Avatar of baraquiel


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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Ivan McJhent

Ivan was jerked awake from the loud music coming from the living room. He rubbed his eyes as he leaned and take a look at the digital clock at his nightstand: 7:30 am. He dropped on his head with a huff, groaning because he felt that he didn't get enough sleep despite sleeping earlier last night. The loud music continued to play with some Indian-vibe mixed into it. He can tell because he can hear it even up in his bedroom, which was a bit impossible because the whole house was soundproof.

It wasn't until he got up that he noticed the door was opened ajar, letting hear the music coming from downstairs. Ivan gritted his teeth. His family knew he hates it when doors, cabinets, and closets aren't shut fully. They just keep doing it to spite him because he's one of those people you can easily irritate with, and also because they like seeing him stressing out on the littlest things. If only Ivan knew he was born into such a sadistic family, oh the things he would do...

After he bathed and changed from his pajamas, Ivan went downstairs to eat breakfast. It wasn't until he was halfway down when he realized what the song playing is. Ivan sighed and continued to go down only to be met by the sight of his sister Vivi and his Aunt Mel dancing their butts off of 'Buttons' by the Pussycat Dolls while Mr. Pinkie ran around them in circles. His mother Carrie sipped from her mug of coffee and held the morning newspaper in her hands as she continued to watch the two dancing.

"Morning Ivan", his mother called. "Had a good night's sleep?"

"Yeah but I bet they had a better sleep than me", he said as he pointed at the two dancers on the living room while preparing to brew coffee for himself.

"Hey Ivan, come join us here! There's always room for one moooore~", Aunt Mel waved at him while doing the robot.

"Look at this Van! I call this the spaghetti", Vivi said before waving her arms around while doing body rolls.

Ivan smiled. He was very relieved when his little sister was cured of her muteness. The years where he couldn't hear his sister's laugh and jokes were the hardest for him when their mother left them and returned to Sol City. It was hard back then but right now he's glad she's back into her old goofy and wacky self again. "As much as I want to Viv, I have to leave early. We have an emergency meeting for the publication in half an hour and Mr. Malayao will give me additional workload if I came in late today".

"You sure you don't want to eat right now?", Carrie asked him while she watched Ivan pour his coffee in his thermos.

"Sorry Ma, this is really important stuff. I'll catch up with you guys later", he said as he grabbed a sandwich from the table and pecked his mother's cheek. He then hugged Vivi, high-fived Aunt Mel, and rubbed Mr. Pinkie's head before he got his bag and went to the front door. "See you later weirdos", he said.

"Bye weirdo!", the three ladies said while Mr. Pinkie squealed in response as his aunt and sister continued to dance. Ivan could only hear the first part of the next song before he shut the door but that was enough for him to know the song.

"You think I'm pretty without any make-up on...", he hummed to himself as he made his way to the university.

"Now who can tell me why a raven is like a writing desk?", Ms. Janson, Ivan's literature professor, asked. Right now their main focus is in children fantasy literature and the reasons why they are still relevant today. He kept reminding himself that Ms. Janson was definitely not taking drugs and her unusual laugh-out-loud, easily-excited personality was just something she was born with.

He glanced at his notepad with the notes he's taken from their previous publication's meeting. He's been assigned to interview the swimming team's captain after he won an interstate swimming competition for the university, whoever he is. He admits he still doesn't know much about this city nor the people living in it despite living in Sol City for quite some time now. He made a mental note to leave his house often to explore the city and get to know its people better.

The bell rang, meaning it was time for lunch. "Don't forget your assignment for tomorrow. I also have to remind you about your project that's due in two weeks time so better chop-chop!", Ms. Janson said to the students who were already standing up and leaving to go to the cafeteria.

Ivan had to admit that this university was pretty impressive on its own. It wasn't like those usual professional and all serious-looking universities back at Australia: this university was exuding an aura that's like telling the students to just be themselves and strive for what they want in life. The good food they serve in the cafeteria was a good plus in Ivan's point too.

After he got his food, he settled for an empty seat near the open patios leading to the open gardens. He opened his laptop and ate his lunch as he loaded the page on his Tumblr account. He's quite proud of Random Pawsibilities because of how people were interested in his random meetings with random animals he takes a picture of. Ivan also remembered that Sol City had its own zoo and made another mental note to invite the weirdos to go with him there for the weekends.

Ivan put on his earphones and played Paramore's 'Still Into You' as he updated his page.
Olivia Frenwich

"Oh dear!", Olivia said as she saw the poor little girl fall to the ground. Immediately, the townsfolk rushed to check on the girl. Someone shouted at all of them to back up to give her some space. Olivia couldn't tell who it was as she was at the far back, not wanting to add to the people already trying to get near the girl. A voice which unmistakably belongs to the Mayor's ordered Aizum to get any available medical supplies he could get his hands on.

Having heard this, Olivia immediately waved her hand in the air and called out to the Mayor. "Mayor? Mayor! I have a medical kit at the farmhouse. I'll go get them! Humphrey, c'mon!," she called to him as she bend down to scoop Winda and Clyde on each in her arms and ran as fast as she could to the farmhouse with Humphrey on the lead. When they're there, she gently put Winda and Clyde on the ground and put a few bits of chicken feed near them. "Sorry guys. I'll leave you both here in the mean time. I left you both dinner as I know you're quite hungry right now. I'll be back in a jiffy!", she said after she kissed both of them at the head. She whistled at Humphrey to come with her inside the house.

Olivia rushed to find the first aid kit. "Where is it... where is- there you are!". She got the kit with a built-in strap on it. She bounded the strap at Humphrey so he looked like he's carrying a backpack. She held his head on both hands and spoke to him slowly but carefully. "Okay I need you to pay close attention to me, Humphrey. I want to you carry this medical kit", she paused and patted the kit on his back, "and bring it to the Mayor. You know, old guy with the crazy white beard? Bring. Kit. To. Mayor. Got it?", Olivia said. Humphrey barked in response and Olivia gave him one last hug before he ran off. Olivia's blessed to have a very smart and energetic dog and she knows Humphrey can accomplish the task she assigned him to do.

She stood up and looked around the house. There's got to be something she could do to help the poor kid. That's when she snapped her fingers and rushed upwards her bedroom. She rummaged through her closet until she can find somehow size-adequate clothes for the kid. "I sure hope this will do", she said to herself. She wrapped the clothes and put in the basket. She rushed down to go outside when she remembered she should put some healthy grapes in the basket for the child as well. After she has done all that, Olivia ran back towards the Mayor's house.

+ everyone who was present
@PrinceAlexus o.O wow that's why... it's past nine in the evening here! Timezones are amazhang!!

Anyhoo, I think I'll keep it as generic as possible and just call it as the school. Good enough?
@Pilatus@PrinceAlexus again such fast much wow

Last question: does Sol City have a middle school, elementary school, or whatever you guys call it in your country? Are middle and high school already part of the university or is it just a college university?
@MissCapnCrunch @T Risket sorry for being a bit inactive! Got a lot of stuff on my plate at the mo but I'll hopefully have a post tomorrow!

EDIT: I take that back. I just ate all the contents of my plate and there's nothing stopping me now. Muahahahahahaha!
@PrinceAlexus@Pilatus oh wow that was fast

First of all, thank you!

Second of all, how far is the university in terms of school year? Like if he joins right now, is he three months late? Do I just assume he's been studying there the whole school year like the rest of the college freshmen?

Third of all, I want to edit Ivan's as well as Vivi's age as I wanted it to start on the year where people start their college at Sol City, along with the year Vivi would be enrolling at school depending on your answer. So, what age does college start at Sol City?

Hey guys! Just to be sure, are you guys still accepting? This is my cs btw, I hope it would suffice ^u^

In Terra 7 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
@World of Terra i was just looking at all our cs when i realized we don't have an elf yet so... is it okay if i make Videl an elf? i'll change his biography and all that of course :D
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