Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
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7 mos ago
I just wanna sleep...
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9 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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1 yr ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
2 yrs ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous


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give me a little bit here and I'll get anothe rpost in. I have one more day of work here before I get some time off. I'll work on a post here asap promise.

Give me a few days I have a post in mind but I'm just really tired right now. Last day of work tomorrow then I'll have some time to catch up on posts.
A mountain over, Eight kilotmeters abouts, from "La Serpentine"

A broad tall man carefully picks his way through the mountain stone and forests of the Swiss Alps. At about nine hundred meters up the mountain. The man hums, kneeling and looking at what looks like undisturbed ground. He sniffs and reaches down pushing some grass aside, "Hmmm there you are..." A paw print and about a handsbreadth away scat. He nods, "Not all that big are you, claws...digits." He nods then leans down and yep takes a long whiff of the scat, "Swedish Fox, about four years old, or so. Hmmm a little heavy on the front paws." He squats himself over the paw print and looks along the barely visible game trail it's following, "What are you looking for I wonder...you're headed along the woods...let's follow you..." With that the buckskin and leather clad man disappeared into the forest.


Back at La Serpentine

Sargeant Major Dwali, "Has anyone seen Jacobs? He reported in and he's not in Mess or his room. Anyone?" A grunt ran by carrying a crate, "Sir he was last seen near entrance eight." Dwali blinks, "No one was supposed to leave, what the hell?" Dwali and a small group of soldiers ran to the door, finding it open and allowing access to the outside. Dwali, "Shit we may have a breach! The guy who bit one of our handlers got out." They are turning and starting to discuss their options when they hear a deep kind voice, "What's wrong?" The group of FO soldiers turn to see the big man Zurvan Jacobs standing there, a young red furred fox curled up around his neck, Zurvan petting the foxes dark head. The fox letting out a little foxy chuckle as it watches then. Zurvan grins as he turns to head back into the base, "You may want to close that door gentlemen." He disappears around a corner just then, a soft laugh sounding and ringing down the corridor.

Soon though he's entering the Main Lounge, feeding the fox pieces of bacon that he had just filched from the mess, while the fox got bacon, he got bits of cheese he had again just filched. He looks about the lounge with a smile. The fox giving a brief chitter, asking for more food. Which Zurvan gladly gives. He hums and spots Bakker and Mason. Queen and Lion are their callsigns, Just as he had claimed Shaman for his own. With a ready smile he picks his way over to the two, sniffing the air as he does, "Hmmm a fine breed that one. Can still smell it on the air, something...fruity? No it's spicy almost." He nods, "Good afternoon to you two." He bows his head to them, standing at the table before them. Casually feeding the chittering and laughing fox as he stands there.
Woot woot!

Thanks for the acceptance of the CS and all.

Also looking forward to this.

So I think I finished Zurvan's CS. And marked it with a mention for you there king. Let me know if there is anything that needs changing.

Okay think I finished him.


If I remember correctly there was the Lightning Gun mode that shot a barely controlled bolt of lightning. And then there was the Lightning Ball mode that spat a ball of electricity.

I remember a scene of boring a hole through a solid block of steel. And another to fry nearly an entire room. It was stupid ass fun.

Oh yeah Antoine's Tesla Cannon. I remember that. Yeah.

Interesting my friend. Would you have me again?

Honestly when I saw the IC I didn't even see your name at first until I had read some things.

Lo and behold look who thought it up.

If you'll have me could I call the male heavy maybe?
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