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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

William Ascot

William waved eagerly at Masami's coming, fascinated by the Kitsune's apperance and innate beauty. Then Galbrek won back his attention by revealing what price he wanted from the young Ascot. Due to the latter's hypnotic powers, the boy found himself nodding, and saying, "Yes, yes, that seems like a simple enough proposal. I'll stay with your bodyguards for the time being. Although note that Vernon here is already a loyal and good protector for me..."

Ascot trailed off, not realizing that one, he'd been had, and two, that Vernon was inactive once again. Nevertheless, he still had his sheathed sword strapped to his back, and the effects of the gaze would wear off once Galbrek was no longer looking at him. That, and he can also imitate one use of Michael's Body Art; the strength-enhancing one. So he was not totally defenseless, right?


Alexander Ascot

On seeing Vittorio charge Alto with an expression of pain and despair that caused Alexander to sympathize with the former all the more, the Juvenile Investigations Officer can only open his eyes wide as he knew he had lost what control he had of the situation. But he was an adult, and he had to be better than what he was already showing. He would turn to Andreim and Lise, before saying, "My name is Alexander Ascot; Juvenile Investigations Officer. My brother goes to your school. I'm not here for the same thing you are; rather, my case is that of Vittorio Twinveil, the person trying to pick a fight with Alto."

He paused for breath, then continued, "My brother...he has an obsession with trying to stop Vittorio's story from ending in more tragedy than it has already. It overrides even what should be his prime objective, information-gathering. He has this plan to...no, I've said enough."

Looking at Andreim and Lise, the adult would say, "Michael here has agreed to help me save my brother from himself and his obsession with Vittorio. I thought I can reason with the latter, divert him to other leads...but seeing his obsession firsthand wrenches my heart with what I must do."

He then turned to Michael in full and said, "Your Trap Art; it can restrain even Vittorio's astral form, right?"

Then back to Andreim and Lise, Alexander spoke, "I know of you two from Government records; your powers are the control of liquids and the creation of shadow servants, right?" A brief nod, and the Juvenile Investigations Officer would take a canister from his belt and give it to Andreim, saying, "This is mana-absorbing Sticky Foam, meaning that you can only move it with your powers for a limited amount of time. Lise's Shadow Servants can probably touch Vittorio's astral form, too. That works well alongside Michael's Trap Arts."

"So what do you say?" Alexander dimly realized he was making a mistake by thinking that the kids of St. Laurel's will automatically sympathize with him because of his story, or even willingly help him. "Will you help me?"

This made his mistake deeper. Looking around to make sure that Clara was not around, Alexander would continue, "Please, I have a sneaking suspicion that Mephisto was the real summoner of the Demon Lord that killed Vittorio's family and friends, but without proof, restraining Vittorio and then forcing him to make his personal mark on my Grimorie - long story - is the only way to defuse this situation without Alto killing him or him killing Alto."

Alexander clearly felt bad, bad for asking kids to do his dirty work. Bad for putting kids in harm's way. Bad for making Vittorio potentially turn his anger on Michael if the latter used his Trap Arts to help him. And that guilt permeated his every word and action.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 1 day ago


Andreim blinked to Alexander. "What are you talking about?! The two of us are withdrawing for now. We have a certain situation here..." He nodded towards Lise and tried to lead to her to an adjacent room by holding unto her arm. At this rate Lise's pride could be hurt, and this he would not allow. Screw this officer and his glue canisters!

"You are the damn officer so -do- something! Coward!" Andreim yelled to Alexander, clear agitation in his voice. Partly because of what had happened to them just a little moment earlier. This is exactly what happens when there is no control, chaos roams free and people get harmed. I will create a world where there would be order and safety, where things like this could not happen again. Andreim looked to Lise and gulped abit as he was trying to take charge of the situation and lead her to a safer place where she could get dressed.

If she would join him in the other room.

He looked Lise over and then swallowed. Crap.. I need to figure out how to not have her panic. What to do? Oh... I know! "Just be quiet okay?" Andreim began to take off his shoes, then unstrapped his belt and started to unbutton his pants right in front of Lise. Leaning down and then picking his pants up, standing there only in his black boxers and a black tank shirt so it looked almost like they were a part. I have to keep my calm and not be embarassed, or she will feel embarassed. He held out his pants to Lise. "Uhm... you can borrow mine... Liselotte-"

He stopped and gasped as he realized he didn't use the proper honorifics. "Ahh.. err... I mean... Lady Valois-Saint-Remy."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 1 day ago

Aram's muscles were tense as the scene played out before him. This wasn't how this was supposed to go. The ghosts weren't supposed to be so intimidating., he thought, watching Vittorio closely, and with a slight twinge of horror.

But we had someone who didn't care. Nasaraph would willingly face this abomination. They were just about to go at it too, when two other people arrived. They ran, ignoring the group of Vigilantes as well as Vittorio, but before they could get very far, there were loud crashings and creakings; and the floor beneath them began to crumble. They both plummeted downwards, and as they did so Aram recognized one of them; Lady Liselotte. He couldn't quite tell who the other person had been, but Liselotte was seemingly one of the more standing-out first years from St. Laurel's, given her attire and royal mannerisms.

Now this place was getting busy. There were crashes and sounds running all throughout the house. But the event before them held some significance they could actually see. There was a gaping whole in the floor, leading down to previous levels.

It appeared that the ghostly abomination and Nasaraph were calling off their little confrontation...for now. The ghostly figure turned, floating over to the hole that had just been ripped through the floor, and peering down. Aram began to walk forward towards the hole, but remaining close to the wall and keeping his distance from Vittorio, while slightly beckoning the others to follow as well.

Before he could reach it however, Vittorio began speaking to his self ,in what sounded to Aram, a crazed tone. One that was full of greed, and pain. "Alto... ALTO..." he mumbled possessively. He jumped down the hole and began to fall.

Aram quickly came over to the edge, looking down. Alto?? he thought. This is getting serious.

He turned to his comrades, not being one to rush blindly in to these kind of situations. "What are we supposed to do?" he said to Brutus and Nasaraph.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Bak Tsarevna

Bak could only giggle as Samoth insisted that he wasn't the one at a disadvantage here, which peaked her interest. She wondered what sort of wonderful thing he had planned. "Then I will not be having to go easy on you." Her chambers on her missile pod flipped open, locked on to the area behind the couch, and prepared to fire.

Fortunately for everyone she was interrupted, letting out a short yelp as Yuuto suddenly popped out of nothing beside her. She quickly turned one of her spinning guns on him before letting it spin down when he insisted that he was here to help. Bak looked at him more closely. It wasn't really clear, because ninja's by trade all sort of looked the same in their uniforms. She had seen many Rhean movies featuring ninjas in battle with one another or their natural predator, men in tank tops. This ninja, however, looked suspiciously like that ninja that ninja that was always skulking around the school. "Hey, you are that ninja." She said, surprised. How had he known what was going on here? Wait, that was a dumb question. He was a ninja, he had probably gotten a carrier pigeon or something.

She didn't want to turn away good ninja help, but she couldn't think of a way for him to help while she was bowing away the room. This wasn't exactly a safe place for her to be fighting, let alone any ally that decided to hop into the crossfire. "Nyet, I have got this under control. OH!" She exclaimed suddenly, letting her guns wind back down and reaching up to lift the girl off her back. Bak handed her to the ninja, and said. "There are three men around the corner there." she said, pointing backwards with her thumb toward the where she's last seen the Vigilantes. "Please be delivering girl to them. Tell them is second present from Mephisto's."

Nasaraph Sana

Nasaraph joined his companions gawking at the edge of the hole, an expression of shock on his face. Not that the ghost had agreed to his ploy, nor at his throwing himself down the hole, but at his words. Alto. ALTO! They were here. All three of them, the young Royalty of Rhea: Alto, Clara, and King. What sort of fate was it that had brought all of the big three here, tonight, when he'd just been here for some light training? It was just like back on the mountain when the clouds had opened up and shown him his destiny.

He couln't decide an answer to Aram's question. He wanted to stay. He wanted to watch the conflict that was unfolding beneath them. Hell, he wanted to go down there and take a closer look, but he needed to find a reason to get involved. Luckily his eagle eyes caught just such a reason. Fate, it seemed, really had sided with him tonight. He pointed a finger down to a particular figure.

"Fellows, isn't that..." He squinted, acting like he was having trouble seeming to cover up the fact that he needed time to remember the boys name, "Yes, I believe that's Micheal in that mess! Did he come here with you two?" He asked, looking between Brutus and Aram. "Should we go get him?"


Gilliam DeWitt

Gilliam was disoriented. One moment he was slithering to freedom, then there was a rumbling followed by a sudden weightlessness. He had instinctually drawn up into himself as soon as he realized he was falling, compacting as much as he could and hardening his skin with a hard coating of bone and enamel as he felt the vent he was in slam into the ground. He didn't have time to contemplate this before several more explosions boomed around him and he felt himself falling again. Slightly longer this time.

So now he sat, cubed up, and he could hear voices around him. On top of him? Yes, yes, there were people on top of all this rubble. Then he heard a familiar voice, screaming a familiar name, in a tome of pure rage and anguish, and he felt himself start to drool despite the fact that he at present had no mouth. The liquid seeped from his skin and began to puddle withing the busted vent, forming a steady rain of drips as it slipped through the cracks that had formed from the damage, and he sent out small bits of himself topped with crude eyes to prove and prod at the walls of his cage.

Sure enough and he found a few cracks, passages that led to the surface, and subtly his eyes watched out from those cracks to confirm what he heard. He was there! ALTO! He felt himself gurgle with hatred as the memory flooded into his mind, the phantom pain of that sword of light still burning in his soul. There was Vittorio too, the only member of their little group that hated Alto nearly as much as him. Oh, how he wanted to burst out right now and devour his hated enemy while he was busy dealing with Vittorio, but could he truly do so? No! He could never deny a man his revenge like that, especially when it was at hand. He only cared that Alto was dead and devoured, those things didn't happen at the same time. Anyone could kill Alto so long as they left a corpse he could devour.

There were others here, however, that were likely to interfere. He felt himself tense up. No, he decided. No, they would not.

Do what you need to do Vittorio. I have your back.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CavnderOHeart
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

A cube of Snow had fromed directly from the center of Vernon's left palm and he took out a small butterfly knife from his right pocket and grasp its`handel with the right hand. Encasing it, himself and Willaim in ice armour. 'You see, dear outsider. I'm not a Angry person. I'm not a envious person. I'm just protective and have no screws to loosen.' Veron had thought and just began chuckling. He had stopped calmly watching fate run on by and began to work his own fate into this whole ordeal. He chukled again. Vernon had thought of a distraction.

He inhaled, faking calmness and stood to Willaim's left, then tossed the snow cube in the air at a north by northeast angle. "Hate to rain on your parade love, but. Where you thinking? At all...HAha!?" Screamed Vernon as he removed the ice armour from Willaim and held his left ear with his left middel and thumb fingers. He sighed, becuase he had been talking too much. His powers had gotten out quicker than his logic.

Vernon didn`t see a way to fix this he only had made things worse, which he was fine with he just needed Willy to develop something his parents allies called. space. Vernon had sighed and motioned his fingers closer to crack each of them. He spoke again, it was screamed becuase now he wanted to put Willy at a safe distance. "I'm a alien! Now, what else can go wrong? ..Hahaha. LEt's not fuck up plans any further. If plausible." Vernon had temporarily narrowed his eyes at the guy with hypnotic eyeballs. He hadn't cared to learn his name. Vernon just wanted to freeze him in place and smack Willy-verbally- then bless Willaim Ascot's plans with a lot of Mafia inspired emotional Intelligence.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 8 days ago

Rurik Alexeev

Rurik's arm was still held aloft, pointing, as suddenly Vittorio just sort of flew by, screaming Alto's name like a spurned lover. Rurik only blinked in confusion, lowering his gaze, arm still held up and momentarily forgotten, to see that indeed there was a confrontation brewing below with Alto present.

Rurik finally lowered his arm.

"I'm starting to regret waking up this morning," Rurik grumbled. He had been looking right up the hole in the ceiling, it had been impossible for him to miss that Vittorio wanted them to follow him down to fight Alto, or at least those by Alto's side. Screw that. Vittorio's stupid revenge plot was his own problem. Rurik was barely on board with Clara's plan as it was. He didn't want to be there at all to begin with.

"Forget about those two, Christine. Thobias is taking us up to the next floor. We, uhh, need to check on Bak. Yeah..." He gave Thobias his most stern look. "Right, Thobias?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Michael Angie

Michael nodded, and began to head toward the stairs. Only then did things begin to get hectic as a hole was blasted through from the floor above, making Michael jump back in surprise. Whatever was going on, it was not gonna be easy getting through it. As Alexander ran off, Michael was about to go after him, only to be distracted by a scream coming from the hole. Looking towards the scene, Michael saw Lise falling through it, as well as the resulting aftermath. Well that's embarrassing, Michael thought, turning away almost immediately.

Another scream brought his attention back to the hole, this one full of anger. With all the information he had on hand, Michael made an educated guess and assumed that the guy jumping down through the hole to confront Alto was Vittorio. Michael backed off from the chaos, right into the company of Alexander, Lise, and Andriem. "Well, shit," Michael said, still facing toward Vittorio and Alto. Michael gave a small wave to Lise and Andriem as Alexander introduced him to them, barely paying attention as he tried to figure out what to do. Alexander's suggestion, however, made him yell in surprise, "You want me to what!?" Michael had not had any experience dealing with astral bodies, so he had no clue what sort of Trap Art could even interact with them, let alone restrain them. Michael did know that it was possible in theory, but the problem was finding the right solution.

"Ugh, you know what, whatever! I'll come up with something!" Michael said, summoning his paintbrush and adding extra speed Body Arts to his arms and legs, as well as a durability-enhancing Body Art on his chest, just in case. He then morphed his paintbrush into one with a long handle and a wide brush. Michael crouched down as he ran in a wide circle around Vittorio, running his brush along the ground to construct the Trap Art. The inside of the circle's edge was then lined with more circles. This was one of his standard design for a Trap Art. Activating the Trap, the circles at the edge immediately filled up, and dark tentacles emerged from them. The tentacles then shot towards Vittorio, intended to wrap around his limbs and rob them of movement. Michael hoped it would be enough, but for some reason, he doubted it.

@Letter Bee@Dezuel@RoflsMazoy@Bartimaeus@Gentlemanvaultboy
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alexander Ascot

Alexander let out a loud sigh of frustration as his request for help was rightly but loudly refused. Nevertheless, he wasn't so unaware as to see the blinking eyes that glinted with reflected light. Said eyes, which can be seen through the rubble, troubled him, and the young man said as the slithering noise of Gilliam's movement tapped into a well of primal fear; same for the dripping noises, "So, the God of Complications keeps throwing things my way. Well, best to soldier on; when my little brother is more determined than me, something must be wrong."

At Michael's indignation, and later courage in taking on Vittorio and the mysterious guy with the many eyes, Alexander acted, impressed by the boy's bravery. Saying, "Sorry about this, Vittorio, but you're under arrest and I've drafted everyone I can to help take you in!" before drawing his sticky foam gun, Alexander couldn't help but continue, "You'll forgive me once my brother has broken Cosmic Law and brought back those you've lost. No, I'm not lying, there is a power which can do that."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gilliam DeWitt

No sooner had the boy begone painting that Gilliam started preparing himself. He willed his cells shift and rearrange themselves into new configurations, felt the foundation blocks of the necessary organs being laid out and come to life as nerves and blood vessels attached themselves. It was a lot like civil engineering; you had to think about what you needed, the most efficient structures necessary to achieve your goal, the routes through which those structures would receive resource, and the energy necessary to run those structures. It had been one of the points that had been drilled into his head by his handlers along with such necessities as etiquette, interpersonal communication, and personal hygiene.

The black tentacles emerged from the circle and Gilliam's rose up to meet them. They possessed no grand weapons but were muscular, built not to attack but react and intercept. They were lined with a uniform smattering of eyeballs, each looking wildly in all possible directions, armed with a mouthful of sharp teeth, and each controlled primarily through an auxiliary brain nestled within the main body of Gilliam himself so as to give them faster reaction time. Trying to manually manipulate them all at move would only slow them down. These were the tendrils that lashed out and began to duel with Michael's, but they were not the only things to emerge from the rubble.

A long, fleshy tube broke its way out of the rubble and reared up like a snake to observe the battlefield. It's blank features warped, and quickly what was once a black slate hosted what appeared to be a mockery of a human face. It's mouth was filled with sharp, needle like teeth and its eyes were yellowed and dead. It stared down at Alexander, slowly opened its dripping mouth and...

"I contest this, on what charge?" it asked, in the voice of a refined, gentlemanly teenager. "I believe that under Rhean law the accused has the right to know the charges being brought against them. Where's you warrant? What's your badge number? Who's your direct superior? I need to know the names I'm going to be giving to our lawyer."

Another important skill that had been taught to Gilliam: being a complete pain in the ass to the police.

@Scarifar@Letter Bee@Bartimaeus@Dezuel@rawkhawk64@Crowvette
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alexander Ascot

Gilliam may not know this, but Alexander was back in his element, as he did have a warrrant authorizing him to go after Vittorio alone. He would show said warrant, which was written on flame-proof, water-proof paper, to the cannibalistic shapeshifter, and say, "Here's my warrant, my badge number is #4484, and my direct superior is Ms. Sakura Medea of the Juvenile Investigations Office! And the charges are grave threats and attempted murder, which is being committed right now! So stop with the obstruction of justice; a crime is being committed!"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 2 days ago


Lise was at her limit. Too much had happened. Somewhere in her heart, she wished that the fox had taken her with him. The only thing she could manage to do is blink with a blank, slightly horrified expression on her face. One of the only students she feared had seen her in such a humiliating situation. A ghost had walked right past her in a heated rage. At the same time, a police officer tried to ask her for help fighting said ghost. Some kind of flesh golem had (admittedly, fairly politely) interjected into the existing fight. She would have broken down by now if it weren't for her partner.

Andreim tried to keep his cool, Lise could tell. He offered something strange, but in this situation it seemed fitting. After all, a gentleman would be justified in sacrificing clothing for the comfort of a lady. His strength under pressure was significant. Lise was grateful enough that she didn't even care about Andreim's lapse in using her proper name.

Lise gripped Andreim's arm, as if to steady herself. Her eyes were fixed on the ground, and her voice was tiny and shaking. "Andreim... Please get me out of here." Lise managed to glance up to him once, holding back tears.

Two shadow maids crouched around Lise, summoned by her without a word. Their long dresses seemed to flutter without any influence from the air, providing a makeshift cover for Lise's state of undress.


Andras had noted that this new fellow had wanted to speak to her, but as he turned to look at Andras, the enchanted ribbon that she had used as a makeshift eyepatch seemed to react. The free-flowing ends of the ribbon stretched in front of Andras's eye, blocking her from making eye contact with Galbrek. Andras tried to look past the ribbons briefly, frustratedly saying, "Erayo, what are you-"

Andras stopped mid-sentence. The enchantment, a magical legacy of the moonfolk monk Erayo, was a powerful protective magic. It would block the first attempt to affect the wielder with a magical ability. She stepped back, quickly summoning her spells to her hand. "What did you try to do just now?" Andras said. Maybe it was a mistake. He could have an ability that he couldn't turn off. Maybe she was on edge from the previous two fights. But she felt uneasy with this man in front of her.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

William Ascot

Vernon's intervention literally cooled down Ascot, and Galbrek's influence over the young man ended. Instinctively averting his eyes away from the other young man, Ascot spoke to the Half-Demon, his voice even more steely, "Actually, I have a counter-offer; I and Andras can eat first, then we can ressurect Vittorio's parents and friends. After that, we can use your knowledge of Vit's whereabouts to finally secure the tearful reunion. Why am I proposing another deal? Well, it's because Vernon, my boyfriend, is wary about you and I trust him. Plus, the fact is that he also knows Vittiorio, isn't that right, Vernon?"

At the same time, Andras would reject Galbrek's offer even as the latter turned to offer it to her, and Ascot would run towards his friend as he sensed distress in her voice. Of course, Galbrek's minions might be able to make a grab for him before he did that, but Vernon's stunt with the ice would clear enough space around them to give the boy an opening to go up to Andras. Somehow, Ascot felt that this was the right thing to do.

Looking at Vernon instead of Galbrek, Ascot would say, "Thanks, Vernon. Thanks for everything."

Then he would turn back to Galbrek, refusing to gaze into the man's eyes - he had figured out from Andras' unintentional use of Erayo that Galbrek's ability was eye-based. He would then say, "Now, now, we're all friends here; no need to hurl mind-affecting magics on one another."

And in a show of hypocrisy, he used Narrative Role of Familiarity, activating a field the size of a University's Lecture Hall around him. But this field was not aimed at Galbrek; the young man had plenty of evidence that William Ascot was not a friend of his'. Rather, the field was aimed at the crowd, the security guards, Masami, and if he was within reach, Aegus Reister. The memories of the crowd, guard, Masami, and Aegus (assuming that he didn't have a protective ability) would begin warping to see William Ascot as a familiar person - no, a friend that they must defend against any hostility.

It was Galbrek's move now, by the way.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 1 day ago


So many thing had happened in just a few brief moments, but he had little time to dwell and ponder on them right now. After all, she needed him. Lady Liselotte needed him. The sole reason for him even being here fighting for St.Laurel's. She who had flipped his world upside down and was more and more seizing his core for her own.

Feeling her soft hand on his arm. The mere touch sending shivers down his entire body but in a good way. She was so composed and regal even in this situation, he couldn't help but feel admiration for her. Her eyes were however gazing to the ground, she was likely very weary and with that single command. "Andreim... Please get me out of here." Followed with her enchanting eyes meeting his. Two of her servants, the shadow maids also had appeared by Lise to provide her cover as she was still undressed.

Andreim took a deep gulp and then leaned down to help Lise take on the pants, trying his best to not embarass her further, letting her legs slide into the pants before pulling them up to her waist where he would attach the belt. Would she let him that is.

"Let us go then, my Lady Valois-Saint-Remy. I shall carry your majesty to safety." He tried to pick her up into a princess carry, looking deeply into her eyes before lifting her off towards one of the exits of the building. Anyone or anything getting in their way now would be annihilated on the spot for sure.

Angels. Demons. Gods. Mortals. Anyone who'd get in my way now is going to vanish among the stars!

This is my destiny. This life of mine... Is to be with her!


His hypnotic gaze on Andras had bounced right off her. What's this? How beautiful... a barrier. She is more well equipped than I first thought.

"Just wanted your attention so that we may talk buisness after this ordeal is over. I can detect a magical talent like yours from far away. A beautiful rare gem."

Galbrek blinked. What was going on? What did he just tell her? Had she some defenses he had not seen before? I did not need to tell her this. Have I underestimated her? He threw another glance at Andras. "Ahh! Not to worry, demoness Andras. I am just an admirer of your craft. But you do seem abit weary after the two fights, some rest could do you well."

Galbrek attempted his hypnotic gaze again. "How about a drink at my place?" He gave a one-toothed smile before turning to William and Vernon "Sadly I am not interested in any offer which would have me end up waiting. I offer what I did because I can and have things to gain. Much like yourself. W-i-l-l-i-a-m. They are however not your buisness."

He toyed with the ruffles on his shirt, decorated by a ivory broché depicting himself in profile. "Much like it is not my buisness what you intend to do with V- this Vittorio." Galbrek pointed to his own face. "Look at me William. Is this the face of a liar?" He stared with his hypnotic gaze towards William.

"Leave demoness Andras in my care for the time being, I shall make sure she'll have something to eat. Do not worry."

He'd had a slight smile form on his lips. "Darla, how about you share that cake with dear William here?" The youngest of the dolls he had made stepped up with the icecream cake and looked to William. "Good to meet you." She said in a soft and somewhat monotone voice.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 13 days ago

Royal Rumble

Alto felt no responsibility for Vittorio Twinveil. The deaths of his family and friends were something he could not have prevented, by a true enemy who would not have been stopped by anything. However, he had to take responsibility for the lives of the people in this room. Besides, he'd been awarded the first shot anyway.

Perhaps Vittorio's plan would have worked if Alto was a fool. It was his policy to always err on the side of caution, and while in some scenarios it wasn't possible to do such a thing, but there was a way here.

"Prepare yourself Vittorio Twinveil," Alto said. "This will not go as you wished."

He used his third ability God Speed Flash. His body turned to light for a split second, and for yet another split second he could move almost at the speed of light. Most thought it was a teleportation ability, and to some extent it was mostly for moving position, but it was capable of much more than that.

Before Alto moved however, he threw his sword. The flash from entering God Speed would hide the throw. During this state, Alto's thoughts moved at lightspeed just as he did. He saw the sword pass straight through Vittorio as he began moving. Across the lobby, past Vittorio, finally ending up next to Alexander.

"I assume you had a plan for this?" He said, creating another blade of light in his hand. "Enact it. I will give as much support as I'm able to."
@Letter Bee @Dezuel @Gentlemanvaultboy
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by CavnderOHeart
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

"I'm beginning to agree with the strangers. My parents are the first of God's Fallen." Said Vernon coming to some sort of realization as William broke him out of be the sensation of Bliss and freedom. Swallowing now Vernon had shivered at how cold his body temperature had gotten and gave a tint smirk to the others. "You know, not only is William cute, he's deductive." Vernon had taken few steps closer to Galbek. And let his hands hover over the half-demon's shoulders. He sighed.

[color=007236]"[color=#9e0039]Listen. Prince Galbek. I get that your a royal demon and a member of Saint....Laruel's, but...My parents are a, both aliens and b, both mentally ill. Having d.i.d. and being their son. [/I]I[/i]am not liable for what happens to you... I'm half Naphalem, Half alien-human myself. Not nephilam. Not. nephilam , so killing and controlling me won't be easy. Willy, on the weaker hand. Touch him and I'll show you why angels only focus on Hell.[/color][/color]" His hands went down to his sides as Vernon had looked at his boyfriend.

"Sorry I didn't tell you about my condition before, hubby. And we'll....Your mortal, so protecting you and Alex is our-being the Families'-main priority. Ourselves come second." When Vernon finished speaking he had placed his left hand on Galberk. And sung. Cleanly. "Do you wanna build A snowman?" into The Half-Demon's ears.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

William Ascot

"Oh, wow!" William Ascot said happily, "I didn't know you were like King, Vernon! Well, half like King, at any rate." A pause as the truth occured to his mind, causing Ascot to catch himself even as (presumably) Galbrek collapsed from the paralyzing song. "Oh, wait, you were bluffing."

The boy felt it was all right to say that now that Galbrek was (again, presumably) paralyzed by the magical music and probably so caught up in his humiliation that he won't be able to listen. He would then take back the Ice Cream Cake from Darla and say, "I'm glad to meet you too; I apologize for everything!" Or if Darla just threw the Ice Cream Cake at Ascot, or hit him with it, he'd just try and dodge. Whatever the case, the boy would say to Andras, "Let's get something to eat now; I'm sure there's a ramen stand somewhere!"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 1 day ago

Masami was close to the group now, not well within human hearing range. She stopped a couple yards from them, as Andras demurred from Galbrek's approach.

The card-slinger summoned such entities to her hand, objecting to the new arrival's seemingly notional action. "What did you try to do just now?" she exclaimed.

Masami stepped closer to Andras and William, the other new arrival, and felt a solicitous feeling wash over her as she watched Galbrek interact rather sourly with William.

She came within about a yard of William, and faced Galbrek with her hand rested on the hilt at her hip. Her mask was now gone, as she had caught her breath within the break of action they had received. "Is there a problem here? she said in a cheery tone. It would have sounded threatening from someone else, but from her it just sounded like a question from a genuinely concerned person.

She would look to Andras, eyeing the reaction the entity covering her faced had proposed, and then to Galbrek. "If there's something you want to talk about, I'm sure we can do so without any..trickery." she offered.

He Starballs were floating between herself and Galbrek, staying close to her. Yet, they were still fluctuating in color, but now with more intensity. Something wasn't right.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 1 day ago


These meddling mortals. I don't really have the time to waste on inferior forms of life in this matter. This mundane fool is threatening -me- of all people. This halfwitted puppet seems to belong to this William. Their liking for oneanother is a thing I can exploit. I will exploit it. Whose Alex anyways? No matter. I send someone to gather the intel I need. Perhaps Yuuto would do nicely.

Galbrek gave an arrogant eyebrow to Vernon as he leaned forwards. "Do not get conceit-" He stopped mid-sentence before toppling backwards on unsteady legs and getting grabbed by Adam.

"Master!" His tall doll grabbed him preventing him from falling. "What did you do to him? Do you have any idea of what you've done?" Adam was agitated but also visually worried, a face of terror and dread spreading. Darla would have dropped the icecream cake to the floor on seeing what was happening to Galbrek. Her mouth opened. "Why?" She raised both her hands uncertainly towards Vernon as she stepped inbetween Vernon and Galbrek. "Ey!" She ignited both her hands in a dark blueish purple energy and kept a fierce but also cute glare at Vernon.

On the other side of the gathering was the remaining two dolls. Bertrand and Celine. "Damn.. something is wrong. Something has happened to the master." Bertrand said in an annoyed voice.

"So? Do you care for him really?" Celine asked.

"Not in that sense. But what will he do to us if we did nothing?" Bertrand gave Celine a unpleased look with gritted teeth, then he stepped up behind the group at a distance with a ball of energy between his both hands.

"You better stop that! We would hate having to hurt you!" He assumed a pose he thought was cool, with Celine standing beside him with an overly serious face.


He had seen the dark tentacles in the corner of his eyes. They posed a threat to him and he would have to step out of his incorporeal form to deal with them, but someone else intervened. A monster whom had been hiding in the dark had now lunged out to deal with this threat. Vittorio was genuinely surprised by this but gave a satisfied smile. He knew this monster most certainly.

"Don't tangle with me, or you'll draw your last breath painter!" He yelled out towards Michael in clear annoyance. "You are partly the reason why I am even here, officer. You! Like the others failed to do justice! This is divine providence from the grave! Want someone to blame?! Blame yourself!"

The officer had stood in the other end of the room talking about things. Vittorio caught hold of some of it as his battle with Alto began. Alto was fast. But faster than even Vittorio could have expected, he attacked with such speed that he wondered what it was that flew through him. He had tossed his sword right through him? Crafty of his enemy. But this is just the trickery he should expect from someone who hides in the light.

"This will be the day of reckoning for everyone! Your existance cannot be forgiven! Someone like you should disappear forever! Altoooo!" Vittorio's tentacles spread widely as he exited his incorporeal state, meaning he would be vulnerable to damage now.

His previous manifestations had vanished, but now were replaced with his dear Charlotte being killed by the monster. The moment forever frozen in time in his memory. He aimed one of his tentacle energy beams before him on the ground to provide some dust to fly up, and at the same time he shot four of his other ones at the ceiling right above where Alto, Alexander and Michael stood. Seeking to have the ceiling bury them all in rubble. Vittorio reserved his last tentacle for defense if they somehow would get through to him. His astral form looked tense and almost flared up in energy. Clearly indicating he was putting everything he had into this fight.

Give me power. Everyone... let this be my story's ending.

This was the moment he had trained for. Everything he had thought of for two years. With a few differences. He would have wanted to fight Alto all alone but it could not be helped. He did have some assistance now at least to nullify his. He channeled his love for the dead to finally be able to bring an end to it all.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alexander Ascot

"Indeed I do, " Alexander said to Alto as Vittorio gave his speech. Stretching out his right hand, he conjured up the God-Binding Grimorie of Imprisonment, which appeared in a burst of glittering motes. Blessed and implicitly protected by as many Gods and Goddesses as possible, the book's cover and binding was nearly indestructable, as strong as Alexander's willpower and confidence in himself. And while those two weren't always the strongest, they would be strong enough for this. He had his own people to take care of, his own people he loved.

And so his doubts, fears, and even his sadness and sympathy for Vittorio became irrelevant, pushed to the side as the young man knew he had to get back to this in one piece.

Positioning himself in front of Alto and Michael, left hand holding the Sticky Foam Gun and right hand holding his Grimorie, he would shake his head and respond to Vittorio's rant about the Day of Reckoning: "No."

First Energy Beam: Floor and Dust. Second to Fifth Energy Beams: Cieling? Alexander would make use of the Body Art that Michael had given him to make a flying leap up, and swat two of the four energy beams Vittorio had aimed at the floor above with the outside of his book, the embodiment of his Core Power. Blessed by every imaginable Pantheon. Strengthened by my own soul. This is my own power, the power of one who seeks to protect others.

As the other two energy rays hit the cieling (unless stopped by Michael and Alto), Alexander landed on the ground once more, breathing hard and clearly in pain. Assuming that Alto and Michael were distracted with preventing the floor above from collapsing upon them, the Officer put himself forward once more, saying, "Let me make this clear, little boy. You talk about failure to do justice. You tell me to blame myself. You, who jump to conclusions on the haziest of assumptions, assume the roles of judge, jury, and executioner. "

Alexander laughed in contempt even as Vittorio's astral form seemed to be lost in reverie, His Grimorie and Gun held out to hinder any attempt by the other Mephisto's student, the Shapeshifter, to interfere.

"Only those who are better in investigation than the law have the right to take justice into their own hands, young man," That statement encapsulated the essence of Alexander's personal philosophy. "No evidence other than your delusions point to Alto being guilty of summoning your friends' and family's killer." He would walk forwards with his weapons drawn, ready to bat away any attempt by Vittorio or Gillam to attack. "You know nothing about the justice that you spout about, you little guttersnipe. So don't lecture me."

And Alexander would charge Vittorio then, covering his own advance with a volley of sticky foam shots; the foam would absorb magical energy as it made contact with Vittorio's Astral Form.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gilliam DeWitt

Gilliam wrenched his head back in obvious terror as Alto appeared in front of him, sword of light blazing in his hand. He let out a hissing chitter, teeth snapping together as his jaw twitched in agitation. Terror and loathing coiled together like a pair of snakes making lone. He hated that sword. He hated anything that could cause him pain, cause him to flee in fear like this. Hadn't freedom from this feeling been why he'd fought so hard? There was only one way to be free of this terrible fear. He had to absorb it. He had to internalize it. He had to consume it! Once he had he'd know he was stronger than that. Survival of the fittest. Eat or be eaten!

He couldn't allow himself to be touched by the sword, that had been a painful lesson. Like an animal once bitten he wouldn't make the mistake of tanking it again. Instead he inflated one large stomach in his body and set it to overdrive, filling it with caustic stomach acid and connecting it directly to his throat. Vittorio's attack gave him the cover he needed, but the cop was charging now. Gilliam's eyes locked on the moving target, so focused on Vittorio. Fast. So fast. Inhumanly so. This wasn't any of his concern. He shouldn't have interfered. He flexed all the muscles around his new stomach and smashed it.

When Gilliam shot the acid it didn't come out as one continuous stream. No, no, that would be too easy to dodge or block with his book. Instead he widened his jaw, grew a hole filled layer of skin in the back of his throat, and fired in a rain like spray to get complete coverage.

@Letter Bee@Dezuel@RoflsMazoy@Crowvette@Scarifar@rawkhawk64@Bartimaeus
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