Avatar of BCTheEntity


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9 mos ago
Current Harambant, who once went by Harambe, now only recalled in light of what followed.
2 yrs ago
3 yrs ago
It seems today, that all you see,
3 yrs ago
Holy Spirit Activate
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3 yrs ago
Remember the indigenous people of the Americas today.


Hello, I am me from the internet. I migrated here from Kongregate's Forum Games Forum, so feel free to look for me there if you wish to follow a career in internet stalking people. (ಠ_ಠ) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

A link to some of my past characters, which I need because static tabs do not take up internet.

Infamous Quotes From People Who Exist

“I really don’t follow how your faith believes its perfectly acceptable to doom 4,000 years plus of sentient beings, on a pre-set path of no escape from sin, just so their descendants can be offered the ‘chance of salvation’ when the god murders its own son.”

“Don’t be an ass or a pussy, ’lest you get screwed by life. Being a mouth or a hand is somewhat safer, and an eye socket is pretty much sacred in this regard, so always keep a look out.”

Most Recent Posts

@POOHEAD189@Gardevoiran P-p-p-posted, yo. Hells yeah.
...huh. Free drinks for three rounds. That, frankly, was something Sett didn't intend to pass up on. Though he ought to at least pretend not to be that eager for them, since he was a priest and all.

'T'was no bother,' he explained as humbly as he could pretend at, nodding to both John Cam and his wife. 'I am, after all, but a servant of the gods, nothing more. If any others require our help in this fashion again, then rest assured, I would be more than happy to offer my services.' A quick, charming smile, a statement of 'I'll leave you to enjoy your newborn's company; just call for us if we're required, and we'll be back in due course,' and a jovial wave of his hand, and Sett was out of there, his bag in tow as if he'd always had it on his person. Which, to their knowledge, he had.

...he reckoned he ought to talk to the Dark Elf again soon. Aeryn nabbing his bag just for him to have it was a good deed, certainly, but if she made a habit of taking other people's things so brazenly, and especially if her thefts turned self-centred, well, she'd wind up on the wrong side of a weapon sooner or later. Subtlety, that was the key.

And speaking of subtle, he did make an effort not to make a scene as he slid into the bar. Perhaps Geradin and Ursaren would follow him there, perhaps not, but in any case, there was knife throwing, there were card games, and there was a bartender present with nobody occupying his time. And of the three options, Sett was thirsty more than anything else.

'Greetings, good sir,' he started, greeting the man lightly, 'I am Settionne, a priest of the gods. I, and two companions, Geradin and Ursaren, have been sent here by John Cam, having just helped to deliver his and his wife's child. I trust he's discussed the matter with you previously?' Of course he would have, otherwise he wouldn't have sent them there. And if he hadn't, well, he trusted either Geradin or Ursaren would make it clear what the reward ought to be, and that John Cam would cover any lingering costs after the fact if necessary.

@POOHEAD189@Gardevoiran@The Fated Fallen@Fetzen@Stormflyx@Mortarion
@MegaOscarPwn At the moment, yes, we are currently full in terms of players. New slots could potentially open up later on, if other players quit the game, but for the moment, I hope you have better luck with finding other such games.
Dirk Messir - Mariined, But With Os Instead

Dirk is not a total idiot. He does in fact hev enough aworkness to infer how things went. Marines are an important noteable thing to note there, and Dirk needed to note the thing there with the thing there, and I'm crosschecking my facts in order to determine the truth of the thought matter.

And the conclusion is, but who was snail?

Welp, we're screwed. Nicely done, jackass.

Okay, Derek, that doesn't help. He thought, luckily Divine Purpose made him not do any earlier thinking out loud, but in his brainhead. Problems will happen, then; whoever is cappen, pirates are going to have destroyed, and macaroons are going to go to the place soon. But wait, if the real true guy doesnet real ice the marianas, and if he does net got them afterwords after confirmed his words... hmm... MMHMHMHMHMHM. Hmm. It still sucked for new people, if they went that way. However, they did a revolt one time. They can't do a revolt here, but they did dab doodly do a strongvenge later. Will do. Maybe I even saves the frens for real!

'Oke,' Dirk agreed, holding out his hands for the doubleshake, and possibly makes Smart also shake Captain Lancepike if he wished, 'that sounds fun. How many times do we have need to get where he kicks gets his butt punched? By which he obviously meant, we should go fight before King Bullat King Killseveryoneelse. I like to have my fffffriends.'
@Old Amsterdam
This time, it seemed that Laurie’s words took hold. Another moment of defiance shone in the man’s eyes, but finally, he sagged, nearly toppling forward from how much energy he seemed to lose all at once.

‘Fine,’ he relented, waving his hand. Immediately the man on the ground stopped twitching, and his laughter very quickly subsided to mere heavy breathing. Defeated in spirit, if not in body, the comedian looked up to Blue from his sagged position, no longer as sure as he had been, but a bit more hopeful than before.

‘So... okay, I want to be a better person,’ he muttered, almost to himself. ‘To achieve my goals, obviously. In that case... if I want to be a cliff, as you put it, then what do I start with? It feels like I’ve never been given a chance, that I’ve never been appreciated, but I... I can’t figure out what’s gone wrong. If I’m not the cliff yet, then... is it me that’s gone wrong? I mean, how can I tell if that’s the case?

‘Oh, and I never even told you who I was,’ he realised, standing upright and sort of falling on to his backside, like his legs had just given out somehow. The embarrassment on his face was evident, and his effort to hide it was essentially just looking away from her. ‘I, uh... the name’s Bugsy, Bugsy Malone,’ he quickly added, thrusting out his hand almost recklessly in Laurie’s direction.

At first, the large man nodded, appreciative of the fact that he didn’t have to forcibly remove her from the area after all. The moment Mieke uttered the phrase “Stand user”, though, he frowned. It wasn’t entirely clear whether this was a frown of concern or confusion, but his response after a couple of seconds was a subdued ‘I apologise, I don’t know what that means. I need to help finish up this performance, so...’

And what a performance it was turning out to be. By now, the main presenter had fished what seemed to be his co-worker’s body out from the water, dumping it atop the makeshift podium that was their van. He certainly looked pretty dead from just beneath the van, or at least maimed to the point that he’d never do another stunt in his life. Even so, the mustachioed chap was smiling widely as he inexplicably continued the show:

‘LADIES AND GENTLEMEEEN! What you have just witnessed was NOT a stunt! My dear friend, brother and compatriot Lee has, in fact, perished in most GRUESOME fashion! Watch as he lies motionless!’ He seemed to be motionless, certainly... or wait, did his arm just move- and then he was violently kicked in the face by his brother, spraying a mess of blood, teeth, and saliva across the surface of the van. ‘OBSERVE, as even a boot to the face doesn’t stir his lifeless body!’ Of course, it was also entirely possible that he’d just been knocked unconscious, but clearly that wasn’t the case. That’d just be inhumane.

‘But FRET NOT, too!’ the announcer continued as his larger co-worker- another brother, perhaps?- climbed up the side of the van. ‘For as all who have witnessed our shows before know, The Crazy Crue Brothers do not fear death! No, for when Death comes to take our souls, we SPIT IN ITS FACE! Observe, for you are about to witness... A MIRACLE!’

A miracle, the crowd asked? No, surely he can’t resurrect the dead, that’s impossible. Yet that was the implication - and the Crue in sunglasses was already cracking his fingers in preparation, showing the insides of his outfit to the audience as he cited ‘Observe, nothing up my sleeves...’

‘...or IS THERE?!’ To the average person, it simply appeared that he’d pulled a long strand of paper from his outfit, like a CVS receipt with too many coupons on it. As far as she was aware, only Mieke herself saw the man light up with a vivid, sparkling, almost fluorescent blue aura, a tell-tale sign of a Stand power in use, or so her implanted knowledge informed her.

As the island was surrounded by water, as one might expect an island to be, it didn’t take long for Hogan to find himself swimming in the Manhattan River proper. Of course, being a crocodile, the current wouldn’t exactly faze him in either direction, and he’d be more than able to climb back on to land at any point if he felt he was getting swept away. Plus, who was going to look in the river for a crocodile? A few curious people who’d heard about an animal show, that was who.

As for Arthur, his job was a little more difficult. Whilst his initial timing estimate was accurate enough, as Roosevelt Island was only two miles long and a couple hundred meters wide at its widest point, he was stopped every so often by people who had heard he was going to do an animal show there, or that a crocodile or alligator was about, and thus forcing him to explain himself every time, as well as Hogan whenever he was nearby. Not to mention, there seemed to be no sign of any comedians about whatsoever within the surprisingly crowded residential district.

The end result of their search was a good twenty five plus minutes wasted, no target in sight, and a loose crowd forming around their van by the time they made it back to the bridge they’d crossed initially. They’d likely need to deal with that group before they could make their exit, whatever their method.
Yurel - Jaggi

'Those things are probably cowards, anyway,' Yurel comforted Scrap as the trio ran on. 'I bet if they'd have seen you, they'd have been all "bwuuuh, oh no, it's Scrap the Jaggi, I'm super scared guys!"' He snickered wheezily at his joke, only for his laughter to be interrupted by the appearance of an Apceros. Aw yes, now this was a meal.

'I won't get my head knocked off, Scrap,' Yurel promised. 'Just don't get yours knocked off.' With that, he joined Scrap, his own barks and snarls in the Apceros' direction coming out as partial wheezes; at the same time, he circled round the herbivore in the opposite direction to Sauron's absconding, making sure to try and keep its attention on him and his friend so that it wouldn't spot the Great Jaggi sneaking up behind it.

The dream of mourning ending, and Legio awoke once more, bare of all metal and cloth, for now. Yet again, he'd failed during the previous cycle; yet again, humanity was rent asunder and scattered to nothingness by the Roil, their glory dashed and cut short upon the rocks of existence. But he could not fret over the matter. Every second wasted was a second less for the human race to try and secure their existence once more.

And to start, they had to exist. Indeed, through him did they exist; each cycle he survived was another cycle for humanity to try, and try again, for persistence, nay resilience was their boon, resilience enough to let them progress, and to seek new paths toward true immortality. A mere moment was spent to acknowledge his own golden, glowing core once again, the eagle-headed Globus Aquila returned to him, before the orb sank into his heart - only for the point of impact to burst forth with more of that glowing golden substance, encasing the master of mankind and spilling forth into reality about him, shortly before reality itself folded about him as if he'd never been there to begin with.

And within the pocket of existence that encompassed Legio's domain, the Divine City of Emanule rose once more. Each paving stone, each individual brick in every building that came forth from Legio's soul, shone with the same power as his core, the God-Emperor's will made manifest within the city. And with each of the thousands of buildings that came about, so too did a pair of intelligent apes - coated in hair but sparsely across most of their bodies, with features distinguishing male from female. The first humans of this cycle were birthed, and all within the realm knew inherently of Legio's divine providence, for he had made them aware of this and all else they needed to make their first steps toward immortality once again.

The only shame was that these progenitor individuals would perish eventually. Such was the curse of human biology, that their cells aged and died like all other mortal beings eventually did. At least their souls would be kept safe within Anacahe's realm... for a time. A very long time, and yet an imperceptibly short time, too.

At last, as his palace and the final building in his realm was completed, Legio emerged from his domain into the presence of his fellow deities, now clad in immense, shining golden armour from the neck down. The pinnacle of the human form, ready to present himself to the world, and further the might of the human race once again.

...hrm. Something was different. Missing, perhaps. Who had presented themselves so far, then? Perillian, the Forgemistress, always a pleasure to see, and he'd need to address her regarding the reforging of his Colossus at some point; Anacahe, the Don of Death, who he hoped he wouldn't lose too many to this cycle; Zetsibo, that skeletal bastard, who Legio wished with all his might would just fade spontaneously, even though he never did, and wouldn't now until this cycle's end; Ualla, one of the eldest deities alongside Sandrimor, the progenitor of mortal life without whom Legio himself may never have come to be; and Nyrae, the goddess of love, clad as ever in her fabrics to cloak a beauty that anyone could admit to, whether or not they could appreciate it.

And... a newcomer. A mass of flesh, with tendrils snaking away from its frame like so many crude arms. What, pray tell, did this newcomer offer to this new reality? He wasn't sure, though he arrived back into the fold in time to witness Ualla forging himself a new set of arms, more limbs to craft life with. Ualla never did appreciate it when Legio simply formed humans immediately, but he also didn't seem to understand how crucial it was that they be given the greatest possible chance to make themselves eternal as the gods were. For now, Ualla merely addressed the new deity: "Now, seeing as you're new, I think I know what's going on. You magic, time, or both?"

Magic? Time? But those were Sandrimor's domains... unless... no, surely not.

'Sandrimor has faded, then?' Legio asked, not quite sure how to feel. The lord of magic and time had been a steadfast aspect of reality, of the divine hierarchy, since the very first cycle, as long as Ualla had existed too. Yet Ualla persisted still, whilst Sandrimor was... gone. And frankly, he had been the de facto leader for so long for good reason - everybody had had stock in his continuing leadership. Legio himself offered his core to Sandrimor each time, in part because he was a stable ruler, and in part because his leadership meant humanity was not prey to an entity like Zetsibo on the throne. And now who would prevent that?

'...it is a shame for such a long-standing figure to pass,' Legio eventually uttered, clasping his hands together in subtle mourning. 'Whoever takes his place has a long legacy to live up to.' There were only so many gods Legio could see being well-suited for the throne, only so many who might offer humanity the same chance or better than Sandrimor himself had - and far too many who would tear humanity down and make their ascension impossible this cycle. This, suffice to say, was not an issue Legio could afford to be wishy-washy about.
Yurel - Jaggi

Suicide? Really, they were that strong? Huh... well, they were a herd, after all. Maybe if it was just one, but otherwise, Sauron made a lot of sense, as usual. That was why he was the leader, after all! Well, that and how big he was.

The point being, he began moving off once the herd had left, and- oh boy, bugs had been dug up! Easy pickings! But likewise, Scrap was still terrified and hiding behind a rock. Ah, jeez, he had to get him back to his senses first, even if it meant upsetting Sauron, right? They'd catch up easily, so sure.

'Psst! Scrap!' Yurel called to his friend, running over to his side and nudging him. 'The Duramboroses are gone now, you can come out. We need to get going before our prey starts hiding, come on.'
Dirk Messir - Oh GOody GOodies

Oh chute. Tigerian was still that. The not in dead. He is indeed a storkn boy.

You should stab him Douchebag! To be sure he's dead Psycho!

Nuh, he had there was a think, where I am get the coat, then wasn't really, so I should say hi to him and see what here is wants. Divine Purpose agrees, yes.

'Oh. Hello,' Dirk said, with then theis tilting heads. He is indeed here, and I wasn't sure how to then there this. And he didn't like Gatling Gull, he meant Bullet Ball, Ballet Ball yes perfect yes, and so now they did wanted here's to teaming up? Oh. That was fun.

Why would you think that's a good idea? He'll just betray you afterwards, right?

I think it'll go great, Dirk! This is going to be an amazing thing!

Why aren't you stabbing him Fool!

Well, he didn't have any remainedereder leg injured, when from his leg hurt, so now it was that there which had the ability to fight the best to fight fighting Captain Blockner Butt has to get staphed. But then there is the things that will still happening then.

'Okay. But you also have to go.' I tilt in the other way. 'You can only do good pirate sea with proper pirate sea,' explained the talker. 'Seaing. Going to the sea. What you get doing instead is being. Losers? Bad. There that the bad stuff. So you should leave later when we leave. And games suck anyway.'

You suck, and you're an utter moron if you think he'll hold up on his end of the deal.

'GsshhADAHDerrick.' That will am said to the left no wait right right right of mmmTigerpants, but then he wasn't real the real there, so Dirk blanked and slapped my own face a few times to be looking the right pathway to the right person for his response again.
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