Avatar of baraquiel


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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Ayo! I wanna join! will probably post my cs tom for approval :)
@Caits why thank you for your kind gesture, ma'am/sir/both, your effort is much appreciated ^u^
uhhh... are you guys still accepting?
<Snipped quote by baraquiel>

Yes, I am still accepting. :)

Thank you! I'll try to post my cs during the next few days if not tomorrow ^u^
@Stern Algorithm whoops, my bad.

It was when I was so late in participating in the story that I skimmed through the most parts made by everyone just so I can catch up. One of the things I remembered is that Lexus brought "apocalypse" to the guild and since its creator is December, I assumed that both of them were in that together. I saw the tentacle beast but I really thought it was one of the good guys who tried stop Lexus from destroying the guild; it wasn't until now that I realize that wasn't exactly the case.

Again, sorry :3
Ayo! Are you still accepting?
@BurningDaisies@Stern Algorithm@IceHeart

I bowed in return to December and nodded at Lexus' direction. Y'know, since I'm a well-mannered young harpy. "I believe all of us are already going in their separate ways. They seemed to be forming their own parties but there are also others who decided to venture out solo. As we speak, I think almost all of them are traveling to the nearest villages to get valuable information about this world." Gosh, I am living with this voice.

Ever since I've been talking to December, I've been getting this hostility vibe from the now normal-sized Lexus. I remember even though it refers to us as gods, it believed that its creator is the "one above all". That's probably the reason why it doesn't even speak to me, it just looks at me with its... I'm gonna assume they're its eyes, like its giving me a silent message: "Respect my mama if you don't want no drama" or something like that. Either way, this flying tin can sure has some balls to be like that to me. Not to boast, but I'm pretty sure I can handle fighting it even at its true form. It better be sure to be nice to me as soon as possible though, 'cause it'll see a storm of a lifetime.

As for December, I also think she's kind of giving me the cold shoulder, like one of those angsty, emo teenagers you meet at school that tells you to go away and doesn't need your presence in its life. Meh, I'm just going to give her the benefit of the doubt and really get to know her better. Since there are only three of us (Lexus included. No need for me to be mean to it if itsn't mean to me.) that has knowledge of our lives before the Shutdown, we have got to learn how to cooperate and be nice to each other (and also because no one wants to team up with us since Lexus just destroyed our guild and maybe blame December for it).

Speaking of past lives, I know it's pointless to feel this since all of us players are definitely powerful in our own way, but I'm actually kind of scared for us. Sure, we all know this game and its world because we spent countless days playing our hearts and souls with it, but that was when it was just a bunch of codes and programming so you always know what to do in every situation as well as how to defeat almost every monster in this world. This game of fiction has become a real-life game of survival and there seems to be no getting out of it. Since everyone and everything in this world has minds on their own, we never know what to expect anymore. Additionally, we are actually alive and actually living in our own avatars that a single mistake might be the end of our lives. Aside from the malevolent presence I've felt earlier, I'm certainly sure there are more nasty surprises this world has in store for us. I must admit, I was quite surprised that no one was crying hysterically or huddled in a corner rocking back and forth after the Shutdown happened so I guess all of us are heart-strong. Besides, this is the real world now and no amount of crying can ever take back our past lives.

Oh wow, talk about talking deep.

I decide to make small talk with December as an attempt to break the ice. "You know, your avatar and ability to change into all the animals in the world are really amazing. To top it all off, you got an ever-loyal mecha-guardian at your side!", I say as I point to Lexus. I'll never say it out loud, but I kind of envy December because she always has someone watching her back. We all need someone to rely on especially in difficult situations such as these. I knew I should've created a shrine guardian NPC that will treat me with respect and really up my ego.

I decide to test my charm as a harpy. "I've been thinking, since you can transform into every animal or beast you can think of, instead of December can I call you Queen B? Y'know, B for Beast? Get it?". I am now getting double of the hostility vibe from Lexus, which means my pun abilities are still functional in this world. Thank god.

As soon as I said that, I hear a voice from below.

"Greetings, my name is...HideYourMen...heavens I really need to think of a new name..." HideYourMen slapped her forehead in embarrassment at saying his username out loud. "Anyway that is now important, if we are going to make it in this, other dimension or whatever, we better come up with some plans."


I look down to see where the voice came from. I think it came from the Eqyptian snake lady. She also has an NPC following her, though regarding his actions and the way he looks at HideYourMen (ew), I assume it was designed to be crazy loyal to its creator. I also start to feel an aura coming from the snake lady. She is holy alright, but there's something weird about her that I can't put my finger on.

Wait: the way she moves, her clothes, her IGN, her holy but weird aura, and her very loyal male subject.

Oh. She (or him) is THAT kind of player.

"Hello to you as well, HideYourMen! Give us a sec to land so we can talk to each other in person!", I tell HideYourMen (ew).

I turn back at December and Lexus. "Well, it seems that somebody wants to join in the fun as well. Let's fly down now, shall we?"
@IceHeart Oh yeah, I didn't think of the environment where Himitsu is when it came to her Gale Surge's passive....
Hrmmmm.... hrmmmm....
Fine, I'll just edit it XD
@IceHeart It may or may not make an impact on the story, but can you please tell us what the current season is as well as how long will each season last?
@BurningDaisies @Stern Algorithm

I think I'm getting sick.

Imagine being near a bag of rotting garbage and multiply it by 10. That's how disgusting it is just being near an undead or a force of the dark.

I don't even know how I can smell auras now. I'm not even aware of the scent of the undead until I came close to it. As far as I'm concerned, no amount of perfume is ever going to soothe my nose again.

Not wanting to alert the duo, I immediately walk back from the spot where I landed and fly again, this time I'm heading back to where the guild was just for the sake of being far from this walking pile of garbage.

I flew so fast I didn't even notice the gigantic Transformer until I almost crashed into it. It is also with a chimaera, the one who called it it's "god".
Wait, how did I not see them before?

Oh... oh yeah, I was flying on the area with a blanket of clouds covering me so I won't be seen. Now that I think about it, I was only able to see the ex-guild through the peeking holes of the clouds, so there's a good chance I didn't see all of it, including these two. I also know that my kimono grants gives me camouflage against the sky, but I still covered myself behind the clouds just to be sure.

I didn't sense any malicious aura coming from the chimaera but this Transformer, Lexus is its name I think, has a hint of holiness with it. But compared to me, it's not that much... holy. I mean it is holy, but not full-pledged holy. I don't know, it's aura is really perplexing, like trying to understand what you're seeing through a kaleidoscope. Maybe it's because its creator is another player whose not fully inclined with the light while my class is but like I said I don't know. I'm gonna need a lot of time to understand this big thing.

I greeted both the chimaera and the big guy with a warm smile. "So, you're the guys who destroyed our guild, huh? Himitsu, by the way".

I silently freak out on the inside. Why does my voice sound like it can cure cancer and solve world hunger?! It is so pure and angelic and... suspiciously similar to Lamb's voice as Kindred in League of Legends. Doesn't matter, I have a voice as beautiful as this, I will never shut up.

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