Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
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6 mos ago
I just wanna sleep...
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9 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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1 yr ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
2 yrs ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous


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Well if we're going to consider it I will give it some thought and run a overview of the idea by everyone before we get in any critical firefights.

I will say now. Don't get too attached to anything you pick up before our first chapter actually gets into full swing. Your chosen pistol is golden. But any major primary might be iffy for abit.

Capitol is northern I will say
Alright, first post up.

General time of day, which I will try and make apparent to give us a time reference in some posts, is up.

Make your insertions. Once we're all inserted, we can begin the fun.


I want to ask you all about an idea I had, I came up with it mostly because I remembered how cool I thought it was in the source material.

what do you think of a "wear and tear" mechanic. That I would try and keep track of for this.

Meaning the more you use your equipment the more likely it is to degrade, malfunction and eventually potentially break.

Wanted to run it by my currently active players.
Location: Third Class Car, Blue Line, Matanbai Rail lines
Time: Just a little past Four AM.

The train carriage bumped and shifted as it clattered down the rails. Various people within and without shifting. Some in their sleep some, night owls most like, try to resume doing whatever they were doing before the train shifted.

Up in the First Class car most of the people are in their bunks. Happily sleeping away the night. Tourists and sight seers, rich dentists and doctors out for a peek into the slums of the world. And along down the line it goes as people have more realistic reasons for travelling these rails.

Reporters, journalists, members of the press. Well funded support and relief workers coming into the company. Not for Profit organizations that want to help out in a soon to be war torn country. And people who want to look good but can't claim to any fame...yet. That's up in the middle class cars.

It's back in the lower class cars where those people who aren't highly funded or are humble enough to admit they don't need money and can offer their services properly perhaps.

And usually someone like this man would stick out. He's obviously been through something. Something that has left a stain on his soul and outlook. Even while sleeping he seems to be ready to go at the drop of a hat. And he does indeed rock and roll at the drop of a hat as a train worker stupidly fumbles his way through the car. The man slips abit and tries to catch himself, in doing so putting a hand on the broken man's shoulder. The man in question, with all the speed of a viper lashes out, grabs the hand pulls the train worker even further off his feet and to one knee...all in a few moments. The broken man's fist cocked back. Until he finds himself again and he smiles, "Sorry...was...um yeah..." He helps the train worker to his feet and lets him move on. The Worker looking a little shocked, enough so that he quickly runs off, somehow having better footing then a moment ago.

The broken man sniffles and looks around, to make sure no one saw what just happened. He corrects the placement of the redcross badge on his lapel, part of his cover. He's close...just a little longer.

The man has a passing moment when he thinks, just how many others there are like him inserting or infiltrating this little country. And where they are right now, and if he'd recognize them when he found them.

He briefly recalls his mission pack. And the words, "All Operatives are tasked to arrive in the capitol of Tangayi before beginning their mission."

The broken man, one Hayden Moses swallows thickly and leans back in his seat. Only a matter of time now.

My little crazy guy.

Alright then I will give both cses approval put them in the characters thread.

We will give @Skwint another day or so
Oof...okay people are gonna hate me.


Good CSes. Well done on them both. The only question I want to ask is if you are positive you can manage both characters in game? If the answer is yes I'll give you the benefit.

But all information I can find says the P320 entered use in 2014. Which is atleast 10 years ahead of our time line. So I suggest finding something a little older.

The Glock 17 as long as it's no newer then say the 17MB model can pass. Just without the Silencer. If you still want that silencer, then hey you might be able to find it in the field.


Good CS. Well done.

again Oof, that GSH just barely edges in. It's a brand new gun basically in this time line. So you're gonna hate me for this. But brand new guns...are very very scarce in Matanbai. VERY scarce. I'm sure you get my drift. And you're going to have to do without the loader. Might be out in the field. And if it is, it's going to come at a premium. Because again the gun is BRAND spanking NEW at this point.

And by Brand new, I mean the Hyena doesn't deal in it. It's that new. He can shift Cold War and 80s and 90s guns into the country easily enough. But something that just came out of development and is starting use? Yeah it's hard to get a hold of those.

I ought to have my own CS up in abit. And if you guys like you can grill is and let me know. I'm up for criticism.

Please make those changes the both of you.

We can give Skwint a little time. If he doesn't show up within a day or so. Then we start without and I put out the word there is an open spot.
Okay let's see...that work?


Given Co-GM status. Mostly because he knows my schtick and because we have differing schedules. So there will be someone around when I'm not to answer questions.


Yes, tons of room, but still limiting it to four people in the RP for now.

So hopefully @Skwint will show up.

I don't mind starting this with three people though.

Good so far, give me somemore detail on his Training, and fix up the MO section abit. Designated Marksman tells me nothing. Almost every member of an army can be a marksman. What makes him stand out?

I guess that is partially my fault. I should go back into the CS and buff it up abit.

Forgot to add a history section too.


I've changed the CS around abit, added some fleshy bits. Theyra, I'd like to ask you to add the missing bits to your CS as well.

Oh and, your pistol is good. But there is a caveat. But you'll find that out later.
OOC thread is up for those still in.
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