Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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Guess we're waiting for @baraquiel's character to climb on board? We could still continue chatting in the meantime :) @Crimson Flame

Y’all can go to school without me! Sorry for the inconvenience :3 Let’s just say the citizens of Wonderland have a different concept of time ;) I’ll catch up tom!
Hey y'all.

I want to ask permission to change my main character from Sakura to Aquagirl because I dunno what to do with Sakura anymore. I can't think of anything solid with her because I myself don't know what I want her to become in the future. Again, I appreciate any feedback you have.

are you still accepting?
@Virgil do what you want boo

Eilsel sighed in exasperation. He really hates situations where his life is constantly in danger; he'd rather kill off his enemies quickly and call it a day. Something tells him, however, that things are about to take a turn for the worse.

He quickly turned on his radio to reply. "Hello there fellows. This is the pilot of this ship. No need for you to be hostile."

Not soon after, Eilsel heard a reply. "What is your objective on this planet, pilot?"

"I am just a harmless adventurer passing by your planet when I realized that my ship is...", Eilsel stammered. "...About to run out of fuel. I need only to quickly land my ship on the nearest planet so I can refuel." He decided against lying. Still, the Urune does need to get refueled so he didn't technically lie.

"Negative pilot. You are-"

"Please", Eilsel jumped in before they can continue. "This is a very urgent matter. I do not know how long my ship can stay airborne this way. Please."

A few tense moments passed, then a static. "Very well pilot, you are to be escorted to the nearest fuel station. Then as part of our protocol, please await further instructions."

"Yes, I will. Thank you". As soon as he said that, a few fighter ships flew at the Urune's side and guided it towards the fuel station. The Urune landed on the fuel station as the fighters surrounded the vicinity, making sure Eilsel won't escape.

As the Urune was currently in the process of being refueled and Eilsel gave the his payment, a few of the fighters' pilots came near him and his ship. All of them, Eilsel counted five, were armed to the bone and carrying guns that made Eilsel's pistols look like toy guns. He was approached by one of them, presumably their captain, and began interrogating him about who he is, his race, and more to which Eilsel answered as abruptly as he can. When the captain wanted to inspect the Urune, Eilsel gladly allowed them. The sooner this is done, the better, he thought. The captain deemed the Urune to be non-hostile and let Eilsel stay on the planet, in the premise of not causing any trouble. After that, they rode on their ships and returned to wherever soldiers like them go on their daily basis.

Eilsel returned inside the Urune and sat down on his seat, O'Gun playing nearby with its toy. He was able to have a few seconds of silence before a message was broadcasted in the public channel. Cerberus Gate? Blockade around Terersg? What is going on? He looked outside through the window and noticed the commotion. People were running and screaming from some creatures that were killing everyone. He had never seen anything like them. He thought about it for a bit and decided to join in on the mayhem since he doesn't have anything else to do.

"O'Gun, stay here. I'm just going to cause some trouble", Eilsel said. As soon as he stepped out, he quickly scurried and hid behind one of the nearest stalls. It was only then that he realized they had plasma guns so they weren't primal as he thought they would be. He did a quick scan and saw his side of the commotion had no other people anymore aside from the creatures. Well, not living anyway.

Eilsel generated poison from his body and released it in a tidal wave towards the enemies. The creatures caught in the wave wailed in pain until they slowly die. He breathed out and solidified toxic mist into a crystal wall to shield himself from their blasts. He released spikes from side to side of the wall to the enemies. A blast almost hit his head as he turned and saw a few of them forming on his side of the wall. He quickly turned on his miasma. The creatures wailed as they fell on the ground, writhing in agony, while he made quick work on them. Eilsel slammed the wall towards the enemies on the other side and pinned them to death upon contact with a stall.

From afar he saw a horde of them running towards him. Eilsel glanced at the Urune and was glad it wasn't damaged during the battle. He then glowed and generated poison around his body. He released a mist of poison as he ran towards the enemies, eager for more.

Here he is! Hope you like him c:

Eilsel carried the last parcel of goods from the pirate ship to Urune, his personal airship. He counted himself lucky that he was able to add more to his supplies that can last now for a month or two thanks to the 'generosity' of the space pirates he encountered. Not that he had a shortage of supplies, he generally just believes that having more is better than having enough. While carrying the last parcel to his storage closet, he passed the sleeping O'Gun, his trusty co-pilot, childhood friend, and lifelong companion. A bubble of snot was forming at its nose as it whimpered and made exciting noises, no doubt dreaming about chasing his prey. Eilsel chuckled then made sure to walk carefully and silently to not wake O'Gun up.

After he put the parcel in the storage closet, Eilsel was surprised to see O'Gun already woken up, jumping and barking with zeal. Eilsel crouched down next to it. "I am sorry, my friend. Did I wake you up?", he asked as he scratched its head. "You have been sleeping for hours, O'Gun, and I am betting a bag full of diamond coins that you are hungry as a lentarii?". O'Gun excitedly jumped and barked once more in response. "Very well then, follow me so we can go get your lunch", Eilsel said. He stood up and walked towards the pirate ship, O'Gun happily running and jumping around him in circles as it followed him.

He may not have been exploring Elysia for that long of a time, but Eilsel can definitely tell that it was one very odd-looking pirate ship. Large enough that it can fit a headcount of 20, steel black as the starless sky, it even looked brand new. The weird part was its circular model, resembling a very large ring when viewed from the top; there are also anti-gravity generators on the inner rim of the ship, might be used to carry huge and perishable materials without the risk of damaging it. Judging from how it attacked them earlier, Eilsel guessed that it relied on its silence in flight to fly towards and trap their target inside the anti-generator ring to prevent it from escaping, like how it did to his airship. The pirate ship had a hatch and a retractable tunnel bridge so the pirates can safely enter the airship of their poor victim without being exposed to the vacuum of space.

Perhaps the pirates thought there was only one passenger inside Urune or they greatly underestimated it, but even as the tunnel connected the pirate ship to Urune, Eilsel filled his airship with aquamarine smoke. When the airship's hatch opened, the smoke rapidly wrapped around the pirates' heads as they hopelessly screamed and covered their mouths and noses in vain. They dropped dead on the floor in seconds, their bodies jolting from shock. Eilsel willed the smoke to fill the entire ring-like pirate ship, immediately killing everyone inside it.

That was minutes ago, and now Eilsel was exploring the ship one last time to see if he missed anything worth salvageable. O'Gun was on his heels, gleefully chomping and eating on the pirates' corpses along with their clothes and weaponry. The pirate ship was still filled with Eilsel's toxic fumes as he explored. His hunch was right, this ring-like ship was stolen. While its interior was formal and classy-looking, litters of 'man garbage' was splattered around the floor: reeking pieces of used clothing, spoiled leftovers, weird looking and smelling liquid sprayed across its walls. Eilsel willed the toxic fumes to become acidic and burn a hole through each of the closed doors he hadn't opened before. He was disappointed to find out they were only the pirates' sleeping chambers.

"O'Gun, there's still more here if you are still hungry!", he called out. O'Gun happily bounded over to the chambers and ate every single dead pirate.

Disappointed that he couldn't find anything interesting left, Eilsel went to the control room of the stolen ship and, after failing to understand the ship's controls, burned all the buttons with acidic fumes. The ship's alarm blared a system malfunction and was set to self-destruct in 90 seconds. Eilsel quickly ran back to Urune and scooped O'Gun just as he was about to bite on its next meal. He was relieved to see the anti-gravity generator turned off when he went inside his airship. He closed the hatch and quickly flew away from the stolen ship. Only when Urune was far away that the stolen ship exploded.

Eisel continued to fly after that, O'Gun burping loudly and sleeping on the floor next to Eilsel's legs. He chuckled and rubbed its head. He studied his map and found the nearest planet to where they are, Terersg, and set Urune on autopilot towards the planet as he went to his chambers to wash off the smell of man garbage off his body.

A few moments later, Eilsel was drinking from canteen, O'Gun at the back playing with one of his toy balls, as he entered the planet. Before he entered Terersg's atmosphere however, he noticed spaceships of the same model flying around the planet which only gave him bad vibes. The feeling of uneasiness didn't leave him as he left Urune with O'Gun inside as he didn't want it to run around aimlessly while he looked around the place.

@ShwiggityShwah thanks love! Will post in the following days c:
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