Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


Howard rolled his shoulders listening to the information given to him. He nods slowly, "Alright, so we're the tip of the spear. Copy that Queen. Consider any man portables and moving AA operators good as dead." He sniffs and looks to MAzi, "Be ready young lady. And don't worry, you have my fine eye, and the Watchful eye of the Creator to help us." He nods firmly. Then starts his preparations for the jump.

When they are in position he's strapped a chute pack to his back, and as the door opens he's striding up and with a confident leap he's out the door.

He falls for a short while, it's a low drop, so very low opening. And with a yank the chute is out. He has enough time to feel the yank. Ahhh he's not missed that during his so called retirement. He braces, then just as he is about to hit the snow he goes loose, relaxing. he doesn't bother with trying to catch the chute. With one hand he's cutting the lines with his knife and the other is smashing the release clasp letting the chute pack and harness fall away. He could already tell that Dollface had fallen off target abit. He looked around and spotted his own chute fluttering off and then a second way off target. As he was trying to judge if that is where Dollface had landed he hears through his earbead, "Dollface to Lasanga, I’m proceeding to Waypoint 2, shall I proceed, over… Dollface to Lasanga, do you copy, over. He hummed, and sub-vocalized, "Lasagna copies. All Callsigns, Lasanga is beginning a Stalk." To anyone who tried to find his position with just their eyes and normal visual equipment the form of the infamous sniper just seems to vanish into the snow.

And Howard begins to climb. Fading in and out of view, one moment atop a black and white snow covered stone, then gone and a short bit later a white, grey and black ghilled form is sailing over a gap, swinging his picks before clambering up a short cliff. And gone again. It takes him abit. Until finally his voice enters softly over the comms, "Lasagna in position. Overwatch attained."

The view a near perfect firing position. He can see 90% of the base. A few places hidden by larger structures making it harder to get a round in on them, but he can still hit the majority of the base. And he's just far enough that the shot that zings over Dollfaces position is prefaced merely by the buzz of the bullet and not even the sound of the rifle. The round perfectly timed to punch through the chest and the Fatal Tee of a armored man, kicking him back into a cover spot where he won't be found for sometime. "Lasagna to Dollface, proceed. Don't look around young lady. You won't see me, rest assured I have eyes on you."

Down below another round whizzes overhead. It's an incredible shot. Punching through a low wooden divider to punch through two men, dropping them both almost silently, the portable AA launcher one of them holds landing quietly and out of the way.

Howard hums nodding slowly, "Still have it." He turns his scope in time to see the shots put into Dollfaces form. He growls, "Get your head in the game Howard..." He hums then whispers into the comms, "Dollface, Lasagna, lure them to your four o clock about two meters." He watched and waited, "Come on girl...just a little." He took th e first of what he knew is going to be three. Two he can make now, the third has to wait until Dollface moves. The first clatters through a high window. Causing one of the men baring down on Dollface to spin and take an automatic step to his side. The second shot, well Howard figures there are only a few people who could make it. And he's one of them. As the round cuts down, squeezes through a 3 inch wide hole in the wall, and punches right through the soldier who turned. He goes down with barely a gasp. Another Fatal Tee shot. Lasagna then just lightly reorients his sightings, "Just a little Dollface..."

Ban Kingo, Shimura

Ban grinned as the first few people jumped or launched their way out of the tilt rotor. He nodded slowly, "Interesting." He waits, watching, he inches to the edge of the ramp as they come in, "Yoshi...look at that. Seems the advanced teams did their jobs well." He sniffs, turning his head slightly hearing a call for all call signs, "Dollface? What..." He hums and as the ropes are pushed he gets up, "Arigato Queen-senpai." He chuckles and hits the rope. Sliding down, and as soon as he's down whipping out his rifle. Turning and popping the first enemy who comes running to intercept them. It's then he hears the words he wanted to hear the most. He laughs softly over the radio and his non-military background comes out, "Subarashī kuso! Alright. Shimura is moving."

It's a slow movement at first anyway. Telling him he needs some upgrades really. But soon he's in a steady ground eatting stride. He disappears into a maze of containers, small buildings and corridors that gave his style a much better working. Forget the guns. Forget peppering someone with bullets. So dishonorable. The first man to spot him and run towards him, doesn't understand how Shimura seems to go from one side of the path between two buildings to right in front of him. Shimura's blade makes barely a sound as it slides free of the scabbard. Two motions, the blade out takes the tangos hands off at the wrists the second down his back, and it's done. A flick and any residue of blood is purged from the silver blade. And he's still moving.

The sight of his fierce kabuki painted face is a course of surprise to almost all the enemy he encounters. Giving him enough time to get in close. One, two, three no more then four movements to take out the enemy who let Ban get in close.

But he's not without faults. As he's taking care of a group of four soldiers and the last is falling he feels something tear, and he surges forward sliding into cover as someone with an LMG rounds on him, "Damn! Shimura is pinned down, Squad Weapon. Cat walk to the west of the main hanger."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by VeyrinDay
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VeyrinDay Appreciatrix of Beauties

Member Seen 5 days ago


Do people dream when they are unconscious?

Su-Cheong stood in line among the other candidates, her look was quite discernable from others. One factor was because of her posture, even though she was quite above average in her height for her kind, she still looked small compared to the others who were present. Another factor was that Su-Cheong was the only woman among the selected candidates. The drill sergeant noticed and approached her as he inspected the group. Su-Cheong was positioned in front of the line, quite prominent for the sergeant. He looked at Su-Cheong's name tag on her uniform then moved his eyes to face hers.

"What's your name, Private?"

"Private Su-Cheong Kim, Drill Sergeant!"

"Well I don't pronounce that name your tag the way you say it, Private! Starting from now, you are Dollface! Do you understand, Private?"

"Yes, Drill Sergeant!"

"Now what's your name, Private?"

"Private Dollface, Drill Sergeant!"

"Good!" The Sergeant then addressed all who stood there. "I never expect to have a woman to be among you ladies who manage to not quit until now. Luck is not why you are here, so either she is truly qualified or she has slept with our profiler to get her way here. Now I'm going to change some rules, if you ladies can not perform better than this Dollface, then you're not fit to continue. Do you understand?!"

"Yes, Drill Sergeant!"

Do people dream when they are unconscious?

Su-Cheong woke up with a long gasp, she tried to regain the situational awareness and recall on what had just happened. She remembered the bullets that hit around her body put her hand on where they landed. The pain coming from the concussions was there, but Su-Cheong's gloved hand did not spot any blood. The feature of her infiltration suit managed to protect her from those shots and keep her body temperature steady. Getting unconscious around this area could be dangerous as the body temperature might drop.

"Dollface to Queen reporting, agent compromised, minimal wound, equipment scattered, moving to designated point, requesting backup."

Su-Cheong looked around just in case the hunter-killer squad members were still around. As she found her rather safe, Su-Cheong immediately brought herself to cover. The only thing she was able to keep were her armor and ammunition pack, her utility belt, and her PDW. It was quite lucky that her multi-channel goggle was there too and could still be turned on. She then moved to cover herself from any potential detections.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 3 days ago

Mazi was ready to follow Queen and Shimura off the ramp. The fat rope was hanging from the rear of the fuselage. Queen slid down the rope, with Shimura right behind her. Mazi ran, jumped, grabbed for the rope, caught it and slid to the ground. Shimura went off to the right, dispatching a fireteam. Mazi heard him call out, "Damn! Shimura is pinned down, Squad Weapon. Catwalk to the west of the main hanger." ‘Sounds like an RPD,’ Mazi thought to herself. It has a familiar ring to it. She’d heard it several times in her past.

She had been prepared to grab the submachine gun if the bad guys were close, but they remained distant. She pulled her Tavor 7 assault rifle up as she dove to a prone position. The burst of rounds from the LMG were obvious, pointing back to the firing point. She quickly brough her sights up and sent two rounds in succession in that direction. The firing stopped. “Go Shimura! Go!” she yelled as the RPD gunner was silenced.

As she lay on the field where the Osprey deposited her and her teammates, she could see targets of opportunity jump into her field of view. She rapidly squeezed the trigger in a controlled manner so as to not make the rifle jump unnecessarily. The enemy soldiers fell before her muzzle as they attempted to push in her general direction. She could see Shimura move as she engaged targets. He eventually dropped and began firing, which gave her an opportunity to advance on the compound.

She moved up about thirty meters and took cover behind a large electrical box. She spied around the side of the box and could see no targets. Moving to the opposite side of the box, she sprinted forward another thirty meters and went to ground. She continued this procedure until she reached the structure they were assaulting.


Instead of waiting for Shimura to join her, she glanced inside the room, could not tell if there was anyone inside or not. She flattened against the wall outside pulling out a fragmentation grenade in her right hand. She then pulled the pin with her left and released the spoon, which flipped up, initiating the fuze. ‘One-one thousand, two-one thousand,’ counting to herself, allowing the first two seconds to cook off the grenade. Then she tossed it inside and flattened herself against the wall again. Waiting the additional two and a half seconds was enough to switch to the submachine gun. Both weapons were slung over her shoulder. Changing weapons was a simple act of pushing the assault rifle to the rear and grabbing the SMG forward.

Following the explosion, she announced, “Going Left!” She raised the SMG so the extended buttstock was in the pocket of her shoulder, eyes peering over the sights of the weapon with a slight bend in the waist. She entered the room quickly, not hanging out in the funnel of death otherwise known as the doorway. She did not see anyone upon her initial entry but moved off to the left corner. After turning in toward the room, someone entered from a far door, roughly ten meters away. Squeezing the trigger for a short burst, maybe 3 to 5 rounds, the newcomer crumpled to the floor. She made it to the far side of the room where that last casualty entered from and paused.

She noticed two casualties in this room and recalled the ones laying about outside. All were carrying Soviet-era equipment. ‘If I had known the OPFOR were carrying these, I would have brought my Kalashnikov and Grach. That way I could use their ammunition.’ The thought quickly passed through her mind and then it was gone. The Tavor uses 5.56x45mm or 7.62x51mm NATO ammunition and the Kalashnikov uses 7.62x39mm or 5.45x38 Soviet ammunition.

Soviet 7.62mm on the left and NATO 7.62mm on the right.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Laura yelled out, as the flames wrought higher and the immmediate fire that was raining down on the heavies seemed to get a very literal response. A flick of her HUD and a few mini-missiles were away, targetting one of the stray Lynx helicopters that Tiny Nord hadn't gotten, the close range making countermeasures hard to stop, as the rounds pattered across the suit's surface. A strange feeling, it should have meant anyone else was being turned into Swiss cheese, but in a place that felt almost a bit like home, Laura knew she wasn't going to be when encased in this. Even then, best not to get too cocky- a Trophy system could stop AT, but it could only do so much at close quarters, and well, she didn't want to go up that fast in flames.


The rounds were coming in thick and fast though, so before she got torn up by another group readying more AT, she found a container and took a moment to reassess, knowing that Thirteen was also taking some hits too.
"Nice shooting Tiny Nord, you don't fuck around! Keep at the helis, I've got the others!" She called out, turning a corner and another squad finding themselves to be barbecue fodder...wait, she should add that to the fuel, BBQ mix! The thought went quickly as the large German hustled away from the container, lobbing a couple of CS grenades forwards to provide smoke and further infantry suppression. Keeping them bunched up was perfect, because she went from . All while humming Ramstein, all over comms, loudly. Whatever wires were in her head were most certainly crossed, but somehow, she knew Oliver was enjoying this as much as she was.

The next five minutes and the scene went from just a few exploded missile launchers and AA sites to a full blown hellhole, helicopters dead, and a lot of fire everywhere. It was a sight to say the least, and the Heavies weren't even done yet. Getting shot at and the gentle patter was muted by the sound of an engaged gas cylinder, and the German doing what she did best, setting fire to anything and anyone smart enough to run the fuck away hitting either Thirteen's railgun or Tiny Nord's .50 minigun.


The Scottish team leader took into account the situation that had now made itself clear- the place was in full chaos, the infiltration team had run into some issues but they had done their job now she looked at the AA platforms more and more. Still, she had to get onto them, and knew with what Su-Cheong had just gotten herself into, a message did need to be sent.


"Copy that, Dollface- Lasanga, get on lending her a hand. Comms went dark there, no idea what happened, but one of those helis must have been carrying a signal jammer. Glad to hear you're okay, just get yourself to safety. Scavenge what you can and regroup on the mountain, we'll survive down here. Jaguar, you're up- get yourself into that server room, attention should be off you so cloak your way in. We'll meet you there." Skye added, pushing herself through the container and cabin maze outside the large open hangar built into the rockface, laying in fire into another team on the top of a catwalk. She knew she'd seriously underplayed what Su-Cheong had gone through, but right now, they were all a bit tied up- and she was alive, and capable enough of keeping herself going, Skye reasoned. A debrief would come later, but saying that over the radio was going to get no friends and no trust back. She was able to control her team like that- be helpful when she needed to be, and be blunt at other times.

Still, she had places to be. And the bit that never got old for Skye, as she lept upwards, and with a solid push from the exo and the jump-jet, leaping onto the first level, and followed it again up onto the next catwalk group, aware the boosters would likely be strained under that pressure, but it would have plenty of time to cool and to calm itself down. A few soldiers up top were in cover when she cleared the safety barrier, skidding in, with barely any time to react onto that said catwalk, and she had no problems making an introduction.

"Morning, boys." The MG3 barked back, and the small fireteam were gone, as the Scot looked down, at the top level of the gantries and now in a position to see what was going on.

Laura had pushed into the large hangar also, the big girl the main point of attraction, taking a lot of rifle fire from the end of the hangar, the point at which the office began and the actual servers themselves were stored inside beyond the main staging point here. Moving slow but between a few more shipping containers, she had turned a lot more infantry into ash, not needing today to switch to her axe nor SMGs for the time being. That said, what sounded like the noise of an autocannon spooling up past her container made even the usually fearless heavy buckle towards cover, the noise of a CV90 IFV firing up and firing literally on her position, splintering metal everywhere from the container making a point of its own.

"Schiesse, nothing I can do about that!" Laura called out, knowing the mini-missiles wouldn't get the curve they needed, well, not from her position. She switched to one of her MP7s, one-handed wielding it at a group of infantry trying to get the slip on her, dirty fuckers they were probably distracted when they got round her rear. Cheeky, but Laura internally guessed it was always that fatal attraction of some bored soldiers...well, a good thought to have when not trying to get torn apart by a 40mm cannon.

In the meantime, the Scottish operative took cover on one of the gantries, plying down fire with the MG3 down into the lower levels. She took the MAAWS back into hand upon hearing Laura's call, and with a gentle move, picked it up. Right on top, she let loose and the round tore through the top of the IFV, blasting it apart quickly and heating up the cold hangar some more. With the team pushing in, Grey Wolf taking the lower level and Shimura the bottom, it was clear to see how fast they could move in on this. The element of Black Flag that existed here was far larger, but the team had effectively punched through so quickly that the rest of the company wouldn't be able to react in time. Get in fast, and whoever was left would want to run instead of fight.

"Sorted, Bertha. Queen to all jeavies, keeping clearing that floor and cover our rears. Lights, tell me you're all good- get yourselves regrouped and snipe anything that's left, or get yourself into position to shoot anyone else on the mountain- and Jaguar, tell me when you're in. Shimura, Grey Wolf, we have the office to clear."

From there, she moved across into what looked like another room, skidding into cover when another fireteam emerged, the troop getting the jump on her, a first for the day. No matter- Skye had the edge, sliding a V40 off the wall, before using her MG3 to suppress the area and then relocate, then pinning more unaccurate, yet effective fire to cut them back to size. It was quick, but enough to at least anchor up the top, aware that the teams below her were doing their jobs just as effectively. The CV90 being dead meant that the Heavies weren't at least as much under threat, but there were a lot of RPGs and various munitions being thrown at them, enough at least for Skye and the mediums to make their way through.

Leaping down took two phases- she had to use the MG3 to take down a few enemies beneath on the catwalk she was going to, aware that Grey Wolf hadn't gotten to those yet, still engaging across the various rooms on each side, while Skye had literally gone point to point, no stairs required. Skye then took that leap, clearing the barrier and using the exoskeleton's jump-jet and skeleton to take the impact, rolling it out as she did, before moving to the concrete floor itself, skidding off a container and onto the floor clumsily, but enough to keep her from hurting anything. It was a good opportunity, and a chance to be a rally point for Shimura and Grey Wolf, taking the chance to also reload her MG3 whilst in a position of cover by the rest of the team.

The next section for the mediums was an office area- at the back of the hangars, it seemed like a regular office, perhaps almost like a stationary department, but for well, a high-tech top-secret data facility that wanted to be out of sight. And no doubt crawling with more enemies, more likely than not well-trained ones too. Through there they could make it to the servers, and likely where Jaguar had already made it through to shore up anyone breaking in. The Heavies had the floor still, and everything outside to clear- and plenty more well-armed hostiles very aware of just what they were up against now.


"Be ready for anything. Remember, nobody wants those data drives destroyed, and we can't let them turn their guns inward. What's on it is not worth asking about, but it certainly has your maw's search history on it." The Scottish team lead called back to Shimura and Grey Wolf, Skye's fierce look truly one that seemed to command a certain respect to it, someone capable at being clear and calm under pressure, yet equally as lethal and as versatile as her team. A certain swagger, the exo still going as pacy as Skye could as she moved them through the next corridor and headed for that office block, deeper into the facility that may as well have been a dungeon at this point. Hell, this was ringing out a lot like one of the team's D&D games now, the more she thought about it...

Shimura would no doubt have the chance to get in close here, and Skye knew her and Grey Wolf could do the damage to the rest of the office, using grenades and smoke to filter out any of the more stubborn enemies too. The AA-12 now in hand over the MG3, Skye checked the next corner, and nodding to Grey Wolf and Shimura, got ready for the next, the elegant redhead holding her own as an member of the team on the frontline.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


"Arigato Grey Wolf." Shimura growled out. He twisted out of cover. Reaching down to grab his machine pistol off his harness. Dashing into the open and spraying up at where the LMG was then spraying at another baddy who made the mistake of sticking their head out of cover. A rapid burst of rounds almost took the entire head off.

Clearing the open area Shimura linked up with Queen and Grey Wolf. He reloaded the swift firing machine pistol. Keeping it out and ready. The other holding his Katana low and ready. Ban edged his way into the building leading ahead of him with the light machine pistol, ready to add its withering fire in a moment. His sword held in a reverse hammer position for now, he almost itched to just charge ahead.

That first corner had the ex-yakuza roll across covering down the hall. Only following once Queen nodded. Now ready for close contact. They kept moving. Making ready for the contact that is sure to come any moment.


Invisible, the hunter is still and quiet. He puts snow in his mouth so no one can see his breath.


An enemy running for an emplacement goes down rag dulling before laying still in a wash of limp limbs.


Another man goes down. May have been a medic as he had been running to the other one that just went down. The Hunter feels bad for a short time.

The Hunter goes back to his creed. He aims for the heart or the Fatal T. Shots there will always end in a kill.


Two quick rounds. One shooting the RPG 7 out of the hands of thean about to use it, the second tears his chest open from a body shot. Messy but the Hunter takes what he can.

The hunter slowly scans the land below. Seeing Dollface get up. That saving shot early giving her the time to recover. He nodded slowly, too deep in the zone now to want to vocalize anything.


Another shoot, the bullet ricochet off a wall and punches the person who is in half cover off their feet landing hard on several canister below. It's not a clear kill but it's okay in the end.

The Hunter checks his magazine, empty, he sighs carefully removing the spent container before carefully sliding a new one in and recovering a round.

The Hunters work is not done. There is still more prey.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by VeyrinDay
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VeyrinDay Appreciatrix of Beauties

Member Seen 5 days ago


Bare minimum for quick operation, so Su-Cheong believed she was in such situation. However, this was what the young woman had been trained to adapt. Being cut from the rest of the team with no intel from high-ups to rely upon was the way any strategists would inflict against common soldiers to render them incapable in completing their tasks. However, Su-Cheong was not an ordinary soldier. The Program had given her the necessary training to keep her going independently, both to survive and to complete the mission as much as she could.

Su-Cheong understood that the situation might render herself deprived from any backup she needed, however urgent or necessary it might seem. She prepared her mind to establish a clear pathway that she could use to reach her second objective. The chaotic formation at the valley was her opportunity; Su-Cheong decided to disguise herself as one of the Black Flag soldier. The commando personnel scattered around her who had been shot from the distance, seemingly by Lasagna himself, offered another chance for her to take their gear for her disguise. However, these kind of personnel might have some complicated procedures and code-signs which Su-Cheong had likely not recognized well.

The young woman chose to slide down into the wooded valley, where the company formation of the soldiers posted on the mountain scattered. These people gave her more opportunity for her to blend in, along with spare weapons, ammunition, and equipment to loot. Her PDW should be used with discretion as Su-Cheong needed their gears intact, especially the uniform for her disguise. Like a prowling predatory animal hunting her prey, Su-Cheong approached her target, the tree formation hid her well enough. She watched the movements of her targets, their pattern, and her chance to take them one by one. Su-Cheong only needed one uniform for her disguise, something that an officer would wear, and she had determined the leader of this platoon to be her special prey.

Though these soldiers moved in groups –a fireteam so Su-Cheong calculated, their formation seemed to be less methodical. This woman was able to quickly eliminate any soldiers who got isolated from the rest of their teammates. A tree blocked their line of sight, shot! A straggler got lured, shot! The armor-piercing bullets Su-Cheong had for her silenced PDW was enough to gradually wipe an entire unit. A personnel went down, followed by the teammate, then an entire fireteam, then an entire squad. An increase of awareness built up on their comm-links, but Su-Cheong’s software infiltrated their radio frequency and mimicked the dummy status report every time the platoon commander ordered for one.

Regardless, she had to be quick; Su-Cheong took an explosive device and put it in some place, then bolted away to other direction. The time-controlled activation mechanism triggered the explosion and took away the focus of the platoon HQ team toward where the explosion came from. Su-Cheong quickly eliminated the platoon HQ team with her sequence of shooting. The commander noticed the rest of his team were eliminated and ran away toward the less open ground. He thought he was more secure, but a hunter would have more chance to get close.

Su-Cheong quickly attacked when she was able to see the commander’s back. Using the harness Su-Cheong had on her, she rolled it around her target’s neck and tightly pulled it. The process had some moments of violent reactions from the chocked commander, so much for being stealthy for Su-Cheong. He eventually stopped moving, the commander’s gear was intact without even one bullet hole. Su-Cheong quickly disguised herself as the platoon commander, adapting to the rank he had possessed and any numbers he once had around his uniform. The recording software she ran previously was able to sample his muffled scream. Beneath the goggle and mask Su-Cheong wore no one would notice that this was not the platoon commander the enemy supposed to be.

“Dollface to Queen reporting, approaching second objective, False Flag applied, I say again False Flag applied, over.”

Su-Cheong had very little ammunition for her PDW, but luckily the standard weaponry she was using for her disguise had a lot of spare ammunitions for her to loot from the eliminated soldiers around her. The assault rifle she was holding had an option of automatic shoots; she preferred to have it in semi-auto mode regardless. The weight of her weapons burdened her for an infiltration-type mission so she had to drop some, including her PDW as she preferred the precision of her handgun. “So much for a stealth…” Su-Cheong hated when she had to drop the gear she had prepared from home base.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mateo Secada

"Roger that Queen," Mateo replied and took a look around for an opening. He was hiding behind some boxes and scanning the scene. The rest of the group sure knows how to make an appearance as the AA was taken out. Seeing how active the Black Flag goons are, the scene looks like chaos. The perfect situation he can be in, and it should be easy to make his way to the server room. Just need an opening.

Though there is still the matter of dealing with the SPAAGs that Mateo has not dealt with yet. But, since those were made for anti-air and the rest of the team has landed safely. Then they seemed like less a target now, and they are only suitable for anti-air. They can't just start to now down infantry since they literally can't angle the guns down that low, and the rest of the team could finish them off once the server room is cleared. Which stopping Black Flag from getting the data they want and making sure they do not mess with the data in the server room takes priority.

So, Mateo made his choice, and once he saw an opening, he took it. Moving his cloaked self from cover to cover. Careful not to accidentally bump into an enemy soldier. Good thing they seemed more concerned about the rest of the team than to worry about a possible infiltrator. So after some time, Mateo reached the entrance to the server room. Only to find it being guarded by two soldiers. It makes sense that there would be someone to guard the entrance to the server room. Mateo thought as he took cover behind a wall. Looking down at his pistol, and now is the time to use it. So after taking aim, Mateo quickly shot both of the soldiers in the head. Both of them dropped to the ground, and Mateo thought that was it.

But, as he made sure no one noticed the dropped men and reached the door. He found that it was locked. "Of course, they locked it, must have done it when they were alerted to the noise of battle outside." Still, not a problem for him, and since most doors, these days have an electronic lock. Meaning he can hack it, and put his pistol away, and reached for his datapad on his left forearm. Activating it and used it to connect to the electronic door lock. "Bingo," he chirped once that he could connect to the lock and started to hack the door. It did not take long to unlock it, and the Black Flag inside are bound to noticed soon that the door is unlocked.

Entering the room, and before he went further inside, he reported back to Queen. "Queen, this is Jaguar, I am in the server room, and the door is open for you and the others to enter and waiting for you here, over." So with that, he chose to guard the door and make sure it says open. Hopefully, Queen and the rest come soon, and he got out his HDaewoo Telecom K7. Feeling it was the time for it and for now. He awaits the rest of the team.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 3 days ago

Mazi Zamiyr

“My pleasure, Shimura,” Mazi acknowledged his gratitude for eliminating the individual who had him pinned down on the catwalk as they were approaching the structure.

Mazi waited at the next opening for her team to gather. "Be ready for anything. Remember, nobody wants those data drives destroyed, and we can't let them turn their guns inward. What's on it is not worth asking about, but it certainly has your maw's search history on it," her team leader cautioned her on situational awareness, not destroying the data drives.

The former Israeli special operations soldier took a quick peek into the room and popped back behind cover immediately. “Corridor extending away from us for twenty meters, three doors on each side, left and right, and one at the far end, no hostiles. Going left!” She let Ban and Skye know they were entering a corridor with possibly three rooms on each side, maybe the doors lead to closets or staircases? She wouldn’t know until they tried the doors. With her team behind her, she quickly went through the funnel of death and just as quickly moved into the left corner with her submachine gun held up just under her eye.

Her body was slightly bent forward as the rest of the team joined her. Maybe a door lead to a staircase, Ban could use to find another floor to clear?

Mazi moved forward along the left side of the corridor scanning to her front in case someone popped out. When she arrived at the first door on the left, she tried the doorknob. It was unlocked and opened inward. She listened at the door. Hearing nothing, she switched to her sidearm, slowly turned the knob and pushed inward, “Going right she whispered.” As she entered the room, she could not help but look over her left shoulder behind the door. She looked at some tables and chairs, gray metal cabinets along the far wall and a few portraits of snow covered mountains. She held the pistol out in front of her as she moved towards the right corner, while scanning the room. There were no living people. Before the others could enter the room, she yelled, “clear!”

Mazi returned to the hall to clear out the other rooms while advancing down the hall.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 8 days ago

Oliver Black

"I thank you Miss Bertha, but..." he saw one coming over the ridgeling and tracers spat from where he stood. He took a deep breath, and let them fly as best as they could towards the helicopter slowly coming into view. "They aren't bunched up... and are coming in ones or two's thankfully, if you see one let me know... until then, I am going to try making it to the peak so I can have better coverage over the area."

He would continue and finish his burst of .50 before he started the process of reloading, he dropped his pack, and lifted another one up moving it to his back, and around his shoulders. He pulled the ties close around and he found himself pulling it into the feed. He would start towards the pod, finding himself at where he was to come out, he pulled the door off, and started to pull things on top of it, taking a dangling cord, and using it as a sled as he would start to ascend up the slopes.

He heard another and started looking around, trying to find which way it was going to come from, "Hey, we got one more... I can't see it where I'm at."

He looked around and pressed his lips together, and he lifted his gun, "maybe two... the engines are echoing off the peaks."

Tiny Nord looked and sighed a bit, mounting himself, his eyes scanning the peaks, and the valley he could see. He would keep moving his vision back and forth, hating every moment of being there where he did not have a good view of the area. He took the cord in his spare hand with his shield, and kept moving, his back towards the way he was travelling.

"Yea, I can't see him, anyone have eyes on?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago



The scene outside in the winding road upward into the mountain in the green wooded valley was chaotic to say the least, dead helicopters, squads and anything else being pciked paart.

Black Flag had one last card left to play, however. They had what appeared to be a couple of Pandur IFVs coming up the hill with 20mm autocannons and ATGM missiles attached, the eight-wheeled Austrian IFVs packing a serious amount of firepower, and a cutting edge piece of equipment. This wasn't a shitty BMP, this was something that was well armed, and both were even equipped with Trophy Systems- so would need to be taken down through other means than firing an RPG at it, but with bullets or something ele. The lights would be relatively underequipped to take on that fight, but they did have one thing up their sleeve- between both Su-Cheong and Howard, they'd be virtually unknown to the enemy and in a place where they could intercept it.

There was about a squad's worth of troops to deal with too. But if the IFVs reached the base, they'd encircle the heavies.

"Copy, Dollface, Lasanga. There's gonna be more coming. Go finish the job." Skye simply replied to them, the Scot moving forwards as Mazi and Ban cleared the forward area.


@Jamesyco@Laser Kiwi

The scene in the hangar and at the front of the base was also a maelstrom to say the least, and the fire and ballistic damage to Black Flag's heavily armoured troops were getting ripped to pieces. Laura now was going further into the hangar, and had the last remennants to clear, the flamer moving around past the containers and starting the fire again, a squad unfortunately in her path as she roasted them alive, another throwing an RPG near her as her Trophy didn't even pick it up and it went flying past her big side, the suited pyro then burning that soldier alive to show her appreciation. It was hardly Geneva Convention stuff, but hey, who was regulating this facility anyway? When the rules were broken, every one of the others seemed to join it.

Taking rounds always felt odd, as she lobbed a couple of incendiaries over a container and omminously walked over, the large German then setting fire to that area, the last little pocket in here driven out as another soldier got a solid bead on her and unloaded his AK into her helplessly, Laura only making sure it was quick. She didn't really think about it much, there was so much fire after all, the smell of home-brew sticky napalm was delicious, an addictive, aromatic fragrance that now lined the entire place, perhaps a little too much. Bullets were a point, fire had none apart from destroying all it touched.

With that, Laura heard the call from the other Heavy, trying to take down the helicopters.

"No eyes on...wait, Tiny Nord, did you go up the mountain?"

The last Lynx came around and with a hail of Hydra rockets managed to blast the area near the top, exposing itself but unloading a small shit-ton of munitions near him. Likely with the intent of realising if they couldn't find the .50 cal minigun firing on them that it was best to take down the whole slope. It wouldn't have been where Howard was on another face, but it would have riled him, that was for sure, as the rockets blasted apart the snowpack and rockface to create a small avalanche.

Laura could see through her tactical link just where he was, and watching the massive pile of snow, debris and crap coming down right at the front of the hangar- not enough to block it but enough to cover a good portion was something she prayed he wasn't in. He was way too hot for that, not in the pyro sense but the...other sense?

"Tiny Nord...you better not be getting buried up there, or else I'm gonna have to put my fat ass in that snow and find you, how copy!?" Laura seemed almost a little sarcastic more than anything else. More likely than not he'd avoided it, but if he hadn't killed that heli, she was gonna be up against more with Thirteen in support.

"Queen, Big Bertha has cleared the hangar out of anything else left. Recomend you use the corridors to leave, lots of fire here, and I can feel the heat in this thing and uhh, it is sweaty as fu..."

"Donnae' give us details, Bertha. Nicely done. You three secure that area, and help the lights down the valley below. We're nearly done here. Let's get it done." Skye replied, watching ahead as they carried on moving, slowly and tactically through the corridors into the main area itself.



The soldiers that Mateo was no doubt worried about did make their way over, moving in, and it was something that Skye responded to, guessing Jaguar had gone ahead and sliced his way inside. Now he was there, no doubt he would see the scale of the operation here, row after row of servers deep inside a dark, secured room. A timeclock meant the data couldn't be removed without destroying it, and that clock was counting down into minutes now, nor hours. Raven had turned up at the exact moment they were thinking they'd get it- a specific choice to catch them off-guard through a hasty assault.

But the soldiers were there to destroy it, and find out who the hell had breached their defenses. Infiltrators were something they knew of, but perhaps not just how capable Jaguar would be.

"Copy, Jaguar. If you're in, get ready for more of them to come, the system says it doesn't have long at all to go. The system is on a timelock, and the moment it goes, they are going to try and start stealing drives directly rather than copying the data. Or, they're going to try and blow the place to kingdom come - and more likely than not they'll try and figure out what EM signals you got. Go radio silent, and do what you need to do. We'll see you shortly." Skye called out, as they came up to the beginning of the next room, and she got herself ready for it.

Jaguar had always been reliable- like Su-Cheong, infiltrators were like gold-dust when handled correctly, and she knew his history had been one of dealing with corruption and evil that seemed to never stop. Perhaps he found a reliability in Skye, and she found the same in him, able to stalk and rip apart defenses like there was no tomorrow.



A hail of bullets around the corner that Skye peeked made it clear they weren't welcome, Skye tutting as she almost felt inconvenienced, looking back to the other two.
"Typical welcome." Almost with an annoyance, she had a look at the concrete wall to bound something off of, and quickly formulated how to clear the admin room- a larger room than the smaller ones in the corridors with more specific offices. This one seemed larger, and was the last room before another door headed through to the server rooms, a route that Jaguar wouldn't have taken.
"Alright, Wolf, you're on the left, Shimura, you're on right. There's a direct route to the server room through here...I'll keep moving, you two shore it up." Skye mde it seem easy, but given the rounds still flying, the red-haired Scot seemed calm and precise under pressure. She'd done this before. And while an assault on this scale might have seemed out of the ordinary,

With a Flashbang lobbed at the wall opposite them, leaving almost a mark in the wall from how hard she'd thrown it, the echoing concrete bounded it back to them, but it was enough to suppress for a moment and give the assault team a chance to charge in.

Going past overturned tables Skye had the chance to unload with the AA-12, blasting a cluster of Black Flag militants, knowing Shimura would be a blur and already moving forwards, and Mazi would be snipping out anyone on the left quickly and relentlessly. Skye herself was fluid as ever, leaping right behind a desk as rounds flew all over the place, using the AA-12 to pepper the room with suppressing fire, knowing the other two would clean up the other side of the larger room. The soldiers they were up against weren't badly trained so were using cover and had body armour, making them of course more difficult to kill, but still, they would bleed. And Skye knew that full well, moving from cover to cover from a table to a concrete pillar, the AA-12 barking into wooden barricades they'd made and blasting apart holes that Mazi could more likely than not shoot cleanly through, that and dropping any hostile that was in their way.

Jesus, if Laura was in here, it'd be 500 degrees with all the nice furniture, and more likely than not, an absolute logistic mess to clean up afterwards. That and speed was key, in here, an armoured giant would be too heavy a liability to risk compared to three faster and more agile operatives.

"Fucking have at 'ye!" Skye yelled out, her rare anger surfacing as she reloaded her mag, taking a minute to reposition herself and allow the others to push the flanks, while she stood firm feeling the fire blast around their side of the room.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


With a nod, and barely any sound. The ex-yakuza stepped off to the right and in a simple motion almost seemed to vanish. Not in the way Howard does or the rest of their inflitrators. But just surging forward. Running full tilt bent at the waist. You might call it a "Naruto-run" as he weaves his way forward. Past desks, and doors. And before the enemy can open fire he slips into the room, breaking line of sight.

The enemy can be heard laughing as the crazy guy with the sword just ran off.

Everyone in Raven knows much better. Ban Kingo affects the look of a Samurai. But that's actually very untrue. He perfers to often call himself a Yakuza Ronin. A Criminal Fallen Samurai. While a full on Samurai would shudder at the idea of doing something so dishonorable as attack from the back or side. Ban Shimura Kingo does not shy from doing such a deed.

He runs along a side passage. Darting from cover to cover as a few of the enemy make half hearted pot shots his way. Thinking he's not a problem. He's brought a sword to a gun fight. Until one of them loses sight completely. And gets a surprise, as a super shop blade punch through what he thought was a concrete support wall beside him and takes him in the throat. He coughs, the gorget of his combat harness barely stopping the blade. With a spurt of red arterial blood the blade slides back through the wall, and a moment later, four quick slashes opens a hole in the pillar, wide enough for Shimura to dive through and start making a nuisance of himself. Putting himself among the enemy. His blade flashing, once, twice, thrice. And two of the enemy fall.Third, fourth and fifth members of the squad he just made 40% less effective watch as the two bodies drop missing limbs.

Old samurai anime show spurts of blood often in moments like this, but it's like the edge of that wicked blade didn't give the blood vessels time to act. Shimura looks up his Kabuki paint on display as he smiles, "Motto!" He cries as he surges forward to attack again.


Sat quietly, dead still, no evidence at all that he was even there. Until word came down about the IFVs. And even then as he gets up and whispers into the comms line, "Lasagna displacing." A shuffle and he's on his feet, dropping the magazine of infantry grade ammo, and slotting it into a pouch on his harness for later use perhaps. Digging into his pouches, pulling free on of the few Armor Piercing Anti Material magazines he brought with him. As he nears another shooting point he's briefly visible to Dollface down below. Outlined against a dark bit of stone. But a second later he's gone. Finding a new firing position.

Overlooking the approach. He tucks himself into a new spot. Anyone saw him now it'd be painful to think the older soldier could tuck into a small space he is, but the firing spot is near invisible and gives him a great spot to fire from. He eases the Lynx's muzzle out, and takes a sight, waiting. He'd only have a short time to really make these shots count. And the targets would be small. He sniffed then whispers, "Dollface, Lasagna, I shall attempt to take out their Optics as best I can in the first moments once I see them. It it that much harder for them. You won't have long before they get to using other means of seeing. After that I'll work to disable other external systems. Use the time as best you can."

He took a deep breath.

The Hunter has new quarry. New Prey.

The first of the Pandur's appeared racing towards the stricken base. Lasagna sighted in. And it was simple as a movement of his finger.

The intel. officer in the first Pandur was calling out potential targets. When something flashed on his screen. And the camera on the outside of the Pandur exploded. The heavy round hitting what they thought was uparmored plastic. But it came apart and the camera destroyed. Other Camera installations on the Pandur were hit next. Blinding the machine as it rolled to a stunned stop.

The Prey has been stopped.

A dark tanned man grins, all tooth and tight skin. A look that wouldn't look off on the face of a big mountain cat.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
Avatar of Jamesyco

Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 8 days ago

Oliver Black

Was still making his way up the hill when he heard the last helicopter, he stared for a moment turning, and letting out burst after burst towards flying machine. He managed to hit it, but he heard something above him, a rumbling. He saw a small bit of smoke, but he had no idea if it was fatal, there was another issue that was likely far more pressing.

"Oh, fuck." he said turning to see a wall of snowplowing down towards him, his eyes opened and he moved against the small sled of snow he was holding onto dearly, and he slowly turned to face up the snow as he lifted it up. He planted it down into the snow as he started to lock everything in his suit down, then he felt the initial push. So far, his armor was doing somewhat well, the objects on the sled pushing against his shield. Some of them that were sticking off like rockets, tubes, and such fled from the shield and his grasp.

He put his head down, and let go of the shield as he let it just rest against him, and he felt the ground below him shake, "mother fuc-." the snow beneath him, and some of the rocky slope that he had been standing on gave way, and then he felt his shield on his armlet lose with the sled and the objects upon it. He began to tumble as he would go down the pathway that he had taken up, just with several more feet of snow around him in all directions.

Through his older headset, static, and the eventual string of cursing that was not very common with the Christian man would breakthrough as he made his way quickly down the mountain's face. His boxes, his shield, the door that was made into a sled, and weapons littered the pathway around him and behind him in the wake of the armored man. If he had not locked his armor, it would have likely been fatal for the man as it would have crushed and likely cut off appendages as the metal pushed with the force of the snow.

Once it had stopped, he felt as if he had been rocks within a tumbler, and his head spun as he just laid there beneath the snow. He was relatively silent as he stared up into the darkness of snow around him, feeling it melt to the armor. "Hey, can anyone hear me over the net, I got caught in an avalanche, and am unable to unlock my suit with the exception of my left leg. Assistance is required, when local is secured."

His left foot was the only thing he was truly able to move, and that just shifted around a bit, back and forth. He felt the cold around him, but he also felt the battery packs warm against his back. he tried to shift himself using his entire body, but he was unable to at that moment.
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