Avatar of Bartimaeus


Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current It's been three years since we lost Polymorpheus, a dear friend. It's felt like a lot longer, that time. I still think about Poly every so often, and how I miss them so very much. I won't forget them.
12 mos ago
I like attention.
1 yr ago
Tomorrow is post day. How unfortunate.
1 yr ago
I lost.
1 yr ago
@LongSwordMain I can fix that, if you wish.


uhhhh, hi there

I am here and I sorta exist so yes this is my ‘bio’ and it will probably be rather brief and suck and be sloppy, just like me.
So, without further ado..

stuff about me

Most people call me Barti or Bart as well as a few other things since it’s just easier or meaner than the actual thing - I invite you to do so as well.

I’m a 23-year-old (bday June 20th!) Texan who enjoys thunderstorms and rain far too much, and likes anime, running, metal music, and copious amounts of DRUGS candy, among many other cool things - like DnD and MTG.

I enjoy group rps as well as 1x1s. For groups I have what I think is a decent array of interests, most of it being profusely weeb-y. I like Fantasystuffs (Modern especially), supernatural themes, pretty much all Japanese stuff - including historically accurate settings - as well as general dark/grim themes, comedic slice of life trash, academy rps, unique plots, etc. etc. As for 1x1s I pretty much do romance, but I can do non-romantic stuff too if you give me something to work with xP
The only genre I find myself not entirely comfortable with is really sci-fi stuff, but, if the plot/idea catches me enough it can hold my interest. Oh, and my writing level is high casual to low advanced.

I’m a sarcastic, snarky, bipolar-depressed, degenerate garbage can, but generally people seem to like me (I don’t know why in the hot hell you would) - but if you would also like to be my friendo lemme know.
I don’t bite.
Usually owo xd rawr

welppp...I guess that’s okay for now
thanks for reading, you potatoes

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Most Recent Posts

I have elected to plague the lot of you with a cyber-catboy, and you'll have to KILL ME to stop me.

Amazing jokes aside, choosing mecha imagery is always so difficult..
Ripley Lennox

Mentions: None Location: Byjerlfal City Airport

Ripley released a thankful groan as he interlocked his fingers into an overhead stretch, feeling the immediate relief in his muscles from the tension bestowed upon him by the long and boring plane-ride. He had never been passenger on a plane before, but he would've guessed it would've been at least a little more fun than what it really was like. In truth, the most fun thing about the ride was the cute little snacks they gave the passengers. More than a few of which had been stolen from Ripley, and even other passengers, by the young trainer's Zorua. Who, even at this very moment, munched upon one of its ill-gotten treasures while sitting atop the boy's luggage.

Ripley finished his stretch with a renewed, satisfied smile as his excited eyes scanned what he could see, taking it all in as he grabbed his suitcase and started to unhurriedly stroll forward with it, and Zorua, in tow. The most immediate thing he noticed about the city of Byjerlfal was how.. wet the air was. Being from Rivenwall, the place was basically a desert. The air was dry there, but here it was noticeably more dense. And the place was much cooler. In truth, the ac in the plane made the experience a bit cold for him, and he spent most of the ride swathed up in a blanket - but the temperature here was more moderate. He had to admit, his immediate impression of the climate, though it felt unusual, was.. almost heavenly.

He wasn't sure how cold it would've been, so he opted to wear a light, dark-purple hoodie and a pair of black jeans - which ultimately made the temperate experience all the more enjoyable as he began to transition into the less-crowded area of entry into the more dense areas, Zorua ensuring they stayed together by simply lounging atop Ripley's suitcase as it rolled along.

As they walked, Ripley's eyes just took everything in, brightening at each new Pokémon he spotted amongst the crowds. He'd seen his fair share of exotic Pokémon at Rivenwall's tournaments, but seeing as he was now basically all the way across the region from his hometown, even Pokémon that were common here were exotic to him - and he couldn't help but to gawk just a little. Marill, Golduck, Combee - all Pokémon that would be commonplace for the people of Byjerlfal - were exotic to an arid desert environment like Rivenwall. The young trainer found himself slowing his stroll just to stare at all the Pokémon they passed - but eventually received a reorienting nudge from Zorua. "Zorrr."

They boy tore his vision away from the various sights that surrounded him and shook his head. "You're right- there's time for finding you some new friends later!" He admitted, giving Zorua a brief pat on the head. "For now, we've gotta find our rendezvous.." He trailed off, eyes scanning for any sort of sign that would've been left for them. He searched for a little while before spotting a hoisted sign that read "Camphors Lab". Despite not being able to see the person holding it aloft at all, Rip stood straight up on his tippy-toes and offered a wide wave of his arm in greeting from a distance, before he and Zorua started to head right in the sign's direction.

"This is it, Wo! We're gonna start a journey like never before today~" He exclaimed slightly-louder than necessary as they made their way through the crowds.
Seems dope, I'm down.
Zeltzin Sandoval

Mentions: @silvermist1116(Ophrenia) Location: Coffee House > Summit Motel > Black Mining Co. Main Office

Zeltzin was pleased to find there wasn't much more planning to be had in the coffee shop, at least for her group. Sure, having a solid plan could help, but she was a woman of action - she didn't mind playing things off the cuff. She was keen to have a partner who didn't seem like much of a planner, either - they usually tended to slow her down where she didn't need it.

Z waited for said partner at the door to the coffee shop, propping it open with her shoulder as she did so. She watched the other girl lug her suitcase past the threshold before letting the door loose and starting to walk alongside her with her signature limp. She let a silence follow Ophrenia's suggestion to shack up together.

The duo reached Zeltzin's bike and the girl took hold of the handlebars, kicking up the stand before she started walking the bike alongside her partner. Ideally, she would've just rode the bike to the motel, but a part of her didn't want to blow off the person she'd be working with. And she definitely wasn't going to let someone she just met ride pillion with her, and any attempts to suggest such would be met with a hardfast no. For a moment, she passed a glance over Ophrenia, an expression that might imply she was thinking over the girl's previous offer. She wasn't.

"They better have singles." She replied in a sober tone.

As it turned out, they didn't. Or the clerk was the type to troll the blunt, no-nonsense customers who came in with their friends. Either way, the duo registered themselves for a double and left what they didn't need behind, before they made their trek to the Black Mining Co. Main Office. Which, gratefully, wasn't too far, considering the size of the town.

Once the girls reached the property, it would've been obvious to most that something was off about the place. To the un-superstitious Zeltzin, however, it was just another old-ass building with some weird-ass construction work.

Zeltzin's eyes darted up to one of the windows as the shape of a woman faded into obscurity behind it. She shrugged it off as she turned-shoulder away from the building to face Ophrenia. "Aight, so.. plan." She started, shifting her jacket for comfort. "We have a couple options, if we think it out. Outside of outright asking for Eleanor.. we could, I guess, trick 'em. We can play a couple'a coal-refinement tycoon reps or some shit. Seems like a safe bet." She offered, taking a moment to glance back towards the building as she spoke. "Or we could.." She paused, thinking over what she was about to say. She was still suspicious of what was going on, really - they all knew a different Eleanor, but each Eleanor led back to here. So.. surely there really was some Eleanor with a connection to this place. "..we could say we have a business dealing with Eleanor Black specifically. Could be risky.. if it doesn't work, well. We'll be stonewalled outta the place. Ain't ever made a business deal with.. someone who doesn't exist." She finished, the last bit of her final sentence leaving her voice leaking with a hint of.. pain.

"Thoughts, compañera?"
Zeltzin Sandoval

Mentions: @Punished GN(Jennifer), @silvermist1116(Ophrenia) Location: Webb Family Coffee House

Zeltzin cast a sidewards glance at Ophrenia as the other girl botched her name. She allowed her brow to furrow as her eyes ran down the girl, absorbing a few details from the girl's appearance. Pale eyes. Silver piercings. Studded leather jacket. Complicated hair. She looked like a rebel. Maybe she could handle herself -- at the very least, Zeltzin had to admit she could handle the punkish look better than most.

She let the girl, who she caught as.. Ophrenia? finish before she allowed a pause. She casually flicked her fingers upwards, dismissing the mistake.
"Zeltzin. Z's fine." She granted. She decided to remain silent on the matter of Ophrenia coming with her. Someone was gonna come with her, and although she wasn't the quiet type she would've preferred, it was better than someone more boisterous.

She fell silent again as the conversation continued. She couldn't help but let out an amused huff at her new partner's association of their situation to a videogame or whatever. It was quite possibly the dorkiest approach to explaining it. It reminded Zeltzin of.. nevermind.

Her brain tuned over to Jen's suggestion, and she found herself agreeing. Sounded simple enough. She nodded, tossing a glance towards Ophrenia once again even as the gears in her brain started cooking up the scenario in her mind.

She continued running it through her head while still listening, catching the details that would be important for the other groups, as well as the warnings, and the info on their meet-up spot. She nodded lightly as she took it all in. Almost as soon as Jen uttered her "Stay safe.", Zeltzin's feet shuffled to widen around her chair before she stood herself up, planting a palm on the top of the chairback to provide herself a bit of support. "Right then." She muttered, even as the others continued talking. She let her gaze sweep over the group, her eyes hanging shortly on a few of them more than others.

"If that's all team Mary-Louise needs to hear, nos vamos." She said to seemingly nobody in particular while tipping her head lightly towards the door, and tossing a slight glance towards Ophrenia. She made no effort to see the other girl's opinion on sticking around.
By the way, the Discord link is expired ^^
Henlo once again, Rune.

The rules are a tiny bit different from what I normally join but Pokémon is an eternal craving of mine ^^ Playing in an exp-based game could be a fun experience.
I'll stay interested 'long as there's not too many players!
Zeltzin Sandoval

Mentions: @Punished GN(Jasmine/Jennifer) Location: Webb Family Coffee House

Zeltzin was completely content to listen and listen only. But of course, this group was the sociable type. She should've guessed one of 'em would pester her for her story as well. The one of 'em in question, Jasmine, at least came at her with some space. Not one of the types to deafen you with a welcome while crowding you with a hug or a handshake. Instead she offered the type of query to suggest that she was more concerned with the quiet stranger. Which was fair enough.

Zeltzin's eyes shifted over slowly to meet Jasmine's, a shift relaxed as such that one could surmise she felt no hardfast obligation to explain herself to anyone.

But, she was tagging along with these people, afterall. She didn't want to make finding out info on Eleanor any harder on herself - and the request wasn't hard to fulfill. So she would indulge her questioner. "I'm Zeltzin." She said in a regular, lowish tone. Her own accent was noticeable, though moderate, but easily understandable by most. "Eleanor was my partner." She offered as she held Jasmine's gaze, her eyes resting unanimated, just.. looking, with little clear intent behind them. She paused before she turned her head to the side lightly, breaking eye contact only as she spoke next. "Romantically." She clenched her jaw at that, the muscles flexing visibly as she did.

She felt a well of frustration start to heat up as she spoke of her relation with Eleanor, and took a moment to try and let that chill out, trying her best to not let every muscle in her tense up at the thoughts such conversation stirred. Instead she vaguely listened to explanations of the others - though it did little to calm her.

Admittedly, what Jen was speaking was at least somewhat interesting. Mary-Louise, the death-swamp, etc. Hopefully, with any measure of reasonable prophecy, none of them would have to go trudging around in the swamp. Out of the lot of them, she really liked her chances the most out there - but gators and snakes and shit weren't the best friends to make this far from real civilization nonetheless.

Zeltzin turned her gaze towards Jenny and waited a short moment for the right time to interject. "Assumin' we ain't bringin' 'Mary-Louise' our whole circo, I can go. I'm good at questions." She offered. In reality, she found it unlikely they'd send her alone due to the size of their group, but a girl could hope.

She wasn't entirely certain how to feel about extracting answers from who she assumed was the equivalent of Eleanor's real mother or grandmother or something like that -- but in honesty, a little pain for some apparently rich ex-slave owners would be worth the closure for so many others. Though hopefully that was just an avenue of escalation and not something that anybody thought really necessary. Even if it was what her mind immediately jumped to..

Her gaze shifted around to who she might subjected to as company. A few seemed chill, but some others.. much too animated, probably.
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