Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
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7 mos ago
I just wanna sleep...
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9 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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1 yr ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
2 yrs ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous


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WIP at the moment I'm putting down what I have right now. I don't want to lose it. Work is heavy right now and I'm worried I'll lose this idea if I don't put it down somewhere.

Okay I'm still kinda wrapping my head around the ideas of the background story but I'd be interested in getting in on this.

If you'll have me anyway.

Koglan jerks his head from looking at Hafinjal. He'd sired many children through his life but he won't fool himself, this litter may be one of the final ones he sires. He's getting far too old. Soon his work will all be what keeps him a working part of the clan. The Iron and Steel he weaves for the hunters and warriors may end up being all he can manage. But this young goblin may be his legacy.

But that jerk of his head shows he's surprised. He looks at the other goblin baby in her arms, "A girl." He leans forward a little, "A girl-child." He nods, the father usually doesn't have this much hand in the raising of their children. This is an interesting turn around. He hums, "Tiwa...perhaps. Like her mother. May she be as good a dancer as her mother perhaps." He chuckles. Then looks at Siwa, "I cannot promise to be a proper father to them, I have no head for it. But if they come to me asking for help, shelter and even food, I will do my best to give them what they need. Never let it be said that Koglan Ironweaver will turn away his own blood." He nods, his powerful shoulders and arms flexing, "And the same goes for you Siwa. My door is always open to you, as is my larder. You are welcome and so is your litter."

He gets up and grabs the basket, "I brought you food. Bread, some dried fruit, some salted meats and a few skins of water and a skin of milk." He sets the basket down. And from atop it pulls up the paired dancing rings, "And these...I made them as a gift and an experiment. Meant to rest on your arms or if you're brave, your ankles. To chime and ring as you dance." He smiles proud of himself despite his awkward words.
Interesting. I'd like to toss my own hat into this if it's okay with everyone? This sounds like fun.

Koglan stopped at the door.

Then opened it slowly and carefully.

Far more careful then he would be in many things.

And there on the floor, tiny mewling goblins. Babies. The Kits of the Goblin people. He gulped, and set the basket of food beside the door and the dancing chime atop it.

Oh how he felt awkward and out of place. Male Goblins did not usually make themselves a huge part in their offspring. But here these would likely have his blood in them. He picked his way past the kits as they rolled and slept on the mat. And made his way to Siwa, and there saw the oldest. The resemblance he could see clearly enough, the eldest Goblin is indeed his. The same sharp nose he can see, which would grow to the spear point that rests on his own face. The same slightly grey-green skin. He nodded, "Hafinjal, after my great grand sire. Before me, one of the greatest Smiths we ever had in this clan. Or so the stories say." He said proudly, "If you will still allow me too Siwa, I will train him when he is older. Pass down what I can. With any hope when my time draws nearer I can pass on my forge to him, and he can be our next smith."

Koglan carefully knelt, and looked down as one of the crawling Kits made it over and latched onto his leg hugging it softly. The old Goblin smith getting a soft look in his eyes as he looked down at the kit. He then looked back to Siwa, "You said there was something else?"
Sorry it took so long. I tend to get distracted by work.

Oh and meet Colin O'Mulriain, Intell and Recon NPC. Irish Red Head, Olympic level marathoner, javelin thrower, and shot putter, not to mention Deep Intell. Wunderkind.

Current search is for Bounties, names and information on the members of the enemy squad.
Zurvan gets the fox's tail out of his mouth finally as things go. He hums and smiles seeing his fluffy tailed friend getting the attention she deserves. The fox giggling and chuckling at scritches and the attention. He listens to this information on the sub and what the hell is going on down south. He nods, "Well isn't that just bull shit." He swats at the tail as the fox seems to find it amusing to swat him in the face. Getting a chuckle from it as he does, "I swear I'll turn you into a toque if you keep that up you hear me." The Fox giggles and then darts for an open window, looking back with a smile.

Zurvan is about to race after it when Skye returns. And he can see by the look on her face and the words she uses things have gone side ways.

His eyes narrow, and he nods, "Alright! Arsenal bound then." He's stomping off, business mode activated.

As they go a little red haired Irish fellow comes bustling down the hallway to the Arsenal. Colin O'Mulriain, Counter-Intell and Recon agent, Specialist 1st class with the FO Information Division. He comes to a slightly stumbling stop as he sees members of the Action team coming their way. He goes to Zurvan first, "Sir, Intell. just got the heads up on the new Operation. Anything I can do?" Zurvan looks over his shoulder at Skye then hums, "Se if you can't do a deep dive. See if there is anything else we're missing Colin. Names, dates, discretions, anything. Hell see if any of the people on that team we're going up against have bounties or something. Who knows we might be able to turn them in dead or alive for some extra scratch."

Colin nods and with a little skip step turns down a side passage to get back to the Intell. Division.

Soon Zurvan is pushing open the doors to the Arsenal, "Alright...show time." And walks over to his kit area. slipping first into the Smasher armor, "Hmmm yeah that's the way we do it."
I seriously thought I had posted again somehow. our avvies are way too similar king lol.

Sat here for a solid minute trying to think, "When did I post saying that...and what right do I have to post that..."
The hammer falls one more time. The metal is cherry red still as Koglan lifts it, and with just abit of haste grabs the shaped handle.

Moments later...

A series of pangs as Koglan hammers the handle of the axe into the still heated axe head. The wood hissing and starting to burn. Yes enough that is fits into the hole made for it. And seals there as Koglan plunges handle and axe head into a vat of cockatrice acid. Quenching it with a hiss. He pulls it clear and holds it up, the light of the fire lighting the new axe. Etched with Cockatrice acid just slightly. Leaving the edge with a very nice wavy hamon or blade pattern along it's edge. He nods, "Good." looking over at the light through his window he nods, "I still need to..." He hangs the axe upon the wall of weapons.

And grabs the chiming dancing rings he made. Gathering up a basket of food as well.

It's odd seeing the smith out of his forge. As he usually has so much work to do. But he hurries along. And finally stops at the door to a hut. Hefting the basket of food and setting the bear hide connected dancing rings atop the basket he knocks at the door to Siwa's hut, "Siwa? I come bearing gifts. And no trying to wave them off. I have spoken on this young gobliness."

Zurvan smiled, and leaned his head to the side after Astrid spoke, as if listening to the fox chittering as if it's speaking. He nods a few times his face taking on a serious expression. He then looks dead into Astrid's eyes, face straight and deadpans,
"She says that meme is dead, it's bad and you should feel bad for making it." He holds Astrid's gaze for another few moments, face still straight as a ruler. He keeps this face the whole time until the fox breaks the moment by wacking Zurvan in the face with that big fluffy tail, "Blah pftt! You little! Ahhh I have fur in my mouth! Fur!"

By the tim the tail is out of his face Skye has stepped up to pet the red, white and black furred creature. The fox letting out yips and chatters of joy. the Fox even leaned way out and nipped at Skye's fingers tail flipping about happily. Zurvan chuckled, "You're going to have a big fan here if you keep that up young lady." The big man says. He leans his head back to avoid the tail almost fwaping his head again.

Zurvan grins as Skye pets the Fox, "I can neither confirm nor deny that some of my wild friends stay in my room for spans of time. That hawk only stayed a day or two. That bear cub left on her own, after a few hours. I'll say nothing of the wolf that stayed for a few days. Creator help me he was a wonderful pillow. Oh...oh dear..." He looks around conspiratorially, "I didn't mean to admit that." He chuckles and sits himself down at one end of the padded bench.

Again he nods, "So a little Rest and Recovery huh? Alright. I can go with that. What's this about Crete? Who's causing trouble this time?" He narrows his eyes, and plays with the fox with one hand idly. Well at first before he gets wapped in the face a second time, "Ahhh you little! so much fur!"
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