Masami stood from the back seat of an ambulance after the paramedics patched her wound. She had been expected to fight more, but after having been stabbed with a Scimitar, she wasn't looking forward to jumping around too much.
She stepped down from the back of the medical vehicle, observing her surroundings. Fights were still going on. The more professional and skilled fighters were now taking their places in the ring, some of them looking more worse-for-wear than their peers. Masami wasn't sure anyone would miss her if she departed. So she looked around for the little pink-hair girl she had met before, Euphoria. She wasn't anywhere to be seen, but she did spot Jokey hanging out near some of the ambulances, eyeing the fights from afar as he made marks on a clipboard he was holding. She approached him at a leisurely pace.
"Hey Jokey!" she called, waving to him even though he clearly wasn't looking at her. He did look over, though. "Oh, hey, you're.." a brief pause. "Masami, yeah?"
"That's me!" she smiled, matter-of-factly. "I wanted to come pay my entrance fee, I'm gonna be heading-"
Masami was interrupted by the raucous screeching of tires rubbing the wrong way against the road, followed moments later by two instances of shattering glass. She paused as she realized the sounds had come from where William and Andras had gone.
"H-here-" Masami quickly fished a wad of bills from the folds of her top, practically dropping the money on the clipboard in his hands. It wasn't like her to be so rude, but something didn't feel right. What she had heard didn't sound like a car crash. The glass had been broken two separate times, and it had come from park, not the street. But as she turned towards the sounds, and began her half-walk, half-light jog approach, she couldn't see anything through the crowd. But she could tell something was exciting them.
She pushed her way through the crowd, despite her short stature, making her way to the front. She cleared the audience, and spotted the cause of the racket. Boy was this a sight. Firstly she spotted the car...along with the seemingly very large person marching towards it with a massive hammer which may have well caused the damage to the vehicle in the first place. She also saw Andras fleeing the clearing...with one sword-armed William Ascot.
She looked back and forth between the fleeting duo and the large person approaching the vandalized car. She wasn't sure quite what to do...but it certainly looked like he was causing some great amount of trouble. "Hey, you! Stop right there!" She shouted to Wolf.
She spotted movement in the car, and began to run towards it, past Vera. "You leave them alone! Can't you see you are going to hurt someone?!?! She drew her her sword hilt from her belt as she ran, letting one of the free-floating Starballs fall to her hand before summoning the remnant of her weapon, a heavy-ended long-Falchion seemingly formed of ice.
She had enough fighting tonight after taking a stab wound, but if she thought this person was going to hurt someone...she would stop them.