Avatar of BCTheEntity


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8 mos ago
Current Harambant, who once went by Harambe, now only recalled in light of what followed.
2 yrs ago
3 yrs ago
It seems today, that all you see,
3 yrs ago
Holy Spirit Activate
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3 yrs ago
Remember the indigenous people of the Americas today.


Hello, I am me from the internet. I migrated here from Kongregate's Forum Games Forum, so feel free to look for me there if you wish to follow a career in internet stalking people. (ಠ_ಠ) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

A link to some of my past characters, which I need because static tabs do not take up internet.

Infamous Quotes From People Who Exist

“I really don’t follow how your faith believes its perfectly acceptable to doom 4,000 years plus of sentient beings, on a pre-set path of no escape from sin, just so their descendants can be offered the ‘chance of salvation’ when the god murders its own son.”

“Don’t be an ass or a pussy, ’lest you get screwed by life. Being a mouth or a hand is somewhat safer, and an eye socket is pretty much sacred in this regard, so always keep a look out.”

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Password: **********
Password accepted. User Designation: Doctor Rei Osborne. Accessing core files...
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Administrator password accepted. Administrator access granted. Hidden files accessible. Welcome, Doctor Rei Osborne.

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I'm also in on this.
Dirk Messir - Dirkwing Dirk Does Dirk Deeds

The fact that you lucked out about this so dramatically doesn't make you any better of a person. You're still a horrible freak.

Nooope. I win, loser. I got the ally, and he donuts even knows about the sparoons. He won it. He is the best.

Except you suck Fool! You can't succeed Idiot!

Yes. You will succeed. You'll be the succeedest to ever succeed. And furthermore, you have top deer there was then that deer taste. In coats.

'Okay, Smish, we should get to the go,' Dirk malts, patting Smeth on the back to get him to start going. 'And we'll tell everyone we just beat up first. Wait, no. Jim can do that. Big Tiger Jim. We'll go the opposite directing round first.' Yes, perfect plotan. He's going to do it. They will do it, and it'll be good.

'...should there be less obverse imagey?' you asked first, for obvious reasons that he was about to say. 'It might be obverse, and people will tell Brulee Bill about it.'


'Obvious, I meant.'

Good Job, Dirk! That Correction Was Very Useful For Him!

He was is am knowing of this, Big Guy. Yaes.
Alessa Heather: PRT HQ

Emergency mission...? Huh. Well, this was a good time for it, wasn’t it? But, if it was so crucial, maybe it’d be worth investigating. And Lily was the one providing the details, at that. Alessa could only wonder what was going on there. But, no mentioning it out loud; she wasn’t one to mull over details like that with nobody to chat about them with, anyway, so best to get to the point.

At the Little Owl

Jogging to the cafe designated by the alert, dressed in blue jeans and a fairly frilly light grey shirt that, she felt, didn’t suit her overmuch, she entered to realise she was actually one of the later arrivals there. Lillian was there already, as were the newest recruit Kendall- Mastar, in her guise as a cape- and Elliot, in... well, his usual state. She never had gotten to properly apologise, had she? Not for lack of trying, but because he’d promptly brushed her off as insincere. She’d settled for telling him that when he was ready to talk about how he felt, she’d be ready to receive him, the same spiel that she’d essentially given Evelyn - but no response on that front, either. It was like he was actively avoiding her.

Even so, she smiled to him, despite his closed eyes, and to everyone else present; went up to the counter and purchased a latte; and then took a seat next to Lillian. Her girlfriend. Gosh, had it really been two weeks? And already, she was getting closer to her, by the day if she looked at it that way. Enough, as it happened, to recognise that Lillian squeezing her hand was a bit too tight to be a simple gesture of appreciation. She was worried about this mission, actually, if her expression was anything to go by.

‘Well, this is nice, isn’t it?’ she asked, an effort to break the tension. ‘A morning out before school, breakfast coffees, and in such a lovely place. I don’t think I could ask for better.’ She wasn’t sure how well she did there, but... well, it was a start.

Raymond Haywood: The Airport

Funnily enough, when it came to missions, fifteen days was a lot of time. Time to plan, time to prepare. Time to get his weapon and clothing into the airport. Time to stock up on the right sort of ammunition. Rubber bullets, in his case; they could still be lethal, of course, but there would be an active show of minimising the force he was using. And besides, he decided what shots were and were not lethal.

And in civilian clothing, with Drake’s thralls opening the way, entry into the area was an almost casual affair. The reason: to stop an A-class villain. How the Broker knew: there were obvious options, even without using a Thinker to divine the future. On the other hand, whilst their civilian get-ups meant they could get inside the building and to their designated meeting point more easily, it’d be getting into costume in such a way that they could remain inconspicuous until the attack began that’d be the kicker. He hoped those thralls had placed his gear somewhere suitable.

Chad Belton: Home

It was, to be frank, a bit terrifying how true the expression rang: “the more things change, the more they stay the same”.

On the one hand, he had been reunited with his best and only friend, and he was a parahuman now. Wherever he looked, his mind made it clear that he was no longer normal. With a thought, rock turned to superheated goo (even if he wasn’t looking at it, he’d eventually realised), and this let him assist Sheila in ways he’d never dreamed plausible before.

And on the other... school was still something he had to attend. He was mostly ignored. Mostly disliked. He got his gym sessions in regularly, of course, until his muscles screamed at him most days. A lot of the time, he had nothing better to do after school anyway. Homework wasn’t especially difficult. Boring, one might even say.

He’d expected more action as Salem. Almost craved it. The thought of melting somebody’s flesh from their bone was a thought that had gone through his head many a time in the past two weeks.

But not this early in the morning. Right now, he was in the middle of breakfast. Honey Nut Cheerios. Tasty stuff. Sugar-loaded, too. Probably not the best breakfast for helping develop muscle, but he had a banana each morning too. That was nice, yeah.

‘So, Chad, big day today?’ his mom asked. She was nice, honestly. Brown hair going grey, getting on in years a little so to speak, but ever-friendly. Nicer than he deserved. She meant well, obviously. She just wasn’t... helpful, so to speak.

‘Not really,’ he said once he’d swallowed his mouthful, shaking his head even before that. ‘I’ve just got, uh... classes and stuff. Might go out to the gym again today, might not. I... I might try going out somewhere else, too, honestly. I’ve been thinking that might be...’

He didn’t really get to finish his sentence, as his dad suddenly petted his hair from behind with a hearty ‘Hey, that’s great to hear, son! It’s good that you’re starting to get out more, you know?’ Rambunctious, was probably the way to describe him, only just starting to show his own years in his hair despite being, what, seven-odd years older than mom? His lifestyle was pretty active. He was a bit more extraverted than either Chad or his mom, so that probably contributed to it.

And yet, he didn’t even think to ask where he might be going. Good for Chad, since he didn’t really want to say anyway, but still a bit disappointing. Again, a nice person. Just not helpful, given Chad’s particular issues. He’d probably be more helpful in a bodybag, frankly. Just cut apart and tossed in, like so many-

‘Er, thanks, dad,’ Chad managed to get out, blinking lightly as he reset his hair. ‘It’s not a big deal, anyway. Gotta start thinking about seeing new people, is all.’

‘Well, I’m very pleased to hear that,’ his mom uttered, smiling gently. ‘And you know what? You’ve gotten more sociable in general recently, I’m realising! Well done.’ Platitudes. She never really believed in him, did she? He considered over another mouthful of cereal that he could probably generate a pool of lava under her right now, and she wouldn’t know who killed her...

Oh, shit. He could just kill them both on a whim, as well, couldn’t he? It wasn’t just Sheila who was at risk with his power. It was anyone he happened to get upset with. And that... that could be the case with anyone right back at him. He’d learned the basics of the Unspoken Rules, one of which was essentially “don’t fuck with people’s real identity”, but if somebody came along who decided they really liked not obeying those rules... if Mire had a moment and decided to hunt his family down...

He blinked a few times as the reality of how much danger his parents could be in hit him. From him. From another cape. Maybe from a disgruntled teammate, if they felt he’d slighted them. Hell, if he thought about it, it could be from some total rando on the street, too. Or a car accident, or...

‘...yeah, that is probably good,’ he mumbled, frowning slightly.

‘Hey, what’s up, sport? You doing okay?’ his dad asked, patting him lightly on the shoulder. He was very touchy-feely. Not in the bad way, but sometimes Chad would rather he wasn’t at all.

‘Yeah. I just... you know, you two are...’ He struggled to put the sentence together for a bit, but eventually managed to phrase himself: ‘Thanks for helping raise me, mom, dad. I think sometimes I don’t appreciate you enough, is all, so... you know. I love you guys.’

And there was the bear hug from dad. ‘Aww, you know we love you too, Chad,’ his mom replied, joining the hug more gently. ‘If there’s ever anything we can help with, you’re always free to tell us. Okay, sweetie?’

There was not anything they could help him with.

‘Okay. Thanks, mom.’

They broke the hug off, and with a slightly lighter heart, Chad kept on eating. He had school today, after all.

Three hours, Legio mused as he sat in his place. Even when he was rushing his work, Ualla could be terrifyingly slow to act. Inevitably, if this weren't such a crucial situation, he'd have insisted that all life should take millions of years to develop "naturally", as if that held some benefit over creating what had already existed. Legio respected the lifegiver greatly, for he was ultimately the origin of humanity, and so of Legio indirectly, but he sadly felt they had all the time in the world to act. That to truly appreciate something, it had to take aeons to occur. If Legio took as long as Ualla did to ferry the human race's ascendance to immortality, they would not have been half as advanced as they were by the start of the previous Roil.

Though his sentiment about who would lead in Sandrimor's place not turning into a war... well, that was admittedly a sensible enough suggestion. The throne room's lack of accoutrement was somehow deeper than the mere lack of physical decoration with the former King's passing; Legio could see a vision of Sandrimor coming in and taking his seat again as if everything were as it usually were, if he focused on the mental image, but he simply couldn't imagine this newborn mass of meat taking his place, couldn't imagine anyone else taking that seat and having things be better for humanity, save himself. He felt alone, at times, for it seemed only he truly saw a spark of possibility in them, in any mortal race at all.

And yet... if he gave up, they would be lost, as surely as the Roil's resurgence. He had to stay determined. Only then would the human race surpass its limitations.

In the meantime, he approached. Zetsibo. His eternal bane, and one of the core reasons humanity struggled so much in Legio's mind. At the very least, he had confirmed he wouldn't be seizing the throne, despite presumably knowing how it'd inflict despair upon so many if he did; whilst Legio would have to think very hard before denying himself such an option, he also knew Zetsibo could simply be lying to try and cause greater depression later on. And in truth, a pact might help limit Zetsibo's efforts to delay humanity's ascension... though it'd also keep Legio from interfering with his efforts to further the despair of many other races. But alas, if it meant humanity would become immortal this cycle - and in such a crucial era of change, it surely had to happen soon - then he would do his best to make it up to them. Humanity came first, though.

Before he could respond, along came Amp's enraging remark. A secondary annoyance to the progress-crushing ambitions of Zetsibo, for ultimately her domains limited her far more so than Zetsibo's, but infuriating in her own unique way; he'd smelt her lack of concentration already, heard and prompty ignored her commentary on the King's "glorified title", but to hear her claim he called atrocities upon those he sought to immortalise? And the "crusade" he'd called had been upon a race threatening to wipe humanity out entirely! And he knew she was no fool, at that. She was well-aware that her comments were as insulting to him as she was to humanity as a whole; she was just seeking a reaction from him; he would not fall for it.

...then he struck upon a bright idea. Both a retort and a restraint. Oh, but that'd be perfect.

'Well, Amp, if it is a crusade you wish to avoid, then I imagine you'll want to join this meeting,' Legio proposed, gesturing for her to follow him into Zetsibo's realm of despair and, temporarily, discussion. 'After all, I wouldn't wish to rile you enough that you seek to rend the mortals I govern asunder, and I'm sure you'd prefer to avoid that I do any such thing to your worshippers too.' An excellent trap: she'd be bound by the same terms and Legio and Zetsibo if she joined them and agreed to that pact, whereas if she denied this meeting now, and then sought to destroy his humans, he essentially had free reign to seek her destruction later. She had been offered peace now, in view of all other deities that had awakened as of yet, and so would implicitly seek destruction if she went on to harm his people, with or without agreeing to the terms laid out there. Legio surely couldn't lose in this exchange.
Yurel - Jaggi

Their strategy was foolproof, or should have been. By presenting its armoured backside, the Apceros left its front open to Sauron's attack. And it was distracted with them, but oh boy, did it swinging its tail make a bit of an issue there. Yurel almost didn't get out of the way in time, himself, flinging himself backwards to avoid the spikes and nearly tripping over his feet, and he could see Scrap had managed to fall over, landing on his side. Exposed, vulnerable if the Apceros tried to finish the job.

Yurel's immediate response was to double up on his barking and screeching, lunging forward as if to attack, but merely using that as a ploy to scare the Apceros into ignoring his friend. If he needed to, he'd rush over and help Scrap get back up, keeping them both away from the giant herbivore's attacks if possible; otherwise, he'd keep drawing its attention with his angry vocalising, hopefully ensuring it'd be too scared of him to realise it could go for the fallen Jaggi.
Name: Maceroy Alvan

Age: 24

Preference: Generally speaking, Maceroy prefers to seek out situations and subjects that make an impact - Pokemon, attacks, attack typings, or simply the most glorious outfits - if it's glam, and if it's stylish, it's in, at least in his mind.


The best word for describing Maceroy is "svelte" - though "sleek" does make the cut for how little body hair he has, his entire body is pale, slender, and very well toned, with icy blue eyes and black hair typically presented in a bob-cut covering one eye. To complete the look, he may apply many different combinations of lipstick, hair dye, nail polish and outfits, ranging from intensely stylish to overtly sensual, though occasionally they veer into absurdly eccentric, such as wearing food.

Personality: Speaking of "eccentric", Maceroy absolutely fits the bill in that regard - his attitude is certainly nothing less than flamboyant, and he'll often wind up posing like a rock star on an album cover when excited. It's not that difficult to get him to that stage, either, given an attitude of intensely upbeat "go-getter"-ism, eager to please and be pleased no matter how you slice it, though equally he can find himself just as intensely soured by something that really fails to flick any of his switches, or indeed targets a major personal tick-off of his, such as the nature of his relationship with his Pokemon, or the suggestion that his clothing is (save a few noteworthy exceptions) anything other than fantastic. Indeed, whilst he is an expert clothing designer as well as a contest judge, he is the same sort of expert who is interested not merely in sticking with the usual industry standards, but in throwing as much stuff at the wall as he can and seeing what sticks, not to mention wearing it even at his own expense - be it leather or silk, cardboard or porcelain, perishable or not.

@Old Amsterdam
‘Y-yeah, some help would be... it’d be nice, yeah.’ The guy smiled, even given the mild slight, and cautiously managed to drag himself to his feet, slipping at least twice before he actually found his feet. ‘Blue’s a nice name, by the way. Er, can we find somewhere to sit? Today’s been a-a real DRAG. Aheheh, ya get it? Because I just DRAGGED myself... w-well, I mean, today’s not been so bad, actually, and especially you’ve been a help, of course, I just meant, like... uh, it’s trying to make the, uhm... y-y’know, it’s a joke, see? Topical humour, obviously...’ His joke poorly delivered, he started making his way toward the nearest bench.

Some minutes and an almost-tranquil motorcycle drive later, Leonard found himself within the Smithsonian Gardens, and progressing toward the street indicated in her text, soon came across both Laurie and her “potential target”, sitting on a bench and conversing about... well, he’d only just arrived, so he couldn’t really know what. Naturally, Blue’s conversation partner wouldn’t recognise him at all, though there was no obvious reason to think he’d be a threat, given how he seemed to be totally at ease right now. Well, “at ease” other than apparently struggling to keep himself sitting upright for the umpteenth time, if the scuffed ground below his feet was any indication.

Unimpeded, the main performer unfolded the strip of paper that he’d just pulled from seemingly nowhere, turning out to bear an uncannily-accurate recreation of his seemingly-fallen comrade upon it, albeit fully intact. As he laid it over the top of the body, his larger companion began a drumroll, on a smaller drum that seemed to have come from nowhere, or else it had been on his person the entire time.

‘And now,’ the main man announced, ‘witness a feat that few can truly make claim to! RESURRECTIOOOOON OF THE DEAD!’ And with that, he front-flipped an incredible height on to the shoulders of the bearded drumroller, whose frenetic solo suddenly ceased as, with no warning, the line between image and reality blurred, became indistinct, and seemingly ceased to exist, leaving... what was that? Could it be that Lee’s corpse had really been healed fully? Or was that just a dummy?

Abruptly, the ex-ex-human jerked into a handstand, propelled himself off of his arms with the precision and strength of an athlete, performed a rapid mid-air tumble once, twice, and finally landed perfect atop the shoulders of his bigger brother, still atop the shoulders of their even larger ally. It seemed the impossible really had been achieved after all!

In unison, the Crazy Crue Brothers announced ‘TADAAA!’ in a perfect three-step harmony. That was the cue for the crowd to go wild with applause. And they did.

‘Thank you, thank you very much!’ the lead brother called to the cheering crowd, dropping down on to his larger sibling’s hands, then again to the surface of the van, his smaller sibling taking the step from his shoulders after that. ‘We’ve loved you all, you’ve been a wonderful audience! Come and see us at the John F. Kennedy Memorial Center for the Performing Arts, later today and every day for the next week from 4 to 6 PM! Look for the Crazy Crue Brothers- and remember, this one was a FREEBIE!’

And like that, the roof of the van apparently descended into the vehicle, taking the three brothers with it, whilst at the same time the high dive board and pool that were intended to be the star of the show rapidly collapsed in on themselves, spilling water everywhere and quickly compacting down to a much smaller size, to the point that both apparently vanished behind the van outright. The three brothers reappeared behind the wheel of the van, honking the horn to suggest that room be made for them to pass through the crowd safely; if Mieke wanted to try and grab the performers’ attentions again, now might be her last chance.

Well, it was obvious that Hogan wasn’t going to be performing any time soon. At least, that was the impression the crowd ultimately got out of the show Hogan and Arthur had put on; they gladly moved out of the way of the clearly deathly ill, and nonetheless very large crocodile, giving the duo more than enough time to enter the van and pull away.

Once they left, Arthur would be able to head towards one of the clubs close to Roosevelt Island in due course, or else follow up on Laurie’s text. Which option he selected was up to him, but evidently, one would need to be chosen, though it seemed likely that for the time being, he wouldn’t encounter any particular resistance along the way.
@Stormflyx I mean, I'm sick, with a mucus-filled throat and pain when I cough too hard, but otherwise, I'm fine.
I can agree with that - you're both very good writers. Frankly, of course, I'd hope most, if not all of the people in this RP are good at writing, else we'd be at cross-purposes. Heh.
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