Avatar of Bartimaeus


Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current It's been three years since we lost Polymorpheus, a dear friend. It's felt like a lot longer, that time. I still think about Poly every so often, and how I miss them so very much. I won't forget them.
12 mos ago
I like attention.
1 yr ago
Tomorrow is post day. How unfortunate.
1 yr ago
I lost.
1 yr ago
@LongSwordMain I can fix that, if you wish.


uhhhh, hi there

I am here and I sorta exist so yes this is my ‘bio’ and it will probably be rather brief and suck and be sloppy, just like me.
So, without further ado..

stuff about me

Most people call me Barti or Bart as well as a few other things since it’s just easier or meaner than the actual thing - I invite you to do so as well.

I’m a 23-year-old (bday June 20th!) Texan who enjoys thunderstorms and rain far too much, and likes anime, running, metal music, and copious amounts of DRUGS candy, among many other cool things - like DnD and MTG.

I enjoy group rps as well as 1x1s. For groups I have what I think is a decent array of interests, most of it being profusely weeb-y. I like Fantasystuffs (Modern especially), supernatural themes, pretty much all Japanese stuff - including historically accurate settings - as well as general dark/grim themes, comedic slice of life trash, academy rps, unique plots, etc. etc. As for 1x1s I pretty much do romance, but I can do non-romantic stuff too if you give me something to work with xP
The only genre I find myself not entirely comfortable with is really sci-fi stuff, but, if the plot/idea catches me enough it can hold my interest. Oh, and my writing level is high casual to low advanced.

I’m a sarcastic, snarky, bipolar-depressed, degenerate garbage can, but generally people seem to like me (I don’t know why in the hot hell you would) - but if you would also like to be my friendo lemme know.
I don’t bite.
Usually owo xd rawr

welppp...I guess that’s okay for now
thanks for reading, you potatoes

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Most Recent Posts

Chise Nozaki
Mentions: @VitaVitaAR Location: In the Gospel??

Chise was quick to follow Shiratori's steps as they hurried towards their mystery destination.

It was instinctually that he started sprinting after her as she did, meanwhile his brain was back to thinking. "Others who've gotten pulled over to this side," She said. Okay, now it really was starting to sound like some spooky manga. He spared a moment to look away from their surroundings to have a glimpse at her -- she seemed determined. The glances down towards her phone made it seem as if she didn't really know where they were going - maybe she was reading a map or something - but, she seemed confident in her path, nonetheless.

He took his eyes off her, again trying to examine their surroundings as they sprinted through the streets - not that there was much detail to examine. All the buildings were once again shaded out, and everything was thickly layered with blood. The smell was.. foul, but Chise tried not to breathe too deeply. His mind began to wonder as to the source of this blood just before the duo was halted by an ominous, creaking sound.

Chise's eyes almost glazed over at what emerged before them. A scarily tall, gangling creature that looked like it came straight out of a nightmare. Its dark, elongated hands scrabbling across the blood-spattered cement as it eerily crawled out of the alley. Chise's legs suddenly felt numb. As he look at the creature in disbelief, it managed to spot them, and three long, grotesque tongues slithered out of each of the baleful masks that adorned its body.

"H-Holy cra-" Before he could even finish, Shiratori grasped his hand and tugged him away as they sprinted down a nearby alley. Every instinct pulled Chise to turn and look back, but also to run away as fast as he could. He turned up the pace and started sprinting even harder as he heard the terrifying sounds of the creature following them, his strides shortening but quickening. He was no stranger to sprints or runs - he enjoyed them, even. But running for your life was a different feeling altogether. His eyes glanced to his side at Shiratori and he raised a question between leadened breaths. "What is that thing???"
Chise Nozaki
Mentions: @VitaVitaAR Location:Sidewalk, near grocer's square

Chise's glancing became more focused as his classmate continued on with her line of questioning, his eyes narrowing in concern. So she was involved in it somehow. Asking him if he "saw something"? It was far too much of a coincidence. Despite how sure he was, any doubts would almost immediately disappear as the scene unfolded before him.

Before he could break his pause with a response, they were interrupted by the buzzing of Shiratori's phone. Chise watched skeptically as she went to answer it, before bleating about whatever it was that she received. She was quick to stow it -- but even quicker to withdraw it once again as it buzzed off once more, this time more urgently.

Chise was about to make his own remark before the whole interaction flipped-tone on its head.

Shiratori's look of surprise at whatever she had been sent was accompanied only shortly afterwards by...the vision.

Everything changed once again. The sun vanished, replaced by the pale gaze of a massive moon. The sky darkened with it, and the wind stilled - almost like it was out of fear of whatever this place was. Chise's sneaker momentarily slid before he caught his footing, the thick blood beneath his feet making for a more-slick-than-usual sidewalk.

Chise's eyes darted to his surroundings once again and he absorbed as much of what he could see as he could - lest it vanish again as fast as it had the first time. But it didn't seem to. Instead, Shiratori turned to face him, and he took a step back, posturing himself defensively as she began to speak.

But her next words, in honesty, confused him. They confused him, but he absorbed them nonetheless, and upon registering what she had said, he tried as well as he could to steel himself. So.. it's all real then, huh..? The gears in his head were turning - perhaps as urgently as they ever had before. She's really serious.. He couldn't believe he was thinking it, but this really was just like some sort of crazy manga he felt like he'd read before.

It took a few seconds for him to adjust to the reality he found himself in, before he finally managed to speak - doing so with a discernable amount of seriousness that would be unusual to those who knew him. "Right.. I.. Okay. I understand. The exposition can come later- if things are really as urgent as you make them sound then we shouldn't wait." He spoke, his eyes scanning the area around him. The threat of death was something that he, at the least, would take serious for the time being - but he wasn't sure what it was that could rationalize such an idea. If he used manga logic, though.. he had the faintest idea that maybe something was out there..

He wasted no time in stepping up alongside Shiratori. He wasn't sure where they were going - especially with how all the buildings changed to look different - but he would match the urgency of her stride and follow along.
Chise Nozaki
Mentions: @VitaVitaAR Location:Sidewalk, near grocer's square

Chise offered a slight smile as Shiratori responded in affirmative. He turned again towards his destination and waited for her to follow along next to him as they started to walk. For a few moments, the company of something normal seemed to ease his nerves a bit. But it did little to quell his mind.

Her next inquiry had the opposite effect, actually. As she spoke, his eyes darted to look at her out of the corner of his vision as they walked.
Well.. that's surely not a coincidence.. he thought. He made a conscious effort to subtly increase the distance between the two of them by a foot or so as they walked, even as he slowed his pace once again. Surely that was.. how could it have been a prank?? How was this girl tied to what he had just seen? It couldn't have been a coincidence that she just showed up out of the blue..

Chise paused before responding, casting a diagnostic glance over her. "Define strange.." He said simply, probing her for a response that might reveal more than she was initially letting on.
Chise Nozaki
Mentions: @VitaVitaAR Location:Sidewalk, near grocer's square

Chise no longer mingled or chatted with those he passed by on the street, instead his head and gaze faced forward directly towards where he was walking -- but, said gaze was not focused on anything in particular - he was thinking, hard.

Now, Chise was not an outright denier of the supernatural, but he had never experienced such a thing in his life. And he had never heard of a credible source experiencing anything like it either. There had to be some sort of sensible explanation for what had just happened. As his mind wriggled in anxiousness, trying to make sense of it all, he heard a voice from behind address him. His feet stopped in place instinctively as he realized how fast he had just begun walking. He stutter-stepped to balance himself out as he came to a stop, and turned to meet the face behind the voice, forcing his shoulders to release some of the tension they now held.

His features softened ever-so-slightly as he saw the speaker, losing some of their seriousness. He wasn't sure who or what he expected it to be, but he was somehow relieved to see that it was just one of his school-mates.

His face developed a smile which only he might know was partially fake. "H-Hey there.. Naoko-chan, yeah?" He responded, his hand rising to brush a bit of hair to the side with a slight nervousness. He had never really talked to the girl, maybe once or twice in passing, but he knew the names of most of his school-mates - something he made sure to do for himself. He steadied himself and tried to allow his body and mind to relax a bit as he continued his response, looking-over the girl and past her, briefly. "Ahh, yeah, I'm doing fine!" He ensured. "I-I was just.. trying to remember my grocery list, haha." He tossed a light glance over his shoulder, just before he turned back to her and felt the distant bmp once again. He blinked in surprised, his eyes fluttering a couple times as he realized whatever it was that he saw seemed like it was still.. there, somehow.

He swallowed. "Aha.. yep. Anyways, did ya wanna, like, walk or something, or was that all?" He inquired as he began to take a couple short steps backwards towards his previous destination. "I'm heading to the grocer's square, so my trip'll be short since it's pretty close."
Chise Nozaki
Mentions: N/A Location:Random sidewalk

Chise's casual stroll continued as he made his way towards his usual grocery store. His after-school journey was nothing remarkable, as one might expect from a simple supermarket trip - but Chise wasn't much one for leaving boring things boring. He dotted the trip with small-talk betwixt strangers, a few brief stops for window-shopping, and a number of daydreams about what he might do after he dropped the groceries off at home.

Between these activities, there was one window in particular that caught Chise's attention. He stepped up to it, his head tilted upwards slightly as he looked at the mannequin on the other side of the store-front glass. The figure was clothed in an eye-catching combination of a darker grunge-esque base and alluring spikes of color and.. spice. His eyes developed a glassy look as he looked up in admiration. His mind was immediately debating going in there and buying the outfit, closing his eyes as he tried to picture what it would look like on him.

After a few moments of internal debate, a sensation struck him. His brows furrowed ever-so-slightly as the feeling of a sudden beat echoed through his body.
"Well.. that's.. certainly new." He reasoned. "But.. I suppose the heart wants what the heart wants!" He cheered to himself as the decision was made and his demeanor brightened once again. His eyes opened once more, and shifted over to the door, checking if the 'open' sign was up, even though it most definitely shoul-

And that was when he saw.. something. His head swiveled to the left slowly as he turned to see the odd shape out of the corner of his eye.
It was a crowd. A crowd of people completely frozen in place. Various states of stride captured as if in a photograph. His mind immediately jumped to some form of street-performer group, but then he looked further. Everything was frozen. Everything except.. him.

He began to step away from the shop window, and suddenly every single person he had seen was gone. His mind suddenly registered the thrumming heartbeat - the heartbeat that was not his own. Not only that - but it was suddenly darker. The sun gone from the sky - replaced by a vast moon unlike anything he had ever seen before. He stumbled slightly, his hand pulling away from the wall with a concerning wet slickness to it. Chise's eye shifted to his hand as he drew it closer - to find it coated in wet and congealed blood. He turned back to the shop and it was no longer there - replaced by a dull, gray husk of what he had expected.

"W-Woah.." He murmured. His mind was racing, completely caught off by all the details he hadn't registered before - something he was very much not used to. His lack of awareness of his immediate surroundings was quickly starting to feel overwhelming as his head swiveled back and forth to allow his eyes and other senses to take it all in.

But there was one image that caught his eye the most. His gazed shifted to the towering, looming shape of a great spire splitting the sky above all the other structures. His eyes only broke from absorbing its height by the pounding sensation of the heartbeat, interspersed betwixt his thoughts once more.

Chise's mind was racing, trying to figure out what exactly was going on. Had he been drugged? Was he.. dead? Where-

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of a squelching shuffle behind him. He instantly spun as he leapt away from the source of the noise, his instincts guiding his body to recoil from whatever it was that was there.

But then he was back.

He blinked as the brightness of the day suddenly returned, and he stumbled slightly on the spot as he found himself elsewhere once again. He raised his hand to study it -- completely clean. There were a few concerned stares as the people around him watched his confusion. His eyes rose as he noticed the enquiring faces. He quickly assumed an unassuming posture and brushed a strand of hair out of his face as he offered a shaky smile to those around him.

He was quick to turn and start walking once again toward the supermarket, his shoulders hunched defensively as his mind started to dissect what he had just experienced. It had been a long time since he had been caught so off-guard - and it was, honestly, quite terrifying. He didn't like whatever had just happened - at all.

He didn't even notice how fast his heart was beating as his journey continued - now though with an unconsciously hasty pace.
Chise Nozaki
Mentions: N/A Location:School Courtyard

Chise's hands sat nestled comfortably in each of his front pockets as the repetitive, brief "chht-ing" sound of his skipping footsteps struck out with each of his shallow strides. Said strides led him away from his previous location - the school track. The period before the sound of the school's final bell had consisted of Chise hanging out at the edge of the track, slacking off as he is wont to do. One might see such behavior as a display of his disinterest in track club, but on the contrary, he did enjoy his time there - he just didn't take the sport itself that seriously. Which is why the tense environment of the school as of late what starting to irritate him a little.

He drew his hands from his pockets and splayed them out in front of him as his skipping changed into a jaunty walk.
"Oh, come one, everybody!" He called out to nobody in particular as he passed by a few groups of students, a few of whom he gauged as being a bit more skittish than usual. "Loosen up a bit! All these nerves are starting to feel a bit contagious!" He expressed, tossing a couple edifying glances at a few students who looked over to him. Perhaps he didn't know them personally, but Chise was no stranger to strangers, and he had a bit of a reputation for having little filter or ambitions, so it only seemed natural for him to address even a small student body.

Although he hadn't expected much change, the lack of any shift in the tone of the area left him shoving his hands back into his pockets as his walk continued forward. The tail-end of one of his glances left him heedless to the person which he was about to collide with, until they clashed. Chise let out a short "oof" before rolling with the collision and saving himself from a tumble as he unsteadily backpedaled a few steps. "Ack- sorry, friend. My head was screwed on a bit backwards there, won't happen again!" He apologized with an atoning glance even as he continued his path with an unabated pace, offering a brief two-finger salute in friendly adieu.

He was in no hurry, and so his stride was on the casual side. If he kept his current trajectory, he'd be hitting the sidewalk which would lead away from the school and towards the middle of town. He had taken it upon himself to decide to get a few groceries for his Aunt on his way home - though he had to admit he also wanted to get a few things for himself as well. He shifted the weight of his backpack, which casually hung off his back on one shoulder.

While his demeanor seemed just like his usual, carefree self, in the back of his head he was wondering about what just-about-everyone-else was. The "Strange Gospel". There were those who didn't believe it - thought it a prank of some sort - and there were those who feared it. Being the wildcard he was, Chise wasn't settled on any particular theory - it could be fake.. or maybe it was real. In truth, only time could tell.

And he would know personally within two weeks..
I'll be getting my post out soon, just settling in to my new place c:
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