Avatar of Bartimaeus


Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current It's been three years since we lost Polymorpheus, a dear friend. It's felt like a lot longer, that time. I still think about Poly every so often, and how I miss them so very much. I won't forget them.
12 mos ago
I like attention.
1 yr ago
Tomorrow is post day. How unfortunate.
1 yr ago
I lost.
1 yr ago
@LongSwordMain I can fix that, if you wish.


uhhhh, hi there

I am here and I sorta exist so yes this is my ‘bio’ and it will probably be rather brief and suck and be sloppy, just like me.
So, without further ado..

stuff about me

Most people call me Barti or Bart as well as a few other things since it’s just easier or meaner than the actual thing - I invite you to do so as well.

I’m a 23-year-old (bday June 20th!) Texan who enjoys thunderstorms and rain far too much, and likes anime, running, metal music, and copious amounts of DRUGS candy, among many other cool things - like DnD and MTG.

I enjoy group rps as well as 1x1s. For groups I have what I think is a decent array of interests, most of it being profusely weeb-y. I like Fantasystuffs (Modern especially), supernatural themes, pretty much all Japanese stuff - including historically accurate settings - as well as general dark/grim themes, comedic slice of life trash, academy rps, unique plots, etc. etc. As for 1x1s I pretty much do romance, but I can do non-romantic stuff too if you give me something to work with xP
The only genre I find myself not entirely comfortable with is really sci-fi stuff, but, if the plot/idea catches me enough it can hold my interest. Oh, and my writing level is high casual to low advanced.

I’m a sarcastic, snarky, bipolar-depressed, degenerate garbage can, but generally people seem to like me (I don’t know why in the hot hell you would) - but if you would also like to be my friendo lemme know.
I don’t bite.
Usually owo xd rawr

welppp...I guess that’s okay for now
thanks for reading, you potatoes

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Most Recent Posts

Working on my character. Will post before long.

Aram winced as he saw the flames sprout from the stairwell right as Nasaraph dived out of it. "O-oops. Sorry, Nasaraph.." he said sheepishly as he registered his mistake, scratching his head.

But he needed to handle the immediate threat. And apparently a request for...fortifications? He smirked at that. "You came to the right guy, Bird bro."

He reached behind him, grabbing a plate out of his open satchel and throwing it on the ground in front of him. He then clapped his hands once more, and placed them against the rooftop as he focused on the area from where they had come. Soon, the concrete around the stairwell began to bend and grind to his will, filling the hole where the door had once been. It melded into a solid wall. "Try getting past that!" he shouted, dusting off his hands.
Please tell me they can't teleport... he frowned to himself.

"Oh, yeah. Fortifications." Aram said, remembering the rest of his task. "Uhh...I guess old-fashioned works?" he looked back over his shoulder, worrying that he himself wouldn't even have enough time to perform a task this big.

Nearby Samoth pressed his forefingers against his temples as he looked up, recovering somewhat from his headache. Light sensitivity was quickly developing. "Little help, Army boy? Could use some cover." Samoth half-trudged to a spot behind the kneeling student, and faced the rest of the roof. His developing headache was hindering his focus, as well as his composure, but he'd still be able to throw up a weak shield or two. But anymore shield-breaks and he'd be effectively exhausted.

Aram turned to focus on the transmutation circle once again under his hands, closing his eyes and thinking about what he wished to create. Rather, what to re-shape. Black energy sparked between his hands and the circle, initiating the process of transmutation. Nearby rooftop AC units would soon begin to decompose, shifting through the roof towards Aram. Some sections of the rooftop became thin as the mass was also transferred to Aram, one section actually opening up and making a hole in the roof.

He had been taught in his Alchemy classes that nothing could ever be destroyed. Or created. One thing came from another, even if you couldn't see it. At first he thought it had seemed a little far-fetched. But in time, it made sense. It was a somewhat difficult theory to explain however; how the mass traveled through other mass to reach its destination. But it was crucial to understand. Changing the structural integrity of a building could be very dangerous, and while he wasn't technically supposed to do that unless he had to, he thought this was a good enough situation, if any.

The concrete began to rise, sounding like slate against slate as it formed into the shape the Alchemist desired. It formed over an open pocket, slowly turning into a thick dome, with a couple square "windows" in the sides, and a small entrance on the side facing away from the Demons. He transmuted a bunker large enough to fit at least five people, along with several short walls outside of the bunker for extra cover.

He tucked the plate into the front of his pants, and stood, turning towards the Demons, with a single sweat-drop on his brow. "Hopefully that's fort-y enough for ya-" he breathed. "-sorry I didn't give it wings, though." he said to Nasaraph. He stooped to pick up the Bing Bong sword, holding it in what he thought was a menacing pose, a tuft of red hair covering his eye. He blew it away. "You can go rest with Nasaraph in the igloo over there if you want, Samoth. I'll do what I can to stall. They shouldn't bother you much in there."

The older student didn't look over, just waved his hand to dismiss the thought. His stare wasn't quite as cold as before...moreso pained. "I'll fight."

Now why did I expect that...
"HEY! Come get some! Cowards!" Aram yelled towards the middle of the rooftop.

Samoth winced.

Aram beamed as Nasaraph clapped him on the shoulder, his fellow student commending him for his performance. "Oh, pfftt..it was nothing, really." he said sheepishly as he began to follow the avian-cultured Vigilante. Nasaraph was really weird sometimes...but he was a pretty nice guy, from what Aram had seen. He considered him somewhat of a friend.
As he walked, he fell in behind the two other students as they ascended the stairs, occasionally glancing at the plaques that marked which floors they were passing. He look in front of him to the other student, occasionally seeing his expression as they turned to climbed more flights. He didn't look comfortable at all. His brow was furrowed, and small beads of sweat were forming on his forehead.

"Samoth, is it?" Aram said. "You look tense. Maybe you should take a break? We could maybe wait for you, if you like.." he said as they continued their ascent. Maybe he's getting tired...even if he's a Laurel's student, he shouldn't push himself.

Samoth didn't pause as he was addressed by the student behind him. He was aching. Not that the proposal would've derived much more than a "no" from him. He would continue until they reached the staircase leading to the tenth floor, with aching legs and, assumedly, Nasaraph and Aram in tow. A slowly growing irk in his mind would increase as they ascended the floors. Until he took step on the first step to the ninth floor. His brain was pulsing painfully already as he felt the presence of about...several people above him. There.
Samoth suddenly began running up the stairs, skipping steps as he rushed to make it to where he assumed he would find Alto.

Wow, this guy is kinda rude... Aram thought as Samoth ran off without answering him. "Hey! What's up?? Wait!" he followed up the stairs quickly, being sure to stay close to Nasaraph in case anything bad were to happen.



Maybe 'bad' was an odd term for what was on the other side of the door. Samoth put his booted foot back to the ground as he looked at what had been on the other side of it. Shit. he thought.
Samoth had been in the business long enough to know that anything still standing whenever he arrived to Alto's location was not something to take lightly. And the other two leaders? Hell. This had to be some powerful Demon lord.

"Be cautious. This thing is-" he was interrupted in the middle of his over-the-shoulder warning by a shouting Aram.

"Holy Crapola! What is that thing? And why isn't it dead yet?!?!" he yelled in the ears of the two students in front of him.

Samoth shook his head as he stepped from the doorway. He looked across the roof, spotting other students on the opposite side of it. Him and the other two seemed like easy targets, considering they were secluded from the rest of the group. But on the contrary, the demons would have to turn they backs to the larger group if they wished to corner them. Until he saw one of them multiply.

"Woah! That's rad! And also terrifying!" Aram exclaimed as he pulled the Bing Bong sword from the strap on his back. "Too bad we'll have to kill it!" he smirked.

Don't be too sure- before he could finish his thought, Samoth was struck across the face by a flaming sphere that he hadn't seen coming. It made him stagger and almost fall, but he retained his stance, looking at the group of demons who had sent it. Hmpf.

A single Demon came flying towards them as Samoth took a single step forward, raising wide a telekinetic shield in front of himself as it shot several fireballs at them. They poofed harmlessly against the barrier. It paused for a moment, then disappeared. And was directly in front of Samoth. It lunged a clawed hand at him, which hit the weak barrier, earning a wince from Samoth as it shattered. Ugh, what-did it have claws before?? he barely had time to clutch his head as the hand continued through its contact through the barrier, towards his chest.

And was intercepted by Aram. The blade of his Claymore thrusted into the path of the Demon's hand, slashing into the flesh of the being, accompanied by the tell-tale Jingle that came with a strike from the weapon. It hissed. "Oddly satisfying!" the Alchemist declared. He lunged towards the Demon, turning the blade outwards and downwards, aiming to cut it at the belly. His usually demeanor didn't betray his skill in combat. He was fast with a blade. But the Demon was fast, too.

It vanished. Aram thought quickly, and used his forward momentum to swing his torso around, making a sweeping slash around himself in anticipation of a attack from behind. His swing was met with resistance, the Demon having blocked it with inter-locked claws. Bing! The block, combined with his forward movement and the awkwardness of the attack transition, caused Aram to lose his balance. He tucked his head in, rolling to his shoulder and coming out in a one-knee-down blocking position, just in time to intercept the Demon's attack. Bong!

"Oooh, fiesty now, are you? Oh my, I hope you're not too much for me to handle!" he teased.

He saw a glow from beneath him, and looked down. "Oh." he quickly rolled backwards, out of the block, before the rune bursted into a tower of flame. "How inconsiderate! That's cheating you know...but if that's how you want to play it!"

Aram feinted going for an over-head swing with the Claymore. Which would have been extremely easy to block, considering the Demon's speed and strength. But he released the blade.
He hands came together into a clap, earning a spur of black energy from his palms, and he shot them forward in a Hamekameka-esque thrust. Several ounces of salt were alleviated from one of the many bags at Aram's hip. And a furious explosion bursted from his hands, directed at the chest of the beast. It would be sent almost directly towards the stairwell, hopefully not catching Nasaraph in the way.

His Claymore hit the floor. Bing!Bong!
Including the GM, we’ve got an almost guarenteed 5 participants. These people include: LetterBee(GM), Conscripts, Myself, GentlmanVaultBoy, Arisen.


Other tentative interests have been shown, and including those we have more players than required. Looking for 8 total, but if you’ve already stated your interest, wiggle room might be in order if we can find something acceptable.

Masami's warm smile was interrupted as Vera "pulled" Wolf's arm away from her helping hand, afterwards giving her a mean look. The fox girl curled her hand away a little cautiously, turning her attention towards the rest of the group as they began to congregate in the clearing. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed! she giggled to herself.

It had seemed as if all the fighting was done, for now. And no one looked...well...dead. Wolf and Vera looked pretty beat up, however. But her attention was on Andras.

"Andras!" she shouted as the other girl joined the group alongside Vernon. She ran to the "demon lady", throwing her arms around her as she got close. "I'm so glad you're okay!" she said, even as she held her at arm's length, looking over her for any glaring wounds. "What was all this about, anyways?? I'm afraid I couldn't help much...I didn't know who was friend or foe.." she admitted as she looked down at her feet, her arms moving back to her sides.

She looked up, remembering that Andras had been escorted back. She turned to Vernon. "You!" she yelled once again, even though they were only several feet apart. "You kept my new friend safe, didn't you?! Thank you so much!", the fox girl squealed as she opened her arms and stepped towards him for a brief hug.

Wait... The memory of Vernon pinning William to the ground popped into her head as she saw the latter standing off to the side, and she recoiled her open arms. "You're...not a bad guy?" she looked confusedly at Vernon.

You already know this, Bee, but I'm in :p
@Gentlemanvaultboy is this an alright post, or would you like to do something else?

Gods, so much is happening right now. she thought as she watched a new person run onto the scene.

"W-wait...WAIT...W-WHERE IS HER ARM!?!?" Masami screeched to no-one in particular as she pointed wildly at Celine. Before the latter face planted into the ground. The fox-girl's ears twitched as the scream assaulted them, and she instinctively covered them as she looked towards the source. There's too many people in this city.. she thought.

She wasn't exactly sure who was friend or foe. Besides William. Who had just been frozen to the ground by some ice-manipulating dude. She started to move towards them and was about to call out as she saw Vera come up behind Vernon, then proceeding to send him stumbling to the ground. Before Wolf promptly lifted him, and flung him across the park..

She let the ice from her blade melt away as her Starball floated back to her hand. She approached Wolf and Vera as she put it back in her mouth, then initiating perfectly un-hindered speech. Well. Except for the fact that she was a little nervous that she had almost attacked Wolf in a misunderstanding the moment before. "H-hey.." she said, nervously scratching her ear "I guess we're on the same side, huh? I'm Masami Souma." she held out her hand to lift up the now-exhausted Wolf, but before he could consider taking it, they would hear another massive screeching commotion in the distance.

More fighting? Great... she thought sarcastically. I had a feeling my first day would be frantic, but this is just out of hand!

Samoth stood his ground as Gilliam approached him, knowing the inevitable outcome that would occur when one engages him in physical contact. The creature lept back and spat his disdain at Samoth as the latter remained still, staring blankly at him. Samoth hadn't planned to respond to the question "What are you?", and even if he had, it would have been interrupted by an attack from Nasaraph. To Gilliam's back.
Those present watched as he was flown across the room, and through the door across the lot to the fancy car on the other side. Before standing back up and advancing again.

Samoth looked back to Nasaraph, giving him a nod and approaching the stairs as he requested one of the Vigilantes to block the entrance. He marched with purpose up the stairs; he needed to find and assist Alto as much as he could. All that screeching was really irking his headache, though.

"Aram, please use your alchemy to seal the entrance." Naseraph said. "That grand push used up most of what I had."

"Don't have to ask me twice!" he said, making his way towards the doors hurriedly. He saw that thing approaching, its face completely mangled beyond recognition. His fingers fumbled at the latch on his satchel as he hurried to take one of the plates depicting a transmutation circle on it from the bag. That guy really creeped him out.

Luckily, the approaching Mephisto's student would be slowed, oddly enough, by slipping like one of those cartoon characters you saw in the movies, their feet flying up in the air over their head as they failed their attempt to regain their balance. Aram winced as he heard the crack of Gilliam's head against the concrete. Ouch... he thought.

He finally fished one of the plates from his bag, throwing it to the ground just behind the doors, and kneeling beside it. He thought of the effect he desired, and clapped his hands together, then throwing them against the ground as they emanated a black glow, and sparks of the same shade. The ground outside the building shifted upwards slighty, breaking from its hold against the rest of the earth. It then rose and curved through the air towards the building, creating a half-dome large enough to encompass the double doors and several feet around them, and would soon meld itself to the old establishment. Sealing the entrance.

Aram stood, taking the wooden plate and putting it back into his bag, before turning around and dusting off his hands.

"That should do the trick!" he said, looking content that he wouldn't have to deal with Gilliam anymore.

Masami stayed back at the larger person's warning. She didn't really want to fight that thing, actually. But luckily enough, it seemed the one on the defensive could handle themselves. She watched as the fight progressed, worrying for the masked individual as the man with the massive hammer lunged at her skillfully with each attack. But the former was as evasive as he was powerful. He danced around Wolf, reminiscent of how a Mongoose would dance around a Black Mamba, waiting for their perfect moments to strike.

Masami was momentarily distracted by the return of William Ascot. Which was accompanied by...a "friendship aura" as William described it. She looked at herself as she glowed gold, feeling a slightly warm sensation travel from head to toe. William sure is quick to claim me as a true friend.. she thought. Not necessarily a bad thing.

She turned from William as he explained the events that were happening at this moment. "Oh...He was on our side...and he..." she looked as Wolf as he lay on the ground seemingly implanted in it by his own armor spikes. "Uh..."

Masami wasn't sure if she should stop the masked figure, but she decided against it. It appeared they were fleeing before having to deal with the rest of the group. It also appeared that Andras had escaped, and with the return of William, that it had been to a safe place.

She came over to Wolf, wanting to crouch down to check on him, but instead she just stood beside him, leaning over slightly as she looked as his spiky form. "Are you...alright in there?" she asked down to him.

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