Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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@PrinceAlexus@Pilatus oh wow that was fast

First of all, thank you!

Second of all, how far is the university in terms of school year? Like if he joins right now, is he three months late? Do I just assume he's been studying there the whole school year like the rest of the college freshmen?

Third of all, I want to edit Ivan's as well as Vivi's age as I wanted it to start on the year where people start their college at Sol City, along with the year Vivi would be enrolling at school depending on your answer. So, what age does college start at Sol City?

Hey guys! Just to be sure, are you guys still accepting? This is my cs btw, I hope it would suffice ^u^

In Terra 7 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
@World of Terra i was just looking at all our cs when i realized we don't have an elf yet so... is it okay if i make Videl an elf? i'll change his biography and all that of course :D
In Terra 7 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

@Avemelle sorry it took so long! tis finally done :)
Vincent Wolfram

Vincent was one of the first ones to arrive at this place and hurriedly ran to hide behind one of the big trees as soon as he got the chance. It was only that he calmed down that he took in all the details of what was happening to him. So far the only thing he knows was that he was transported near a majestic castle surrounded by nature as far as the eye could see. Such a place can only be described as something straight out of a children's fairy tale book, some of which his mom used to read to him as a child before he slept. He marveled at this place and could already think of a dozen book ideas on the spot but he noticed there are also others like him in this... he's not even sure if they're on Earth anymore, or if they're on another dimension.

One by one, Vincent saw people literally and randomly appearing with a flash of light. One even seemed to fall on the ground as she teleported. Nonetheless, they all seemed to him like they were as confused as he is. Vincent may not be much of an open book but he's a little scared about what the heck was going on and what the heck was going to happen to them.

It was then that he saw a peculiar man who made an amazing show with his magic. He also noticed a girl near the man who was watching him the whole time with such awe. It seemed the sword the man had before now turned into a cane, said a few words, and left with a proud and confident stride. Vincent raised his eyebrow a bit. It seemed to him that this man may be the one who transported them here at this... place. Again, Vincent has no idea where he is and it was kind of freaking him out a little bit.

He watched as the woman who was with the magic man stepped forward and called the attention of all of them here. Something about giving the world a fighting chance against some darkness, saving this dying world from wreckage, saving magic? None of these made quite sense to Vincent even if he did his best to try to understand the letter he read before. Even if the lady did gave them a chance to go back to their regular home, she still made it sound like they had no other choice. Saving the world might sound like a great writing material for his novel, but he can't help but think about home: his parents and his other siblings. Are they doing okay? For all Vincent knows they might be doing one-hand push-ups while deeply worrying about his safety. Whoever this "us" the woman was talking about and whatever they want Vincent and the others to do, he hoped that they could all finish the deed at time so they can go back home.

Vincent revealed himself from behind the tree and decided that if he wanted to finish this as soon as possible, he has to do something he hasn't done in his entire life until this day: take action. "If it means we can save our families and loved ones, then count me in", he said to the lady.
In Terra 7 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

Naomi still can't believe it.

Before, she could only see the superheroes of the Justice League on television, admiring their courage and bravery to stop evil at all costs and saving the whole world. Now, she's about to eat food cooked by another superhero like her while hanging out with some of Earth's finest heroes.

It was a good thing the Headquarters had an elevator aside from the teleportation-thingy. The first time she used the latter was embarrassing enough, heaving and painting the floor with her breakfast that day. She's still bitter that she has teleportation sickness and she doesn't know if the others have it as well. Heck, she may be the only superhero in the history of the League to have this kind of sickness. Again, how embarrassing.

Naomi listened to the others having a conversation or two. It's not like she's that kind of girl but even if she was in the League for quite a while now, she's still nervous about approaching them personally. Sure she talked to them a couple of times during missions but never outside of it. Someday, she'll work up the courage to have a talk with them, maybe exchange a few words or so, then she can call that a day.

She heard Supergirl drumming her fingers on the table, a bit too loudly at least, then she said sorry afterwards. Naomi took a few deep breaths and stood up. She approached the Kryptonian who seems to be reading something on a few pieces of papers, perhaps about the recent happenings and incidents in the city and around the world, and sat beside her. Right now she's in normal mode with black hair and deep brown eyes but she still wore her mask as it was part of her costume/uniform. "Hey Supergirl, what's the matter?", she asked her, determined to make new friends.

In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Zelosse Freya's ready too! ^u^
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