Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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Hey hey! This is my CS application. Hope you like her! ^u^

I would love to join if you're still accepting! ^u^

Angela was in the sword practice room fighting with a dummy as she followed the teachings and orders of their teacher while her sisters use the reflection on their swords and shields to reapply make-up and check their nails. Her brothers, on the other hand, only attended the session to admire themselves as 'heroic' and handsome heroes. And yes, only one of their two qualities are true. Guess what.

Meanwhile, Angela slashed and hacked away at her practice dummy as she's covered in sweat and grime with her hair in a ponytail. Her peers at Camp Half-Blood would watch her with wonder and interest, especially for a child of Aphrodite not grossed out about being dirty for once. It's as if she was a new species yet to be discovered and studied.

She herself doesn't mind if she gets dirty. She's always like that back at their family barn where she grew up. She loved playing in the mud with the pigs, feeling the wind as she rode on her horse, and hanging out with the sheep and cows. As a result, she always smelled of animal manure yet it didn't matter. Even at a young age, her beauty alone made it possible for people to be near her despite being caked in mud and smelled of animals.

For the people looking at her now, a look of focus and determination on her sweaty face made her even more beautiful for them. Her class teacher finally told them session's over for today and Angela stood straight to wipe her face with a towel and drink water from her bottle. Only when she cooled off and finally notice the people watching her that they immediately stood straight and rushed somewhere to avoid her gaze. Angela gleefully laughed as she get her things. She waved her brothers and sisters good-bye as she went back to their cabin to freshen up.

Moments after, Angela emerged from her cabin with a feeling very refreshed wearing a new camp shirt, denim shorts, and sneakers. She closed her eyes and inhaled the fresh morning air. She turned to see two brown birds chirping and pecking at the ground near her. She knelt to get closer to them but they quickly flew away. Immediately, Angela turned on her charmspeak. "Wait, little birdies! Don't fly away! I won't hurt you guys so can you please stay?". She didn't mean to speak in riddle but she guessed it worked as the two birds flew back and landed on her open palm while one was at her shoulder. She giggled in delight as she pet and rubbed their soft, feathery heads.

"Ms. Deville!" Grace happily exclaimed as she threw her arms open to embrace the old lady and kiss her on the cheeks. She was pretty sure her former classmates will wonder about this stranger who acts like she knew Ms. Deville but she let them wonder about that. Only Grace and Ms. Deville herself knew of her transition and who she truly is, and she decided to save it for later as a huge surprise for them.

"I am like so happy and relieved you still remember me. Oh but then again, how would you forget a pretty face such as this?" Grace joked with Ms. Deville. She held the old lady at arm's length and quickly did a head to toe survey. "My my, Ms. Deville. You're still looking pretty despite your age. Don't worry Mama D, wait is it alright if I call you Mama D instead? Anyways, I have like a bunch of clothes I think would look good on you. Oh, I can't wait to glam you up!" She excitedly said to Ms. Deville. Grace can't contain her happiness and excitement upon talking with her former teacher, and she decided this was the perfect opportunity to catch up and tell her how thankful she was for Ms. Deville's guidance and support.

"Oh but before that" Grace put her things beside the couch. "Can you lead me to the restroom? I need to pee and I need to like freshen up and all that" She asked Ms. Deville.

Golde made her way towards the old windmill. She saw blue mushrooms growing inside that provided enough light to illuminate the infrastructure. She admit that this place made her feel really uneasy and uncomfortable, but she was determined to explore it if it meant she can find something in here that can help both her and Ifor. Thinking of him made her hasten her walk, as she herself doesn't know when he's going to wake up. For all she knew, he could already be awake and is currently wondering about her whereabouts.

It's not that she wants to stay away from the big guy, but honestly speaking, she still feels a bit of anger and hopelessness within her. She could only hope for the best regarding Elliot, her newfound friend griffin, along with the children's safety and well-being from the mass of shadows she saw emerging from the beach. She shook her head and slap her cheeks a bit, reminding her she has a job to do and thinking about things is not enough to get them done.

She continued her ascend upwards the creepy windmill until she came across a... wait, why is it clean? It has no roof, which made Golde think of how can someone manage to cover the harsh sunlight and the torrent of rain, yet the room was obviously and very well-kept. She marveled at the night sky covered with hundreds and hundreds of stars. A smile of pure fascination was on her face as she has never seen so many stars nor has she been this near to them.

She moved closer to the side and saw the town she couldn't see clearly before. Even if it was night, Golde still admired the architecture of the houses and buildings like something out of a fairy tale. She can't help but shed a single tear. Golde was sure her little brother would have loved the view. She can see faint blue lights coming from the windows of the houses and another brighter light somewhere far in the distance. She can't make out what it is but she figured she must focus on the now before she can move further forward.

She returned her attention back to the room and surveyed it, trying to find something that can help her. She immediately saw the huge chest in the corner of the room and quickly went to it. Inside, she saw books filled with hand-writings and diagrams of plants, animals, and even machinery. Golde was so happy she let out an excited laugh. She saw how vital these books are for their survival and she was very relieved when she skimmed through them. That, and she's also a huge bookworm who will never be bored of reading books even on repeat.

She doesn't understand most of it, even the complicated diagrams of machinery she thinks are products of the owner's imagination, but she spent enough time in her local library during her childhood to get the important pieces of information out of it. According to the books, the town before her is called Woondaly.

Golde was about to read more when something inside the chest caught her eye. She put the book back inside to retrieve a strange-looking and gleaming jar at the chest's corner. Only upon holding it near her did she realize there was a plant inside it that seems to be the source of its mysterious yet beautiful glow. Feeling very anxious yet curious, Golde held her breath as she opened the jar, anticipating on what's to come.
Hey y'all! I would love to join this rp if you're still accepting :)
@Erklings25 oh I see. I'll be backing down now xD thanks for informing me!
@Hushed Whispers heya! Is it too late to join y'all?
@Mokley sorry! Give me until tom!
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