Name: Jan Valley
Age: 32
Nationality: Aracial English. May or may not speak with a chav accent. It's hard to tell under the EOD suit they always wear.
Gender: Person In Heavy Armour. Seriously, the EOD suit totally hides their frame and features, and nobody can tell from their voice either because it's so muffled.
Allegiance: CDR, Pale Horse, themself.
Personality: Jan has wares, if you have coin! They are pretty relaxed, wandering very nearly as they please, and will generally sell even to the scummiest of buyers. Even with guns pointed in their direction, they're not generally too fussed about things. On the other hand, those who threaten to steal any of their goods will not be shown mercy, even long-time customers, and the fact they are contained within an incredibly dense and intimidating protective layer generally deters most from trying to attack them anyway.
Weapons: Loads - But mostly, they're for sale. Jan can use them, however, so best not to try and take any of that by force.
Heckler & Koch MG5 - This is kind of Jan's baby. It's a good weapon for defending themself with, generally speaking, especially since most of the mercenaries in London are sort of not as heavily armoured as them.
Gadgets: EOD Suit - An advanced variant of the Advanced Bomb Suit, very similar and extremely resistant against anything from small arms gunfire up to significant explosive ordnance. Aside from being generally more capable of protecting the wearer from harm and somewhat improved mobility, major upgrades from the ABS include a layer of material designed to halt and minimise the threat of gamma radiation, an air filtration system to ensure no radioactive particulates make their way into the suit, a darkened faceplate protecting the wearer's face from alpha, beta, and gamma radiation, sealed sleeves with dextrous artificial hands directly controlled by brain impulses, and an advanced cooling system that automatically recharges from the user's own movements and emitted body heat, allowing them to move around relatively freely at walking speed without suffering symptoms of heatstroke.
Mercantile Cart - A wooden cart, complete with wheels, able to contain all the stuff Jan is selling. The sign, easily hidden if need be, reads "Jan's Mobile Mercantile".
Role: Gunrunner - Officially, Jan's role is to acquire equipment scattered throughout London for both the CDR and Pale Horse, ideally reacquiring gear from fallen soldiers if possible, and bring it to them, receiving a regular wage as appropriate compensation for their efforts.
Merchant - Unofficially, Jan finds all sorts of stuff, or buys it from others, only to sell it to the highest bidder for a tidy profit.
Age: 32
Nationality: Aracial English. May or may not speak with a chav accent. It's hard to tell under the EOD suit they always wear.
Gender: Person In Heavy Armour. Seriously, the EOD suit totally hides their frame and features, and nobody can tell from their voice either because it's so muffled.
Allegiance: CDR, Pale Horse, themself.
Personality: Jan has wares, if you have coin! They are pretty relaxed, wandering very nearly as they please, and will generally sell even to the scummiest of buyers. Even with guns pointed in their direction, they're not generally too fussed about things. On the other hand, those who threaten to steal any of their goods will not be shown mercy, even long-time customers, and the fact they are contained within an incredibly dense and intimidating protective layer generally deters most from trying to attack them anyway.
Weapons: Loads - But mostly, they're for sale. Jan can use them, however, so best not to try and take any of that by force.
Heckler & Koch MG5 - This is kind of Jan's baby. It's a good weapon for defending themself with, generally speaking, especially since most of the mercenaries in London are sort of not as heavily armoured as them.
Gadgets: EOD Suit - An advanced variant of the Advanced Bomb Suit, very similar and extremely resistant against anything from small arms gunfire up to significant explosive ordnance. Aside from being generally more capable of protecting the wearer from harm and somewhat improved mobility, major upgrades from the ABS include a layer of material designed to halt and minimise the threat of gamma radiation, an air filtration system to ensure no radioactive particulates make their way into the suit, a darkened faceplate protecting the wearer's face from alpha, beta, and gamma radiation, sealed sleeves with dextrous artificial hands directly controlled by brain impulses, and an advanced cooling system that automatically recharges from the user's own movements and emitted body heat, allowing them to move around relatively freely at walking speed without suffering symptoms of heatstroke.
Mercantile Cart - A wooden cart, complete with wheels, able to contain all the stuff Jan is selling. The sign, easily hidden if need be, reads "Jan's Mobile Mercantile".
Role: Gunrunner - Officially, Jan's role is to acquire equipment scattered throughout London for both the CDR and Pale Horse, ideally reacquiring gear from fallen soldiers if possible, and bring it to them, receiving a regular wage as appropriate compensation for their efforts.
Merchant - Unofficially, Jan finds all sorts of stuff, or buys it from others, only to sell it to the highest bidder for a tidy profit.