Avatar of BCTheEntity


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8 mos ago
Current Harambant, who once went by Harambe, now only recalled in light of what followed.
2 yrs ago
3 yrs ago
It seems today, that all you see,
3 yrs ago
Holy Spirit Activate
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3 yrs ago
Remember the indigenous people of the Americas today.


Hello, I am me from the internet. I migrated here from Kongregate's Forum Games Forum, so feel free to look for me there if you wish to follow a career in internet stalking people. (ಠ_ಠ) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

A link to some of my past characters, which I need because static tabs do not take up internet.

Infamous Quotes From People Who Exist

“I really don’t follow how your faith believes its perfectly acceptable to doom 4,000 years plus of sentient beings, on a pre-set path of no escape from sin, just so their descendants can be offered the ‘chance of salvation’ when the god murders its own son.”

“Don’t be an ass or a pussy, ’lest you get screwed by life. Being a mouth or a hand is somewhat safer, and an eye socket is pretty much sacred in this regard, so always keep a look out.”

Most Recent Posts

Apparently, one of the few ways to actually get past Ciaran's facade of nicety was to upset him. And based on how into Phil's face he was getting, he was very upset. Or at least angry. There was a subtle yet key difference, namely that "upset" also covered sadness mixed with the anger. "Smad", as one absurdist response to a post querying ways to convey simultaneous rage and sorrow put it.

Honestly, Phil didn't really care, and his expression remained blank behind his shades. Wasn't that the point of Stands, anyway? That they sort of... how did that one SORE guy put it, pulled together like magnets or something? Sure, the change in expressions was a somewhat worrying indicator of Ciaran's psychological health, but in the end, that emotion Ciaran was feeling was on Ciaran. He had the problem with showing off, not Phil - indeed, he was the one who was more likely to draw attention at this point, all things considered. He made them look like two lovers having a spat shortly before they stopped being lovers. Gay lovers. Which was an odd thought, since they'd only met very recently. Admittedly, Ciaran did have nice legs. But then, if looks were all that mattered... actually, Phil put a lot of emphasis on looks, huh? So, alright, the phrasing was off, but he had time to come up with a better way of putting it whilst he made a counterstatement.

'Look, I think you're getting a little overexcited,' Phil began, keeping his tone quiet, relaxed and even friendly. You know, approachable. Unlike his arms, which were still pinned beneath two separate stacks of bags, and thus were unable to emote anything, though he could certainly shrug. 'A few hands might have been visible for, what, a second? You'd have to be actively looking to see something like that. Besides, the sigils don't stick out that much. Look, they're already vanishing, it's totally fine.' Even as he spoke, the fifteen second limit began to strike, and the lotuses began fading out in order. Practically unnoticable, and even if somebody did notice, what would they make of it? It could just as easily be a trick of the eye for them.

'Anyway, I'm sure it'll be fine,' he continued with a shrug, now entirely secure in his position. 'Stand users are, to my understanding, extremely rare as it is. The chances of another one showing up here are practically nothing.'
@ProPro Actually, that's a really cool idea. It makes sense, and it gives our group a reason to draw itself together. Plus, twice as many extreme sport celebrities means twice as much chance for somebody to recognise one or both of them.
@Yankee Well, Phil did just partially manifest his Stand in a public place. Subtly, or as subtly as is plausible given what his Stand is, but somebody paying attention to everyone around them might make note of it. Alternatively, they might notice that there's a famous skateboarding pro wandering around in a mall in Italy, and want to say hi to them and their shopping-obsessed friend. Or both! So there's a thought for you.
A new post is made. There's a few people who I reckon we could see more activity from - I say, being very slow to write a post myself - so let's see if we can get some more writing up done, folks.
The guy was taking the mickey. Phil knew he was, because that was Ciaran's general character - a lack of seriousness, or indeed a lack of desire to take things other than the mickey. Which was, he considered, actually an interesting point - the phrase was colloquial, intended to refer to annoying somebody for laughs, but how exactly did that relate to the mascot of a major film company and/or theme park chain? Or was it more in reference to that 80's song by Toni Basil? That seemed less likely, for how long said mouse had been around. On the other hand, this was a mall, not a film. An Italian mall, at that.

So, yeah, he was having a go at him. And yet, despite knowing that, Phil felt it would probably be pertinent to do the right thing and just, casually, lift half the stack of bags out of Ciaran's hands and oh dear it was toppling. Or was it? Quick as a flash, a quartet of shimmering, kaleidoscopic arms leapt out of Phil's shoulders, smacking the sides of the bags to push the stack back upright, ensuring they remained balanced. Wherever they touched, a sigil was left behind, each shimmering briefly as the impacts left upon them were reiterated again and again, until every minor imbalance had been cancelled out.

And then he put the stack down and split it into two again, picking up one half securely with each hand. 'You're welcome,' Phil offered matter-of-factly, taking it as though it were just the right, humble thing to do. That was when people tended to thank you for the assistance, not when you were bragging about how helpful you had just been. Of course, he half-expected Ciaran to keep on pestering him for falling for his obvious wounded deer ploy, and maybe point out how enemy Stand users might make use of it to harm him later, but shit, he wasn't exactly falling for it if he knew it was a ploy. That was the point of an ambush, after all: to take people by surprise. If they weren't surprised, if they were approaching the situation with a plan for how to counter the surprise attack, then it wasn't a successful ambush. It was just a regular sneak attack. And that would be something Phil might have to teach Ciaran about, all things considered.
Today had been bright and sunny throughout. The best kind of day - the kind of day where one could forget about traumatic events like losing the majority of one's casting crew to a supernatural phenomenon, or being subjected to the chill of literal fucking death in psychologically-projected landscape form. The sort of day where, normally, Phil would have been practicing his board tricks all day, likely to an audience that could appreciate them.

Instead, he was out shopping, because that was what the guy assigned to look after him was doing. Something about keeping up with fashion trends? But the thing about trends is, if you follow the trends, you aren't setting the trends. And how did you set trends? Consistency. Phil wasn't much of a shopper for that reason: his outfit had been relatively the same as it had been for about the past six months. Sure, it wasn't literally the same items the whole time, but the majority were only slightly different throughout, maybe changing the designs on his cap and shirt, or from time to time the colour of shirt, cap, pants, shoes, or any combination of the above.

Because of that consistency, though, he had a Look - an iconic appearance, something people could glance at and recognise him, and say "Hang on, are you Phil Jaegger?", or say to somebody else "Hang on, are you taking inspiration from Phil Jaegger?" to which the recipient could reply "Yes. Hell yes. Hell. Fucking. Yes.", offering all due credit to the man who had first inspired the Look. Or, if the situation really needed it, he could spend one day in a different outfit, shock and awe the viewer, then return to his Look as if he hadn't just broken the mould like the coolest cat in town rubbing itself up against a mould, then hitting it with a hammer to shatter its frozen-over and newly-brittle form.

The point being made was that inspiration of idolatry was a tough business to manage, but Phil had worked it out to a science, he felt. Therefore, clothes shopping didn't greatly appeal to him, not least for the aforementioned reasons, but also because everyone was too preoccupied with their own shopping sprees to keep an eye open for celebrities doing much the same thing. And apparently, clothes were all Ciaran really cared about. Clothes and his own legs. Sure, they were nice legs, but not anything to get worked up over.

'So you got enough new clothes yet, man?' he asked casually, glancing over to Ciaran. Phil had deigned to buy himself a new shirt in his size that fit his Look, after a few hours of not buying anything, but by comparison, Ciaran's stack of bags was pretty hefty. You'd think it would be a pile of clothing, but clothes generally come in bags, which stack rather than pile up in one's arms, and so a stack of bags it was.
@XoXKieroBombXoX For my part, I'm largely just procrastinating over it and a few other things. I'll do my best to get a post out soon, ideally within the day.
With all said and done, and her fair share of cultists eliminated, next came the task of ensuring the injured did not remain so for long. With the town so devastated, there was only one place where she could keep the injured: the village green, where those not mortally wounded lay, at her bidding pressuring their wounds to slow blood loss if need be. Of course, most who had been mortally wounded were either long dead, treated first, or given the Emperor's Mercy by this time, which left only those with less severe injuries - even up to Sister-Celestian Victorine's broken limb, though she was at least able to move about in a sling until the deep tissue injection of medigel restored the arm to working order, with gratitude duly acknowledge by the Hospitaller. It certainly helped that a couple of the civilians present were healers in their own right, able to assist with the majority of injuries accordingly, albeit requiring the training to do so.

The issue, Alexa found, was that her supplies were limited to what was present in her suit without access to immediate facilities. Certainly, curing one person's major injury was a cinch with the technology at her disposal, but she could not fix everybody present so easily if she worked like that, else she would run out of that which made it possible; thus, for all but the most serious injuries, she was forced to make use of minute doses of curative substances and primitive techniques of stitching, bandaging, slinging and fracture manipulation (with a stick for the sufferers to bite down on), and herbal cures based largely on local recipes and the few supplies that survived intact from the local hospital. Even her own wounds remained untreated: whilst limited to just a few flesh bruises under her armour from bullet impacts, and what felt to be some form of strain injury from how her left arm kept tweaking a nerve when it moved in a certain way, she forced herself to work through them. They could be handled later. Emperor's mercy, the bruises wouldn't even affect her ability to fight or heal - though the strain injury seemed a bit more restrictive, and certainly something to diagnose once she had the time.

Of course, being addressed by the Celestian, this information was relayed as requisitioned, along with news of Sister Dominica: 'Her wound has been stitched up, and medigel has been applied to heal it quickly. She should be combat ready by the time we reach the mountains.' Indeed, whilst anaesthetic had been rationed primarily to those who would die of shock if their pains weren't adequately soothed- again, largely those who would die without prompt care anyway- the medigel had largely been reserved for they who would take the fight to the cultists beyond this avenue, hence primarily the soldiers under Corporal Delafare and the Adepta Sororitas tasked with retrieving the Saint. It pained her to leave a good number of villagers without immediate healing, but for the good of the planet and thus the Imperium as a whole, it had to be done. In any case, it was likely they would need to relocate sooner rather than later anyway, given how badly damaged their town now was; they'd be able to seek further attention and reassignment to new harvests where they wound up, so long as they didn't reopen the injuries prematurely.

In the meantime, more people needed assistance. Alexa continued to apply herself where she worked best, reminding herself that the fact she was able to help at all meant it was worth her presence here. That was what mattered, after all - the continued livelihood of those she could attend to, and swift passage to the Emperor's side for those she could not.
@Lugubrious @BCtheEntity
Do you guys have any problems being my Co-GMs?

Sure, I can do that. It ought to be a fun time.

<Snipped quote by XoXKieroBombXoX>

The thought of potentially needing 10+ stand users to take the guy down is terrifying.

laughs in Araki
Really, you don't need ten Stand users for one guy. You just need the one Stand with a perfect counter.

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