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In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Well, we now have dinosaurs. And dragons.

Guess next on the list are lizardfolk.
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Beasts of Burden

The god of rage returned to his island after his gift to his fellow brother. There was some satisfaction and pride within him that he had aided another one of his sibling's quest of vengeance to sate their anger towards a demon. However now was not the time to relax, there was work to be done. The bubbling remnants of the imprisoned avatar began to spawn hatchlings of the first batch of 'mortal' dragons. Infantile wyverns, drakes, wyrms, and hellkites slithered to the surface, gnawing at the air voraciously. They were hungry.

Some of these creatures, by primeval instinct, swam further into the sea to find food, while the rest were drawn to their homeland. The desolate island had no food to give, but they were drawn by the safe rocky shores that belonged to their creator. Grimloq, having taking some fragments of trees from the island turtle, crushed the samples in his hand and breathed his divine breathe upon the grinded powder of bark. They morphed into a new strain, a new species of trees. One that was far more heat tolerant then typical plants, and can survive and prosper in harsh, malnourished soil and rock. The fire deity hovered above his island, and released an innumerable amount of small seeds that scattered the island and surrounding shore.

Bahamut rose up behind Grimloq, his illuminate body blocking out the island's view of the sun, casting it in shadow, just before the divine beast casted down a thick veil of divine light, soaking the seeds and dragons with Grimloq's energy. By this miracle, the first generation of Grimloq's specialized trees sprouted from the earth. Roots tore through stone and some even along rivers of molten lava, leftover scars of the duel of avatars. The bark tolerated the heat of such harsh terrain. However, Dragons were not built to consume trees. Predators by design, the swarm of dragons that crowded the shoreline began to cannibalize each other in a mad frenzy, outliers of the crowd fled to further reaches of the still growing jungle while others ripped each other a part. Many sparred with primitive measures of biting and tackling. Some even tried to exhale flames, which had no effect on their fellow monsters. In this crazed madness of hunger, Grimloq began designing the beasts to sastisfy the population of dragons, or at least, whatever would be left of the population.

Mirodons, the first non-dragon beast of Grimloq. They shared no direct relation with dragons, nor did they have an affinity to flame, yet they were still cold blooded and were built to be a somewhat of a challenge. Their skin was like tough leather, and their backs were armored with thick plated scales that arced into an impressive row of spines. Their tail were clubbed with similar plated scales. They were short, but stocky in build. Adults averaging at 30 feet in length, they can weigh well over 3 tons, and their short faces armed with rough sturdy teeth were designed to chew through the tough leaves and vegetation of the jungle. They travel in somewhat large packs.

The new creation of Grimloq were hastened by his power to spread and grow quickly. Several herds were already formed across different regions of the still forming jungle at the island's east side. To an infant dragon, such a beast would be nearly impossible to take down, so several of these primitive beasts were slain by their own creator, and their massive carcasses were dropped and scattered at the shores. The surviving dragons, still numerous, but were dwarfed by the corpses of their kin, swarmed to the new source of meat over the remains of their cannibalized victims. This would be their only free me.

In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Now that’s school done and I got no more exams to take I’ll make an effort to keep it up with this posting speed, I’ll make grimloqs next post either tonight or tommorrow.

"A half Orc?! Such an abomination does not deserve to exist in this world!" Joseph Probably.

Edit: Oh, I really need to catch up on reading.

This RP has interested me so I made a sheet! I hope everything is in order, I'm not entirely sure if he fits the power scale here so let me know if it's a bit much. Thanks!

In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

A lawful neutral God who is a warrior and makes weapons?

Grimloq's gonna love this guy.

In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

the lizardmen that will come eventually won’t be smart enough to be that tactical for the most part, so it’s unlikely you’ll see anything of that scale unfortunately. But hey, they might evolve past that

Well, I am sure a dragon like Tiamet will be defeated once, right after she is created, and never cause any trouble ever again.


Yeah totally.
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

The first of many as you'll eventually witness.
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