Avatar of BCTheEntity


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8 mos ago
Current Harambant, who once went by Harambe, now only recalled in light of what followed.
2 yrs ago
3 yrs ago
It seems today, that all you see,
3 yrs ago
Holy Spirit Activate
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3 yrs ago
Remember the indigenous people of the Americas today.


Hello, I am me from the internet. I migrated here from Kongregate's Forum Games Forum, so feel free to look for me there if you wish to follow a career in internet stalking people. (ಠ_ಠ) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

A link to some of my past characters, which I need because static tabs do not take up internet.

Infamous Quotes From People Who Exist

“I really don’t follow how your faith believes its perfectly acceptable to doom 4,000 years plus of sentient beings, on a pre-set path of no escape from sin, just so their descendants can be offered the ‘chance of salvation’ when the god murders its own son.”

“Don’t be an ass or a pussy, ’lest you get screwed by life. Being a mouth or a hand is somewhat safer, and an eye socket is pretty much sacred in this regard, so always keep a look out.”

Most Recent Posts

Ladies and gents, a post is made. Enjoy the kunnin' brutality of Snekart 'Eadsmakka.
Keep 'em busy. Yeah, Snekart could do that. It looked like Shef and Kargut were already doing a swell job of that - but then, the way they did it wasn't kunning at all. He could enjoy it, yeah - but it wasn't proper Orky, because it was only brutal, which meant they were forgetting about Mork's side of the fighting. On the other hand, sneakin' round with a 'eavy bolta in hand, then unloading on a group that never saw it coming... now that was what you could call "kunning brutality".

Speaking of all that, Snekart was already doing his bit, sneakin' round innawoods to find whatever humies he could. And oh, he'd just found a pretty big group - one with the kunning to try and sneak round the side of Da Devilz Brigade. Outflank 'em, as it were. He imagined Mork might be proud, if they were more Orky - but nah, they were just runty. An' they didn't even have any purple anywhere on 'em! Or red! Big mistake.

The 'eavy bolta was primed already. He didn't have too much kustom ammo left, maybe a quarter of what he'd started with - but he certainly had enough to open fire wildly on the humies, effectively outflanking the outflanking group with a volley of explosive dakka, and even keeping it in mind to hold back his almighty 'WAAAAAGH!' until after he was already shredding 'em. He'd learned that keeping the weapon ready for a sneak attack, and keeping quiet until he was already unloading it, was key to making sure he could properly sneak round, otherwise they'd hear him and open fire first, which was the opposite of what he wanted. Sometimes they'd even manage to call more people in, and that just meant he hadn't been quiet enough, didn't it?

Naturally, he considered as he realised they were all dead and stopped firing into their corpses, this meant he was doin' better than Shiv. Shiv, obviously, was a less effective Kommando than Snekart, not least because his Squig was always making too much noise. But, he was still smarter than a lot of the other boyz, who just wanted to krump gits without any kunnin', which was obviously the opposite of what Mad Boss Gutsnaga was tryin' to do. Anyway, didn't using kunnin' to krump better mean you could krump more, meaning you were actually being more brutal an' Orky than just gettin' krumped yourself by bein' a lout? Yeah, that was just obvious. To Snekart, anyway.

Making sure the 'eavy bolta was fully loaded again, he went on, lookin' around for more humies to kill. Maybe if he looked round the next side, so they couldn't flank over there...
It's only been a couple of days, yo. This is on my schedule of things to do, don't ya worry.
@POOHEAD189 It's a pity to hear it, but I do hope we're able to start again soon. Here's hoping everything goes well for you!

Name: Snekart 'Eadsmakka

Nickname(s): "Boltagit"

Klan: Blood Axes

Role: Kommando

Common Armament: An Imperial 'eavy bolta purchased for a lot of Imperium cash. Otherwise, standard Kommando gear - soot-blackened choppa, a couple of stikkbombs, and camouflaged hide jacket, trousers, and boots.

Anything else: Snekart is very proud of his 'eavy bolta, insisting it be referred to as such instead of the proper Orky name of big shoota, and given "da roight kustom ammo" to properly explode his foes in battle. Other Orks find this tendency infuriating, hence his nickname. He also wears stripes of purple and red on his back, his reasoning being that the enemy won't be looking for any purple, so it'll make him sneakier, whilst the red will let him sneak faster - but, since he won't be sneaking away from enemies anyway, they're on his back so the other boys can see where he is.
My God, three accepted characters, and not a hint of that Blood Axe core in sight. Guess I'll have to correct this imbalance.

Also, that meme is wrong. Astropaths don't chart courses through the Warp, and Navigators don't scream in agony in the process. MY GOD HOW DARE THEY GET IT WRONG AHH.

EDIT: Turns out we do in fact have a Blood Axe in sight. Pardon me. Still, better to have two Blood Axes than one, and better to have two Kommandos sneakin' about as well.
@The Fated Fallen For me, yes, it's going quite well. How's life for you?
So, uh, guys? Is everything alright as far as posting for this?
Mercy to those innocents fallen today. Damnation to those who would slaughter so many.

Alexa really didn't have much else to consider here. Or rather, she didn't want to consider the possibilities too much at the present time. For now, there was need to slay a foe, and a crude mask on one such corpse made it simple to determine what future enemies would look like. And, admittedly, brought a touch of relief, for it was clear that possession was not the cause of such devastation.

The enemy in question arrived on the heels of a brigade of guardsmen. And, thank goodness, the guardsmen this time were seemingly on the side of the Imperium. Their foes, the heretics that had evidently brought such slaughter to this place, seemed... well, ineffective. Certainly not enough to break their morale, not with the Adepta Sororitas to rally around - and that, somehow, brought a touch of joy to Alexa's heart. They were symbols of the Emperor's might and righteousness - and, at Sister-Celestian Victorine's command, she brought her bolt pistol up toward the foes facing them.

It seemed obvious that the biggest threats to guardsman and Sister of Battle alike were the flamers. Whilst it normally had her stand out from others, here Alexa's unusual height gave her the advantage of being able to see over the throngs, to identify those with flamers at the ready - and then, with a burst of pistol fire for each, to snuff them out before they could cause further harm, their masks shattered and their heads turned to paste by the bolt rounds detonating inside their skulls. Three trigger pulls, three dead heretics. Retaining the final round in the magazine for the moment, she quickly reloaded, hoping the rest of the heretics here could be quickly dealt with by her allies.
Emperor Kuzco

Oh, cool. Skeletons. Yeah okay, so apparently there were all sorts of ghosts and goblins doing stuff tonight, except that the skeleton was on their side? And Meringa was there, and oh no there they were! He flailed at one of them as it started drawing near, only to open his eyes with the realisation that he'd actually managed to... to chop it up? Had he done that? He... well, he was practising his martial arts. Obviously he could deal with a couple of shadows. Hah, what was he even scared of to begin with? They weren't even there, they were just shadow ghost things! Not even a threat to people!

He still couldn't help but laugh despairingly at the situation, turning into more of a whimper as the sound of terrifying laughter filled the night in response, complete with the words of a terrifying scarecrow-looking thing. Pumpkin on its head and everything. Was... wait, was that the skeleton? What was with the outfit? Why was it friends with them?

And what the heck was that misshapen creature fighting the other shadows?

'Are we gonna die?' he asked nobody in particular, only to realise that his only audience was an unconcerned alpaca. His last remaining guard had already joined the fray alongside the dragon lady and the drunk archer. And everyone else. Even... even a hourers was getting in on it! Dang it, he was making a scene of himself! He knew he could deal with stuff like that if it just dissolved immediately, and... and he was not going to be overshadowed by a horus!

'Okay, Kuzco,' the emperor mumbled to himself as he made his way cautiously forward, 'you got this, you totally got this, you can- you can just... kick them through the chest, right, yeah that'll work. Kick 'em through the chest...' Oh no one of them slunk past the others, there it was, all big and intimidating. Kick through the chest, kick THROUGH the-

'HIYAA!' With a loud yell, he lashed out with his foot, and- oh dang, he totally did it. His foot was very much through the shadow monster - where it had been, anyway, as it collapsed into nothing.


Aaaaand he just drew the attention of several more. The last time this had happened, he'd run screaming from a pack of panthers... but, heh, noo, these weren't panthers. These were more like weak harmless kittens. Ahaha... yeah, he could take them. Totally could take them, for sure.
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