Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current I just wanna sleep...
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4 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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9 mos ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
1 yr ago
My community needs an enema -.-
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@Dark Cloud

Okie dokie smokie.

Keep an eye out here.

See if I can come up with an intro post somehow.
@Dark Cloud

I can try I'm already sitting on four RPs. But I might be able to fit another one in there.

Expect me to be slow posting though.
Victor with a smile steps off to the side. A brief look at the two Super-African women would say that they are not pleased to be here. They follow along with Victor as he heads for what looks like a bar. He posts up there ordering something that looks like it's smoking. Hayden looks around unable to keep his eyes away from all the gore. He swallows thickly, and rubs his forehead. The gore and dead. Being at the front of the pack he could be forgiven being unable to miss it. But what he can't be forgiven for is the rush he feels.

He gulps and looks up at Melani while at the same time seeing a double image, a different woman a different place. The woman screaming Do it already Moses! We've come this far! In his mind he can feel a heavy Squad Assault Weapon in his hands. And the trigger pinned down to the iron.

Hayden gasps and shakes his head. And look sup in time for Melani to surge down from her throne leading with that shiv. Without really thinking about it Hayden pulls his tomahawk, swinging it in an upper cut, which Melani catches, batting aside, she dashes forward almost using the long thin twisted piece of metal like a rapier. And it's done in a moment. The tip of the shiv pressed to Hayden's throat, ready to drive in. She growls, "Why didn't you finish it?" She says angrily. Hayden's lips part slightly in an almost evil grin, "Why didn't you?" Melani hums looking down at where the diamond shaped head of the tomahawk it pressed to her ribs. Hayden swallows, "Yeah exactly." Melani lowers her shiv and Hayden does the same. But a second later she grabs Hayden by the chin and stares into his eyes, "You've got a touch of madness in there don't you pretty boy?" Hayden just narrows his eyes and shoves the hand away, "Don't have a clue what you mean."

Melani takes a step away, then as she's climbing back up to her throne she addresses Sean, Beth and Kat, "You're all pretty interesting folks to be paling around with something like him. Fine I can make use of you. Victor I don't know what game you're fucking playing here, but thank you. I have new toys."

Melani grins and motions to the guards, "Spread out. I wanna talk to these ones alone more or less."

Hayden slides his tomahawk away but keeps his hand nice and close to it just in case. Melani speaks again, "I'm not going to be sending you lot anywhere to butcher nothing first off. That's my job. And it keeps my neighbourhood safe. Because Malkia's thugs don't come this way knowing they may get strung up, maybe made into sausage." She sniffs, "But to work for me, you got to know the players. So, I'm throwing you to the lions first thing. Tiulo is split almost right in two right now. Malkia and I have almost equal footing. Except for one thing, Malkia has his foot in the door over in the nicer residential area. And I need to know how."

She grabs a piece of something meat looking off a platter using it like a baton for a moment, splattering some sort of red sauce on the floor, "I want you to go over, 20 blocks to the northwest, you'll be in Malkia's territory. Look around, observe his people, observe his turf. And see if you can learn anything about him. And then, when you have some intell. come back and talk to me about it. Tell me what you learned. And then maybe I'll give you some other work. For this job, I have 5 gemstones for each of you, no more. Don't think you're worth much more then that yet." She bites into the hunk of red sauced meat then growls with a mouthful, "Victor! Finish your drink then come and talk to me." She rounds on the four, "You four, get the fuck moving."


"Arigato Grey Wolf." Shimura growled out. He twisted out of cover. Reaching down to grab his machine pistol off his harness. Dashing into the open and spraying up at where the LMG was then spraying at another baddy who made the mistake of sticking their head out of cover. A rapid burst of rounds almost took the entire head off.

Clearing the open area Shimura linked up with Queen and Grey Wolf. He reloaded the swift firing machine pistol. Keeping it out and ready. The other holding his Katana low and ready. Ban edged his way into the building leading ahead of him with the light machine pistol, ready to add its withering fire in a moment. His sword held in a reverse hammer position for now, he almost itched to just charge ahead.

That first corner had the ex-yakuza roll across covering down the hall. Only following once Queen nodded. Now ready for close contact. They kept moving. Making ready for the contact that is sure to come any moment.


Invisible, the hunter is still and quiet. He puts snow in his mouth so no one can see his breath.


An enemy running for an emplacement goes down rag dulling before laying still in a wash of limp limbs.


Another man goes down. May have been a medic as he had been running to the other one that just went down. The Hunter feels bad for a short time.

The Hunter goes back to his creed. He aims for the heart or the Fatal T. Shots there will always end in a kill.


Two quick rounds. One shooting the RPG 7 out of the hands of thean about to use it, the second tears his chest open from a body shot. Messy but the Hunter takes what he can.

The hunter slowly scans the land below. Seeing Dollface get up. That saving shot early giving her the time to recover. He nodded slowly, too deep in the zone now to want to vocalize anything.


Another shoot, the bullet ricochet off a wall and punches the person who is in half cover off their feet landing hard on several canister below. It's not a clear kill but it's okay in the end.

The Hunter checks his magazine, empty, he sighs carefully removing the spent container before carefully sliding a new one in and recovering a round.

The Hunters work is not done. There is still more prey.

Oh we understand that. But the first CS was clearly a sniper type character rather then a rifleman or something like that.

We have plenty of people who can fill that role.

With one person already straight dedicated to that role and will likely step out of that role only in extreme cases.

So the idea of having yet more seems to be overkill. I atleast understand coming into the team with that training. But it's also a case of too many cooks eventually. If you get meaning.

Doesn't help that alot of people want to be "snipers" in this type of RP. The cool role. Howard I believe is less a sniper and more of a marksman/stalker in the end.

So back to the real topic. We could use less people wanting to hit people with a big gun.

And if slots do open up. Roles of Grenadines, machine gunners artillery even perhaps.

Just two cents.

Well I'll tell you what Warwick.

A: Take a look at the posted CSes currently to see examples of the detail we're looking for.

B: If you can fit him in somehow to the idea of the RP, and tell us what kind of role he'd play in the way of a Light, Medium or Heavy role. (please see the first post for an explanation on the different types)

C: Do that and post up a CS for us to look at and we'll let you know.

Do that and we'll see what happens.

I know I haven't shown any real interest in doing any Admining the RP. But well...yeah. Just need to see some good effort.
We really need to get away from Snipers and Marksmen here people. We already have an overabundance of them on the team.

@Warwick I'm just the Co-GM here so don't take this as a refusal. I just saw this CS and thought, "Wha the hell another sniper character?"

@FourtyTwo the final word goes to you really.
Welp I found my old House Harlaw CS from way back and I can refashion it to fit I suppose.

Just wait abit before I do.
Don't quite know them well enough to try.
Don't know if I have anyone to ask. Al the people I have, have alot of irons in the fire already I think
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