Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current I just wanna sleep...
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4 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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9 mos ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
1 yr ago
My community needs an enema -.-
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@Letter Bee

I used to love Dornish folks myself. Something about their whole Arabic inspiration.

Then I read up on the Iron Islands and the Iron born.

Who doesn't like bad ass vikings?
You'll be waiting abit then for the books to complete.

Anyway yes I'll keep a watch on the thread and see where it goes.

Most of my experience comes from GoT, and the wikis.
I know some of it. Read two of the books, used to trawl wikis, watched all the seasons of GoT. (Sadly)

Always had a liking for the Iron Islands. They're straight forward folk.

"What is Dead, may never Die."

I'll go look for my House Harlaw character. It was some where here on RPGuild.
Highly doubt you'll have me.

But I'll put down some tentative interest here.

Could dust off my House Harlaw from some time in the past maybe.

Howard rolled his shoulders listening to the information given to him. He nods slowly, "Alright, so we're the tip of the spear. Copy that Queen. Consider any man portables and moving AA operators good as dead." He sniffs and looks to MAzi, "Be ready young lady. And don't worry, you have my fine eye, and the Watchful eye of the Creator to help us." He nods firmly. Then starts his preparations for the jump.

When they are in position he's strapped a chute pack to his back, and as the door opens he's striding up and with a confident leap he's out the door.

He falls for a short while, it's a low drop, so very low opening. And with a yank the chute is out. He has enough time to feel the yank. Ahhh he's not missed that during his so called retirement. He braces, then just as he is about to hit the snow he goes loose, relaxing. he doesn't bother with trying to catch the chute. With one hand he's cutting the lines with his knife and the other is smashing the release clasp letting the chute pack and harness fall away. He could already tell that Dollface had fallen off target abit. He looked around and spotted his own chute fluttering off and then a second way off target. As he was trying to judge if that is where Dollface had landed he hears through his earbead, "Dollface to Lasanga, I’m proceeding to Waypoint 2, shall I proceed, over… Dollface to Lasanga, do you copy, over. He hummed, and sub-vocalized, "Lasagna copies. All Callsigns, Lasanga is beginning a Stalk." To anyone who tried to find his position with just their eyes and normal visual equipment the form of the infamous sniper just seems to vanish into the snow.

And Howard begins to climb. Fading in and out of view, one moment atop a black and white snow covered stone, then gone and a short bit later a white, grey and black ghilled form is sailing over a gap, swinging his picks before clambering up a short cliff. And gone again. It takes him abit. Until finally his voice enters softly over the comms, "Lasagna in position. Overwatch attained."

The view a near perfect firing position. He can see 90% of the base. A few places hidden by larger structures making it harder to get a round in on them, but he can still hit the majority of the base. And he's just far enough that the shot that zings over Dollfaces position is prefaced merely by the buzz of the bullet and not even the sound of the rifle. The round perfectly timed to punch through the chest and the Fatal Tee of a armored man, kicking him back into a cover spot where he won't be found for sometime. "Lasagna to Dollface, proceed. Don't look around young lady. You won't see me, rest assured I have eyes on you."

Down below another round whizzes overhead. It's an incredible shot. Punching through a low wooden divider to punch through two men, dropping them both almost silently, the portable AA launcher one of them holds landing quietly and out of the way.

Howard hums nodding slowly, "Still have it." He turns his scope in time to see the shots put into Dollfaces form. He growls, "Get your head in the game Howard..." He hums then whispers into the comms, "Dollface, Lasagna, lure them to your four o clock about two meters." He watched and waited, "Come on girl...just a little." He took th e first of what he knew is going to be three. Two he can make now, the third has to wait until Dollface moves. The first clatters through a high window. Causing one of the men baring down on Dollface to spin and take an automatic step to his side. The second shot, well Howard figures there are only a few people who could make it. And he's one of them. As the round cuts down, squeezes through a 3 inch wide hole in the wall, and punches right through the soldier who turned. He goes down with barely a gasp. Another Fatal Tee shot. Lasagna then just lightly reorients his sightings, "Just a little Dollface..."

Ban Kingo, Shimura

Ban grinned as the first few people jumped or launched their way out of the tilt rotor. He nodded slowly, "Interesting." He waits, watching, he inches to the edge of the ramp as they come in, "Yoshi...look at that. Seems the advanced teams did their jobs well." He sniffs, turning his head slightly hearing a call for all call signs, "Dollface? What..." He hums and as the ropes are pushed he gets up, "Arigato Queen-senpai." He chuckles and hits the rope. Sliding down, and as soon as he's down whipping out his rifle. Turning and popping the first enemy who comes running to intercept them. It's then he hears the words he wanted to hear the most. He laughs softly over the radio and his non-military background comes out, "Subarashī kuso! Alright. Shimura is moving."

It's a slow movement at first anyway. Telling him he needs some upgrades really. But soon he's in a steady ground eatting stride. He disappears into a maze of containers, small buildings and corridors that gave his style a much better working. Forget the guns. Forget peppering someone with bullets. So dishonorable. The first man to spot him and run towards him, doesn't understand how Shimura seems to go from one side of the path between two buildings to right in front of him. Shimura's blade makes barely a sound as it slides free of the scabbard. Two motions, the blade out takes the tangos hands off at the wrists the second down his back, and it's done. A flick and any residue of blood is purged from the silver blade. And he's still moving.

The sight of his fierce kabuki painted face is a course of surprise to almost all the enemy he encounters. Giving him enough time to get in close. One, two, three no more then four movements to take out the enemy who let Ban get in close.

But he's not without faults. As he's taking care of a group of four soldiers and the last is falling he feels something tear, and he surges forward sliding into cover as someone with an LMG rounds on him, "Damn! Shimura is pinned down, Squad Weapon. Cat walk to the west of the main hanger."

Victor grins brightly, "Honestly I could answer every question you've all just thrown my way, but I think it'd be alot better for you to hear it from the source herself." The limo comes to a stop and Victor's two warrioress amazonian African badasses open the door for them. Victor someone despite havign to climb over everyone ends up getting out first.

And as the others are clamoring out he's already walking into the midst of what looks like a bustling food court yard. People from the neighbourhood gathering to grab food, sit and eat on available space. It's a view of the simpler people oriented things here. Despite it being in a gang infested area, it's a light amid the darkness. The people seem safe and happy to some extent. The actual fighting perhaps far removed? Who really knows. It seems someone is keeping this neighbourhood from going to the dogs anyway.

Before Hayden even thinks of following though he goes over and pops the trunk of the limo, and digs out the guns. No matter how it might seem that Victor thinks it's safe and the two African Amazons seem unarmed, Hayden is paranoid, and maybe a little cracked and he's not going anywhere without his new killer tool. He slings the WW2 era LMG over his shoulder, and waits for the others. He looks around, "I just feel like we ought to have our iron nearby just in case. Just carry it in a way that doesn't look like we're ready to draw." He waits for the others then starts moving in Victor's wake.

They move through the area with all the eateries and kitchens. Hayden grabbing a free sample of some kind of dried meat, he'll get the squirts from something eventually why not risk it early? He gnaws at the rather nice tasting and textured dried something as they follow Victor out of the courtyard and into the shade and shadows cast by the buildings around them. Some looking like apartments, some looking like corrugated sheet metal made houses. There's brick in places, or mud walls in others. It's a mish mash of the poorer styles of building all over the place.

And then suddenly light. Ahead Victor is throwing his arms open and calling, "Melani! Baby! I've come back!"

The sight that greets the four mercs though as they enter the light is something almost out of a horror movie perhaps. There are people trussed up on walls, hanging by chains, hooks and rope. Atleast three bodies hung from balconies around the large open area. The evidence of having been hung with barbed wire clear as day. Makeshift cages and cells built into the ground. Gang members patrolling the area. And others on the roof tops around. Most of them armed like the toughs and mercs they've seen already.

And sitting on a throne made of what looks like an old buss engine, and four seperate cars is a woman with long dread locks, tattoos and scars on her face, and swinging a long thing shiv in one hand around like it's a conductors baton. She looks over and spots Victor then Hayden, Sean, Bethan and Katrina. The woman, obviously Melani growls, "Victor, what the shit are you doing here again? And who the fuck are those four? You're bringing people here without letting me know? Who the fuck are they?"

And Victor, only grins, as if the horror of the yard around them is invisible to the man.
Sorry for the long wait I have a post in the works. Just had a very hefty week so far.

Give me abit longer.

I beg your pardon? My soul and mind are pure as fresh powder on the face of the Rocky Mountains. The nerve of some people.


I see my one off has been brought new life. Hahaha I shall always remember the original though

oops I must have missed that. I'll go read over it again and make some changes.


Post has been changed to add the agreement. Sorry about that Gunther, I must have lost it in that knot of text there. Terribly sorry.
@Jamesyco @VeyrinDay @FourtyTwo @Laser Kiwi @Gunther

Howard Davis

Howard sighed heavily. And shook his had, "Calls to mind very dark memories of the American Indian and First Nations people." He shakes his head and shrugs going back to his drink for now. He can't exactly fault Oliver really. But yeah can't change everyones mind. He just hums then leans forward. Here comes another of the Crazies in this group. Not that he's one to talk. He did business with a whole other group of crazies before. This is just a new batch. It almost felt like he's the only normal one of this crew really. But they all meshed and gelled rather well so why change anything. Crazy can be good.

Ban Kingo

Ban got to his feet and went to the fridge, out from it he pulled some pork cutlets and smiled, on went an apron...where he got it anyone has yet to find out. It's like he just pulls it out of thin air. He's even managed to produce it out in the field when he's making scorpion kabobs. And to the counters he goes. Reaching up towards the rack of cooking implements he brought with him. Fine Japanese style cooking ware. Knifes and cleavers that have their own hamon. The knives, forks and tongs cleaned and honed to mirror finishes. Out from the wood block he keeps them in, he looks at the edge then passes a Honing Steel stick over his knives quickly. He nods, "Now let's see...a fine cut. Yes this won't take long."

Ban can be a whirling dervish of death and blood on the battle field. But to see him working in the kitchen, gives another angle to his craft. The Pork is sliced carefully, and added to a pan he's prepared, the sizzle of the meat as it hits the oil, spices and a light sauce he mixed up being added. A back up wok because he failed to get his premium one used with oil and water, various vegetables. He's a ever moving image of precision and care as he works. The scent of cooking food soon filling that corner of the rec room. A grin of pure unadulterated professionalism on his face.

The appetizers are brought out while he's cooking. Grabbing one of the bottles of whiskey at one time. Turning to the crew and with a grin, a turn of his hand and WOOSH! A tower of flame as the whiskey is added to the pork. Crackling and fire and back onto the heat. An artist in the kitchen, a beast on the battlefield.

Before too long he serving plates of well cooked whiskey and homemade hoisin cooked pork slices with a wok cooked vegetables with a hint of a spice. Elegant for something he just tossed together. As he cleans his tools, he watches from the kitchen, the biggest smile on his face as he samples his own creation.

Later during the briefing

Ban is finishing clean up and listening closely to the briefing. He hums, "A time locked vault. Expensive. Useful." He sniffs and finishes with his cleaning. Listening close. The Ex-Yakuza's eyes darting around as orders are given. And then they are moving to get kitted up.

Howard moves as soon as the order is given. He's making his way over to his little corner of the armory. He nods to Skye, "Long Rifle, Arctic Ghille, picks and cleats." He nods looking at his equipment, pulling things off the wall. The Lynx of course. Kitted to hit flesh just as hard as it hits materials. In other words there will be quite abit of red mist when he's done. And from the mass of hand made, carefully kept ghilles at white, silver and grey cape ghille, with white, grey, and black toned jacket, shirt, pants and boots. He's quickly dabbing on his Hunters Mask paint. Then grabbing the rest of his kit. A snap-click the bow is small enough to carry across his chest, the quiver at his hip. Tomahawks, bone handle knife, back up carbine. And then the Lynx. And in place of where Howard was shortly before a Yeti. Holding a rifle big enough to take out a light armored vehicle.

Ban is also at his section of the armory. Armor, padded hat, the whole she-bang before he even touches his weapons. His rifle strapped across hia back, machine pistol at his hip. And then with reverence and care he pulls the katana out of it's padded position. A light jerk and the blade slides free, silver edge, with the almost tsunami wave like hamon of the blade gleaming. He checks it for defects, brushing aside abit of fluff from after he drew it. Careful not to touch the mono-molecular edge of the blade. Then with care the scabbard slide back over the blade, and he's belting it to his side.

Their outfitting complete Ban heads to the helipad, using the time to walk there to paint on a a kabuki mask. Waiting by the V22 for the rest of the team before he boards.

Howard joins the early birds at the helipad, decked out in ghille, rifle most apparent held over his shoulder. He looks about, in his off hand he's carrying a parachute pack, ready to strap on and go. He boarded up behind Ban when he does and plunked himself down beside Mazi, "Lasagna ready." He nods to her as he eases down.

Ban took a seat turning just as he does as Mazi waves at him. He leans over, "Yes Zamiyr-san?" The questions if he could carry the blasting caps is asked and he hums, "I shall give them to you before I enter close combat with the enemy then." He nods taking the wooden box, and carefully placing it within the small combat pack he has on his back, as he perfers to travel light when in combat.
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