Avatar of Bartimaeus


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11 mos ago
Current It's been three years since we lost Polymorpheus, a dear friend. It's felt like a lot longer, that time. I still think about Poly every so often, and how I miss them so very much. I won't forget them.
12 mos ago
I like attention.
1 yr ago
Tomorrow is post day. How unfortunate.
1 yr ago
I lost.
1 yr ago
@LongSwordMain I can fix that, if you wish.


uhhhh, hi there

I am here and I sorta exist so yes this is my ‘bio’ and it will probably be rather brief and suck and be sloppy, just like me.
So, without further ado..

stuff about me

Most people call me Barti or Bart as well as a few other things since it’s just easier or meaner than the actual thing - I invite you to do so as well.

I’m a 23-year-old (bday June 20th!) Texan who enjoys thunderstorms and rain far too much, and likes anime, running, metal music, and copious amounts of DRUGS candy, among many other cool things - like DnD and MTG.

I enjoy group rps as well as 1x1s. For groups I have what I think is a decent array of interests, most of it being profusely weeb-y. I like Fantasystuffs (Modern especially), supernatural themes, pretty much all Japanese stuff - including historically accurate settings - as well as general dark/grim themes, comedic slice of life trash, academy rps, unique plots, etc. etc. As for 1x1s I pretty much do romance, but I can do non-romantic stuff too if you give me something to work with xP
The only genre I find myself not entirely comfortable with is really sci-fi stuff, but, if the plot/idea catches me enough it can hold my interest. Oh, and my writing level is high casual to low advanced.

I’m a sarcastic, snarky, bipolar-depressed, degenerate garbage can, but generally people seem to like me (I don’t know why in the hot hell you would) - but if you would also like to be my friendo lemme know.
I don’t bite.
Usually owo xd rawr

welppp...I guess that’s okay for now
thanks for reading, you potatoes

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Most Recent Posts

Masami stayed back at the larger person's warning. She didn't really want to fight that thing, actually. But luckily enough, it seemed the one on the defensive could handle themselves. She watched as the fight progressed, worrying for the masked individual as the man with the massive hammer lunged at her skillfully with each attack. But the former was as evasive as he was powerful. He danced around Wolf, reminiscent of how a Mongoose would dance around a Black Mamba, waiting for their perfect moments to strike.

Masami was momentarily distracted by the return of William Ascot. Which was accompanied by...a "friendship aura" as William described it. She looked at herself as she glowed gold, feeling a slightly warm sensation travel from head to toe. William sure is quick to claim me as a true friend.. she thought. Not necessarily a bad thing.

She turned from William as he explained the events that were happening at this moment. "Oh...He was on our side...and he..." she looked as Wolf as he lay on the ground seemingly implanted in it by his own armor spikes. "Uh..."

Masami wasn't sure if she should stop the masked figure, but she decided against it. It appeared they were fleeing before having to deal with the rest of the group. It also appeared that Andras had escaped, and with the return of William, that it had been to a safe place.

She came over to Wolf, wanting to crouch down to check on him, but instead she just stood beside him, leaning over slightly as she looked as his spiky form. "Are you...alright in there?" she asked down to him.

Masami stood from the back seat of an ambulance after the paramedics patched her wound. She had been expected to fight more, but after having been stabbed with a Scimitar, she wasn't looking forward to jumping around too much.

She stepped down from the back of the medical vehicle, observing her surroundings. Fights were still going on. The more professional and skilled fighters were now taking their places in the ring, some of them looking more worse-for-wear than their peers. Masami wasn't sure anyone would miss her if she departed. So she looked around for the little pink-hair girl she had met before, Euphoria. She wasn't anywhere to be seen, but she did spot Jokey hanging out near some of the ambulances, eyeing the fights from afar as he made marks on a clipboard he was holding. She approached him at a leisurely pace.

"Hey Jokey!" she called, waving to him even though he clearly wasn't looking at her. He did look over, though. "Oh, hey, you're.." a brief pause. "Masami, yeah?"

"That's me!" she smiled, matter-of-factly. "I wanted to come pay my entrance fee, I'm gonna be heading-"
Masami was interrupted by the raucous screeching of tires rubbing the wrong way against the road, followed moments later by two instances of shattering glass. She paused as she realized the sounds had come from where William and Andras had gone.

"H-here-" Masami quickly fished a wad of bills from the folds of her top, practically dropping the money on the clipboard in his hands. It wasn't like her to be so rude, but something didn't feel right. What she had heard didn't sound like a car crash. The glass had been broken two separate times, and it had come from park, not the street. But as she turned towards the sounds, and began her half-walk, half-light jog approach, she couldn't see anything through the crowd. But she could tell something was exciting them.

She pushed her way through the crowd, despite her short stature, making her way to the front. She cleared the audience, and spotted the cause of the racket. Boy was this a sight. Firstly she spotted the car...along with the seemingly very large person marching towards it with a massive hammer which may have well caused the damage to the vehicle in the first place. She also saw Andras fleeing the clearing...with one sword-armed William Ascot.

She looked back and forth between the fleeting duo and the large person approaching the vandalized car. She wasn't sure quite what to do...but it certainly looked like he was causing some great amount of trouble. "Hey, you! Stop right there!" She shouted to Wolf.

She spotted movement in the car, and began to run towards it, past Vera. "You leave them alone! Can't you see you are going to hurt someone?!?! She drew her her sword hilt from her belt as she ran, letting one of the free-floating Starballs fall to her hand before summoning the remnant of her weapon, a heavy-ended long-Falchion seemingly formed of ice.

She had enough fighting tonight after taking a stab wound, but if she thought this person was going to hurt someone...she would stop them.

Aram stood from Michael's side, watching the person(beast, rather) who had just moments before attacked them without hesitation(or at least, had recklessly thrown an attack in their direction). Aram had never exactly liked Gilliam. Something about the boy weirded him out. Whether it was the odd looks he gave people, or his genteel way of approaching things when not trying to throw you around with giant tentacles, he definitely weirded out the Alchemist.

He shuddered as he turned his gaze from the shapeshifter. He was greeted with a handful of bills in front of his face, said bills being offered by the elder Ascot brother. Aram eyed him as he took the money slowly, a slight degree contempt in his gaze as he heard the threat that came from Alexander. I wouldn't be making threats like that if I was the one going to highschool students for help... he thought. "Okay"

He stored the bills in his satchel as the officer turned to leave. He himself would then turn. "Uhh...What next?"

There was a muffled impact as Samoth hit the multiple layers of garbage within a industrial dumpster that had conveniently been left right under the window he had thrown himself through. For a moment he just sat there, dazed on his whereabouts. Then he smelt the decaying trash he was currently lying in. He lifted the cover that had fell over the top of the disposal container to be greeted by Alexander Ascot.

He ignored the offered hand, instead opting to pull himself out of the disposal bin. He would brush any debris from his coat, once again standing on his own two feet as he listened to Alexander's thoughts and ultimately his proposal. He picked a banana peel from his shoulder, tossing it aside. 'Bad kids' definitely were not a new concept. However, conspiracy theories were. It sounded pretty far-fetched...but even if he had thought were true, it wasn't his choice. He walked past the officer, responding flatly, "Can't help you. Alto's in charge of matters pertaining to St. Laurel's students., and continued walking without another word.

Samoth had confidence that Alto could handle most, if not all of Laurel's problems. At least...unless Clara was actively involved. Which she now was, apparently. This was not a safe situation. He needed to help.
That's when he felt the migraine coming on. He furrowed his brow in discomfort as he made his way towards where they had initially entered the building. He pushed past the doorway, laying eyes upon the scene in the lobby.

What the fu-
"Where is Alto??", he said to no-one in particular.

Masami left Andras and Ascot after assisting them as she could. She was making friends much faster than she had anticipated upon her arrival in Rhea. Not that she ever had trouble with making friends. People usually seemed to be naturally drawn to her, even if she wouldn't admit such an un-humble fact. But it wasn't like she got out much anyways.

These wandering thoughts were interrupted as the bright pink-haired, perky individual she had met before named Euphoria, caught her eye, the notions dashed from her consciousness as she remembered she wasn't yet done fighting. Her muscles had long been relaxed, as she had been in the company of her new-found friends, and she now felt reinvigorated.

She approached the girl, "Hey Euphoria!" she called. She had never been given her name vocally, but she remembered seeing it on some board somewhere. She would then inquiry about her next fight in the tournament, and be presumably led to the correct ring.

Masami really enjoyed a friendly sparring match. It invigorated the senses, and sharpened the skills. Both things that she highly enjoyed experiencing. She wasn't much for showmanship, but considering her style and appearance, she didn't need to be. Again, people were naturally drawn to her.
Even here, as she approached the ring-side, she heard hushed tones from the crowd. Those who had watched her earlier mentioned the previous fight, betting and bickering to themselves over one question; Who would win next?

Aram slid swiftly down the thin pole he had created, quickly surveying his surroundings as he descended past the second floor, to the first. Nasaraph followed suit, grasping the beam and descending himself.

The Alchemist's passing of the first ceiling was met by a cacophonous eruption of rubble which send large and varying amounts of debris his way. This worried Aram, as he need both hands to perform alchemy, which he currently didn't have available to him. Meaning he was pretty much entirely defenseless. Luckily for him, Nasaraph was capable of providing his own support, and expelled a blast of stored energy his body, smashing the larger debris into smaller pieces as they both dropped to the floor, their grips on the pole each released.

Aram landed unsteadily, falling forward and tumbling over to sprawl out on the floor. He pushed himself up from the ground to stand, a moderate pain spiking from his ankle which caused him to distort his face slightly in pain. That would be a problem. If it weren't for the fact that it seemed the fight was already dispersing. It seemed our side had won. Or at least the side Michael was fighting for. Speaking of the fellow Vigilante, Aram spotted him, accompanied by a man who was seemed to be supplying him with first-aid attention.

He took a step forward to go over and see the state of Michael's injuries when the man looked back, and called him. "Hey, Alchemist!"
He came over hurriedly as Alexander told him of his friend's acid burns. He drew the acid from the student's body with his water manipulation as he listened to the officer's proposal. Protect someone? For two months? He pondered, a little confused by the request. He nodded ever so slighty, thinking. "Odd proposal, but... you did say it was a job. So that means money... and depending on the amount, King could be very pleased." he thought out loud. It seemed like an odd request to him, but he would put it through, nonetheless.

Aram nodded. "Alright. I'll put it through to King, our leader. I'm sure you'll know how to contact him with any follow-up requests."
He put his hand on Michael's shoulder, easing to help him up after cleansing his acid wounds. He would indeed put the request through to King, including the part about Andras.

The reward for this could please King. It could provide them the money they needed for access to the upcoming tournaments, in conjunction with the exorcism and cat missions. It was perfect!

But what Aram didn't consider... Who or what were they protecting this brother from...?

Michael? Aram looked down the whole to spot the boy within the midst of the fight. "That is Michael! What is he doing down there with those people??" he exclaimed. "We have to go help him."

He turned to Brutus and Nasarath, in turn. "You guys will help me, right?"
Whatever the answer, Aram would clasp his hands together abruptly, and then lay them against the floor near the hole. Bits and pieces of hanging rubble, and nearby furniture such as table lamps and side tables would soon dissolve into the floor, appearing in his hand, that Aram now held out above the hole, in the form of a steel pole several inches in diameter. It quickly expanded past the floor below, absorbing mass from surrounded furniture and debris.

It quickly reached the first floor, then welding itself to the ground. Aram looked back to Nasaraph and Brutus, while securing the Bing Bong sword on his back. He turned back to the pole and grasped it firmly, then jumped off the edge, and begun sliding down it. He had to help Michael, and no one would convince him otherwise.

Masami was worried that the current situation would become one that would require more violence. She was about to try and talk her and her new acquaintances out of it, when Galbrek began speaking directly to this "Vernon", but was soon seemingly interrupted by his own inability to move.
He just...fell over.

One of the people who looked to be accompanying him shouted, and caught him before he fell. Another one, this one much smaller, then began channeling a dark energy into her hands. "Oh...this escalated quickly." Masami thought. "But at least we outnumber them four to-"

Her thought was interrupted by a shout coming across the park. "You better stop that! We would hate having to hurt you!" The man yelled, taking a silly action pose like you saw in the movies, while another girl stood beside him, with a grave expression. "-four.." The stupid pose didn't mean they weren't dangerous.

"No need to get hostile now!" she shouted to the dolls both closer and farther from them as she backed towards Andras and William. "Your "Master" was just being a bit too aggressive. But we'll be leaving now, maybe some other time! she exclaimed.

She was now directly beside Andras. "Good idea. Let's get out of here. she said as she continued to back up, turning her head towards the girl. Masami didn't know exactly how much juice the card-slinger had remaining, but it probably wasn't enough to get this fight over with. She hadn't known William's or Vernon's powers, but even so, they were essentially outnumbered if Andras was too tired to fight. Their would-be opponents were seemingly unhindered by fatigue at the moment.

Masami was close to the group now, not well within human hearing range. She stopped a couple yards from them, as Andras demurred from Galbrek's approach.

The card-slinger summoned such entities to her hand, objecting to the new arrival's seemingly notional action. "What did you try to do just now?" she exclaimed.

Masami stepped closer to Andras and William, the other new arrival, and felt a solicitous feeling wash over her as she watched Galbrek interact rather sourly with William.

She came within about a yard of William, and faced Galbrek with her hand rested on the hilt at her hip. Her mask was now gone, as she had caught her breath within the break of action they had received. "Is there a problem here? she said in a cheery tone. It would have sounded threatening from someone else, but from her it just sounded like a question from a genuinely concerned person.

She would look to Andras, eyeing the reaction the entity covering her faced had proposed, and then to Galbrek. "If there's something you want to talk about, I'm sure we can do so without any..trickery." she offered.

He Starballs were floating between herself and Galbrek, staying close to her. Yet, they were still fluctuating in color, but now with more intensity. Something wasn't right.

Aram's muscles were tense as the scene played out before him. This wasn't how this was supposed to go. The ghosts weren't supposed to be so intimidating., he thought, watching Vittorio closely, and with a slight twinge of horror.

But we had someone who didn't care. Nasaraph would willingly face this abomination. They were just about to go at it too, when two other people arrived. They ran, ignoring the group of Vigilantes as well as Vittorio, but before they could get very far, there were loud crashings and creakings; and the floor beneath them began to crumble. They both plummeted downwards, and as they did so Aram recognized one of them; Lady Liselotte. He couldn't quite tell who the other person had been, but Liselotte was seemingly one of the more standing-out first years from St. Laurel's, given her attire and royal mannerisms.

Now this place was getting busy. There were crashes and sounds running all throughout the house. But the event before them held some significance they could actually see. There was a gaping whole in the floor, leading down to previous levels.

It appeared that the ghostly abomination and Nasaraph were calling off their little confrontation...for now. The ghostly figure turned, floating over to the hole that had just been ripped through the floor, and peering down. Aram began to walk forward towards the hole, but remaining close to the wall and keeping his distance from Vittorio, while slightly beckoning the others to follow as well.

Before he could reach it however, Vittorio began speaking to his self ,in what sounded to Aram, a crazed tone. One that was full of greed, and pain. "Alto... ALTO..." he mumbled possessively. He jumped down the hole and began to fall.

Aram quickly came over to the edge, looking down. Alto?? he thought. This is getting serious.

He turned to his comrades, not being one to rush blindly in to these kind of situations. "What are we supposed to do?" he said to Brutus and Nasaraph.

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