal Roberts. Playing the role of Lilian's hypeman. It was a shock to see, to say the least. He wondered exactly what Hal was trying to get out of this, but decided not to dwell on it too long as he just shook his head and walked over, shoving the man out of his way and interrupting his handshake with Jenna to butt in with a handshake of his own.

"Afternoon," he said shortly, "Lilian Amie, Li if you please. Lead writer in numan affairs. Let's get to a more private place, shall we? I secured the board room for our meeting so we wouldn't be disturbed by anyone else. If you and King Stag will follow me?" he prompted the question and didn't even wait as he spun on his heel and walked off deeper into the office space, past cubicles and down a hall to a long room with large windows and a heavy glass door. A long table took up most of the room, lined with cheap swivel chairs, and a large whiteboard with a pull-down projector screen at one end of the room.

Hal had tagged along with them, seeing to feel entitled to be present during the interview. Lilian stood in the doorway once Jenna and King Stag had entered and blocked the man from entering, looking up at him with a burning scarlet gaze, "She asked for a private meeting," he said pointedly, "Just me. I'll thank you for leaving us to our interview in peace, Mr. Roberts."

Suffice was to say, the man was shocked by Lilian's attitude and looked about to argue, but the moment his upbeat demeanor faltered, he looked at Jenna and the hulking hero they had but one chance at sealing a deal with, and he plastered that smile right back into place, "Of course, Mr. Amie," he said as naturally as he could muster, "My apologies. You all take care. I'll be sure to send Edward this way when he returns with the donuts. Until then, I'll have Jason bring you all a coffee tray."

"Thank you, sir," Lilian smirked, "Make sure he brings us lots of sugar."

With that, Lilian stepped back into the room and closed the door, cutting off the ambient noise of the rest of the office and sealing them into private silence.

2:05 PM ─ All according to plan...more or less...
Rule #2: Add new information...

Not that far off from Dr. Gate and Lauden, the guard who had stayed behind was listening in on everyone's conversations, taking note of things such as Casey 'threatening' to blow everyone up and Pine 'threatening' to use his powers to silence the bickering two. While some guards would read these as true threats of potential outbursts, this particular guard had worked with this crew long enough to know that their threats were often, baseline and simple: empty. Hearing the exchange between the doctor and the...cannibal...the guard turned his attention to them, ignoring the rest of the party as he spoke to the two, "I've never understood that restriction myself," he started, "Power or not, it's not like limiting your food intake is going to stop you from eating things that could serve you. You could just as easily eat the soap in your bathroom, or even your toilet paper or a bunch of facial tissues and we'd be just as screwed with you gaining new abilities. Denying you a bag of corn chips isn't going to change that, y'know?" he shrugged, then looked down the hall as he said, "When Raymond gets back, I could go and set up the snack cart. Seeing as it doesn't look like anyone's gonna be heading back to sleep this morning, you'll probably be needing something to hold you over until breakfast. We don't want another hangry Bez situation..."

Meanwhile, over on the couch, Casey had shifted to prop nemself up with nir arms folded under nem so ne could look up at the overtly buff man that was Jack Donovan. Donny, as ne liked to call him when ne couldn't get away with Jackaboy. Nir eyes locked on to the name as ne spoke as clearly and concisely as ne could with nir accent, "Congress shall make no law r'spectin' a 'stablishment'uv ligion, 'r pr'hibitin the free exercise there'uv; 'r abridgin' the freedom a'speech, r'uv the press; 'r the rightuv the people peace'bly t'assemble, n't'petition the Government fer a redress'uv grievances," ne recited then scoffed and went on to say, "Ain't nowhere in there does it say we can't tell those fucks t'shut the hell up. Government can't. But we can. s'part'uv our freedom'uv speech, y'know?" If that bird-beaked hybrid could speak, one could most certainly know ne would be doing so in that moment, a dangerously playful light shining in nir eyes as ne shot Jack a challenging look. Ne soon turned nir attention away from the hulking man though and focused on Pine, jutting nir beak towards him as one spoke, "As fer you, flower child, can't'cha like, pop seeds outta yerself or somethin'? Wha's holdin' ya back from that shit? They prune ya or somethin'? I've been wonderin' 'bout this fer a while, cuz'a the fact yer always bitchin' 'bout wantin' plants 'round ya. Can't'cha just, birth them or whatever?"

Throughout all of it, Rubber and Sabriel continued to argue, but as Rubber proved to be the densest being in that facility, Sabriel was getting bored with the argument. It wasn't like his debates with Pine or Gate. It was like trying to explain the internet to a caveman. And the caveman just kept setting everything on fire. He needed an out, but he refused to just give up and let Rubber appear to win, so as the debate came back around to him with Rubber blabbering on in its usual gibberish-driven butchering of the English language about how it was so much smarter than him and everyone there because it was so much more evolved than humans or numans could ever hope to be, Sabriel just said, "Oi, genius, how many quarters fit in a cup?"

Rubber stopped short at Sabriel's question and blinked its six eyes ever so slightly out of sync, like an early 90's CG film if you paid close attention. It tilted its head, then lifted a finger and began writing out equations in the air, its antennae raising and lowering, expanding their membranes and contracting as it worked through its thoughts.

That taken care of, Sabriel smirked and walked away, giving the alien a thumbs up as he went, "Good luck with that one, buddy," he said, and continued off across the room to join Dr. Gate and Lauden with the remaining guard, arriving just as the guy was talking about breakfast and another 'Bez situation'.

"G'morning, Dr. Gate," he sang with a smile, then gave a polite nod toward Lauden, "Lauden," he greeted, "Did I hear something about snacks?" he asked then as he focused his glowing silver gaze on the guard, "Can we get the strawberry Uncrustables? They're really the superior flavor when it comes down to it."

"Don't act cute, Sabriel," the guard warned.

Sabriel laughed drove his hands into his pockets as he leaned toward the group, "Oh well now, who's acting?" he teased, "Everyone knows I'm the most attractive one here, by that regard I would say I'm the cutest! Wouldn't you agree, Dr. Gate?"

A piercing stab of heat shot straight into Kousuke's chest mere seconds before the ranged attack as the sharp, jagged tones of crackling, electric blue and violet broke around the edges of his vision. A feeling. A notion. A whisper of sorts. A knowledge of what was to come with only just so much time in which to react. He took a step in the direction he felt no heat, drawn to the cold now rather than the burning flames that surged through his body.

Getting hotter-- Now you're cold!

A miscalculation. A missed sense. The heat surged as the puppet took one step too far, but it was too late to react. They prepared for the hit, ready to shoulder whatever pain was coming their way.


A brush of air, and Kousuke realized they weren't alone. Holding tight on their grasp of the wires holding the beast, Kousuke relaxed to look at the girl who had been sitting on the sidelines until that moment. He took her in. Her form. Her stance. She spoke something, and Kousuke had to think on what the words were as his mind was boggled down with all the paths stretching around them.

'Not too late...'

Kousuke gave a firm nod to the girl, "Better late than never," they told her, "But now is not the time for dramatics. Cut the movie lines and focus."

With that, he turned his focus back to the prismatic creature, studying it deeper now that he had more information about it's abilities. It was strong, that was for sure. Solid and sturdy despite its appearance. It could hold its own in melee combat, but it acted on fear and instinct, not calculated tactic and defined form. That was its weakness, but that was also the weakness of the hulking ice creature, so it seemed. Kousuke wondered if they could rely information to the other being, or if it was stuck in a feral state. Something about the frozen being gave off a more human aura than that of the walking shards of glass, and the heat bubbling around and inside of them told Kousuke that this wintery cervine was more than just another beast of the void.

Kousuke focused deeply on the mirrored creature, feeling along one of the heated pathways pulling out around him like rivers, strings of energy leading in a million and one directions. He followed the heat until it came to a frozen end then moved on to the next. Plan after plan, they rifled through as quickly as it took to breathe. Finally, Kousuke settled on one path that seemed promising. Yanking on the wires as hard as he could, he fought to pull the creature away from the other. They gave a sharp whistle and spoke with that fire they had been growing to understand.

"Come," he ordered sternly, "Move it."

He glanced only slightly at the girl, focusing in on her energy, "Keep me covered," he requested, cooling his voice for the words before turning back toward the beast and the creature and directing his voice to the one coated in ice, "When you have your opening, attack! And don't hold back!"

Just a moment alone. That was all Milo had asked for. A moment alone before they got into everything. Instead, they were dragged along out of the quiet calm and straight into the hustle and bustle of a loud, bright, and highly active city. Normally, Milo would absolutely love this shit. Normally, Milo would be running around, pointing at things, touching things, picking flowers, plunging his hands into the water of fountains and then splashing people, talking to people, introducing himself, and asking them a million questions while he could get away with it. Normally Milo would be the most hype to ever hype, as he often put it. But with everything catching up to him all at once, Milo found himself feeling physically sick from the energy around him. The city was bright. Too bright. The city was loud. Too loud. The city as crowded. Too crowded. Milo hated it. All of it. He wanted to turn around and run back into the tranquility of the forest and cry, it was all overwhelming. And none of it was helped by both the fact that that freaky ass moth kept getting way too close to him, and more than that, that annoying little dolphin wouldn't shut the hell up.

It became nothing but grating noise to Milo, and he ended up covering his ears against it all, closing his eyes as he tried to escape the over-stimulating environment in whatever way he possibly could. He wanted to wake up. He knew it wasn't a dream by this point, yet he still wanted to wake up. At the very least, he wanted a quiet place to get away from everything for just a moment before he fell into a full-blown panic attack.

The Inn was hardly an improvement. The warm glow of lighting helped with the 'too bright' aspects of the assault on his senses, but the droll murmur of conversation was only just barely better than the cacophony of noise outside. Conversations upon conversations overlapping. Some people were louder than others. No doubt that was to be accounted to the liquor. Milo could smell it in the air, mixed in with the pungent aroma of vastly differing food all around him. What should have been a comforting environment just made Milo's nausea rise further, and as his transformation faded away, leaving him back in his dirty old sweater and ragged old shoes, Milo shuffled along with his friends to the table and slid into his seat, pulling his legs up to his chest and letting out a groan as he set his head on his knees. He still wanted to cover his ears, but the rushing of his blood in his ears when he did so wasn't helping his situation, and besides that, he felt that listening to the others would serve as a good grounding exercise to bring him back to center.

As he listened to Conner's words, the last part was really what hit Milo the hardest. It made sense that Conner would feel that way. He knew as well as any of the guys how Conner felt in that regard, but...was this really the way to go about getting to feel a sense of worth? Milo wasn't even sure if he actually felt worthy just then, especially with how over half of those talking animals spoke about them and blatantly treated them. It was obvious the past sorcerers weren't thrilled to have them specifically for the job. So were they really worthy? Or was this just a horrible accident? The more Milo wondered on it, the more it felt like a voice was urging him to continue down that thought, driving him further and further into a hole he knew he couldn't get out of. With a deep breath, be finally lifted his head and looked at Conner, offering a smile though it wasn't as bright as usual, "I'm glad you're feeling good right now, Con," he said, "This shit is pretty cool n' all, and it's neat that we're part of it, but like...doncha think that maybe this is all a bit...much? I mean, we've been dumped straight into an early 2000's anime here. Talking animals, transition scenes in the middle of battle, and everything. I'm half expecting a team of uh...I think the literary term was 'foil'?" he shook his head to dismiss the thought and restarted, "I'm half expecting a team of our rivals, dark elemental users working for the villain, to appear in the next few moments to taunt us and set up cheaply written love interest plot points that are obviously rigged," with a sigh he dropped his head again and said, "Fuck it, I don't know. Just ignore me. I'm just...not feeling great is all. I wanna go back. But also I don't, and that's really fucking with me right now and I just wanna lay down in a quiet room and try to get some sleep, y'know? I'm...tired..."


Vlinderbell rested on a rock a short ways away from the edge of the pond, safely out of reach of the water. Her wings opened and closed in an even rhythm and she was silent through Chesi's rant. While the dolphin made a good point, the moth was not sure if her fellow sorceress was being fair to the foreign children. Yes. They were children. Yes. They had no idea what they were doing. But then, would any being pulled from another world understand the intricacies of their world and the magic being granted to them? Vlinderbelle wasn't too sure. She held her tongue though, knowing better than to start a debate with Chesi when she was being...dramatic. It always ended in a screaming match, and the soft-spoken wind guardian was not one to yell...generally making it more of simply a case of Chesi ranting endlessly as Vlinderbelle stared on blankly. Suffice was to say: It wasn't worth it. Instead, she waited to see what the others had to say, deciding to give her input once other views were brought up.
Meanwhile, back in the city...

Returned to the cluttered coziness of his cubicle, Lilian sat crisscrossed on his computer chair, hunched over his camera as he flipped through the pictures from that morning. His lunch, a bowl of some mushroom-based pasta he'd picked up from a nicer restaurant, was left forgotten on the edge of his desk, barely touched. On the infamous lunch run days he hated so much-- both for the fact that he was always the damn gopher, and because it was obvious that the whole arrangement was only approved to be used as a major tax write-off --Lilian often went out of his way to get the most expensive thing he could for himself without being blatantly obvious in the act. Just his little act of spite against a company that tried so hard to appear good, but was, in actuality, just as corrupt as any other commercial business. Usually, he was happy to eat something that wasn't a Styrofoam cup of imitation noodles or a questionably ‘ripe’ sandwich from a gas station, but...something had been gnawing at his brain ever since the encounter at Chipotle.

That guy.

It was something about that guy.

The twiggy one. With the feathers and the green hair nd the vitiligo.

There was just...something about him.

Something Li was going more and more mad over the more and more he thought about it.

He got to the pictures of Gamma-Burn. The ones where the villain had removed his mask. The ones where the villain had been coughing his lungs out. The ones with the blood.

He stared at the pictures, wondering why they stuck out so much. Sure, they had the villain in a moment of weakness. And sure, they showed an aspect of Gamma-Burn that could be very dangerous if it ever got out. But...why was it bugging him so much?

Lilian continued to flip through that set of the photos he had taken, moving from one to the next and back through in rapid succession like the most gruesome and chaotic flipbook to ever exist.

What is it? he thought as he stared at Gamma-Burn’s blood-dripping chin, Why does this random guy have me so focused on this?

The thoughts continued to eat away at him as he finally gave up on the pictures and moved on with his work. Writing the Cuckoo Cacoa article turned out to be just as torturous as he thought it would be. Maybe even more so with how scattered his thoughts were. Try as he might, he couldn’t get the thoughts of that afternoon or the pictures of Gamma-Burn out of his mind, and it made writing his articles nigh impossible. Eventually, the day came to an end, without Li even realizing it at that, and it took a co-worker popping into his cubicle to tell him it was time to go home.

He packed up his things and shut down his computer, turning off the string lights that littered his space before grabbing his bag and heading out of the mostly abandoned building. It took until he stepped out into the chilly air of the springtime late evening for Lilian to remember his bike had been destroyed that morning and the moment it hit him, he let out a hard, exasperated curse.

“God fucking damnit.”

As if his day hadn’t been crappy enough.

Too tired to deal with walking home and potentially being met with an unsavory sort popping out of an alley, Lilian sat on the barrier wall of a planter box outside the building and pulled out his phone. He usually tried not to use so-called ‘luxury’ services like Ryde and FoodDudes, but in cases like this, he felt it was worth the risk of a surprise overdraft when payments suddenly went through without warning.

It wasn’t long before the crappy Toyota pulled up to the curb, and not much longer after that before Lilian was trudging his way up the hazardous stairs to his apartment. His thoughts were still spiraling like a whirlpool over the events of the day, everything growing tighter and tighter, more and more condensed and compacted and knit together in a way as it was pulled to the center of his focus. He was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice that someone else was coming down the stairs, annoyingly walking to their left of the walkway, rather than the natural right that made more sense, which put them on Lilian’s right, directly in his path. Somehow, the two collided, and Lilian had to frantically paw at the banister to keep himself from falling head first, backward, on the stairs. As he fell against the railing and slumped down to the step with his heart racing and breath spiking, the other person just continued along, muttering that Li should watch where he was going. Li tried to spit back a venomous comment of his own, but the words came out as an incoherent slur of sounds and syllables, nothing that could be considered words.

He sat there a while, leveling his breath and his heart rate before pulling himself back to his feet and continuing the last flight up to his apartment. Once home, he barely too the time to lock the chain behind him and kick his shoes off before shuffling across the room and flopping onto his mattress. He was hungry. Of course, he was hungry, both his breakfast and his lunch had gone to waste, and now he was at home where, haha big surprise, food had not spontaneously appeared while he was at work.

Gods I hate the fucking country, he thought as he slowly rolled over and stared at the wall stained with...what he told himself was just water and dirt... Why the hell did I move here? he asked himself, then went on in his thoughts, That’s right. American dream bullshit, he laughed as he threw off his backpack and shove it off the bed, then rolled onto his back and focused on the ceiling for a moment, staring at that strange water stain that he swore looked like Nicholas Cage in that one meme. It was equally as creepy as it was annoying when he was going through internal battles like this.

Closing his eyes, Lilian took a deep breath and sighed. He thought back to the encounter as Chipotle, painting a picture of the interaction in his mind as he went over all the little details he could remember. He thought about the phone call, and how he had rammed into that big dude. He thought about the twiggy guy butting in where he had no place being. He thought about how up-his-own-ass that guy had been. The fucking preaching that guy did. He thought about the guy’s mouth. His stupid sharp teeth, the blood he spat and wiped on his sleeve like a child with a runny nose. Blood that stuck to his lips so similar to the blood on Gamma-Burn’s lips.

Li stopped.


In a flurry of motion, Li flew up on his bed and reached back down for his backpack, yanking the bag back up onto the bed and frantically working the zippers before plunging his hand inside and pulling out his camera case. He tore open the case and ripped the camera out from inside then impatiently pounded the buttons to turn it on before flipping through to the close-ups of Gamma-Burn without his mask. He stared at the structure of the villain’s mouth, chin, and just his jaw in general, and he thought back to the guy at Chipotle. In his mental image of the asshole from earlier, he placed a black rectangle over the top half of the guy’s face and focused directly on his jaw, his lips, his teeth.

“No..." he murmured out loud, eyes opening to look at the picture again, No, he insisted. But even as he tried to deny it, he knew that his memory and attention to detail were rarely wrong. Camera still in hand, Lilan flopped back on the bed and glowered at Nic Cage on the ceiling, “Oh shut up,” he grumbled, then brought the camera up to look at the picture one more time. There was absolutely no doubt in his mind. He had not just run into, but debated, very poorly for that matter, with the one and only supervillain he absolutely idolized. What the hell were the odds of that?

After a few moments, he rolled over again and pushed to sit up, reaching to set the camera on his nightstand before he pulled out his phone again and opened the Amazon app.

Later that week...

Interview Day

6:22 AM - Dress to Impress...I Guess?

Lilian shifted through the disorderly array of clothing strewn about his studio apartment, ripping through drawers and tearing shirts from the hangers on the metal garment rack he’d purchased some time after moving into the place that lacked a closet. It was the big day. Bug Day, one could say. It was the day he was to interview King Stag at precisely two in the afternoon. As long as everything went according to plan and the hero wasn’t pulled away by some villain’s antics, anyway. This was the day. The day Lilian had been hoping for. Not only was it his first official interview with someone who wasn’t a little old grandma who made a pie for her dead husband’s birthday. His first official interview with a front page headliner. More than that, it was the day he got to actually talk with King Stag. Talk. Not just bombard him with requests for pictures and an interview. This was possibly the most momentous event in his life...positively momentous... positively...

So why couldn’t he figure out what the hell to wear? He had already been up since before his alarm. Truth was, he really hadn’t slept, at all. Between preparing his interview questions and making an outline of how he wanted to try and lead the interview, he had also been working on mapping out the area around that damn Chipotle so he could hit it up that weekend with the Geiger counter that had finally arrived the day before. Like hell did Lilian have the money for overnight shipping!

As his room slowly became the aftermath of a flash sale in a clothing boutique, Lilian finally settled on a simple outfit of a crisp, white, collared shirt under an oatmeal-colored sweater with a soft knit and a pair of dark red pants he rarely wore. He futzed with his brown and rose locks in the mirror for a while, styling it one way or another before aggressively tussling it into a fluffy mess and starting over again. Eventually, he settled on the messier look, deciding that the ‘just rolled out of bed’ style complimented his casual attire and helped him to look more natural and less like an obsessed fanboy trying to get laid-- Trying to say something...trying to say something.

Eating a quick breakfast of cereal and a banana he’d picked up from the store a few days earlier, Lilian got his things together and rushed for the door. With his bike out of commission, he had to leave earlier than usual so he could make up for the lost time walking to the subway station. At the door, Lilian looked at his ratty old shoes, nudging them with his sock-clad toe and wondering if they were too...casual for the interview today. Would King Stag even care? Would King Stag even look at his feet? Doubtful, but then again, what if? What if King Stag looked at his feet and saw the ratty old canvas and tattered old laces and decided he didn’t want to do an interview with a hobo-adjacent reporter?

Lilian frowned, then went over to his garment rack and knelt down to pull a shoebox out from under it. He pulled out a pair of never-been-worn Oxfords that his aunt had sent him for Christmas a few years back and pulled out the packing before slipping the shoes on. They felt wrong. They were tight and pinching on the sides, and yet, at the same time, they were somehow too big, feeling like clown shoes on his feet. Lilian debated if it was worth it to wear the uncomfortable, constricting footwear for the day. He wouldn’t be able to free-run with them on, that was for sure, but then again, he wasn’t supposed to be running off around the city today anyway. Snuffing out his thoughts with a heavy breath, he decided to just go with the dress shoes and finally made his way out the door.

7:45 AM ─ The Seconds Are Dragging Their Fucking Heels I Swear to God

Some hours later, he arrived at work, unscathed, and with no need to run into the heat of a battle. Hadn’t needed to do that all week in fact. Things had been quiet since Earth Day, and as he reached the office, Lilian wondered for a moment if Gamma-Burn, that guy had something planned, or if he was suffering something. Wait-- Why was he thinking that? This was Bug Day not...Radiation Day? Didn’t have the same ring. Nonetheless, it wasn’t the day to be focusing on the green-haired asshole he wanted so badly to hate, yet couldn’t bring himself into doing purely for the connection he had made. He was so sure he was right, he was willing to bet anything on it. Not that he would tell anyone what he figured out. He wasn’t one to reveal a super’s secret identity after all, and...besides that, he didn’t even know who that guy was. All he had was a face and a last sighting. Not much to go on. Not as much as he had for King Stag!

1:37 PM ─ Insert Final Countdown Intro Here

The morning dragged on forever, and as lunchtime hit, Lilian hid in the bathroom for an hour to escape being sent out on another lunch run. He knew his boss would do it just to make him late for his interview so the man could assign someone else to the story. No way was Lilian letting that happen. Not after all he’d done for this chance at having the biggest article to be published on the Word of the Willow website. The final hour stretched on and Lilian found himself pacing the office, finding every excuse to be outside his cubicle that was feeling so, so very confining in those final moments. Bathroom, printer, fax machine, break room, even an in-office coffee run, before finally, finally, 2pm hit.

This was it.

This was the time.

King Stag and his public representative would be walking through the office doors at any moment.

I was looking at the posted character as I am trying to finish my character. Is there a updated character sheet or the one posting is just a custom thing? ^^ I ask wanting to turn in my character for approval.

The posted character from Reign uses a new CS we decided to introduce to round out the characters with more depth, but the "hefty cs" as it's named in the Zeroth on the character tab is OPTIONAL you can stick with the "light cs"

Kronshi's was written before the change, I've already worked with him in the Discord to rework his power to fit the new system. "The Flames of Jophiel" is now the name of a spell, while his focus core is soul/fire

Yes, you are "bound" by the three notes and abstracts in name, but you are free to interpret the applications of these aspects however you see fit, such as viewing Range as encompassing void by it being the absence of Breath/Air

The idea with this system is not to limit, but rather to provide a simple foundation from which you can build the powerset of your knight and make it unique to them and their personality. It's all about how you utilize the element and its notes and aspects. A good example I used in the Discord was using a mending spell to mend a clay pot, while also using that same spell to entomb someone in the rubble of a fallen building. The possibilities are endless because it all depends on your creativity!
@CorviDoggo I will have mercy on your soul for not having your applications of Haoran's magic yet, for now... e_e

Otherwise he looks great! I love him so much shdbsjwnsjs
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