Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
2 mos ago
give me a little bit here and I'll get anothe rpost in. I have one more day of work here before I get some time off. I'll work on a post here asap promise.
A mountain over, Eight kilotmeters abouts, from "La Serpentine"
A broad tall man carefully picks his way through the mountain stone and forests of the Swiss Alps. At about nine hundred meters up the mountain. The man hums, kneeling and looking at what looks like undisturbed ground. He sniffs and reaches down pushing some grass aside, "Hmmm there you are..." A paw print and about a handsbreadth away scat. He nods, "Not all that big are you, claws...digits." He nods then leans down and yep takes a long whiff of the scat, "Swedish Fox, about four years old, or so. Hmmm a little heavy on the front paws." He squats himself over the paw print and looks along the barely visible game trail it's following, "What are you looking for I're headed along the woods...let's follow you..." With that the buckskin and leather clad man disappeared into the forest.
Back at La Serpentine
Sargeant Major Dwali, "Has anyone seen Jacobs? He reported in and he's not in Mess or his room. Anyone?" A grunt ran by carrying a crate, "Sir he was last seen near entrance eight." Dwali blinks, "No one was supposed to leave, what the hell?" Dwali and a small group of soldiers ran to the door, finding it open and allowing access to the outside. Dwali, "Shit we may have a breach! The guy who bit one of our handlers got out." They are turning and starting to discuss their options when they hear a deep kind voice, "What's wrong?" The group of FO soldiers turn to see the big man Zurvan Jacobs standing there, a young red furred fox curled up around his neck, Zurvan petting the foxes dark head. The fox letting out a little foxy chuckle as it watches then. Zurvan grins as he turns to head back into the base, "You may want to close that door gentlemen." He disappears around a corner just then, a soft laugh sounding and ringing down the corridor.
Soon though he's entering the Main Lounge, feeding the fox pieces of bacon that he had just filched from the mess, while the fox got bacon, he got bits of cheese he had again just filched. He looks about the lounge with a smile. The fox giving a brief chitter, asking for more food. Which Zurvan gladly gives. He hums and spots Bakker and Mason. Queen and Lion are their callsigns, Just as he had claimed Shaman for his own. With a ready smile he picks his way over to the two, sniffing the air as he does, "Hmmm a fine breed that one. Can still smell it on the air, something...fruity? No it's spicy almost." He nods, "Good afternoon to you two." He bows his head to them, standing at the table before them. Casually feeding the chittering and laughing fox as he stands there.
Face claim - Chief Joe Pastion Dene'Tha Nation Chief 2013
Name:Zurvan Jacobs
Age: 41
Apperance: Standing at the lofty height of 6 feet 11 inches tall. Short almost shaved down hair. Zurvan is an unassuming sort. Not prone to stand out or too stand down for that matter. It's down to his manners, mannerisms and attitude that makes him seem larger then life. He upholds the red skin of most First Nations people, a almost natural tan. A sharp gaze from a pair of dark colored eyes. One eye slightly more shut then the other from a rather bad eye in fection in his youth. Doesn't affect his depth perception but it can be noticeable to people meeting him for the first time. His physuque is one of someone who has kept in shape, but with a little but of fat to him now, as he gets on in years. He's broad of shoulder and muscle. And knows how to use his hands judging by the callouses and cuts to his hands, you always know someone who works with a screw driver, they will always have the white scar gouged of the times it's slipped and cut their hands.
Furthermore, from his time in the military he has a pair of bullet wounds, healed over now, on the back of his left shoulder blade. Shot in the back by an insurgeunt some time ago. HE also sports the evidence of a wild dog attack on back of his right calf, several teeth gouges dug into his leg, scarred over now.
None of this does anything to mar the fact he's getting on in age as his hair has a few streaks of grey in it, and he has that slight bend to his back as things are starting to wear out.
Nationality: Dene'tha First Nations, Canada (North American Indian Dene to those uninitiated)
Callsign: Shaman
Ritualist - A practioner of old and ancient, rites and rituals of the First Nations people. Mentored by several Elders in the ways of ritual and song and prayer.
Keep Shooting! It only makes me Hard! - Being shot at only rises Zurvan's resolve and determination, drawing even more attention to him as he works to keep attention off his teammates.
Come on! Come on! - Taunts and displays meant to gather aggro off his teammates.
Old School Survival - Zurvan's been trained to live off the land, hunting, fishing, trapping, and herbal lore. Arts of an old kind that can only be taught by learning them from an elder. He's got training from both sides of his great grandparents, grandparents, as well as his parents. These skills include things like Tanning, skinning, and butchering of meat, as well as how to set up traps and on the spot camping shelters.
Nature's Eye - A survivalists gift for spotting things out of place in scenes and situations. A few moments of carefully looking over a scene can allow Zurvan to spot little details, like smells, a bent blade of grass, an out of place stone and allows him to see who, or what had passed through a place, their direction of travel, and given a little more study, their numbers, and what they might be carrying.
History: Hailing from Northern Alberta, in and around Fort McMurray. Up there and even further north The First Nations People still operate their original practices of Hunting, Fishing and Trapping. It's a part of the Treaties made with the government that the First Nations people are allowed to continue their old practices. And Zurvan's family was no different. They had some very old grandfathered-in trapping lines. Something their ancestors had set up ages ago. On top of that Zurvan's father is a extremely accomplished hunter with the bow and rifle. Zurvan got all of this knowledge passed down to him.
Now a person with this type of background could have become a full time substience hunter, but instead of that Zurvan spent some time with the CAF or Canadian Armed Forces. Enlisting and managing to land some time with The Pats, or the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, one of Canada's most famous regiments. But afterward instead of going back to the old ways, he volunteered to go even further north. He joined the Canadian Rangers, sometimes called the Canadian Arctic Patrol, a volunteer/part-time Military group that patrolled the vast far northern reaches of Canada.
It's actually while he was on patrol that he was picked up by Foxtrot Oscar. His team numbered eight, and they were on their way to Post November Eight, their camp spot for the night. A out of the way cabin along the Arctic coastline somewhere north of Camrbridge Bay, Nunavut. He was the last in line. Providing rear cover for the team. They'd just performed one of their radio check ins. It was fast. One moment Zurvan is checking the rear, when he turns and the quickly darkening landscape lit up. He turned and grabbed his headset as it filled with static. Some kind of directional jammer. He looked around and saw several snowmobiles and a bunch of tracked snow vehicles. Foxtrot Oscar operatives swarming him. He took out three of the group of eighteen before they managed to dog pile him, strip him of weapons, blindfold him and practically hogtie him to get him into one of the tracked vehicles.
Even after they got him to the hidden FO base they had to retie him up after releasing him, because when they untied him he jumped up, and broke one of the operatives nose with a headbutt and broke the knee of a another. Then but another operatives ear off. Until they tied him up, muzzled him and blind folded him again.
Several hours later when delivered to the Swiss base Zurvan had spoken several curses, and performed a ritual of bad luck and bad medicine on the ones who had brought him in. Several interviews had ended with the very pissed off First Nations man cussing out four separate admin officers. But eventually he'd been brought around, something about a badass being needed for operations that no normal soldier can do. Eventually he'd responded with, "Give me the right to choose my own kit..." And the deal was sealed.
Personality: Deep down Zurvan is a kind hearted man. He's warm and approachable. But the recordings of his interviews show deep down the man can be mean, and loud, and downright scary. The team that had brought him in are fine examples of that. He is quick to smile, and to offer help with something, but he's also really quick to cuss someone out, or on atleast one occasion break someones nose with his forehead. Most clear though is the fact that if you give Zurvan a reason the man will push you out of the way of a grenade and take the blast for you.
Tactical Suit:
Third Generation Heavy Exoskeleton/Titan armor. Sired by the First Generation Juggernaut Armors and then the now Famous Titan Armors worn by Two equally famous Elite operatives. The Third Generation takes it a step further. And allows for easier integration of weapons systems, Heads Up Displays and Fire Control systems. The Smasher armor as Zurvan calls it, is a addon system to the Brute Armor. With better protection to chest, back, arms and legs, with better articulation of plating to allow freer movement without skimping on protection. Powered musculature, building on Second Gen systems, allows for greater lifting power, giving more choices for armament. Plating follows the classic Steel, with a Kevlar layer sandwiched between a composite ceramic layer overtop that. Can stop up to a 7.62 bullet with ease, and slow the impact and damage done by a .50 round significantly. Doesn't make him invincible as rounds can still find their way into the much lighter armoring at joints and articulation points.
Belt fed .50 M3 Browning, High rate of fire Heavy Machine Gun, with the heavy lifting capability of the Smasher Armor, he's able to not only lift the gun but it's ammo drum of four thousand rounds.
Shoulder mounted Rocket pod, Sixteen mini rockets, with limited lock on technology, needs a active lock on from armor HUD to activate lock on. Otherwise can be dumb fired. Yield is enough to knock out a Light Armored Vehicle, perhaps create spaulding on a Tank.
Left arm mounted Pile Driver, A mini linear hammer assembly that launches half meter long lead spikes at speeds enough to punch through a foot of concrete at close range. more then enough to punch through a human being. Range is ten meters. Three spike cartridges, with up to six cartridges carried.
A pair of high capacity Vector SMGs, sixty round drum mags, for when the Pile Driver isn't an option of he some how runs out of rounds for the M3.
Survivalists kit - Fire starter kit, rope, bungee cord, rubber tubing and emergency rations, just in case it's needed.
Bone Handle Hunting knife - A knife his father gave to him. Made from the femur of the very first thing they hunted together. A 10 pointer deer found in the snowy fields of Northern Alberta.
Tactical Visor - Integrated into the skull mask of his armor, offers NV, and FLIR options as well as limited flash protection.
Operation Entry Device - As a heavy operator, normal conveyence may not be an option (read as a heli drop or ground vehicle) as such with the help of several out resources, the "Drop Capaable High Mobility Pod" was developed. Plans for something like this were dug up and one of the first titans even wrote off on it. A high of low alttitude drop pod into which Zurvan can load into and be dropped onto the operations area. Makes for a great shock and awe moment when it hits the ground and he steps out read to rock and roll.
Explosives Kit - 12 V40 Mini-Frag Grenades, 4 Enhanced Tactical Multi-Purpose (ET-MP) Grenades, 2 M16 Blue hue Smoke grenades, 2 ten pack high output fire cracker sets for those moments he wants to grab people attention.
Ritual performance - That is to say spending his time performing Ghost Dances, Sun Dances and other rituals of the First Nations people.
Fishing, Hunting and Trapping
Long Range hiking - Who doesn't like a nice outing?
Reading - G.R.R Martin, J.K Rowling and Mercedes Lackey, but he's also read Sun Tzu in the past too.
Face claim - Chief Joe Pastion Dene'Tha Nation Chief 2013
Name:Zurvan Jacobs
Age: 41
Apperance: Standing at the lofty height of 6 feet 11 inches tall. Short almost shaved down hair. Zurvan is an unassuming sort. Not prone to stand out or too stand down for that matter. It's down to his manners, mannerisms and attitude that makes him seem larger then life. He upholds the red skin of most First Nations people, a almost natural tan. A sharp gaze from a pair of dark colored eyes. One eye slightly more shut then the other from a rather bad eye in fection in his youth. Doesn't affect his depth perception but it can be noticeable to people meeting him for the first time. His physuque is one of someone who has kept in shape, but with a little but of fat to him now, as he gets on in years. He's broad of shoulder and muscle. And knows how to use his hands judging by the callouses and cuts to his hands, you always know someone who works with a screw driver, they will always have the white scar gouged of the times it's slipped and cut their hands.
Furthermore, from his time in the military he has a pair of bullet wounds, healed over now, on the back of his left shoulder blade. Shot in the back by an insurgeunt some time ago. HE also sports the evidence of a wild dog attack on back of his right calf, several teeth gouges dug into his leg, scarred over now.
None of this does anything to mar the fact he's getting on in age as his hair has a few streaks of grey in it, and he has that slight bend to his back as things are starting to wear out.
Nationality: Dene'tha First Nations, Canada (North American Indian Dene to those uninitiated)
Callsign: Shaman
Ritualist - A practioner of old and ancient, rites and rituals of the First Nations people. Mentored by several Elders in the ways of ritual and song and prayer.
Keep Shooting! It only makes me Hard! - Being shot at only rises Zurvan's resolve and determination, drawing even more attention to him as he works to keep attention off his teammates.
Come on! Come on! - Taunts and displays meant to gather aggro off his teammates.
Old School Survival - Zurvan's been trained to live off the land, hunting, fishing, trapping, and herbal lore. Arts of an old kind that can only be taught by learning them from an elder. He's got training from both sides of his great grandparents, grandparents, as well as his parents. These skills include things like Tanning, skinning, and butchering of meat, as well as how to set up traps and on the spot camping shelters.
Nature's Eye - A survivalists gift for spotting things out of place in scenes and situations. A few moments of carefully looking over a scene can allow Zurvan to spot little details, like smells, a bent blade of grass, an out of place stone and allows him to see who, or what had passed through a place, their direction of travel, and given a little more study, their numbers, and what they might be carrying.
History: Hailing from Northern Alberta, in and around Fort McMurray. Up there and even further north The First Nations People still operate their original practices of Hunting, Fishing and Trapping. It's a part of the Treaties made with the government that the First Nations people are allowed to continue their old practices. And Zurvan's family was no different. They had some very old grandfathered-in trapping lines. Something their ancestors had set up ages ago. On top of that Zurvan's father is a extremely accomplished hunter with the bow and rifle. Zurvan got all of this knowledge passed down to him.
Now a person with this type of background could have become a full time substience hunter, but instead of that Zurvan spent some time with the CAF or Canadian Armed Forces. Enlisting and managing to land some time with The Pats, or the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, one of Canada's most famous regiments. But afterward instead of going back to the old ways, he volunteered to go even further north. He joined the Canadian Rangers, sometimes called the Canadian Arctic Patrol, a volunteer/part-time Military group that patrolled the vast far northern reaches of Canada.
It's actually while he was on patrol that he was picked up by Foxtrot Oscar. His team numbered eight, and they were on their way to Post November Eight, their camp spot for the night. A out of the way cabin along the Arctic coastline somewhere north of Camrbridge Bay, Nunavut. He was the last in line. Providing rear cover for the team. They'd just performed one of their radio check ins. It was fast. One moment Zurvan is checking the rear, when he turns and the quickly darkening landscape lit up. He turned and grabbed his headset as it filled with static. Some kind of directional jammer. He looked around and saw several snowmobiles and a bunch of tracked snow vehicles. Foxtrot Oscar operatives swarming him. He took out three of the group of eighteen before they managed to dog pile him, strip him of weapons, blindfold him and practically hogtie him to get him into one of the tracked vehicles.
Even after they got him to the hidden FO base they had to retie him up after releasing him, because when they untied him he jumped up, and broke one of the operatives nose with a headbutt and broke the knee of a another. Then but another operatives ear off. Until they tied him up, muzzled him and blind folded him again.
Several hours later when delivered to the Swiss base Zurvan had spoken several curses, and performed a ritual of bad luck and bad medicine on the ones who had brought him in. Several interviews had ended with the very pissed off First Nations man cussing out four separate admin officers. But eventually he'd been brought around, something about a badass being needed for operations that no normal soldier can do. Eventually he'd responded with, "Give me the right to choose my own kit..." And the deal was sealed.
Personality: Deep down Zurvan is a kind hearted man. He's warm and approachable. But the recordings of his interviews show deep down the man can be mean, and loud, and downright scary. The team that had brought him in are fine examples of that. He is quick to smile, and to offer help with something, but he's also really quick to cuss someone out, or on atleast one occasion break someones nose with his forehead. Most clear though is the fact that if you give Zurvan a reason the man will push you out of the way of a grenade and take the blast for you.
Tactical Suit:
Third Generation Heavy Exoskeleton/Titan armor. Sired by the First Generation Juggernaut Armors and then the now Famous Titan Armors worn by Two equally famous Elite operatives. The Third Generation takes it a step further. And allows for easier integration of weapons systems, Heads Up Displays and Fire Control systems. The Smasher armor as Zurvan calls it, is a addon system to the Brute Armor. With better protection to chest, back, arms and legs, with better articulation of plating to allow freer movement without skimping on protection. Powered musculature, building on Second Gen systems, allows for greater lifting power, giving more choices for armament. Plating follows the classic Steel, with a Kevlar layer sandwiched between a composite ceramic layer overtop that. Can stop up to a 7.62 bullet with ease, and slow the impact and damage done by a .50 round significantly. Doesn't make him invincible as rounds can still find their way into the much lighter armoring at joints and articulation points.
Belt fed .50 M3 Browning, High rate of fire Heavy Machine Gun, with the heavy lifting capability of the Smasher Armor, he's able to not only lift the gun but it's ammo drum of four thousand rounds.
Shoulder mounted Rocket pod, Sixteen mini rockets, with limited lock on technology, needs a active lock on from armor HUD to activate lock on. Otherwise can be dumb fired. Yield is enough to knock out a Light Armored Vehicle, perhaps create spaulding on a Tank.
Left arm mounted Pile Driver, A mini linear hammer assembly that launches half meter long lead spikes at speeds enough to punch through a foot of concrete at close range. more then enough to punch through a human being. Range is ten meters. Three spike cartridges, with up to six cartridges carried.
A pair of high capacity Vector SMGs, sixty round drum mags, for when the Pile Driver isn't an option of he some how runs out of rounds for the M3.
Survivalists kit - Fire starter kit, rope, bungee cord, rubber tubing and emergency rations, just in case it's needed.
Bone Handle Hunting knife - A knife his father gave to him. Made from the femur of the very first thing they hunted together. A 10 pointer deer found in the snowy fields of Northern Alberta.
Tactical Visor - Integrated into the skull mask of his armor, offers NV, and FLIR options as well as limited flash protection.
Operation Entry Device - As a heavy operator, normal conveyence may not be an option (read as a heli drop or ground vehicle) as such with the help of several out resources, the "Drop Capaable High Mobility Pod" was developed. Plans for something like this were dug up and one of the first titans even wrote off on it. A high of low alttitude drop pod into which Zurvan can load into and be dropped onto the operations area. Makes for a great shock and awe moment when it hits the ground and he steps out read to rock and roll.
Explosives Kit - 12 V40 Mini-Frag Grenades, 4 Enhanced Tactical Multi-Purpose (ET-MP) Grenades, 2 M16 Blue hue Smoke grenades, 2 ten pack high output fire cracker sets for those moments he wants to grab people attention.
Ritual performance - That is to say spending his time performing Ghost Dances, Sun Dances and other rituals of the First Nations people.
Fishing, Hunting and Trapping
Long Range hiking - Who doesn't like a nice outing?
Reading - G.R.R Martin, J.K Rowling and Mercedes Lackey, but he's also read Sun Tzu in the past too.
If I remember correctly there was the Lightning Gun mode that shot a barely controlled bolt of lightning. And then there was the Lightning Ball mode that spat a ball of electricity.
I remember a scene of boring a hole through a solid block of steel. And another to fry nearly an entire room. It was stupid ass fun.